Almost all of us like the sun, sea, tan and beach. Many people know that the sun's rays are not always beneficial and sun protection in the form of creams, oils and sprays is needed.
But not everyone knows and knows how to use sun cream correctly so as not to harm their health. Sun protection, a properly selected sunscreen or Sunscreen, as it is also called, is especially necessary for children. From today's article.

Vitamin D and its effect on the body

Everyone knows the benefits of vitamin D, which the body receives during exposure to the sun. Vitamin D improves mood, helps combat the development of rickets in children, reduces the risk of heart disease
diseases, has a positive effect on mental health and even relieves girls from thrush. But all this is in small doses that do not exceed the norm.

We are used to enjoying the sun and it is especially difficult not to break down and lie all day on the beach under the scorching rays after escaping from a long, endless and annoying winter.
Still, after reading this article, I hope you will think about and analyze the potential benefits and perceived harms when choosing the best sun cream.

According to WHO, only a small percentage of Russians are diagnosed with melanoma and therefore, the level of this type of cancer in our country is very high, because it is detected
usually quite late.

On the one hand, the rules for staying in the sun are simple and understandable to everyone: do not be in direct sunlight from 10 am to 4 pm, wear a hat and shirts with sleeves on children (or a rash guard), keep children under one year old in the shade under an umbrella and don't forget about drinking regime, monitor the UV index.
On the other hand, who follows these rules?

Let's first understand the terminology and what the labels on sunscreen packaging mean, so that, firstly, you can choose the best sunscreen, and secondly, you won't overpay for the tricks of sunscreen manufacturers.

Sun protection – how to choose sunscreen?

Sun protection is divided into types. There is chemical and physical protection from the sun.

Chemical sun protection filters contain oxybenzone, avobenzone and other “ons”.

Physical filter protection is usually provided by talc, titanium dioxide and zinc oxide. That is, it’s not for nothing that Thais generously sprinkle themselves and their children with dioxide-based talc
titanium and zinc oxide.

Disadvantages of Using Physical Filters – are poorly absorbed, cover the skin with a thick film and are quickly washed off. It is enough to take a swim in the sea or pool once,
and again you need to sprinkle yourself from head to toe with talcum powder and powder.

Pros of a chemical sun protection filter the fact that it is a pleasant viscous mass (cream or lotion, spray, oil), which is perfectly absorbed, smells great and is not felt on the skin.

Minus– sometimes, under the influence of sunlight, oxybenzone and avobenzone mutate into free radicals and can cause tumors on the body.

There is an option when a sunscreen cosmetics manufacturer combines these two types, chemical and physical, for better sun protection and absorption.

Sun protection – What does the inscription “SPF” mean?

SPF is an abbreviation that stands for Sun Protection Factor, which means sun protection factor.

Magazines, newspapers, television remind us that in the summer or while on vacation in hot countries we need to protect our skin from the sun and UV rays.

SPF (UVB sun protection factor) is what you should first pay attention to when choosing a good sunscreen to prevent sunburn.


Many people mistakenly believe that the SPF scale is 2, 5, 15, 30, 50, etc.; is the amount of time you can spend in the sun without harm.
The SPF index means that you can withstand 15, 30, 50 times more sun protection than without it.

A well-known method for determining the SPF factor you need is as follows: you need to multiply the number of minutes in which you will burn in the sun without a product by the estimated SPF protection factor and get the number of minutes that you can safely spend in the sun.

However, WHO does not agree with this interpretation and recommends that absolutely any cream, spray, oil, or sun stick should be renewed at least every two hours

Sun protection – Consumer deception or the difference in – SPF 30 and SPF 100

This information is known only to those who have dug deep into the topic of sun protection and sunscreens.

It is unlikely that you are aware that the difference in a sunscreen with a factor of 30 and in a cream labeled 70-100 is only a few percent.

Moreover, in most countries it is strictly forbidden to indicate an SPF greater than 50 on a jar or tube, as this is a clear deception of the consumer.

The difference in SPF 50 and SPF 100 is negligible, and inspired by the numbers and the price per bottle, people mistakenly try to spend unlimited time under the scorching rays.

Speaking of price. Surely you have noticed that sunscreens with a factor of 50 and above cost some astronomical money.
Don't feed the industry, buy sunscreen with SPF 30 - this is the most best option, since 50 differs from it in the level of protection from 1 to 2%

SPF 30 – protects skin from ultraviolet radiation by 96%
SPF 50 – protects skin from burns by 98%
And the price difference between them is several hundred rubles.

The thickness of the sun cream is also important. No matter how much you want to look beautiful and graceful on the beach, dermatologists do not advise rubbing sunscreen until absorbed; it is better to leave a thick layer on the surface of the skin to create a denser “screen” of sunscreen.

