Direction of preparation:
Fundamental and applied chemistry

Scientific branch:
Math and Science

Institute natural sciences and mathematicians

Education level:

Educational program "Fundamental and Applied Chemistry" at the Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics is aimed at training wide-ranging chemists for science, industry and education. She continues the tradition of full-fledged classical university education. Objects professional activity graduates are chemical elements, simple molecules and complex compounds in various states of aggregation (inorganic, organic and hybrid substances, as well as materials based on them), obtained as a result of chemical synthesis (laboratory or industrial), as well as isolated from natural objects. During the first three years of study, students of this program, in parallel with students of the Bachelor's level Chemistry program, master the same basic professional modules and modules of the natural sciences block. humanities. The last two years of study are devoted to consolidation and deepening professional competencies in general, and in the specific area of ​​chemistry chosen by the student in particular. For this purpose, the curriculum is more voluminous and lengthy compared to a bachelor’s degree. period of practice, including research work and teaching practice, choice modules from various areas of chemistry for in-depth study, performing a significant volume experimental research followed by a theoretical understanding of its results in the form of a thesis.

The topics of students' final works are mainly formed within the framework of research programs and grants of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation, line ministries and departments, is determined by the interests of industrial enterprises and various organizations Ural region. The areas of scientific activity of the departments providing training for specialists belong to the priority areas of chemistry: High-temperature proton and oxygen transport in complex oxides with a perovskite-like structure; Ultradisperse materials and dense ceramics with unipolar oxygen, as well as mixed electronic and oxygen conductivity for various devices for storing and converting energy; Thermodynamics of formation and disorder of complex oxides; Defective structure of oxide materials and the target properties determined by it; Sorption methods of separation and concentration; Thermodynamics, structure and properties of multicomponent polymer systems; Magnetopolymer disperse systems; Development of new methods for the preparation and study of the chemical properties of oxygen-containing heterocycles - pyrones, chromones, chromenes, coumarins and furanones, including their partially halogenated and hydrogenated derivatives. Trifluoromethylated building blocks and syntheses on their basis of heterocycles with potential biological activity.

The teaching of chemistry at the Ural University began from the moment of its foundation. Since then, thousands of specialists have been graduated who have a high level of fundamental and applied knowledge necessary to work in academic and industrial research institutes, factory laboratories of chemical, metallurgical, mechanical engineering, pharmaceutical and other enterprises, laboratories involved in monitoring the condition of objects environment and chemical examination, secondary and secondary vocational educational institutions.

The high quality of training is facilitated not only by the participation of students in the research work of departments, scientific groups, the implementation of grants and programs, but also by a modern fleet of scientific and educational instruments and equipment from the world's leading manufacturers, as well as lectures by famous Russian and foreign scientists from recognized world scientific institutions. centers and universities. Students present the results of their scientific work at all-Russian scientific conferences, including the annual Russian youth scientific conference with international participation, held at IENiM and supported by the Russian Foundation basic research. During the winter holidays, students have the opportunity to take part in a field trip Winter school on solid state chemistry, which is held annually in the picturesque surroundings of Pervouralsk on the basis of a comfortable health center, where lectures by leading experts in the field of chemistry and solid state physics are accompanied by an extensive cultural and sports program.

In the current multi-level education system in Russia training of specialists is a complete higher education. After the specialty, a third level is possible - postgraduate studies.

educational program

specialty 04.05.01 “Fundamental and applied chemistry”

Qualification:Chemist. Chemistry teacher.

Duration of training:5 years (full-time education)

Program goals: formation in graduates of competencies necessary for effective and successful implementation professional activities in the field of chemical theory, chemical synthesis, ecology, pharmaceutical and medicinal chemistry, examination, standardization and certification, computer technology.

IN Ideas of professional activity of a graduate in the specialty “Fundamental and applied chemistry”:

  • Carrying out scientific research on the study of the composition, structure and properties of substances; patterns of chemical processes; on the creation and development of new promising materials and chemical technologies; addressing fundamental and applied problems in the field of chemistry and chemical technology,
  • research and scientific-production activities in the field of chemical synthesis, chemical process control;
  • Carrying out physical and chemical analysis and examination of various objects.
  • Pedagogical activity.
  • Organizational and managerial activities.

