Do you know anyone with heightened sensitivity and heightened perception? Have you ever noticed highly sensitive people? emotional people among colleagues, friends or relatives? Or maybe you belong to their circle?

For those who are hearing about this for the first time, I will talk about the terms “high sensitivity” and “highly sensitive person”. They were proposed in the mid-90s by the American psychologist and psychotherapist Elaine Eiron. It is not a diagnosis or a disorder. This is an innate feature of temperament and personality. Such a person perceives any incoming information very intensely. Most often, these people are very emotional, they have increased both physical and emotional sensitivity.

We are all sensitive to one degree or another, we receive information from our nervous system and somehow react to it. What is the difference between ordinary people and highly sensitive people? The latter perceive information as if it were not filtered.

Sometimes people ask me, is being highly sensitive and emotional the same as being an introvert? Increased sensitivity has nothing to do with introversion or extroversion. Some highly sensitive people are closer to introverts, while others can be considered extroverts.

What do they perceive and feel more intensely? Noises, smells, touches, emotions and behavior of others, emotional connections with others, “energy” of the environment.

Instead of accepting my differences, I resisted them, ignored them, and distanced myself from my true self.

Such people think deeply and love deep conversations. People often wonder about their purpose in life, starting from early childhood to ask themselves: “Why do I live on this Earth?” They often have a deep connection with nature, they have developed intuition, and they are very spiritual.

Personally, I remember that from early childhood I began to think about the meaning of life and my purpose. At some point, I realized that I acutely perceive emotions, smells, noises, touches and have amazing intuition. Sometimes all this disorientated me. For a long time I didn’t trust myself, my intuition, my sensitivity. Instead of accepting my differences, I resisted, ignored them, distanced myself from my true self because it seemed to me that there was something wrong with it. For a long time I could not accept this gift.

One day I came across a book by Dr. Elaine Aaron about hypersensitivity. I immediately loved this book - it gave me the opportunity to learn more about the gift that I was given. The book opened my eyes and allowed me to look at myself from a different point of view.

I started looking for information about these features and learned a lot about myself. This was the first step towards overcoming resistance and accepting the real me. Curiosity pushed me further along the path of self-exploration, and I learned to better understand my inner self and appreciate increased emotional sensitivity.

From that moment on, I was able to accept myself and understand that my differences are both a gift and a source of vulnerability. I learned a lot! For example, I often began to arrange “dates with myself,” carefully studying myself, learning to be more balanced. I know that self-care is my responsibility and I take it seriously, practicing even more self-discipline.

1. They have very strong intuition.

2. They have developed emotional empathy - they understand well what another person is thinking and feeling.

3. They are great listeners.

4. They notice shortcomings and gaps in various systems.

5. They are generous and thoughtful.

6. They are responsible and reliable.

7. They are ready to talk openly about what others are afraid to talk about.

8. They are spiritually developed.

9. They are close to nature.

10. They are good at noticing emotional imbalances in relationships in families, between partners or friends, in various groups and teams.

11. They have a developed sense of beauty.

12. Justice is important to them.

13. They have quick thinking.

14. They can instantly analyze problems.

15. They are innovators.

16. They have a special understanding of harmony - in colors, sounds, music.

17. They are often very talented in one or many areas.

18. They have developed deep emotional connections with friends, partners, relatives, nature, animals and the whole world.

19. They are usually very loyal.

This all sounds great. But it often happens that highly sensitive people who have not yet realized all the benefits of their gift truly suffer from it. And at the same time they put themselves in the position of a victim.

How to stop feeling like a victim?

First of all, understand that you have such a personal characteristic. It needs to be recognized and accepted. You need to learn more about yourself and your characteristics, show curiosity in order to better understand yourself. Learn to treat yourself with care and compassion.

Connect with that vulnerable part of yourself that is associated with heightened sensitivity. Accept your vulnerability and realize that it is a valuable gift. When taking it, do not forget to take care of yourself, taking into account your characteristics. It is important to take responsibility for your life and maintain energy balance. I hope that most highly sensitive people can see their differences not as a curse, but as a gift worth sharing with the world!

About the author

Coach, psychotherapist, osteopath, naturopath and yoga instructor with over 20 years of experience.

Excessive hypersensitivity reactions are fraught not only with general discomfort - a disorder in the functioning of the immune system can lead to the most negative consequences. There are five main types of hypersensitivity in the body, and each of them provokes different diseases. For example, immediate hypersensitivity can cause anaphylaxis, and delayed hypersensitivity can cause contact dermatitis. More information about what it is - hypersensitivity reactions and what is the factor in their occurrence is described in this material.

What are these – hypersensitivity reactions of the body?