Choosing sunscreen for yourself and your child

I have already eaten more than one dog buying sunscreen creams, sprays, sticks, gels, and oils.
Living in a hot country, I can responsibly say that expensive sunscreens are often better than cheap ones.

To my great regret, the best sunscreen I have come across costs more than all the others. It is produced by Banana Boat.

Pay attention to the number of plus signs on the PA marking - ‘this is the maximum

This Australian company produces sunscreens of all types and types. For babies, children, adults, for face and body and its main advantage is that you can spend active time in the sun
without fear of getting burned.

When talking about activity, I mean playing sports, running, sweating and not smearing yourself every 5 seconds.
It is Banana Boat that I buy for Masha for tennis, only a spray with SPF 50 and UVA and UVB ++++ protection copes with the hot and radioactive Thai sun.

This spray costs 720 baht in pharmacies and 7/11, that is, about 1200 rubles. Expensive, yes. Enough if you use it every day of the week for 3-4.

The Banana Boat line also has a good cooling spray for burns, but I usually don’t buy it, since aloe gel copes with sunburn just as well and quickly reduces skin peeling to a minimum
healing and saturating the skin with moisture.

Buying a good sunscreen spray is important, since the appearance of freckles, new moles, their growth and quantity is not something cute and useful, but a reason to think about whether you are doing everything as needed.

I already wrote about sunscreens on the site and recommended creams and sprays from Boots. I take my words back. They are not bad, but not worth the money.

Besides Banana Boat, in my opinion, one of the best sun creams is produced by Nivea. Not even a cream, but a spray, the same as Banana Boat.

Nivea is slightly cheaper in price, SPF 50.

Sometimes, very rarely, both Nivea and Banana Boat have sales and you can buy two bottles for the price of one at the Thai pharmacy Boots or Watsons.

I think you know that it is better not to apply sunscreen to babies under 6-8 months, so as not to tempt fate.
But when the expected harm is greater than the expected benefit, you should, of course, use sun cream or at least sun powder.

Creams and sprays that are opaque and non-white are usually produced for children. Often blue or green, so that you can see all the places where you still need to apply the cream.

You need to apply sun cream to your child 30 minutes before going out into the sun. This rule applies to everyone.

Personally, my favorite sunscreens come in spray form. It’s easy to apply, convenient to smear, your hands don’t get dirty like cream and especially oil.
The probability that the jar will leak and stain the bag is 0.

I’ll say a few more words about cheap sunscreens. Usually it's a pig in a poke.
It is unknown who produced and under what control, all products within the cost range of 100-300 baht showed themselves to be 3 out of 5.
Even SPF 50, purchased for less than 500 rubles, did not cope with the task at all. This is my experience. I do not rule out that yours is different.

When coming to Thailand, it is quite enough to use a sun cream or spray with SPF 15 for people with dark skin and dark hair and with SPF 50 for fair-skinned blondes.

Once again I urge you not to overpay and not buy nonsense like SPF 70 and 100

What else can you protect from the sun besides your body?

If you have moles, age spots, warts, warts or other skin formations on your body, be sure to apply cream with SPF 50, no less, before going out into the sun.

Sun protection for face and lips

If we are talking about sun protection in the city, it is not necessary to apply a thick, greasy mass on your face in the form of a cream with SPF 50.
You just need to give yourself a task and always buy all cosmetics with sun protection in the form of UVA and UVB rays.
Now the lion's share of all cosmetics contains Sanskrin.

Lips should be smeared with lipstick with SPF of at least 15. So that the lips do not crack, do not age prematurely, but look moisturized, rich and do not lose their color and density.
If you don't use lipstick, no problem. Buy hygienic gloss or lip stick.

What are the types of solar radiation and how do they work?

There are three types solar radiation: infrared - this type creates a heat effect and warms us in the summer; the visible spectrum is the very rays of the sun,
which our vision perceives. And ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet radiation is abbreviated as UV.

When choosing the best sunscreen, sunscreen, spray or oil, the first thing you should know is which types of UV are dangerous and which are not.

The name UV waves is related to the wavelength.
UVС wave range is from 100 to 300 nm and is the most destructive. Luckily for us, the range
UVC does not reach the surface of the earth, because it would simply burn all living things.

UVB is waves in the range of 290 - 340 nm and UVB radiation accounts for up to 20% of all radiation that hits the earth's surface.
It is UVB waves that help us get a beautiful bronze tan, for which people go to warm countries.
The B wave spectrum actively affects DNA cells and causes various disturbances in its structure, which is generally not very dangerous if you do not spend hours and days under the scorching sun.

