The bank was established in 1993 under the name “Rokabank”.

In March 1995, it was renamed “Russian Capital”, and subsequently changed several organizational and legal forms, as well as the name – since December 13, 2018, it has been operating as JSC “Bank DOM.RF”.

By 1999, Rossiysky Capital Bank entered the top 30 largest banks in Russia and acquired the status of a market maker in the interbank loan market. The credit institution was one of the first to receive a license and began conducting operations with precious metals.

In 2008, Russian Capital was strongly influenced by the crisis situation in the economy and in the banking sector, as a result of which there was a need for a reorganization procedure. As part of it, the owner of 87.89% of the bank's voting shares became the National Reserve Corporation (NRK; see), which agreed to act as its main sanator with funds from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (8 billion rubles). Subsequently, as a result of a conflict between the NRB and the DIA, the bank was sanitized as a subsidiary bank of the Deposit Insurance Agency.

At the end of August 2011, the Penza bank was merged with Russian Capital, and in April 2012, a small Samara bank.

In 2014, the bank, together with the DIA, carried out a reorganization, as a result of which the latter was merged with Russian Capital.

In September 2015, the bank was involved as a sanatorium to prevent bankruptcy. According to the Volga Federal District, the bank took measures to recapitalize the bank. As a result of an additional issue of shares in the amount of 10 million rubles, JSCB Rossiysky Capital became the main shareholder of Sotsinvestbank, joining the latter in April 2019.

In September 2015, by decision of the Government, Rossiysky Capital Bank was entrusted with the responsibility to organize and finance the completion of housing projects of the SU-155 group of companies in order to fulfill the obligations of the SU-155 Group to transfer housing to individuals - holders of equity participation agreements in construction. Since the beginning of 2016, GC SU-155 has been included in the list of related parties of the bank.

In April 2015, information appeared on the market and in the media that a “megasanatorium” could be created on the basis of Russian Capital, and Mikhail Kuzovlev, the head of the Bank of Moscow, could become the new chairman of the organization’s board. In May, information about Mr. Kuzovlev’s transition to the post of head of Russian Capital was confirmed by DIA General Director Yuri Isaev, and Mikhail Kuzovlev himself announced that he accepted DIA’s offer to head the bank. However, at the beginning of June, Mr. Isaev clarified that the DIA never intended to give Russian Capital the functions of a “megasanator”, but was only going to transfer to it the assets of liquidated banks. It is also worth adding that the head of the Central Bank, Elvira Nabiullina, spoke out against the idea of ​​​​creating a single state sanatorium.

In December 2015, Russian Capital became the winner of the DIA Group of Companies competition for the acquisition of part of the property and liabilities of a deprived of a license. Obligations of Nota-Bank to individuals under agreements bank deposit and bank account were transferred to the bank, and Nota Bank depositors became depositors of Russian Capital. Obligations to creditors, whose claims, in accordance with bankruptcy legislation, are subject to satisfaction as part of the first priority, for a total amount of 5.3 billion rubles, were also transferred to the bank for servicing. At the same time, Russian Capital also accepted part of Nota-Bank’s property at book value in the form of rights of claim under loan agreements, fixed assets and cash(real estate - 0.4 billion rubles, loan portfolio - 4 billion rubles, cash - 0.9 billion rubles).

On January 24, 2020, the NKR assigned JSC Bank DOM.RF a credit rating of with a stable outlook.

As of November 1, 2019, the volume of net assets of the credit institution amounted to 296.40 billion rubles, the volume of equity funds was 68.21 billion rubles, the bank’s profit amounted to 124.32 million rubles (at the end of three quarters of 2019, the bank showed a loss of 207. 16 million rubles).

Network of divisions:
head office (Moscow);
6 branches;
15 operational offices;
14 additional offices.

A significant part of the branches and personnel of Russian Capital was reduced in 2017-2018 during the reorganization into JSC Bank DOM.RF. The bank plans to compensate for the reduction by developing remote channels.

Russian Federation represented by Rosimushchestvo – 100%.

