Growing plants by cuttings is the most popular way of their vegetative propagation, and laurel is far from an exception in this regard. Growing laurel from cuttings is not so difficult, especially when you consider the following nuances. Reproduction of laurel at home: harvesting cuttings When they start cutting laurel How to properly prepare cuttings How to choose a finished cutting when buying How to root cuttings bay leaf Rooting laurel in the substrate How to root cuttings in water How to plant cuttings of laurel In what soil to plant laurel How to plant cuttings of laurel Properly plant cuttings of laurel Features of caring for cuttings Watering and spraying Feeding a young plant Propagation of laurel at home: harvesting cuttings Yandex.Direct Supersort! Tomato tree Octopus Unprecedented yield - 4000 fruits. Germination rate 99%. Buy seeds in Domisad Strawberry treeMelon treeRaspberry treePepper-tree and phone number Orchid teenagers from 85 UAH. Hurry up to buy! Limited quantity! All colors. Sending across Ukraine. Album of orchids For vegetative propagation in this way, semi-lignified cuttings that can be obtained from another plant are ideal. If you do not yet have an adult donor laurel, then you can purchase the necessary parts separately. When they start cutting laurel Seeds of tomato KS 720 F1, 5000 seeds (Kitano Seeds) 1210.00 UAH. Buy White cabbage seeds Naomi F1, 1000 seeds (Kitano Seeds) 262.00 UAH. Buy Laurel cuttings are usually carried out with the onset of the first warm days, cutting off the shoots in April or early June. The selected plant (preferably with annual shoots that have not yet had time to lignify) should completely move away from winter dormancy. Some gardeners carry out the process of cuttings in the late autumn, but in this case, you will not be able to plant cuttings in a greenhouse or garden. How to properly prepare cuttings Yandex.Direct Garden gazebos Antalya 40000 UAH Ready-made solution from 10 sq.m with delivery in Ukraine. Gazebos in stock! Address and phone number Birch cuttings for shovels 11 rub. … the cutting is needed….Export quality of the cutting!. Call! 18+ stalk.forest-city.rf Address and phone number To prepare cuttings, laurel branches taken from the middle or lower part of the shoots are cut into pieces of 6-8 cm each. Such a cutting should have at least three internodes (three free areas between the attachment points of the leaves) and an oblique cut in the lower part. The first leaves are completely removed, and the top ones are only slightly cut off, leaving half of the sheet in order to minimize moisture evaporation. Important! When cutting the cutting, the knife should be driven a little before reaching the end of the shoot, and then the bark should be torn off along with the adjacent tissues. It turns out such a heel, located slightly below the lower node. How to choose a ready-made stalk when buying If you need laurel cuttings, but you do not want to think about how to grow them yourself, then you can purchase ready-made, rooted specimens. They are ideal for landing in open ground, so you can quickly get a full-fledged plant. However, before buying the first cuttings that come across, inspect them well. The bay leaf is often damaged by the scab, which is easy to see on the cuttings. There should be no suspicious growths on the shoot, and it should have an elastic shape. With overdried cuttings, there will be little sense. How to root bay leaf cuttings Propagation of laurel by cuttings can take place in two main ways: using a pre-prepared substrate or by rooting in ordinary water. Rooting laurel in the substrate The ideal soil for rooting cuttings of laurel is coarse sand, or a mixture of sand and peat. Also, soddy soil and sand are often used (first, a layer of drainage is poured into the pot, then a layer of soddy earth, and a layer of sand is poured on top). After that, the resulting substrate must be well moistened and the cuttings planted to a depth of 1-1.5 cm according to the 10x10 scheme. To ensure better contact between the handle and sand, the latter is slightly pressed with fingers, and in order to maintain the required air humidity, a plastic bag is pulled over the pot from above (by placing pegs near the handle, you will protect its contact with polyethylene). The very process of rooting cuttings of laurel is quite difficult, so before placing the cut cuttings in such a substrate, treat them with a growth stimulator (for example, Kornevin or Heteroauxic). A pot with cuttings should be placed in a mini greenhouse or covered with a glass jar. The optimum temperature for laurel, at least at the stage of rooting of the cuttings, is within +24 ... +25 (at temperatures of +16 ... + 20 ° C, the cuttings will take root for more than a month). In addition, to stimulate the described process, it is useful to spray the cuttings with water daily (starting with 4-5 sprays) and ventilate. By strictly adhering to the technology of cuttings, after a month and a half, your shoots will form roots. Once this happens, they can be transplanted into 7 cm pots with the same substrate and care regimen as when propagated by seed. How to root cuttings in water It is no secret that many houseplants often rooted in an ordinary jar or bottle of water. It would seem that this method is not as reliable as the previous one, but it is also suitable for the successful propagation of laurel from a cutting. All you need is to pour five centimeters of water into the jar and place the cutting in it. A jar of laurel is left in a dark place without changing the water (it can only be topped up). For some gardeners, this method works flawlessly, others complain about the cuttings rotting, but in any case, there is still a chance for rooting. However, before placing the stalk in a container, it is better to keep it in a root formation stimulator for a day, immersing it by 2-3 cm. Did you know? How to plant laurel cuttings Planting rooted laurel cuttings is not much different from transplanting citrus plants, but you still need to know which soil is best to use and how exactly to "relocate" the plant to a new place of residence. What soil to plant laurel in. A suitable soil mixture for propagating laurel by cuttings at home consists of two main parts: from below it is 3-4 cm of soddy land, and from above 2-3 cm of sand. The ideal soil option would be a light carbonate mixture, which can be bought at any gardening store. Important! From the moment of planting, you will have to repot the plant every year, using the same soil composition. Upon reaching the age of five, transplantation is carried out every four years. How to properly plant laurel cuttings Laurel cuttings are best planted in small pots, increasing their size with the growth of the plant. A drainage layer is laid out at the bottom of the container, then the soil mixture is poured, and carefully removing the cuttings with roots from the previous place of growth, they are placed to a depth of 2 centimeters. From above, the earth is sprinkled with a small layer of sand and slightly moistened. Do not immediately fill the plant with water, because due to excessive moisture, the development of fungal diseases is possible. Features of caring for cuttings Rooted cuttings no longer require such close attention, but nevertheless, care for them should be organized taking into account all basic needs. Watering and spraying Laurel does not like moisture too much, so watering the cuttings should be moderate. In summer, the plant needs more liquid and additional spraying of the sheets (can be replaced by wiping with a damp sponge), while in winter the amount of watering is significantly reduced. In any case, the top layer of soil in the plant pot should always remain slightly damp. Feeding a young plant As a fertilizer for laurel cuttings, complex organic and mineral compounds are used, which are easy to find in specialized stores. Some gardeners claim that a mullein solution is also suitable for these purposes, but with the slightest violation of the dosage, the roots can simply burn out, so this method does not initial stages better to refuse. Find the answer to the question "How to propagate laurel cuttings?" - it's not difficult, but you must understand that this is a rather long and painstaking process, so if you urgently need a full-fledged plant with a lush crown, then it makes sense to think about purchasing a whole bush at once. In the future, you can propagate it by the already mentioned method of cuttings.