The most dangerous waves are the UVA spectrum of ultraviolet waves. The UVA spectrum, with a wavelength of up to 400 nm, represents more than 85% of all solar radiation that hits our skin.
Due to the fact that UVA waves are longer than UVB waves, they do not affect redness and tanning, but penetrate into the deep skin cells and the substances they produce remain and harm the skin much more.

1. UVA rays are always active when the sun is shining. Both in winter and in summer.

2. UVA rays are everywhere, regardless of whether you are in the tropics, in the mountains or in a metropolis

3. UVA rays are harmful even when you are in the office if the sun is shining through the window

4. UVA rays pass through the car windows

5. UVA rays come not only from the sun, but also from fluorescent lamps and lamps in tanning salons

What risk do we face by not protecting ourselves from UVA rays?

1. Risk of sunstroke and intoxication
2. UV A rays penetrate the skin to a depth twice as deep as group B rays
3.UV A rays can cause corneal burns, retinal damage and cataracts
4. It is UVA rays that provoke and increase the risk of developing skin cancer
5. Skin aging, thinning, dryness and fragility of the skin are associated with the penetration of UVA rays under the skin

Knowing all these parameters, the task before buying a sun protection product for yourself, children and the whole family is to choose a product that not only has a high SPF level, but also protects against rays of both groups UVA and UVB.

In Thailand, Japan, China and other Asian countries, the best UVA protection is still labeled “P”

For example, P+ P++ P++++ etc. The more pluses on the sun cream, the better. Maximum protection - 4 pluses on the package.

How to Choose Sunscreen Based on Your Skin Type

Surely you are aware that the skin of all people in the world is divided into types. If you have fair skin, light eyes and burn easily, then you are at the highest risk.
The same rule applies to infants and children younger age whose skin is still very thin, delicate and does not have the same natural level of protection as in adults.

Just because your skin type is dark (dark eyes, naturally brown or black hair) doesn't mean you don't need to use sunscreen. Even representatives need sun cream
the Negroid race, since all people in the world not only sunbathe, but also burn. It's only a matter of time and the number of minutes spent under the scorching sun.

It is also worth noting that the closer to the Equator you are, the stronger the radiation from the sun's rays, and the greater the protection factor your sunscreen should have.

As for Thailand, even those with dark skin should use sunscreen here, for the simple reason that burns, skin aging, destruction of elastin and collagen are not the worst things.
Sunstroke, loss of consciousness, skin cancer - these are things you should be afraid of and try to avoid.

It is worth choosing a wide range of sunscreen and cosmetics with an SPF filter. Which blocks not only UVB rays, but also UVA rays.

What is Tan and where does it come from?

Surely you have thought about the mechanism for acquiring a tan. Why do some people tan better, acquire an even, beautiful, bronze tan, while others can only dream of this and are never able to tan? It's all about skin types and chemical reactions body.

Skin is a protective layer of our body, which, when exposed to ultraviolet radiation, begins to create a barrier. The epidermis contains cells called melanocytes, which are responsible for the production of melanin in the body.
A beautiful tan is just a protective reaction of the skin in response to its degeneration by UVA and UVB rays.
When exposed to the scorching sun, our skin becomes rougher, drier, darker and even English word“Tan” refers to the tanning processes and working with animal skins to produce leather goods.

Dark skin copes better with the intrusion of the sun's rays into the skin, while light skin does it worse. Therefore, the lighter the skin, the more difficult it is for a person to tan and the more protection from the sun he needs.

Can tanning cause skin cancer?

This is not to say that only UVA rays are dangerous. To provoke the growth of atypical cells, UVB rays also make their “mite”.

Basal cell carcinoma is a type of benign and malignant tumors, one of the most common skin diseases, certainly associated with sun exposure.
There are studies that show that children who were severely burned at least once in infancy double their risk of developing skin cancer in the future.
Both basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma primarily affect visible areas of the body: the scalp, neck, face, and arms.

Scientists agree that uncontrolled exposure to the sun during dangerous hours using sunscreens, even with a high protection factor, can be no less dangerous than exposure without them.
The thing is that not a single sunscreen, neither chemical nor physical, is recognized as completely useful and natural and cannot be recommended for use in large doses.

Does tanning and sun age your skin?

In short, yes, it makes you old. Exposure to the sun does not go without consequences, and you have probably noticed how dry, dehydrated, stretched and damaged the skin of those who are covered with a brown-black tan is. This is especially true for older people, whose skin regeneration is no longer the same as that of young people; skin damage and microcracks are more difficult to heal.

People all over the world (excluding Asia) associate tanning with health, wealth, and a successful lifestyle. It doesn’t matter where you got your tan from - from a solarium or at sea, ultraviolet radiation penetrates into the deep layers of the skin and destroys elastin, collagen, dehydrates and even leads to the appearance of age spots ahead of time.