What it is, hypersensitivity, is described in medical reference books as follows. Hypersensitivity is an excessive reaction of the immune system to a substance. Some hypersensitivity mechanisms play an important role in the development of allergic diseases.

There are five main types of hypersensitivity and, accordingly, immunologically caused diseases are classified:



Examples of diseases

Anaphylactic or immediate hypersensitivity

Allergic rhinitis, allergic asthma, anaphylaxis


Immune hemolytic anemias


Serum sickness

Delayed hypersensitivity

Contact dermatitis

Induced by the action of antireceptor or antieffector antibodies

Insulin-resistant diabetes mellitus

Immediate hypersensitivity reaction - what is it?

Most allergic inflammatory processes are based on immediate hypersensitivity reactions - anaphylactic shock and collapse, allergic bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis, hay fever, allergic rhinitis, most urticaria, some forms of drug allergies.

Immediate hypersensitivity is a reaction during which upon first contact with an allergen, large amounts of IgE antibodies are produced that target that specific allergen. The synthesis of IgE requires a chain interaction of macrophages, T- and B-lymphocytes. First, antigens enter through the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract (GIT), as well as through the skin, where they are met by macrophages. Macrophages send a signal to T lymphocytes, which in turn activate B lymphocytes. Then B lymphocytes turn into plasma cells that synthesize IgE to these antigens.

Antibodies of the IgE type are almost never found in free form. They have a strong tendency to bind to membrane receptors on mast cells. Mast cells, or mastocytes, are present in all organs and tissues, especially in the loose connective tissue surrounding the blood vessels. During the second contact (or any subsequent contact), the allergen encounters mast cells, already “armed” with IgE. The antigen can cross-link IgE molecules on the surface of mast cells, bringing the Fc receptors of mast cells towards each other. This grouping of Fc receptors (dimerization) gives orders to mast cells to release granules with strong chemicals. Mast cell granules contain histamine and other compounds that provoke inflammation and are responsible for the immediate symptoms of an allergic reaction.

It is mast cells that are the main source of histamine during an allergic reaction. But the release of histamine from them does not always occur under the influence of IgE. Mast cells can be activated by non-immune mechanisms, for example by physical factors: cold (cold urticaria), mechanical irritation (urticarial dermographism), sunlight (solar urticaria), heat and physical activity(cholinergic urticaria).

Histamine, the first established mediator of allergy, is also found in blood basophils, but in smaller quantities. The peak effect of histamine is observed 1-2 minutes after its release, the duration is up to 10 minutes. Histamine released from the depot acts through receptors in the skin and smooth muscles, gastric mucosa, and brain. Stimulation of these receptors causes contraction of the smooth muscles of the bronchi and gastrointestinal tract, increased vascular permeability, increased secretion of mucus by the glands of the nasal mucosa, irritation of nerve endings and itching, increased secretion of gastric juice and an increase in its acidity, contraction of smooth muscles of the esophagus. In this type of hypersensitivity reaction, mast cells also release other mediators that increase inflammation.

Usually allergic reactions There are two phases of hypersensitivity: early and late. Mast cells and basophils are responsible for the immediate reaction. Other important participants in the allergic reaction - eosinophils - join later. Like mast cells and basophils, eosinophils contain granules with strong chemicals that can damage tissue when released. Before the allergen enters the tissues and blood, there are relatively few eosinophils. But once an allergic reaction begins, helper T cells release cytokines such as interleukin-5, which stimulate the production and activation of eosinophils. Since eosinophils must be mobilized from the bone marrow, they react somewhat later than the reaction of mast cells and basophils.

This is how some diseases of lack of blood cells develop - anemia, thrombocytopenia (increased bleeding) and others. Many manifestations of drug allergies occur according to this type of reaction, for example reactions to penicillin, sulfonamides, quinidine, and antihistamines.

What are immune complex allergic reactions?

Once in the bloodstream, antigens bind to IgG and IgM antibodies, forming immune complexes. Normally, immunocomplex reactions are protective in nature and do not pose a danger, because antigen-antibody compounds are promptly removed from the body. But in the pathological course of the reaction, the immune system cannot eliminate the formed complexes, and they begin to be deposited in tissues, especially in the epithelium and blood vessels, causing activation of the complement system. As a result of hypersensitivity of the immune system, vascular permeability increases, granulocytes and macrophages are attracted to the site of inflammation, which release secondary mediators and damage tissue. First of all, organs rich in capillaries (lungs, kidneys, skin) and connective tissue are damaged. Vasculitis (inflammation of the walls of blood vessels) develops very often.