The implementation of general education training in the specialty 04.05.01 “Fundamental and applied chemistry” is provided by scientific and pedagogical personnel who have a basic education in the profile of the discipline being taught, and are systematically engaged in scientific and/or scientific-methodological activities. 80% of teachers providing educational process, have academic degrees of candidate or doctor of sciences. At the same time, 20% of teachers have doctoral degrees or the academic title of professor.

TO educational process about 20% of teachers were attracted from among the current managers and employees of specialized organizations, enterprises and institutions of the city of Rostov-on-Don: Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ecological and Analytical Center of the Southern Federal University, Laboratory of Quality Control of Medicines in the Southern Federal District, Federal State Institution "Rostov Standardization Center, metrology and certification”, etc.

Material and technical base of the Faculty of Chemistry SFU provides: holding lectures- equipment for demonstrating illustrative material; performing laboratory work in general and special disciplines - chemical reagents, laboratory glassware and educational, scientific and scientific equipment in accordance with the implemented scientific topics of the laboratories; conducting seminars- computers for carrying out calculations and using information systems, foreign language classes - language laboratories.

The 4th year includes industrial chemical-technological practice, which is carried out at chemical enterprises and firms in the region, in laboratories of research institutes and scientific and educational centers (RECs) that are part of the Southern federal university:

Federal State Institution "Rostov Center for Standardization, Metrology and Certification", Rostov-on-Don,

L laboratory for quality control of medicines in the Southern Federal District, Rostov-on-Don,

Forensic Regional Branch of the Central Forensic Customs Administration, Rostov-on-Don,

Regional laboratory center of the Rostov geological exploration expedition, Rostov-on-Don,

NKTB "Piezopribor", Rostov-on-Don,

Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance in the Rostov Region,

LLC "Yeast Plant", Rostov-on-Don,

Azov Research Institute of Fisheries, Rostov-on-Don

OJSC "Novoshakhtinsky Petroleum Products Plant", Novoshakhtinsk, Rostov Region,

OJSC Rostov Winery,

Chemical laboratory of OJSC Rostselmash,

SSC RAS, Rostov-on-Don.

Graduates of the specialty 04.05.01 “Fundamental and applied chemistry” are employed:

In laboratories of state and non-state research centers conducting research in the field of chemistry and related fields (biochemistry, geochemistry, petrochemistry, ecology, pharmaceuticals);

In research and analytical laboratories of various industries (chemical, food, metallurgical, pharmaceutical, petrochemical, mining and gas production);

In research institutes Russian Academy sciences; as well as in institutions of higher, secondary and secondary vocational education.

The most common entrance exams:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics ( basic level)
  • Chemistry - a specialized subject, at the choice of the university
  • Physics - optional at university
  • Computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT) - at the university's choice

Examination tests in biology are also possible (at the discretion of the university).

There are several forms of training: full-time, part-time, part-time, part-time.

The duration of training will be 5 years.

Description of specialty

The study of chemical processes, identification of patterns of their occurrence, methods of controlling them - these are the areas of professional activity of students of “fundamental and applied chemistry”.

Main types of professional activities:

  • pedagogical,
  • research,
  • design,
  • scientific and production.

Educational and chemical-technological practice is provided, which is carried out in laboratories educational institution and at chemical plants.

The main task of teaching is the formation of chemical thinking in students, which is characterized by knowledge of the characteristics of the chemical form of organization of matter, the ability to conduct experiments, the ability to determine the relationships between chemical systems and an understanding of the conditions of their functioning.

Subjects studied

  • general chemistry,
  • chemical bonding and molecular structure,
  • inorganic chemistry,
  • high molecular weight compounds,
  • organic chemistry,
  • physical chemistry,
  • chemical bases biological processes,
  • mathematics,
  • colloid chemistry,
  • analytical chemistry,
  • crystal chemistry,
  • informatics,
  • physics,
  • chemical technology,
  • fundamentals of chemical thermodynamics.

Experts are studying foreign language within four years.

There are a lot of disciplines aimed at studying chemistry:

  • analytical chemistry,
  • physical chemistry,
  • colloid chemistry,
  • organic and inorganic chemistry,
  • crystal chemistry.

Students also study high-molecular compounds.