While you are young and don’t think about it, spending hours on the beach under the sun, burning to the point of boiled cancer, everything seems not scary and not so important.
The effect of the sun on the skin goes unnoticed, but over the years the consequences will be not only on the face, but also on the body.

How to sunbathe safely - basic rules

If you are going on vacation with children and are going to sunbathe and spend a lot of time in the sun, try to follow at least some rules.

Infants and young children, especially those with fair skin, should not be exposed to direct sunlight from 10 a.m. to 3-4 p.m. Jaya on a cloudy day ultraviolet
penetrates our skin by 85-90%.

Apply sunscreen BEFORE leaving the house, at least 20-30 minutes in advance.

Sunscreen, spray, oil, stick should be used every 1.5-2 hours, even if they are waterproof. If they are ordinary, then even more often.

Typically, sunscreen does not last longer than one summer season as the heat breaks it down beneficial properties, the cream simply “rotates”.

In the sun, the child and you should always wear a shirt with a sleeve if the stay is longer than 10-15 minutes between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

A hat, a brimmed Panama hat, and a rashguard are the first things your baby will need on the beach.

The closer to the equator the country you are going to on vacation, the stronger and more radioactive the solar radiation.

If you do get burned, apply aloe vera gel or Bepanthen as soon as possible. Update them every 1.5-2 hours until improvement occurs.

Reduce the SPF factor of your sunscreen gradually. Starting from 30 and up to 5-10.

Spring and summer are the times when everyone thinks about sunscreen and wonders how to buy the best one. Sounds logical, but is this the right approach to UV protection? Izvestia will tell you how to choose a sun cream, apply it correctly and not accidentally purchase one that does more harm than good.

Can sunscreens be dangerous?

In May 2019, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), a government agency subordinate to the US Department of Health, presented research on sunscreens. More precisely, the American Food and Drug Administration studied the properties of the most common SPF filters contained in sunscreens. FDA experts have found that some popular ultraviolet filters designed to protect the skin from the sun can enter the bloodstream by breaking the epidermal barrier.

Sunscreens penetrate the body - this sounds very scary. Isn’t it better in this case to do without sunscreen? This is a bad idea considering the damage UV radiation can do to the skin and body in general. In particular, The relationship between solar radiation and the occurrence of skin cancer is a proven and well-studied fact. In addition, ultraviolet radiation is a long-known culprit of premature skin aging: UV radiation causes degenerative changes in skin cells, fibrous tissue and blood vessels, which leads to the appearance of wrinkles.

The best strategy is to avoid using sunscreens that contain the following non-FDA-recommended UV filters:





As experts found out, The level of penetration of the listed ingredients into the bloodstream significantly exceeds that recommended by the FDA. Researchers will need more time to understand exactly how this fact affects human health. In the meantime, sun creams containing these substances (especially oxybenzone) are best avoided.

Oxybenzone, the study authors note, is a potential threat to the proper functioning of the endocrine system. The substance can presumably affect processes in the body such as growth, development and reproduction. Specifically, the study found that oxybenzone is a weak estrogen and may reduce levels of the male hormone testosterone in teenage boys.

Specific data is not provided regarding the other three SPF filters on the list of suspicious ones, but it is indicated that they need to be studied in detail.

And yet: harm or benefit?

The American Academy of Dermatology published a response to the FDA study stating that Sun creams should still be applied. Moreover, doctors advise buying products with SPF30 and higher, and also combining their use with other methods of ultraviolet protection(for example, staying in the shade or indoors during the highest solar activity, wearing hats).

“Don’t give up sunscreen entirely. But lean towards using mineral-based products,” advises the director of the non-profit public organization Environmental Working Group Nneka Leiba.

Physical and chemical sun filters

Sun protection (SPF) filters in sun creams (sanblocks) are divided into chemical and physical (mineral). The former work as absorbers of UV rays, the latter as reflectors.

Substances from the above-mentioned “suspicious four” are classified as chemical sunscreen filters. This does not mean that all chemical sanitary products are bad. Each year, the Environmental Working Group compiles a list of hundreds of safe sunscreens, including both mineral and chemical sunscreens.

But still, the chance that one of the substances not approved by experts will end up in the cream on the store shelf is quite high. The Russian assortment can only be assessed empirically, but the Americans, in their market, oxybenzone is found in two-thirds of sanitary blocks based on chemical filters.

IN recent years Many dermatologists advise giving preference to mineral filters as they are more effective. How to understand that this is a cream with a mineral filter? The composition must contain zinc dioxide (zinc oxide) and/or titanium dioxide (titanium dioxide).