The state owns the bank through JSC DOM.RF (until March 2018 - Mortgage Agency housing lending"(AHML)). From 2009 to 2017, 100% of the bank’s shares were under the control of the DIA.

Board of Directors: Alexey Moiseev (chairman), Alexander Plutnik, Artem Fedorko, Alexander Tarabrin, Victor Shlepov.

Board: Artem Fedorko (chairman), Mikhail Gromov, Maxim Gritskevich, Kirill Grishanov, Igor Demin, Kirill Zakharin, Danila Litvinov, David Ovsepyan, Alexander Garifulin.

Background information

Registration number: 2312

Date of registration by the Bank of Russia: 23.04.1993

BIC: 044525266

Main state registration number: 1037739527077 (10.02.2003)

Authorized capital: RUB 52,000,000,000.00

License (date of issue/last replacement) Banks with a basic license are banks that have a license whose name contains the word “basic”. All other operating banks are banks with a universal license:
Universal license to exercise banking operations with funds in rubles and foreign currency(with the right to attract funds into deposits individuals) and for banking operations with precious metals (12/19/2018)

Participation in the deposit insurance system: Yes

About DOM.RF Bank

Until December 13, 2018, Bank DOM.RF was called “Russian Capital” and was 100% owned by the Deposit Insurance Agency. Since December 26, 2017, the sole shareholder of the bank is the Joint Stock Company "DOM.RF" . The goal of the organization is to create the largest mortgage bank by 2020 under the brand of the same name.

Russian Capital Bank was founded in 1993 and was originally called Rokabank.

Rossiyskiy Capital Bank had a huge sales network consisting of about 140 branches in 27 Russian regions, including Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Rostov, Chelyabinsk. The bank also has its own equipment in the amount of about 140 units.

The bank's established client base consisted of individuals and corporate clients.

Russian Capital Bank offered companies cash settlements, loans, deposits and bills, transactions with securities, collection services, bank cards, acquiring services.

Russian Capital Bank offered the population deposits, loans (for consumer needs, purchase of motor vehicles and real estate), bank cards, money transfers, use of individual bank safes, and brokerage services.

(PJSC) (hereinafter referred to as the Bank) means a moderately low level of creditworthiness compared to other Russian banks and reflects the average systemic importance of the credit institution for the Russian economy and a very strong degree of government influence on the Bank. In addition, the Bank is characterized by a low level of assessment of its own creditworthiness (OCA) compared to other credit institutions in Russian Federation, which is determined by its status (the Bank is undergoing a financial rehabilitation procedure), moderate business profile, unprofitability of activities in combination with a special regulatory regime, as well as a critical risk profile due to the high share of problem assets. The satisfactory liquidity and funding profile takes into account the existing concentration of funding on the Bank's largest clients.

JSCB "ROSSIYSKY CAPITAL" (PJSC) was founded in 1994. After significant difficulties in the background financial crisis The bank was sent for resolution in the fall of 2008. In 2009, the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) became the Bank's sanator and main shareholder, and the Bank began to operate on the basis of a long-term financial recovery plan (LRP). On the basis of the Bank, it was planned to create a sanatorium bank for problem banks. As part of this process, OJSC Penza Provincial Bank Tarkhany, OJSC Commercial bank"Potential", OJSC "Commercial Bank "Ellipse Bank". In addition, the reorganized Sotsinvestbank entered the Bank Group. Since the end of 2015, the Bank has also been participating in the project to complete the construction of facilities of the SU-155 Group of Companies.

Key rating factors

Significant likelihood of government authorities providing extraordinary support to the Bank reflects its average systemic importance combined with a very strong influence of the state. The systemic importance of the Bank is expressed in the potential consequences of its default, which could lead to a crisis of confidence in the Russian banking sector, especially in relation to banks with state participation, certain budgetary losses for the state and significant reputational risks for the state.