Laurel can be propagated by seeds (the fruit is a one-seeded drupe) and vegetatively (by cuttings of matured shoots). During seed propagation, laurel seedlings may differ from the parent plant in a number of properties (content essential oils, frost resistance, etc.)
For growing in a room, it is better to propagate laurel by seeds, since seedlings get used to the existing ones from the very beginning. room conditions. Freshly harvested laurel seeds germinate best at a temperature of 16-18 degrees. If you need long-term storage of seeds, you need to place them in a plastic bag and put it in the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. As a result of storage, laurel seeds gradually lose their germination capacity, and therefore sprouts may appear unevenly, sometimes after several months.

As a substrate for sowing laurel seeds, it is recommended to use a light and loose soil mixture (soddy soil, leaf soil and sand in a ratio (1: 1: 0.5)). The soil after sowing the seeds is moistened and the bowl with the crops is covered with glass, which is regularly wiped and turned over, ventilating the seedlings. After the appearance of a pair of true leaves, the laurel seedlings dive, and after their growth, they are planted in individual pots, taking an already denser "adult" soil mixture for planting.

Laurel cuttings are carried out in spring (March-April) or summer (June-July). Annual (matured, but not lignified) laurel shoots are used to harvest cuttings. Cuttings (6-8 cm long, with three internodes), taken from the middle or lower part of the laurel bush shoots, are cut obliquely under the third node. The bottom sheet is removed and the top sheet is cut in half. Coarse-grained sand, or a mixture of moss and sand, or soddy soil and sand can be used as a substrate for rooting laurel cuttings: a layer of drainage is poured into the pot, then a layer of soddy soil (about 4 cm), and on top a layer of sand (about 3 cm), moisten and plant cuttings to a depth of 1-1.5 cm. Rooting of cuttings goes well in "

Rooting cuttings is a very interesting activity. No special costs are required, but in the end you can get joy by finding white roots through the walls of the glass.