Are there any disadvantages to sun creams with physical filters? Yes. Some of them have a thicker and more difficult to spread texture than chemical products. Additionally, zinc dioxide and titanium dioxide can cause pale skin due to their natural white tint. This drawback is especially significant for dark-skinned people or men with stubble on their faces - whitish marks will be most noticeable on them. Fortunately, many manufacturers are successfully working on the texture of Sanskrin and you can find options that are completely invisible on the face.

Sunscreen with physical filters: life hacks when purchasing

How to choose sunscreen? Look for a suitable composition with safe UV filters, marked SPF 30 (and higher). It's helpful to check online reviews and ratings before purchasing - if a product has a poor texture or other flaws, other buyers will report it.

Lifehack No. 1 Unfortunately, in any pharmacy or store the balance in the assortment of sun creams is not yet in favor of products with mineral filters. Carefully read the ingredients on the back and not the information on the front label.

Lifehack No. 2Try a face moisturizer with mineral filters to solve the problem of whitish streaks. Sunscreens for the face are divided into “classics” (only protection from rays and nothing more) and caring cosmetics (moisturizing, nourishing). As is correct, the texture of the latter is noticeably lighter, and the products are better distributed over the skin of the face. The difference is clearly visible in the photo from the Instagram account of the famous Californian dermatologist Sandra Lee:

Posted by Sandra Lee, MD, FAAD, FAACS (@drpimplepopper) May 14, 2019 at 7:23 am PDT

In the photo: the top swatch is a typical sunblock with mineral filters, the bottom is a moisturizing face cream with mineral filters.

Lifehack No. 3(for women). The effect of sunscreen for the face can be supplemented with cosmetics with SPF. Most likely, many people know about the existence of foundations, makeup bases, and powders with UV filters. New this season - . Last year, manufacturers introduced makeup setting sprays with SPF and highlighters. All these products cannot replace sunscreen, but complement it well, creating an additional protective layer.

Sunblock or sunscreen - what's the difference?

"Sunblock" and "sunblock" are common names for sunscreen. As a rule, sunscreen means a product that blocks UV rays to the maximum, with a high SPF. And when we talk about tanning cream, we mean a sunscreen with a low SPF (up to 15), which allows you to get a tan. But it is important to understand that the very appearance of a tan already indicates that the skin has not received protection from the sun.

Interesting facts about sunscreen

Some beach resorts prohibit the use of sunscreen. Products containing chemical sunscreens may cause environment harm when entering water bodies.

For example, oxybenzone is one of the recognized culprits in damaging coral reefs. Thus, since 2018, Hawaii has banned the sale of cosmetics that contain oxybenzone and octinoxate, and other states are also considering similar bans.

The fact is that chemical sunscreens are not biodegradable. Once they get into the water from the skin of vacationers, they remain in the environment, just like, for example, plastic straws for cocktails. Knowing this, a number of resorts ask to give preference to mineral sanitary blocks that are biodegradable. Such restrictions can be encountered, for example, in the following places: Key West (Florida), the island of Bonaire (Caribbean), the island state of Palau, nature reserves and coral reefs of the Mexican resorts of Playa del Carmen, Riviera Maya, Cozumel.

Sunscreens should be applied both in winter and indoors. Although most people only think about using SPF before summer, for those who want to protect their skin from premature aging, the seasonality rule is outdated. Dermatologists and cosmetologists are unanimous in their opinion that cosmetics with SPF are the best way to date to delay the appearance of wrinkles and other signs of age.

“Daylight and sunlight (even the rays that come through windows) cause significant damage to the DNA of skin cells, although you cannot see it,” says Hollywood dermatologist Renee Rouleau. Want the best anti-wrinkle cream in the world? This is a sanitary block. The specialist also advises applying antioxidant serums (for example, with vitamin C) under sunscreen to enhance the anti-aging effect of long-term use sanitary block.

Most people apply sunscreen incorrectly. When distributing a product with SPF over the skin of the face, we usually miss from 11 to 21% of the surface. The area around the eyes is especially often neglected - the thinnest and most sensitive. Let's be more careful!

We are all looking forward to it sunny days. Indeed, the sun has a beneficial effect on a person’s well-being and mood.

After exposure to ultraviolet rays in the body vitamin D is formed. We need it for healthy bones, it regulates calcium and phosphates in the blood. So the sun is in small quantities- Fine.

But, we hope our readers no longer need to be convinced of the importance of using sunscreen - the danger of sun rays, as well as their benefits, has been obvious for a long time.

But is it enough to grab the first protective sunscreen you come across off the shelf? What's the difference between them and which ones are best to use? Let's try to understand these issues.

What is included in sunscreencream

There are two main types of sunscreen: chemical and physical.

Chemical sunscreens absorb ultraviolet rays while physical sunscreens reflect them.