The body's inability to remove immune complex allergic reactions is associated with the structural features of the antigen-antibody compound. Pathological complexes are soluble (therefore they cannot be absorbed by macrophages) and are formed in some excess of antigen over antibody.

Antigens can be bacterial, fungal and viral elements, foreign proteins and autoantigens.

Delayed hypersensitivity reaction - what is it?

Delayed hypersensitivity is a group of reactions that develop in the body a day or two after contact with an allergen. Unlike other types of allergic reactions, they do not involve the production of antibodies.

T-lymphocytes, which have already remembered the allergen from previous contact, bind to it and release cytokines. cytokines promote the mobilization and activation of macrophages. Activated macrophages absorb antigens, but not specifically, and can also damage normal cells.

Classic examples of delayed-type allergic hypersensitivity reactions are tuberculin tests and allergic contact dermatitis.

Delayed-type hypersensitivity plays a role in antitumor immunity, transplant rejection reactions, and autoimmune diseases.

Reactions induced by antireceptor or antieffector antibodies

Reactions induced by antireceptor or antieffector antibodies are characteristic of autoimmune diseases. The reaction involves antibodies to cell membrane receptors. Such antibodies can block or, conversely, overstimulate the immune response. The process involves substances that are mediators of the central and peripheral nervous systems, as well as the endocrine system. For the first time, reactions of this type were described specifically for endocrine diseases.


Everyone has a moment of special sensitivity: disproportionate touchiness, vulnerability, doubts in their strengths and competence. And also - sentimentality and tearfulness, a feeling of hostility outside world. And that's quite normal. Intensity of feelings can be caused by life crises or be one of the main features of a person’s psychotype.

What is hypersensitivity?

Sensitivity in psychophysiology is inextricably linked with the senses. Psychologist and philosopher A.N. Leontyev proved that sensitivity, as a response to external stimuli, is associated with emotion and initially formed a single whole with it. Increased sensitivity in this sense is a necessary property of a living organism, improving adaptation to the surrounding world. The criterion for the emergence of the psyche as such. And - the basis of reflexes.

In psychology, sensitivity is called sensitivity. This is a manifestation of self-doubt, vulnerability, shyness, self-criticism, and feelings of inferiority. Like any character trait, it helps to classify a person’s personality into a certain psychological type. For example, psychiatrist A.E. Lichko singled it out as one of the character accentuations that he considered “ weak points» psyche.

Heightened emotional sensitivity can really interfere with happiness in life.

Social hypersensitivity presupposes: the presence of self-criticism, constant self-comparison with more successful people, fear of communication and social activity. An insurmountable fear of any situation, inflated demands on oneself and the ensuing consequences.

But one must distinguish the destructive consequences of sensitivity from the positive ones. Experts highlight age-related sensitivity, which helps mental maturation in children. It is assumed that in adulthood, increased sensitivity during crises of certain life cycles(or age) - favorable periods for qualitative personality changes. Only if you don’t delve into depressing thoughts, but with the help of heightened impressionability and strong experiences, understand your achievements and new opportunities.

Sensitivity consists of:

From adequate acceptance of all aspects of one’s own character.
From the ability to notice little things and details in the behavior of others and understand their meaning. See the essence behind the external manifestations.
From understanding the type life situation, etiquette and roles in each specific case. Using sensitivity and connecting experience and logic.

Often they want to develop the sensitivity of the senses: vision, hearing, smell. To expand your capabilities. Perhaps a more subtle “soulfulness”, based on subconscious psychological mechanisms, is the source and catalyst of creativity and creativity, increased joy and success in communication.

Causes of increased sensitivity

Excessive vulnerability and acute perception can be:

A permanent property resulting from:

Life experience or upbringing. An unfavorable situation that exacerbated the predisposition. This could be a lack of love or care on the part of parents, emotional abandonment, or overprotection. Over the years, this sensitivity decreases.
Heredity. In 20% of people, the central nervous system detects irritations that most simply do not notice. This is associated with the influence of a special gene that increases the production of the “stress hormone” - norepinephrine, which is involved in the transmission of data between neurons. And also with high levels of oxytocin, which, as a “hormone of love and affection,” enhances “social reasoning” skills.

Temporary increase in susceptibility under the influence of:

Turning points, crises.
Depressive states.
Diseases: general, neurological and mental.

The phenomenon of hypersensitivity has not been studied holistically. And fragmentary observations and studies make it clear that such a feature can ensure the viability and success of an individual. Unless, of course, it is associated with mental pathologies.

How to use sensitivity to your advantage?

Sensitivity, as part of a person’s emotional and social intelligence (the ability to “feel the environment”), helps in communication. If it is not accompanied by a fear of the new, anxiety, prejudices, fears, or a painful interpretation of what was felt.

