If you are involved in an accident, you need to call the traffic police so that an inspector inspects the scene of the accident, interrogates the participants and draws up an administrative report.

You can call the traffic police using mobile phone. But what information must be provided to the operator when calling? What telephone numbers are used to call the traffic police to the scene of an accident? And are there situations when you don’t have to call the traffic police? Below we will find out the answers to these questions.

How to call the traffic police to an accident on your mobile phone?

If you find yourself in a crash, you must urgently call the traffic police to the scene. You can do this using your mobile phone:

  • 112 - this is the number of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. You must inform the operator that you were in an accident - after that you will be transferred to the traffic police department. This number is toll-free and you can call it even if you do not have a SIM card installed.
  • 102 - this is the police number. You must also inform the operator that you have been involved in an accident. After this, you will be transferred to the traffic police department. This number is also free.
  • If you use the services of a mobile operator MTS, Megafon or Tele2, then you can call the traffic police by number 020 ; if you use an operator Beeline - 002; if you have an operator SIM card installed "Skylink" or "Motive" - ​​902. All these numbers are also free.

  • Also, in many cities there are special local services with which you can call the traffic police to the scene of an incident. You can find out these numbers in the phone book or using the city’s official website. It should be understood that in most cases these phones are landline, so calling them from a mobile phone will cost a fee.

What should you tell the operator when calling the traffic police?

When calling, the operator must provide the following information:

  • If the accident occurred in the city, then the address must be provided.
  • If the accident occurred outside the city, then you must provide the name of the route and the kilometer number.
  • It is also recommended to report any landmarks and buildings that are located near the scene of the incident so that traffic police officers can quickly navigate. If the accident is not in the city, but you know the name of the nearest settlement, then this information must be provided to the operator.
  • You also need to report the number of participants in the traffic accident.
  • If anyone has been injured as a result of an accident, it is also necessary to call ambulance. The ambulance operator must be informed of the location of the accident and the number of victims. The operator must also provide information about the nature of the injuries received so that doctors can take the necessary medications with them.

Actions of road accident participants after an accident

Traffic rules state that in the event of an accident, it is important not only to call the traffic police, but also to perform certain actions that will indicate to other road users that an accident has occurred (after all, damaged cars can impede traffic, which can provoke new accidents).

The procedure for a participant in an accident in the event of an accident is as follows:

  1. Turn on the hazard lights, which with the help of light and noise will indicate that an accident has occurred.
  2. Now you need to install a special one near the accident site warning triangle. This sign looks like a red equilateral triangle. If the accident occurred on the territory of a populated area, then the sign must be placed at a distance of at least 15 meters from the accident site; if the accident occurred outside a populated area, then in this case the sign must be placed at a distance of at least 30 meters from the accident site.
  3. Now you need call an ambulance and the traffic police. It is recommended to immediately dial number 112, since with its help you can immediately call both an ambulance and the traffic police (in this case, the Ministry of Emergency Situations number will work even if you damaged the SIM card in an accident).

When calling traffic police inspectors is not necessary

In the event of a minor accident, the traffic police may not be called. To record an accident, participants in an accident must independently fill out the so-called. Filling out this paper allows you to resolve all controversial issues (liability of the parties, amount of damage, and so on).

However, it should be understood that drawing up a European protocol is possible if the following conditions are met:

  • Two cars were involved in the accident.
  • Damage was caused only to cars, and there were no injuries.
  • Each participant in the accident has.
  • One of the parties fully admitted its guilt.
  • The total amount of damage is no more than 50,000 rubles.
  • If at least one of the above conditions is not met, a European protocol cannot be drawn up (in this case, it is necessary to call the traffic police officers so that they record the accident according to the standard procedure).


To find out more information about the 112 telephone service, you can watch the video.


Let's summarize:

  • In the event of an accident, the traffic police must be called to the scene. This can be done using telephone numbers 112, 102 and some others.
  • When calling, the operator must provide information about the location where the accident occurred.
  • Before calling the traffic police, you must turn on the hazard warning lights and install a special sign on the road that will inform other road users that an accident has occurred on a certain section of the road.
  • The traffic police may not be called if a European report is drawn up, when only 2 cars were involved in the accident, there were no injuries and each participant in the accident has an insurance policy, and one of the participants in the accident fully admitted his guilt and is ready to compensate for the damage caused.

If you are involved in a traffic accident, your first responsibility is to:

  • stop the vehicle, turn on the emergency lights, put up a warning triangle to warn other drivers about the danger. The sign is installed at a distance of at least 15 meters from road accidents in populated areas and at least 30 meters outside them. Failure to comply with these requirements entails administrative punishment - a warning or a fine in the amount of 1000 rubles (Part 1 of Article 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation);
  • check whether there are any casualties among other participants in the incident.