UVB rays cause tanning, And UVA rays are more harmful and gradual effects on the skin, they provoke premature aging and give wrinkles.

Chemical sunscreens contain UVB or UVA absorbents and create a thin film on the skin that reduces the penetration of ultraviolet rays into the skin. These components include the chemicals avobenzone and benzophenone, which absorb UV rays.

Chemical sunscreens often contain chemicals, absorb only UVB, but there are also those that cope with both.

Physical sunscreens The products reflect ultraviolet radiation back into the atmosphere using ingredients such as titanium dioxide and zinc oxide.

They physically block ultraviolet radiation, providing broader protection against both UVA and UVB rays.

There are also sunscreens that contain a combination of chemical and physical sunscreens to ensure complete skin protection.

Chemical sunscreens contain substances that provoke the growth of cancer cells no less than excessive ultraviolet radiation. In addition, they are associated with hormonal imbalances, disorders of sexual development and reproductive function, as well as the birth of children with birth defects.

  • Octinoxate (octyl methoxycinnamate)- an estrogenic chemical that has been linked to hormonal imbalances and increased cancer risks.
  • Oxybenzone (benzophenone derivative)- a chemical that can cause hormonal imbalance. In Europe, products containing 0.5% or more of this chemical must carry a warning label "Contains oxybenzone" .
  • Avobenzone- free radical - a generator that absorbs the energy of UV radiation and, since it cannot destroy it, converts the light energy into chemical energy, which usually remains in the body as free radicals.

All three of the above substances are easily absorbed into the skin, penetrating into its deep layers and entering the blood.

Physical blockers are more effective in protecting against both UVA and UVB rays and are less harmful.

Zinc oxide is an inorganic compound and an essential mineral for the body.

It plays an important role in cell production, promotes healthy skin and hair, strengthens immune system, and also provides broad spectrum protection, which in turn helps reduce UV-induced free radical production in the deeper layers of the skin.

And, remains on the surface of the skin, blocking both UVA and UVB rays.

Titanium dioxide derived from titanium, a highly reflective chalky mineral. It is non-irritating, non-allergenic, and non-comogenic (cannot cause or aggravate acne).

It is logical that it is better to choose a cream with physical filters - it is safer.

Sun protection cream spf 100, spf 15, spf 30, spf 50- what do these numbers mean?

They do not mean the degree of ultraviolet absorption, but an index that determines how long you can be calm if you have smeared yourself with such a cream. For example, SPF 15 absorbs 93.3 percent of UVB rays, but SPF 30 absorbs 96.7 percent. The index doubled, but the absorption rate increased only by 3.4 percent.

So, based on your skin type, you need to multiply the time that you can stay in the sun without cream before redness appears, multiplied by the SPF number.

For example, if it is 10 minutes and multiplied by SPF 15, it equals 150 minutes, that is 2.5 hours. After 2.5 hours you need to apply this cream again.

If you do not want to expose your skin chemicals, you can use oils that have filters as sunscreen.

Coconut, almond, avocado, wheat germ, shea butter, peach kernels and sesame oils do an excellent job of this task.

Base oils that protect the skin: raspberry seed oil (SPF 30-50), baobab, Brazilian and walnut, sea buckthorn, wheat germ (SPF 20), coconut, cottonseed (apply in the evening), macadamia (SPF 6), jojoba (SPF 4).

Enhances tan while preventing damage and burns: citrus, wild carrot seeds (SPF 40), turmeric.

Sunscreen oil mixtures:

  • In equal parts avocado oil, sesame oil, wheat sprouts, add lavender essential oil (5-6 drops).
  • Mix jojoba, macadamia, cedar, cocoa oils (20 ml each).

Myths about sunscreens

Myth 1: Natural sunscreen is not as effective as chemical sunscreen.

Chemical sunscreen with SPF 30 absorbs about 97% UVB rays from penetration.

But the problem is that research shows that some sunscreen ingredients like oxybenzone can start releasing more free radicals, which damage your skin more than if you didn't apply sunscreen at all!

Natural sunscreens are much more effective in the long term because they are much more stable.

Myth 2: Sunscreen is only needed when on holiday in hot countries or during the summer months

UVA rays, which lead to premature aging of the skin, are present all year round, from dawn to dusk - they penetrate the dermis, where they suppress the production of collagen and elastin and damage DNA.

The trick is to find a natural moisturizer cream with SPF about 15-20 and use it daily.

Myth 3: A “basic” tan will help prevent sunburn or damage.

Some girls specially visit the solarium before summer, so as not to burn on the beach later. But just because your brown skin hasn't turned red, as it would have if you hadn't spent a couple of hours in a tanning bed, doesn't mean your skin isn't being exposed to harmful UV rays.