Skills and abilities acquired during training

Graduates are able to use the basic knowledge acquired during training in their professional activities. Specialists are well acquainted with computer science, have skills in using software, can create databases and use global network resources.

Students will be able to:

  • study chemical processes;
  • explore the composition of substances, their structure and properties;
  • set and solve problems in the field of chemistry;
  • analyze the results of experiments and experiments;
  • prepare reports and publications in the field research activities;
  • teach in various educational institutions (schools, colleges, universities).

Graduates will know the principles of operation of modern scientific equipment and will be able to use it. They will own modern computer technologies that are needed to process the results obtained during scientific experiments. Learn to master synthetic and analytical research methods.

Specialists will receive a theoretical database in the field of environmental chemistry and will be ready to apply their knowledge in various fields modern life. They will be able to assess environmental risks at enterprises and analyze the environmental situation as a whole.

Future profession

The main professions are chemist and chemical technologist.

Graduates are able to engage in scientific activities:

You can become an applied specialist: create new materials and chemical technologies. Then monitor their quality, while holding the position of chemical technologist.

Specialists can apply their knowledge and abilities in cosmetic, pharmaceutical and chemical production.

There is also the opportunity to build your career in the research field.

"Fundamental and applied chemistry" - specialty higher education, qualification - chemist, chemistry teacher (040501). Overview of the specialty: exams, study periods, subjects studied, future profession, reviews and suitable universities.

1) What does training in chemistry at a university mean?

The specialty “chemistry” (020100.65, training code 04.03.01) will teach you the following in-depth knowledge:

  • creation of new materials that already have a given chemical. composition;
  • chemical control processes on the scale of single and mass production;
  • produce synthesis of new products. Test them and analyze the results;
  • do chem. examination of the quality of raw materials;
  • study chemistry composition of various substances in small and large oil, engineering, metallurgical enterprises (steel, copper, oil, etc.);
  • conduct research in the field of pharmaceuticals (dietary supplements and medicines);
  • use innovative equipment in the field of chemical and physical research.

The form of education is available both full-time (from 4 years) and part-time (from 5 years).

2) What are the admission requirements?

In order to be admitted to a university, you will need to successfully pass the Unified State Exam in the following subjects:

  • Russian language;
  • mathematics or physics;
  • chemistry (major subject).

The passing score for budget education must be at least 364.

Chemistry specialty and its profiles

This specialty has a wide variety of faculties. Your narrow specialized knowledge depends on their choice. Let's look at them below.

Specialty: fundamental applied chemistry

Specialty 04.05.01 fundamental applied chemistry will give you knowledge in the field of chemistry. processes that occur in nature, analyze them, create and implement the latest beneficial materials and technologies, solve applied problems in the field of chemistry and their technologies.

Upon completion of training in chemistry specialty 02/19/07, you will receive an education in the field of technology of milk and dairy products. You acquire knowledge of technological processes of milk and their products, requirements for the quality of raw materials produced.

Medical chemistry specialty

The specialty is medicinal chemistry, the subject of which is the discovery of biologically active substances, the explanation of the mechanism of their action at the molecular level, based on this - the creation of new drugs.

Specialty: inorganic chemistry

The Faculty of Inorganic Chemistry covers the field of chemical research. bonds and structure of inorganic compounds, the ability of reactions of inorganic compounds in different states of aggregation and conditions.

Specialty: organic chemistry

The Faculty of Organic Chemistry involves the study of the subject of organic chemistry, types of reagents, reactions, hydrocarbons, optical isomerism of organic compounds, halogenated hydrocarbons.

Specialty: analytical chemistry

The Department of Analytical Chemistry usually develops several main areas of scientific work.

The first is the development of new and improvement of existing physical and chemical methods of analysis, the second is the modeling of physical. and chem. processes at the interface of media, conducting analytics, chemical research, production of new materials.

Pharmaceutical chemistry specialty

Pharmaceutical chemistry specialty studies medicines, also the basis of its methodology is a complex of physicochemical, biochemical, biopharmaceutical methods.

Specialty: physical chemistry

The specialty physical chemistry gives you an area of ​​study in the experimental determination and calculation of the parameters of molecules of substances, chemical thermodynamics and kinetics.