In order for increased sensitivity to work for the owner, and not against, one should learn to control one’s emotions, turn them from enemies into allies, and balance between subtlety of perception and self-confidence, perseverance and common sense. What can you do to use sensitivity to your advantage?

Accept increased sensitivity as part of you. Whatever it is - an innate property, the result of the influence of the environment or a turning point in life. Realize that denying a part of yourself is fraught with mental problems and psychosomatic disorders health.
Do some self-analysis. Psychologists advise keeping an “emotional diary”:

In which you write down your feelings in detail, and then create a retrospective: what led to such a reaction.
Give names to the overwhelming feelings, and then, within 2-3 minutes, remember all the events that “pull” these emotions from the past. Then analyze the relationships and draw conclusions on what to do next time in similar circumstances.
Analyzing a specific event, taking into account what “seemed” is not always what it is. Do not attribute your thoughts to other people; their actions and actions may be completely unrelated to your person.
When analyzing sensations, you should not engage in self-flagellation and self-criticism. You wouldn’t complain to a close friend, so why not treat yourself the same way? If you cannot cope with your emotions, then try to change your attitude towards them. “Allow” them, justify them. Or just feel sorry for yourself.

Don't allow yourself to be labeled. If someone calls you indecisive, cowardly, or a "crybaby," don't agree. Rethink by rising above the situation. Perhaps at some moments such character traits appear, but in 90% of cases this emotion is not the main one. Don’t get hung up on other people’s opinions and don’t be offended by what others say. Establish your own self-esteem, give yourself the right to emotionally react differently than is customary. In the end, all people are unique.
If you depend on the opinions of loved ones, try to overcome codependency. Say “no”, put your needs as a priority, train your self-confidence, get rid of “” and timidity.
Learn to concentrate and isolate specific feelings from the emotional whirlwind. To separate information flows, because sometimes the feeling that arises may be the fruit of speculation, and not the situation itself.
Determine which physiological changes causes uncontrollable emotion. Go “from the opposite direction”: fight it, not the feeling.
Don't personalize criticism. What, with heightened sensitivity, is perceived as a reproach, may actually turn out to be a sensible remark, advice that will help in your growth. Learn to identify and draw conclusions from errors, not generalizations.
Guilt, reproaches and anger at yourself are not the best motivators. Try to find other arguments instead of the words “should” and “should”. Adjust your moral demands on yourself and others.
Do not make hasty conclusions based on overwhelming sensations. Instead of second-guessing, negative self-talk, or leaps of logic, try simply talking to people about the troubling circumstances.
Be more active in communication. Express your feelings and desires to other people more specifically. Ask more questions to immediately clarify the situation and relationship.
Learn to abstract yourself. Try meditation, aromatherapy.

For anxiety, irritability, and restlessness, essential oils such as ylang-ylang, juniper, rose, lavender, and sandalwood will help.
For fears and self-doubt - tea tree, vetiver, rose, violet.
For depression - citrus fruits.

Use your favorite scent in calm and happy moments. And when you feel negative feelings, the aroma will help reduce them.

Listen to yourself, because sensitivity is the basis. To get a complete picture of a person, you have to spend a lot of time making contacts and processing information. Sensitive people understand people faster. But subject to conscious correction of impressions. Barriers that distort responses to stimuli should be eliminated. If you can’t do this on your own, then going to a psychologist will be the right decision to find harmony and use sensitivity for your own benefit.

30 March 2014, 18:57

The mechanism of decreased sensitivity of the penis. Causes and symptoms of this pathology. Drug therapy, surgery, traditional methods of treatment.

Contents of the article:

Sensitivity of the genital organ is a very important indicator men's health, because if it is low, then this can cause poor erection and problems in the intimate sphere of life. Both young people and older men can experience this, and the older they are, the higher the likelihood. To improve the situation, an integrated approach is needed - massage, taking special medications, using folk remedies.

What is responsible for the sensitivity of the penis?

The sensitivity of the penis is mainly responsible for its head, or more precisely, the foreskin or the “hood” that hides it. This is one of the main erogenous zones in men, just like the clitoris in women. This part of the genital organ contains a large number of nerve endings, from which impulses enter the brain, resulting in arousal.

The increased sensitivity of the phallus is also facilitated by the glands that are not clogged with secretions, which permeate the head. If it accumulates on the skin in large quantities and penetrates inside, then touching the penis becomes less exciting. In addition, irritation and redness of these areas may occur.

The normal blood supply to the corpora cavernosa is also responsible for sensitivity. The male genital organ contains a lot of not only nerve roots, but also capillaries. If the blood flow through them is disrupted, the reaction to sexual influence will be less pronounced.