With the onset of the long-awaited summer, people strive to expose their pale bodies after winter sun rays and get dark skin. They occupy city beaches, sunbathe on lawns and their own balconies, or go on vacation to southern countries, where the sun is even hotter. Before you get your dose of ultraviolet radiation, take care of your health and buy sun cream. And we will tell you about what you should pay attention to when purchasing it.

Do you need cream if you don't get sunburned?

Most often, the cream is used by people who burn quickly. The lucky ones who immediately acquire a beautiful shade usually brush off protective equipment. And in vain, since a burn is the lesser of the evils that awaits a sunbathing lover. Ultraviolet radiation causes premature aging of the skin (photoaging). It reduces the production of collagen protein, as a result of which the skin loses its elasticity and fine wrinkles appear on it. Sunlight also provokes thickening and coarsening of the epidermis, vascular changes and pigmentation disorders. However, what is much more dangerous is that ultraviolet rays contribute to the development various types skin cancer

Is it possible to choose one cream for the entire vacation?

When choosing a sunscreen, buyers first pay attention to the ultraviolet protection factor (SPF). You can find creams with both protection 4–6 and SPF 100. The lighter your skin and the more easily you burn, the higher the protection factor you should choose. If, in spite of everything, you intend to lounge on the beach throughout your vacation, take two: one with a high protection factor, which you will use at the beginning of summer, and the second with a lower SPF. You can use it when the skin begins to produce melanin and the bright sun is not so dangerous for it.

Protection factor: is it necessary to chase the maximum numbers?

Today there is a tendency to label high factor sunscreens not as 60, 70 or 100, but as 50+. Manufacturers were prompted to take this measure by scientists who, in the course of research, found that the effect of a cream with SPF 80 is practically indistinguishable from a cream with SPF 50. However, Darrell Riegel, MD and professor of clinical dermatology at New York University (New York), recommends all Choose a cream whose SPF factor is even higher than what you need. According to him, creams with a high protection factor show almost the same results in laboratory conditions, where subjects obediently apply two milligrams of the product to each cubic centimeter of skin. In ordinary life, people use much less.

Different ultraviolet - different protection

In addition to the protection factor, when choosing a cream, it is worth considering the protection spectrum. Sunlight is divided into long-wavelength UVA (UVA) and short-wavelength UVB (UVB). UV rays are responsible for skin aging and most types of cancer, but UVA provides an even tan, so for a long time protection against them was not provided. Subsequently, it turned out that it is UVA that contributes to the development of melanoma. Today you can find two types of products: those that protect against both types of rays for those who prefer safety, as well as creams that prevent the penetration of only UVB, for those who are willing to risk their health in pursuit of dark skin.

Sun filter: chemical and physical?

Modern sun protection products use two types of sun filters: physical and chemical. The chemical filter converts dangerous ultraviolet radiation energy into safe thermal energy. He does his job well, but often causes allergic reactions. The following ingredients will indicate that your cream uses a chemical filter: octyl methoxycinnamate, methyl anthranilate, 4-isopropyldibenzoylmethane, butylmethoxydibenzoylmethane, benzophenone-3, benzophenone-4.

Creams that use a physical filter form a thin film on the skin that does not transmit ultraviolet radiation and, like a mirror surface, reflects the rays.

The physical filter does not cause allergies, but can leave white marks on the skin and clothes. The following components will indicate that the product uses this filter: zinc oxide, salicylates, titanium dioxide.

How to recognize long-lasting cream

Any cream needs to be renewed periodically, but some products allow you to do this less often. The cream may be labeled waterproof, which means that this product is not washed off after being in water. Sandproof indicates that you can lie on the sand without fear of rubbing the cream off your skin, and the sweat resistant mark indicates that the product is resistant to sweat. This does not mean that it is enough to use such creams once a day - over time, any product loses its beneficial properties. Manufacturers usually indicate how often their products need to be updated.

Nadezhda Markevich


The long-awaited summer has finally arrived and we are all already looking forward to clear days, hot weather and warm beaches. At this time of year, the topic of choosing sun protection becomes especially relevant. And also the composition of sunscreens, which would provide good protection from UV rays and would not harm the skin or the body. The range of such products in stores is extremely wide. There are also many pitfalls that await us when choosing sunscreens. Let's look at which protective equipment you need to buy and which should remain on store shelves.

Almost everyone loves a bronze tan on their body and strives to get it at any cost. Solariums, various self-tanning creams, long stays on the beach in direct sunlight. Of course, a tanned body looks beautiful, but is tanning really useful? The sun's rays can leave burns on the body. Everyone has been sunburned at least once in their life and knows how painful it is. And when the burnt skin begins to peel off, it is extremely unsightly. The sun causes skin to age. And also the appearance of pigment spots and various neoplasms. Sunscreens are designed to save us from all these evils, but they can also cause harm. Which? The trouble is that most manufacturers include in sunscreens harmful substances, such as preservatives, silicones, PEG, EDTA. As well as harmful chemical filters.