If the accident occurred outside the city, in dark time days or in conditions of limited visibility, you need to be on the roadway or side of the road wearing a jacket, vest or cape vest with stripes of reflective material.

Under no circumstances leave the scene of an accident. If you leave the scene of the accident, you may be deprived of your driver's license for a period of one to one and a half years or arrested for 15 days (Part 2 of Article 12.27 of the Administrative Code), and if the accident led to serious consequences or death, you face criminal liability - forced labor or imprisonment for up to 15 years (Article 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

2. What to do if there are victims in an accident?

If there are victims in a traffic accident, you need to:

1. . In emergency situations (for example, when it is not possible to call an ambulance or the ambulance cannot arrive), you are obliged to send the victims to medical organization on passing transport. If for some reason this cannot be done, you are obliged to deliver the victims to the nearest medical facility using your own transport. There you need to show your passport or license and STS. Afterwards, return to the scene of the incident.

For leaving a victim without help, you face criminal liability - up to imprisonment for up to a year (Article 125 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

2. Call the State Traffic Inspectorate:

  • ambulance - 03 or 103 from a mobile number;
  • Traffic police - 02 or 102 from a mobile number;
  • single emergency number - 112.

3. Take detailed photos

">the scene of an accident or film it on video (reference to geolocation is not required).

4. If your vehicles are preventing other road users from passing, you need to take all possible measures to organize a detour to the scene of the accident, including removing the vehicle from the roadway (clause 2.6 of the Russian Traffic Regulations). Failure to comply with this requirement may result in a fine of 1,000 rubles (Article 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

5. Present your MTPL policy to other participants in the accident and check their MTPL policy. To check the validity of your MTPL policy, you can use the service on the website of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers.

6. Write down contact details of witnesses.

7. Call your insurance company and report the insured event. If the other drivers involved in the accident are able, they should call their insurance companies too.

8. Fill out the notification of an accident (issued by the insurer along with the MTPL policy. Always filled out, and not only when registering an accident without the participation of police officers).

9. Wait for the traffic police officers to arrive to clarify the circumstances and register the accident. After registering an accident, you should be given a ruling to initiate an administrative violation case.

3. What to do if there are no casualties in an accident?

If there are no injuries in the accident, you can:

  • register an accident by contacting the traffic police, - in this case, traffic police officers either go to the place or ask you to contact the nearest traffic police post or the nearest police station;
  • register an accident yourself and register it at the nearest traffic police post or police department- this method of registering an accident is possible if you and the other participants in the accident have no disagreements about the circumstances of the incident and for some reason you cannot register an accident according to the European protocol (there are no accident notification forms, there are no compulsory motor liability insurance policies, more than two cars collided, etc. similar);
  • register an accident according to the European protocol- this method can be used if you collided with only one vehicle, you and the second participant in the accident are “inscribed” in the MTPL policies issued for the vehicles involved in the accident;
  • do not report an accident and leave- if all participants in the accident do not need to prepare documents. For example, if no property was damaged in an accident, the participants in the accident do not have insurance, the damage is not compensated according to the insurance policy, and the like. If the damage is compensated on the spot, do not forget to leave each other receipts: about the absence of claims regarding the assessment of material damage in connection with the accident and about compensation for the damage caused.

4. How to file an accident under the European protocol?

You can file an accident in a simplified manner, including online (using the European protocol, without calling traffic police officers), if:

  • there are no victims in the accident;
  • only two vehicles are involved in the accident;
  • Only the cars involved in the accident were damaged;
  • both you and the second driver are included in valid OSAGO policies or An analogue of OSAGO, valid in 48 countries of the world.">"Green Card" issued for vehicles involved in accidents;
  • you and the second driver agree to file an accident without calling the traffic police.

5. How to file an accident yourself and record it at the nearest traffic police post or police department?

You can file an accident yourself, and then register it at the nearest traffic police post or police department, if you and the other participants in the accident have no disagreements about the circumstances of the incident. To do this you need:

1. Remove You need to take a photo or video camera:

  • general plan of the accident scene;
  • the relative position of the cars or motorcycles involved in the accident. The road and all nearby non-movable objects must be visible: trees, stops, poles, etc.;
  • accident details: brake marks, broken parts, road markings, etc.;
  • state registration plates of vehicles involved in an accident (if there are no signs, you need to photograph or video the VIN identification numbers);
  • both vehicles from all directions;
  • damaged vehicle parts.
">the scene of an accident on a photo or video camera.