Causes of decreased sensitivity of the penis

There are 3 types of such reasons: poor lifestyle, mental and physical health problems. They can go either separately or be combined for one man, which is why there are usually difficulties in composing competent scheme treatment. Age also leaves its mark; the older a person is, the higher his likelihood of having a problem.

External influence

First of all, it is necessary to note the abuse of independent arousal of one’s own genitals. There will be a high probability of problems arising if you frequently refuse sex in favor of this form of pleasure. Danger is also created by aggressive use of hands on the genital organ, severe irritation or even accidental damage.

These reasons include bad habits - smoking, drinking alcohol, and especially using drugs, since all this contributes to vasoconstriction and poor circulation.

Rough intercourse with a partner, sudden movements during sexual intercourse, entering a woman’s vagina without first arousing her, and using low-quality contraceptives can also cause harm.

Other contributing factors include:

  • Circumcision. If it is performed, then the man's head is exposed, as the foreskin is removed. Because of this, with constant contact with clothing, its sensitivity is lost. This happens especially often among those who profess Judaism, since in this religion this ritual is mandatory. Also, this custom is quite often followed by Islamists, although it is not referred to in the Koran.
  • Playing sports. Horseback riding, racing, and cycling, where there is a lot of stress on the penis, can cause harm. But this applies mainly to those who do this professionally and for a long time.
  • Bad clothes. There may be a risk of decreased sensitivity of the phallus when wearing tight underwear that compresses the penis, impairs the blood circulation in it and constantly rubs against it. Favorable conditions for this are also created by low-quality, synthetic fabrics that cause skin allergies.

Physical illnesses

One of the main causes of the problem is trauma to the genitals and disruption of tissue integrity. Can enter the body through wounds dangerous bacteria, the impact of which can suppress the activity of the nerve roots, as a result of which signals from them will not reach the brain and it will be more difficult to achieve arousal.

Here are some common culprit diseases:

  1. Inflammation of the urinary tract. It can occur either due to hypothermia or due to an attack by viruses and infections. In this case, a man often experiences difficulty passing urine, which is accompanied by painful sensations.
  2. . This applies to people with both the first and second types. The whole problem here is that the blood in this case does not flow well to the penis, which is why the sensations when touching it become not very bright.
  3. Osteochondrosis and spinal injuries. With such pathologies, the nerves involved in transmitting signals from the genital organs to the cerebral cortex may be compressed in the back, as a result of which arousal occurs more slowly and with difficulty. This is especially true for people with hernias and protrusions of intervertebral discs, in whom the conduction of nerve impulses along the fiber is very often disrupted.
  4. Diseases of the cardiovascular system. First of all, these include atherosclerosis, in which the blood flow deteriorates and it cannot flow into the cavernous bodies in the volume necessary to increase the sensitivity of the penis. Also included in the group of these causes are hypertension, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins veins

Psychological factors

Difficult relationships with your partner, when not everything goes smoothly in your intimate life, contribute to the deterioration of the situation. Constant dissatisfaction with this part of it can cause uncertainty in own strength and ultimately end in severe stress. Constant worries increase blood sugar levels and even interfere with normal blood circulation, which together can become a starting point.

Constant lack of sleep, problems at work, and financial troubles have a huge impact on a man. Emotional fatigue puts pressure on the psyche, worsens mood and suppresses the desire to be active. intimate life. Long intervals between ejaculation and orgasms create a dangerous situation.

Unattractiveness among women can also interfere with normal sensitivity of the penis. This is especially common among those who have small size genital area and feels discomfort about it. All this causes low self-esteem and worsens the quality of intimate life.

Important! With age, the sensitivity of the penis almost always decreases, which is associated with a deterioration in testosterone production and poor circulation due to aging.

Clinical picture of decreased sensitivity of the genital organ

An obvious sign of this pathology is the absence of pleasant sensations or their insufficient appearance due to the touch of a partner or with one’s own hands on the penis, primarily on the head. In this case, the body may still respond to stroking the testicles and phallus in another part. But more often than not, what a man experiences at this time is not of a bright nature.

Loss of sensation is usually accompanied by a number of other problems:

  • Disappearance of sexual desire. It may either not occur at all, or appear from time to time and quickly pass. At the same time, the environment no longer plays a special role, even if it contributes to arousal, libido simply decreases.
  • Depression. Basically, its occurrence is associated with an understanding of the situation and the inability to satisfy oneself, experience an orgasm or deliver it to one’s partner. This is especially important if a conflict arises between partners on this basis, and she also blames the man for this. All this contributes to the development of self-doubt and apathy towards sexual intercourse.
  • Erectile dysfunction. Decreased libido is usually accompanied by problems with arousal of the phallus. They can occur even under optimal conditions, as a result of which a man ceases to show interest in the sexual part of his life or does so inactively. It also happens that the phallus still increases in volume, but cannot maintain it for a long time; accordingly, there can be no talk of any sexual intercourse here.