The sole shareholder and founder of the Bank is the government of the Russian Federation (through the DIA), which gives the state full shareholder and operational control over the Bank. ACRA notes that the Bank was repeatedly recapitalized by the state within the Volga Federal District: the volume of investments in the period from 2015 to 2016 alone exceeded 39 billion rubles. It is expected that in 2017 the Bank will again be additionally capitalized by the state in order to transfer it to JSC AHML (the scale of additional capitalization is currently being clarified). The government has tools to support the Bank with both ruble and foreign currency liquidity through the Federal Treasury.

The Bank's business profile (bbb-) is at a moderate level and takes into account the specifics of its franchise: the Bank is one of the largest Russian credit institutions, belongs to the government of the Russian Federation through the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) and operates in accordance with the Volga Federal District, while simultaneously performing the role of a sanatorium in relation to other organizations.

The Bank’s business profile takes into account the moderate level of diversification of its activities: the Herfindahl-Hirschman operating income diversification index used by ACRA was at the level of 0.30 at the end of 2016.

The quality of the Bank's management is assessed by ACRA as satisfactory. Such sub-factors of business profile assessment as ownership structure and reputation are at a high level. The Bank's ownership structure is transparent, reputational risks are low.

The Bank's capital adequacy is assessed as weak. The regulatory fixed capital adequacy ratio N1.2 was 8.4% as of 04/01/17 compared to 10.3% as of 01/01/17. Indicator N1.2 is maintained at the required level due to the fact that contributions to reserves are regulated by the DIA participation plan in the rehabilitation of the Bank and differ from the amount of reserves in accordance with Russian legislation. The Bank's capital adequacy is supported by regular injections from the DIA, which are carried out in accordance with the Volga Federal District to ensure the creation of reserves for problem loans. Throughout recent years As a result of a significant volume of problem loans that did not generate interest income, as well as the additional creation of reserves for them, the Bank remained unprofitable or showed net profit at a level close to zero.

Assessment of the Bank’s risk profile at the “critical” level reflects both the significant volume of problem loans in its loan portfolio and the significant concentration of industries whose lending is high-risk (construction and real estate transactions). According to the Bank’s reporting under IFRS, 23.5% of the total loan portfolio as of 01/01/2017 were loans overdue by more than 90 days. At the same time, the ratio of loans issued to these high-risk industries is 3.5 times higher than the Bank’s own funds according to IFRS. The reserve coverage ratio for loans overdue by 90+ days was approximately 55% at the end of 2016, reflecting the existing underprovisioning in accordance with the Bank's financial recovery plan. The loan portfolio coverage at the end of 2016 was 63%.

Satisfactory liquidity and funding position due to the specifics of the Bank’s activities within the framework of the financial recovery plan, the existing surplus of the Bank’s short-term liquidity position and low dependence on regulatory funding. At the same time, this factor is constrained by the high concentration of funding on the Bank's largest clients.

Key Assumptions

  • in the short term—maintenance of shareholder control over the Bank by the government of the Russian Federation; on a horizon from 3 to 12 months—high probability of transferring the Bank under the control of JSC AHML;
  • fixed capital adequacy N1.2 at about 8% over a 12-month horizon.

Factors for a possible change in the forecast or rating

"Positive" outlook assumes with the highest degree of probability an increase in the rating over a horizon of 12-18 months, which may be due to the termination of the Bank's reorganization and its transfer to the control of AHML JSC, its additional capitalization, as well as the expected significant change in the direction of the Bank's business.

  • implementation of the latest legislative decisions regarding the transfer of the Bank under the control of JSC AHML, operational integration of these financial institutions, the high systemic importance of the Bank for JSC AHML;
  • a significant improvement in the risk profile, in particular a significant reduction in the total volume of problem loans;
  • increasing capital adequacy according to IFRS, achieving profitability;
  • increased diversification of funding.
  • refusal of the state to implement existing plans regarding the transfer of the Bank under the control of JSC AHML;
  • a significant decrease in the volume of financial assistance actually provided (including the repurchase of problem assets) relative to the expected level.

Rating components

USC: b+.

Adjustment: OSK + 3.