If you want to get a specialty as a chemistry teacher, you will have to gain knowledge only full-time training. After completing your studies, you become a chemistry and biology teacher.

Jobs in chemistry

If you have received a specialty in chemistry, you are wondering: where to work?

Having received an education in the field of chemistry, based on a specialized education, you will be able to work in scientific institutes and companies, small and large industrial enterprises, laboratories, hospitals, analytical centers, educational institutions, and law enforcement agencies.

Specialty - chemistry, who should I work with?

Below is a list of the most popular professions that chemistry graduates go to work for:

  • laboratory assistants;
  • specialists from forensic and sanitary-epidemiological laboratories;
  • pharmacists;
  • teachers of general education institutions;
  • pharmacists;
  • cosmetologists;
  • biochemists;
  • agrochemists.

You might be interested.

The easiest employment option for a person with a chemical specialty is teaching and scientific activity. It is simple because most often it does not require additional skills, retraining or a change in activity. The specialist continues to engage in research, development of new materials and technologies, develops science, or passes on the acquired knowledge to the next generation of students. True, teaching may require pedagogical education or at least courses. The management of the educational institution makes the decision to hire on the basis of internal rules and charter.

After graduating from Kazan state university I entered graduate school at the Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry named after A. E. Arbuzov, defended my degree in 2015. Our PhD degree is similar to a Western postdoctoral degree, and with it you can already go to work abroad. You can build a career the old fashioned way, for example, growing from a junior researcher to the head of a laboratory. To develop in a new way means to win grants, including international ones, patent technologies, create own production. It is better to improve your qualifications at foreign universities: enroll in graduate school or, while still studying, use the German academic exchange service DAAD and collect useful contacts. Then those who have interest and prospects open their own laboratory or business and become managers in other companies.


Not far from academic chemistry and laboratory work. Additional training and new skills are not required here either: a chemical analysis laboratory assistant mainly examines the composition and chemical properties various substances. He may be employed in the field of ecology or quality control, pharmaceuticals or even forensics.

The profession of a pharmacist formally requires obtaining a diploma of appropriate education, but a significant part of the time he is engaged in chemical research, conducting experiments and evaluating the results of the influence of produced substances on the body. And when working in an expert forensic or forensic chemical laboratory, a chemist will have to do the same analysis of substances, just for a different purpose - the results of his work are used differently.

Industrial production

Whatever profile you have industrial enterprise, almost every site requires a quality control department, where they evaluate chemical composition manufactured products and their compliance with requirements and standards. To avoid opening your own laboratory, this part of production is often outsourced. But there are areas where you simply cannot do without specialized specialists: these are the chemical, metallurgical, pulp and paper, glass industries, production of plastics and synthetic fabrics, oil and gas refining and many others. monitor compliance with technological processes, control the quality of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products.

The industrial field is ideal for aspiring chemists who need experience. Many enterprises have large laboratories and a developed mentoring system. The first available positions are laboratory assistant, operator and operator. If you wish, you can rise to the leadership positions of process engineer and laboratory manager.

Another undeniable advantage is that only in production can vacancies be found for specialists with secondary vocational education.

Dmitry Gorbachev


I ended up working at a small ceramics enterprise without a specialized chemical education; I’m only now studying in graduate school at Tomsk Polytechnic University. I worked as a manager, but the 2008 crisis forced me to delve deeply into technology, read books, magazines, attend conferences and gain applied knowledge in chemistry. You can talk about a career when there is an abundance of opportunities at work. For example, you can independently study new technical processes, implement them at the enterprise, and after 3-5 such cycles move on to a new stage of your career or change your status in the company. While continuing research activities, an employee can attend conferences, seminars, publish and write a dissertation outside the enterprise. This will be a qualitative leap, perhaps even with a move to another company. But nothing prevents you from combining one with the other: the main work as a technologist in big company with consulting and part-time work in a small company. The main thing is that they do not overlap in sales markets. This option gives money and experience.

Agricultural sector

If you prefer botany to soulless plastics, then it’s worth looking for a position as an agricultural chemist. This is everything related to soil fertility and land reclamation, fertilizers and increasing plant productivity. During laboratory research, the content of microelements, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and amino acids, the mineral composition of the soil, the presence of organic matter, salts and microorganisms, and, accordingly, the required composition of fertilizers are determined.