Pay attention! Against the background of clinical symptoms, secondary signs may also occur, depending on the source of the problem. These include increased irritability, dizziness and migraines due to increased blood pressure and blood flow disorders.

How to increase the sensitivity of the genital organ?

First of all, you need to stop getting carried away with self-gratification and increase the number of sexual acts with your partner if intercourse occurs irregularly. You should also wear underwear made from natural fabrics so that it does not irritate the skin or tighten the penis. In addition to this, one must abandon bad habits, follow the rules intimate hygiene, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, play sports. A psychotherapist, sexologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist, and urologist may participate in treatment. It can be medicinal, folk, conservative, or surgical.

Conservative treatment

It is necessary to maintain a sleep and rest schedule, stop being nervous, improve relationships with your partner and avoid physical and mental fatigue.

If the problem appears due to stress, then you may need to take herbal-based sedatives: “Barboval” drops (analogue - Valecard-Health) or “Corvalol”, Alora tablets (analogue - Adonis-Bromine) or ordinary valerian.

Drug therapy, depending on the situation, includes the following drugs:
  1. Improves blood circulation. This group of drugs includes Vinpocetine or Trental. These are injection solutions that are administered only intravenously through droppers. On average, the course of treatment lasts 7 days, after which it is recommended to switch to the tablet form. Tablets should be taken after meals 2-3 times a day, 2-4 pieces, with water.
  2. Restoring erection. This is facilitated by Viagra, Cialis or their analogue Levitra, as well as other generics. They must be taken strictly under the supervision of a doctor, since they have a depressing effect on the heart. Typically, one tablet is taken 30 minutes before sexual intercourse, its effect lasts for 2-4 hours. These drugs are not intended for continuous use.
  3. Antimicrobial. They are used if the problem is caused by pathogens. For urinary tract infections, Doxibene, Cetyl (analogue - Axef), Fortum (analog - Ceftazidime), Blicef and others are usually prescribed. The powders are dissolved in saline and injected intramuscularly or into a vein through a dropper, depending on the drug. Treatment is carried out for 7-10 days. The tablets are taken 2-3 times a day, according to the instructions, for a week.
  4. Dietary supplements. One of the most effective here is Peruvian maca, which improves blood flow to the phallus, increases its sensitivity, stimulates orgasm and allows prolongation of sexual intercourse. It is available in powder form, which should be dissolved in water at the rate of 10 g per 100 ml and drunk before sexual intercourse. For complex treatment, you need to do this 2 times a day after meals for at least 10 days.
In addition, it is recommended for use Maxoderm cream. It is made from green tea extract, arginine, sunflower oil and other natural ingredients. The product not only increases the sensitivity of the genital organ, but also provides a good erection and increases sexual desire. It is not recommended to use it when trying to conceive a child, contact with a pregnant woman and hypersensitivity to the components of the cream. The duration of treatment should be at least two weeks, the number of applications per day should be 2-3 times, in a thin layer.

Separately, it should be noted heparin ointment, which is not inferior in its effect to Maxoderm cream, but is much cheaper. It should be applied in a thin layer to the entire surface of the genital organ, starting from the head and ending at the testicles, leaving until completely absorbed. You need to treat it 2-3 times a day, the course of treatment should last for 10-14 days.

Pay attention! If you use condoms, it is best to choose those made from natural latex and impregnated with lubricating gel. A good option here is the DUREX Magic Box "Intimacy and Sensitivity", set includes 6 pcs.

How to increase the sensitivity of the genital organ with massage?

This method allows you to normalize blood circulation in the penis, improve erection and enhance the sensation of touching it. To do this, every day for 1-2 weeks you need to massage it with gentle movements, moving from top to bottom. Thumb in this case, it should lie on the head from the outside, and the rest - from the inside, distributed over the entire surface.

The skin should be stroked in a circle, thoroughly rubbing until slightly reddened. But unpleasant sensations should not arise at this time; if they appear, you need to reduce the intensity of the pressure.

Give massage up to 3 minutes a day; it can also be done immediately before sexual intercourse.

A special one helps a lot attachment for the glans penis or vibrating ring to stimulate erogenous zones. To increase the sensitivity of the sexual organ and strengthen an erection, it is enough to use them for a few minutes before each contact with a partner.