2. Write down the last names, first names, patronymics and contact details of witnesses (if any).

3. Fill out the notification of an accident (usually issued by the insurer along with the MTPL policy. It is always filled out, and not only when registering an accident under the European protocol).

4. Contact your insurance company and report the claim. Ensure that other drivers, if they have liability insurance, also contact their insurance companies.

5. Drive together with the other participants in the incident to the nearest traffic police post or police station and record the accident. After registering an accident, you must be given a protocol on an administrative offense, a resolution on a case of an administrative offense, or a ruling on the refusal to initiate a case on an administrative offense.

6. How to fill out a notification about an accident?

Rules for filling out an accident report:

  • A notification of an accident is issued by the insurance company when taking out a compulsory motor liability insurance policy. It must be filled out not only when registering an accident according to a simplified scheme, but also in any other cases;
  • The notification of an accident consists of two sheets, each of which must be filled out on both sides. The front side is self-copying. Data (circumstances of the incident, information about the vehicle, insurance companies, accident diagram, etc.) must be entered into it together with the second participant in the accident. It is necessary to fill in all the columns and fields on the front side;
  • if several cars are involved in an accident, you need to fill out one notification of an accident with the driver of the vehicle in front of you, the second - with the driver behind you. At the same time, it is necessary to remember that the driver has the right to refuse to issue a notification of an accident together with you;
  • After filling out the sheets, you need to separate them and put down signatures confirming, among other things, that there are no disagreements between the drivers. The reverse side of the accident notice is filled out by each driver independently. The original and the self-copy have the same legal force;
  • Use a ballpoint pen to fill out the accident notice with enough pressure to ensure a good copy quality. Notes made with a gel pen or pencil may become smeared or erased;
  • If you do not have enough space for notes on the accident notice, you can additionally fill out the application using a blank sheet of paper. On the notification of an accident, make a note “With attachment”, on an additional sheet - mark “Attachment”, indicate what this attachment is for and who made it. Applications must be signed by both drivers. The application is prepared in two copies;
  • if the accident notice is torn, damaged or difficult to read, you need to fill out a new one;
  • Please note that if, after signing and disconnecting the notification of an accident, it is necessary to make adjustments or additions to the document, they must be certified by the signatures of both participants in the accident;
  • If for some reason you do not have accident reports, you can contact your insurance company for them. You can also download the notice on the page of the Department of Transport and Road Transport Infrastructure Development (but in this case, the second sheet will not be self-copying, it will have to be filled out separately);
  • In new notifications about road accidents there is a field in which you need to mark the presence or absence of disagreements regarding the circumstances of the accident. If you have an old notice, add this information in the notes box.

8. What damage can the insurance company cover?

If you are the culprit of an accident and you have a compulsory motor liability insurance policy, your insurer can compensate the victim for property damage in the amount of up to 400 thousand rubles, life and health - up to 500 thousand rubles. If the damage you cause exceeds these amounts, the victim can go to court and recover the missing amount.

If you are the culprit of an accident and you have a DOSAGO policy, the limit insurance compensation the victim may be higher, depending on the terms of the contract.

To compensate for damage to your own vehicle, you can sign up for a comprehensive insurance agreement. In this case, the insurance company compensates for damage in the amount specified in the contract.

When registering an accident under the European protocol, the maximum limit of insurance compensation is 100 thousand rubles. If the accident occurred in Moscow or the Moscow region, St. Petersburg or Leningrad region and you and the second participant in the accident have no disagreements about the circumstances of the incident and the presence of damage, you can count on payments (or repairs) of up to 400 thousand rubles.

An unpleasant, and sometimes even tragic, situation on the road can happen to absolutely every road user. It makes no difference whether you are a pedestrian, a passenger or a driver of a vehicle - in any case, you should know what to do in the event of an accident. First of all, you must remember the telephone numbers of the emergency services required to help the injured participants in the accident. Even if you were not involved in an accident, it is your civic duty to report the incident if necessary.

If you are involved in a minor accident, there were no injuries and minor damage was caused to your car, then you should still call a traffic police inspector. Of course, you can fill out a notification about an accident on your own, together with the other party involved in the accident and not call the police officer, but in this case, no one guarantees you that if you fill out the document incorrectly, you will receive insurance compensation.

Thus, we should conclude that in any case you need to call a traffic police inspector. The easiest way to do this is through a mobile phone, without relying on the proximity of a landline device. So, let's remember, or better yet, add the following important numbers to your mobile phone contacts.