Based on methods of chemical analysis of soil and plants, methods of laboratory and field experiments, labeled atoms, spectroscopy and chromatography, agrochemists are looking for the ideal composition of fertilizers that would have a beneficial effect on growth and development useful crops, contributed to the restoration of the fertile soil layer and at the same time had a beneficial effect on the environment.

This niche is extremely in demand, and a highly qualified specialist will easily find work, because fertilizer exports in Russia rank third in volume after the fuel, energy and metallurgical sectors of the economy, and the country’s share in the world market mineral fertilizers reaches 8.4%. However, large fertilizer producing companies are not located in every region, so relocation may be required.

Food production

It would seem, how can a chemist become a chef? But specialized chemical education is no longer uncommon in the requirements for such vacancies. Technologists of food and fermentation production, even when entering a university, take a specialized exam in chemistry, and their curriculum includes general, organic, inorganic, biological, physical, food, analytical and colloidal chemistry.

Even if the process of cooking is not at all close to you, you can get a job in large food production facilities, where chemists examine the quality of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products. But even here there are specifics - you will need to study GOSTs, standards and rules for the production of food products. There will be a lot of paperwork: the chemist economically justifies the change technological process, draws up regulations and normative and technical documentation.

It has become extremely popular lately, as almost every major restaurant has its own small brewery. For such work, a chemist will need to take courses where they will talk about the practical part: receiving malt, its processing and crushing, production of hopped wort in the brewhouse, control of fermentation processes and beer filtration.

And if a chemist has a talent for cooking, then he can master the rare and interesting profession of a molecular gastronomy chef. Molecular gastronomy is based on the study of the physical and chemical processes that occur with products during cooking. Sometimes the process of preparing such dishes seems incorrect from the point of view of classical cooking. For example, the lack of cooking time is compensated by a higher temperature. And here it is impossible to say for sure who will master this profession faster and easier: a chemical engineer will learn to cook or a cook will master the laws of chemistry.


It seems to many that a perfumer is a person with an ideal sense of smell, able to identify any notes of a fragrance and intuitively feel how to mix them to achieve a special result. But in fact, any professional perfumer is still a chemist by training. The smell has a formula, and the master of his craft must know it and be able to accurately reproduce it - this is the only way to achieve the stability of the aroma throughout the entire shelf life.

Experienced perfumers believe that a chemist can easily master this new profession if he has natural abilities and predispositions. Perfumers' careers begin in chemistry departments. Then they get hired as assistants to famous masters, enter one of the perfume schools in Russia and abroad, as well as renowned universities, the best of which are, for example, the ISIPCA Institute (Institut Supérieur International du Parfum de la Cosmétique et de l'Aromatique) , are based in Europe.

The only thing that can seriously prevent a chemist from mastering the aromatic profession is frequent colds and headaches.

"Smart" sales

Who else can easily sell reagents, flasks and test tubes, equipment and devices, if not yesterday’s chemist with a database of contacts of colleagues - potential consumers. As a technically complex product, specialized specialists are increasingly being invited who understand the principles of its use and can evaluate all the advantages.

Not everyone can cope with this, because no one has canceled the sales talent. But sometimes it’s easier to teach a chemist to sell than a salesperson to use specific equipment. Therefore, a chemist can look for himself in the sales of agro-industrial goods and fertilizers, glass, ceramics and petroleum products, pharmaceuticals and much more.

Science show

Most often, chemists look for career prospects in too serious areas. But with charisma and creativity, boring formulas can turn into a real show!

The creator of this project, Viktor Sokolov, is a teacher of Russian language and literature by training, but he was attracted by the format of a bright chemical science show, when something explodes, seethes, hisses and smokes. He had no knowledge in the field of chemistry and physics, so he invited experts to collaborate, who develop experiments for performances and television shows.

Viktor Sokolov, creator of the show “Point of Science”

Chemical education is not very popular and is not considered fashionable, but it is extremely in demand in the labor market. Production is expanding and modernizing, new areas are opening where chemists were not previously required, for example, molecular gastronomy or high-tech sales. Therefore, depending on the preferences of the applicant and his desire to develop and learn new skills, he can get a completely unpredictable profession, a salary that is acceptable to him, and a job that gives him pleasure.

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):