Great option will become vibrating massager, which is connected to the penis and turned on, using the control panel to regulate the intensity of the effect. If desired, you can apply lubricant to the phallus in the form of massage oil or moisturizer, this will prevent skin irritation.

How to increase sensitivity using folk remedies?

The most in a fast way There will be the use of bird feathers, which need to be passed over erogenous zones, first of all - along the head. It is better to take thin and small in one hand, and thick and voluminous in the other. You need to use them in turn to diversify the sensations. Such manipulations should be performed every day for 2-3 months.

Here are some interesting folk recipes:

  • With ginger. Peel and chop it, then 1 tsp. Combine this ingredient with vodka (100 ml) and leave for a week. After this, strain the mixture, add honey (1 tbsp.) and take 1 tbsp. l., pre-diluted with water (30 ml) every morning. Treatment should be carried out for at least a week.
  • With garlic. This recipe is similar to the above: peel and chop the main ingredient (10 cloves) and add vodka (200 ml) to them. Infuse the product for 2-3 days in the refrigerator, after which you need to strain it and, diluting it with water 1 to 1, drink 50 ml every day before breakfast. You will be able to notice results no earlier than after 10 days.
  • With hop cones. Make tea from them; to do this, grind this ingredient to make 2 tbsp. l. Then add 300 ml of boiling water and cook the mixture over low heat for about 10 minutes. After this, remove it from the stove, keep it in the refrigerator to cool, strain the broth and take 30 ml of it with 1 tsp. honey every day before bed for a week.
  • With St. John's wort. Boil water (200 ml), add this herb (2 tbsp) into it and cook for 5 minutes. Then infuse the product overnight, strain it in the morning and take 50 ml at a time twice a day before meals. The optimal duration of treatment is 2 weeks.
It should also be noted the benefits essential oils However, they cannot be used if there is damage to the skin of the penis. The most effective here are anise, cinnamon, mint, amaranth and ginseng. They should be rubbed into the penis without touching the head of the penis, since the mucous membrane here is very delicate and can suffer from irritation.

In addition to folk remedies, it is necessary to consume more pine nuts, onions, parsley, dill and basil. It is recommended to include anise, cloves, cumin, cardamom and a number of other spices that activate blood circulation in the menu. A man will also benefit from a tonic body green tea.

Surgery for decreased sensitivity of the genital organ

If the reason for its decrease is changes in the nerve roots located in the foreskin, then its excision may become relevant. This procedure is called circumcision, but, unlike the classical method of performing the operation, a laser is used here. Thanks to this, there is virtually no pain, and recovery occurs faster. This also avoids complications such as bleeding and large scars.

The operation can be performed under either local or general anesthesia. On average, it lasts about 40 minutes, then the patient is left in the hospital for 1-2 days. It will be possible to have sexual intercourse no earlier than 30-60 days after the intervention.

How to increase the sensitivity of the genital organ - watch the video:

As we see, increasing the sensitivity of the genital organ can be carried out both traditional and traditional methods. Regardless of this, you should not expect quick results; positive dynamics can usually be noticed only 2-3 weeks after the start of treatment. It is important that it be carried out under the supervision of a sexologist, urologist or other specialist.

Sensitivity as a personality quality is the ability to feel, express one’s emotions, hear one’s own voice of the soul, subtly capture the shades of the mood of others, understand and empathize with their feelings, and perceive with piercing acuity the beauty of the world, nature, and works of art.

Once the great Teacher Abu Ali Ibn Sina told his students about the need to be observant and vigilant in life. He said that human senses can be trained in the same way as thoughts and muscles. – For example, you enter a room, and your sensitivity immediately captures the most important details. At that moment, the Teacher was informed that they had come to him and asked him to leave. Ibn Sina said to his students: “Sit, I’ll be right back.” And he went out to the visitors. The students decided to test the sensitivity of their Teacher. Placing a blank sheet of paper under the mat on which he was sitting, they waited impatiently for his return: would he feel any change? When Ibn Sina returned and sat down in his place, he immediately read some kind of conspiracy in the slyly narrowed eyes of his students. Having carefully examined his students, he said: “Probably, either I have grown up, or the ceiling has become lower...

Sensitivity is increased vulnerability of the heart. In physiology, it is interpreted as the ability to perceive irritations from the external environment and from one’s own tissues. Human skin reacts to irritation caused by the activation of certain receptors. The main types of sensitivity: tactile, pain, temperature, muscle-articular, vibration. Depending on the sensations, the brain receives the necessary information about the world around us. There is such a joke. The doctor checks sensitivity. - Doctor, oh doctor! And why are you touching me all the time? “I’m checking to see if sensitivity is still there.” - What do I have? - No, I have. We are not interested in physiological sensitivity, but in stable, clearly manifested personality traits associated with vividly experienced impressions, with the perception of one’s inner and outer world through the heart.