How to call for help

Now there is a new single emergency number for all cellular operators - 102 to call the police and traffic police. Moreover, the previous telephone numbers are also in operation.

Rescue number 112 works to call the traffic police

There has long been a general emergency telephone number for calling any emergency service. According to regulations, system-112 is formed through the union of EDDS - unified duty dispatch services of municipalities, MSC - interdistrict situation centers, RSC - regional situation center and DDS - duty dispatch services of the following emergency services:

  • Fire protection;
  • Emergency Response Service;
  • Police;
  • Disaster Medicine Service;
  • Emergency medical care;
  • Emergency gas service;
  • Anti-Terror Service.

Moreover, this list is not final; if necessary, other emergency services can be included in it, depending on the needs of a particular subject of the Russian Federation by decision of legislators.

Accidents on the roads are an inevitable companion of our lives. Regardless of which of the participants in the accident is more guilty, in situations where calling a traffic police representative is inevitable, they must be aware of all the intricacies of their further behavior.

And it all starts with a call to the traffic police...

How to call the traffic police to the scene of an accident from a mobile phone?

Anywhere Russian Federation you can call at any "EMCHE" number 112, which will already switch to the nearest traffic police department.

You can also contact the police by the well-known number 102. The call is free.

  • 020 – for clients of Megafon, MTS and Tele2;
  • 002 – for Beeline users;
  • 902 – this number was allocated by Motiv and Skylink.

Major mobile operators also provide lines for which you don’t have to pay for calls. For example, you can call the police at the following numbers:

In addition, all settlements of the Russian Federation have their own traffic police units. Information about what numbers they can be reached at is available in local telephone directories.

Mandatory cases for calling traffic police officers in case of an accident

First, let's determine in which cases it is necessary to call a patrol car:

  1. If due to an accident passengers were injured and pedestrians.
  2. When an incident is triggered two or more vehicles, including a car with a trailer.
  3. If you suspect inadequacy behavior of one or more accomplices (excessive aggressiveness, being under the influence of drugs or).
  4. If a visual inspection shows that the amount of material damage exceeds a quarter of a million rubles, and for Moscow and St. Petersburg - 400 thousand.
  5. When causing damage to municipal property - buildings, fences, lamp posts, etc.

What information should be reported?

It is important to remain calm and precise in your communication as much as possible, as every detail can be critical. Here are the main points you should not forget:

  • how many cars became involved in an accident;
  • are there any victims? In this case, it is advisable to roughly assess the severity of the injuries they received;
  • if an accident occurs on the track, its name, exact kilometer, and also what settlement is nearby are reported;
  • when something happens within a populated area, it is advisable to indicate as a guide any notable objects - large shopping centers, famous administrative buildings, train stations, railway crossings, numbers of nearby buildings, etc. Any additional information, for example, about the presence of traffic jams, will also be useful and will allow the traffic police car (Ministry of Emergency Situations, or emergency medical care) choose the optimal route and get to the accident site faster.

Procedure for a driver involved in an accident

The first actions after an incident must be performed by drivers literally on “autopilot”, as prescribed by the Road Traffic Rules:

  • a collision occurs - immediately turn on the hazard warning lights;
  • the next action is to put up an “emergency stop” sign, and within the city limits it is located 15 m behind the vehicle, and on highways – at twice that distance;
  • there are victims - call an ambulance, and, if necessary, a team from the Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  • the next step is to call the traffic police;
  • notify the company with which the auto insurance contract has been concluded.

Rules for drawing up a protocol by traffic police officers

Upon arrival at the scene, after a visual inspection and interview of participants in the accident and witnesses, traffic police officers first determine the culprit of the accident and draw up a report in the form approved by law. The final decision, as a rule, remains with judicial authorities. The protocol states:

  • names, patronymics, surnames of drivers involved in the incident;
  • registration data for each vehicle;
  • liability policy numbers;
  • information about the damage the damaged vehicle received.

In addition, the traffic police officer will accept one of two possible solutions– will decide to initiate a case for an administrative offense or issue an official refusal. With one of these documents, the injured motorist will go to his insurance company.

In what cases is the Europrotocol drawn up without the participation of the traffic police?

The rule applies only in cases where:

  • collided no more than two cars, and drivers refrain from mutual claims;
  • none of the participants are serious was not injured;
  • both sides have a valid ;
  • there are no barriers related to the above-mentioned maximum amount of damages.

In case of minor damage and the absence of impeding circumstances, this civilized method of solving the problem is considered the most optimal.

Be attentive and careful on the roads and may you never need the information received today!

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):