Regulatory Disclosure

A credit rating was assigned to JSCB ROSSIYSKY CAPITAL (PJSC) for the first time. A revision of the credit rating and credit rating forecast is expected within one year from the date of the rating action (06/08/2017).

The credit rating was assigned based on data provided by the Group of JSCB ROSSIYSKY CAPITAL (PJSC), information from open sources, as well as ACRA databases. The rating analysis was carried out using the consolidated statements of the JSCB ROSSIYSKY CAPITAL (PJSC) Group under IFRS and the statements of the JSCB ROSSIYSKY CAPITAL (PJSC), compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Bank of Russia Directive No. 4212-U dated November 24, 2016. The credit rating is requested; JSCB ROSSIYSKY CAPITAL (PJSC) took part in the process of assigning the credit rating.

In order for bank clients to quickly and efficiently find out all the necessary information and products of the organization, an official website has been created, available at The site has different categories of clients, physical, legal entities and corporations can find all the services they need. A convenient site map allows you to access any category of bank offers in a few clicks using the main menu located at the top of the page: various mortgage products, loans, plastic cards and deposits, as well as the unique offer of Bank DOM.RF - TeleMed, “My Lawyer” "and others. Also here you will find a link to the online bank of Bank DOM.RF.

The main page of the credit institution's website provides quick links to basic services - loan repayment and transfers between cards, deposits, etc. The bank news presented on the website will allow you to get to know the organization better and learn about the latest news. Also using the site you can find the addresses of branches and ATMs in your city.

Internet banking

The Internet bank of Bank DOM.RF is available at This is an online service that allows you to access bank services at any time of the day, having only a computer or phone and an Internet connection. Existing clients who have a plastic card or an open account can register in this online banking of Bank DOM.RF. To register, you will need to enter your last name, phone number, and full card or account number. After this, an SMS message will be sent to your account with your login login and password, which you can change after logging into your online bank for the first time.

Banking options include most of the services available at bank branches. Here you can view the history of completed transactions, monitor the status of your accounts, make transfers between cards, pay utility bills, communications, fines and taxes, and manage deposits. The website offers a service for creating templates for the most commonly used translations. In addition, on the site you can buy and sell non-cash currencies, including cryptocurrencies.

Hot lines

Single hotline

The single telephone hotline of Bank DOM.RF is an opportunity to get answers to your questions and highly qualified assistance remotely. By calling this phone number, you will contact the support service, which will help you with questions about opening an account or obtaining a loan, mortgage, methods of repaying debts and the amount of commission in different banks. You can also get information about plastic cards and block their operation in case of loss, ask questions regarding the operation of Internet banking and report problems with the Internet service, find out the addresses of the nearest branches and their telephone numbers. The hotline accepts feedback on the work of the organization’s branches. Calls to hotline Bank DOM.RF are free for residents of Russia and are accepted around the clock; you can also use the online consultant on the website 24/7.

Mobile applications

For Android

All Internet banking services of Bank DOM.RF are also available for smartphones on operating system Android. Official mobile application The DOM.RF bank can be downloaded from Google Play completely free of charge. Allows clients to access management of their finances from their mobile phone screen. All you need to do is be a registered user in the remote service system. This can be done by going to the Internet banking website in the “Registration” section or from the screen of your mobile phone.

The application, identical to the personal account of the Internet bank, allows you to view the history of recent account transactions, find the nearest ATMs and bank branches using the built-in card, as well as make payments and transfers. The notification system will allow you to always be aware of the actions performed with your cards and deposits.

For iPhone/iPad

The mobile bank of Bank DOM.RF is available for download on iPhone and iPad in the AppStore completely free of charge. Login to the application is performed using the same login and password that you use to log into online banking. You can register on the website personal account in the "Registration" section.

The DOM.RF Bank application has all the conditions for managing your finances from your smartphone screen. Using your device, you can monitor the balance of your cards and accounts and check payment history, make transfers between accounts, pay public utilities and communication. The built-in map will allow you to quickly find the nearest bank branch, no matter where you are.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

      • Next

        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):