Sensitivity is the ability to know yourself. Women are six times more sensitive than men. Their mind is located in close proximity to the feelings, while in men it is close to the mind. This difference hides the secret of almost all the nuances of relationships between the sexes. This is where many of the characteristics of male and female behavior come from.

Men's nature is responsibility, patronage and care for women and children. Coming into contact most of the day with the harsh realities of the outside world, proving every day that he owes him money, a man sometimes becomes an insensitive idol. The sensitive stronger sex sounds like nonsense, nonsense. But life does not like extremes. To perceive the world in its entire rich palette of colors, a man also needs a certain amount of sensitivity. Who can help him learn to hear the voice of his own heart, grasp the nuances of a woman’s mood, and express his feelings more emotionally? He himself cannot reproduce sensitivity in himself. Only a woman with her sensitive heart, softness, tenderness and flexibility is able to kindle a warming fire of sensitivity in it. Man and woman balance each other. A man protects a woman from excessive emotionality, and she protects him from coldness and lack of emotion. Women determine the mood of men with extraordinary ease. He is still climbing the stairs, and his experienced wife can already feel what mood he is in. Men, by and large, envy this ability. They realize that in order to solve many problems, they would benefit from a keen sense of the moods of their boss, partners, opponents or subordinates.

A man, if he has not learned to feel himself, risks becoming an object of manipulation, he is in danger of doing not what he wants himself, but what the manipulators expect from him. There is such a parable. - Today is a terrible day. “Everything seems to conspire to make me nervous, angry and irritated,” one person said to another. “Don’t tell me,” replied his familiar musician, “I have similar problems.” Today, as luck would have it, everyone touches my violin. This makes her upset and makes her impossible to play. - So why don’t you set it up properly and hide it in a case so that inept hands don’t upset it and make dissonant sounds that hurt your sensitive ears? Don't you think that you have only yourself to blame for this? Why do you allow anyone to play your instrument? And since you don’t like what they play, isn’t it better to hide it or play what you like yourself? - I see, dear friend, that you are well versed in music. So why don’t you apply this knowledge to your “instrument” yourself? Why don’t you properly tune your consciousness, take it into your own hands and start “playing” what you like, instead of allowing just anyone to “play” whatever they want on the sensitive strings of your soul? Why, instead of learning to play the song of love, patience and forgiveness, do you play the funeral march of resentment and the funeral march of anger? Don't you think that it's not the people who get on your nerves who are to blame for this, but you yourself? Know that you can choose whether to play yourself or let others play. The choice is yours!

Unlike sensuality, which sees and includes lust, sensitivity sees and simply feels with the heart. Sensitivity loves talking about experiences and emotions, showing sincere reactions to them. She doesn't need to practice eloquence. It is enough to look at her face and it immediately becomes clear that this is a person who knows how to deeply feel and empathize with the state of another. A sensitive person is usually friendly, quiet, timid and touchy. He lacks energy, activity and initiative. Sensitive people rarely occupy leadership positions because they can be good performers, but when they have to make decisions under conditions of relative risk and bear responsibility for these decisions, they most often give up.

Karamzin wrote: “A sensitive heart is a rich source of ideas: if reason and taste help it, then success is not doubtful and a celebrity awaits the writer.” A striking example sensitive person there was a great and unique landscape painter I.I. Levitan. Levitan's comrade, Mikhail Nesterov, in his book of memoirs "Old Days", recalled that young Levitan, having waited for the last round of the school by the soldier Zemlyankin, nicknamed "Evil Spirit", was left alone to while away the night in the warmth, there remained a long winter evening and a long night with the fact that so that in the morning, on an empty stomach, you can start the day with dreams of your dearly beloved nature. A special, to the point of tears, love for nature and nervous sensitivity to its conditions were inherent in the future landscape painter from the very beginning. Relatives recalled how he and early years he loved to wander through fields and forests, contemplate some sunset or sunrise for a long time, and when spring came, “he was completely transformed and fussed, worried, he was drawn to the city, where he ran away every time he had at least half an hour to do so.”

A.P. Chekhov wrote: “...No one has reached such amazing simplicity and clarity of motive that Levitan has recently reached, and I don’t know if anyone will reach it after.” The brilliant landscape painter died in 1900, at the time of the flowering of his favorite phlox. They were placed on his grave by young artists - those whom he taught to comprehend nature sensitively, deeply and soulfully, so as to hear the “vegetation of the grass.”

Petr Kovalev 2013

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):