I have always wanted to have laurel in my collection. Cool! A plant grows for itself in the kitchen on the windowsill, tore off a leaf and threw it into the soup.

But seriously, laurel is a noble plant. It has long been believed that the laurel wreath and laurel branch are symbols of glory, victory, greatness.

In addition, laurel is an evergreen plant and loves haircuts! Growing laurel at home, you can experiment, giving it any shape, you want - pyramidal, you want - spherical, you want - grow laurel with a bole, and you want - a bush.

Laurel can easily tolerate direct sunlight. Considering that every year the summer is getting hotter and hotter and shading all the plants is a laborious task, growing laurels is a real pleasure.

So, I will describe my experience of rooting laurel cuttings.

I bought laurel cuttings quite by accident. Maybe not entirely by chance, since when I was walking around the bazaar in autumn, I kept looking out if they were selling laurel branches. Usually they are sold already slightly dried or dried, and it is immediately clear that there will be no sense in rooting such cuttings. And then, lo and behold, I met a Georgian woman who had the last two bunches of laurel branches.

If you buy cuttings in my way, look carefully at the cuttings!

Laurel is often damaged by scale insects, so scale insects can be seen on cuttings. One bunch seemed suspicious to me, because I saw some kind of growths on some branches of the laurel. I didn’t see anything dangerous and unfamiliar to me on the branches from another bunch. However, just in case, during the rooting of the laurel, I spilled the ground a couple of times with aktara. It is better to play it safe so that later you do not receive "unpleasant surprises" in the form of some kind of insects.

It is also desirable that the branches are not very dried, since if you plant a herbarium, something green is unlikely to hatch.

So here's my bunch of laurel branches

And this is the branch itself with eyes

For rooting, I cut off all this beauty. I left 3-4 leaves on each cutting. The leaves were cut in half. I updated the cut at the tip of the cutting and dipped it in the root.

The cuttings were planted in peat with perlite and placed in a greenhouse in a bright place. This happened at the end of November. Periodically, the cuttings were viewed and ventilated (not for long, literally for half a minute). A greenhouse was opened, future laurels were sprayed with water. As I already wrote, a couple of times I processed laurels with aktara.

Sometimes it was found

The black leg has done its bad job. It makes no sense to re-root the plant. Perhaps the stalk of the laurel is still too young and green, and therefore rotted.

A month later, closer to the New Year, swollen buds were found on some laurel cuttings. I want to note that this does not mean that the plant has taken root. However, we are already sure that it is green and viable to issue something)

And on one laurel root, this is generally found

The roots through the glass are not yet visible, but there is hope that they will take root.

It's been a month and a week since rooting. The experiment continues...

Didenko Victoria



It is interesting to know whether laurels have taken root or not?



For rooting, the laurel needs to be "caught" precisely during the growth period, and the laurel has several periods (cut from mature, but not lignified shoots and rooted in April and June-July).



I am now rooting laurel in boiled water, also somewhere from mid-November. In boiled water, the cuttings rot less, now the beginnings of roots have appeared, a transparent bag is put on a glass with laurel to prevent drying and create a microclimate.



I bought a laurel broom with seeds at the market and dug these seeds into a flower pot. In a pot on top, I pour tea leaves from under the tea. I dug it up and forgot, and after a few months a laurel shoot sprang up, it remains only to transplant. In this way, I grew lemon, tangerine, pomegranate and laurel.



Elena, cool!
I also planted pomegranates from seeds, they grew well, but did not bear fruit :-)



I have a cutting of laurel that has given roots in water, a month or more is worth it. The roots are small, so I think, plant in the ground or wait?



Lyudmila, I would wait until the roots grow more, or if I can’t wait, I would put it in the ground, but I would place the plant under a cap.



at my house a laurel tree grows in a flowerpot, I think your advice will be useful to me in propagating laurel with cuttings



thank you very interesting



My laurel leaves are sticky but not everything to do I don’t know how to communicate with you I write but will it come I ask a question and they give me no answer



Valya, this is a scale insect, such a "beast". How to deal with it can be found on the Internet.



Girls, and my leaves began to turn black and dry, what should I do?



Hopefully, it's from excessive waterlogging. fungus in the ground you need to change the soil!



I learned a lot of useful things from your notes, thanks to everyone, I want to grow laurel at home, thanks to everyone



in Sochi, larushka grows like grass, and now tons of trees and laurel bushes have been cut out at the subbotnik
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