Composition of sunscreens

It’s worth talking about UV filters separately, since they are the ones that are designed to protect our skin from the damage of the sun’s rays.

Read also:

Such filters are divided into two types: chemical and physical. The purpose is the same, but the effect on the skin is different. The German Union for the Protection of the Environment and Nature has proven that chemical filters can act like hormones and harm human hormonal levels. Such filters absorb ultraviolet radiation. They provide good sun protection, but have many disadvantages, such as:

  • manifestation of allergic reactions;
  • accumulation in the body - chemical filters are harmful to pregnant women, as they can harm the development of the fetus, and to nursing women, as they accumulate in milk;
  • harm to the ecosystem of water bodies (accumulate in the body of fish and plants);
  • They take an extremely long time to decompose and are therefore toxic to the environment;
  • do not stay on the skin for long and are destroyed under the influence of the sun (no matter how paradoxical it may sound);
  • harm the body's hormonal balance;
  • They do not begin to act immediately, but half an hour after application. During this half hour you are not completely protected from the sun.

Chemical filters are added to sunscreens because they are inexpensive. And do not change the pleasant color and appearance cream.

Look for such filters under the following names:

Avobenzone Benzophenone Octocrylene Oxybenzone
Mexoryl Tinosorb Sulisobenzone Dioxybenzone
Octinoxate Padimate O Octisalate Homosalate
Troamine salicylate Ethylhexyl Ensulizole Uvinul

Keep in mind, you don't need sunscreen with these substances.

In fact, when choosing a sun protection product, you must be guided primarily by its composition. Continuing the conversation about the hazards in sunscreens, we will look at the most dangerous chemical filters that should not be in natural organic cosmetics.


Benzophenone, also encrypted in the names BP3, Uvinul M40, Eusolex 4360, Escalol 567. Does not provide complete protection, is akin to preservatives, is toxic and poses a danger to all inhabitants of water bodies. American research into factors influencing cancer development has revealed that this substance slows down the development of mammary glands in teenage girls. In addition, its negative effect on the human endocrine system has been proven.


Oxybenzone – causes allergies, dries the skin and increases its sensitivity. And, as mentioned above, it negatively affects a person’s hormonal levels. And the worst thing is that oxybenzone is considered a potential mutagen. In this regard, it is strongly not recommended for use by pregnant women.


Octocrylene is an extremely weak filter, which is almost never included in protective cosmetics. Not only does it not provide sufficient reliable protection against UV radiation, but it also increases skin sensitivity to it! May cause skin inflammation.


Ethylhexyl, similar names PABA, dimethyl para-aminobenzoic acid. Irritates the skin, may cause allergies, has carcinogenic properties. By the way, it is prohibited in sunscreens in Europe and the USA.

Watch the video Why sunscreens are dangerous for humans and the ecosystem (2 minutes)

As an alternative, choose sunscreens with physical filters. Such products are considered environmentally friendly and not harmful to health. They do not absorb, but, on the contrary, reflect the radiation of the sun, like a mirror. Most often, these filters are added in the form of a very fine powder consisting of natural minerals. Everything that is natural is good. And therefore these substances should be part of the sun cream. Such filters do not penetrate the skin, remaining on its surface. Unlike chemical ones, they act from the moment of application and protect the skin for quite a long time.

Sunscreen - how to choose the right one

Usually, when choosing a sunscreen, we are guided only by the degree of protection, it is denoted by the abbreviation SPF (translated from English as sun protection factor). And it usually varies from 15 to 50 units, where 15 is the lowest degree of protection, and 50 is the highest. These numbers indicate the time a person can safely spend in the sun. This time can be calculated as follows: the ratio of the minimum sun dose with protective cream to the minimum sun dose without it. For example, a cream has a protection level of 20, multiply this number by 5 and get 100 - this is the time at which it is safe to be in the sun. But all these calculations are rather conditional. In fact, creams with SPF 20 and 50 are practically no different from each other and protect from the sun almost equally. Judge for yourself - a product with SPF 20 protects against UV rays by 96%, with SPF 30 - by 97.4%, with SPF 50 - by 97.6%. In general, the difference is quite small. But the higher the protection, the more expensive it is - this is what marketers and manufacturers use.

As mentioned above, a natural protective cream should contain physical filters. There are only two of them, and therefore it won’t be difficult to remember: titanium dioxide And zinc oxide.

Zinc oxide is hidden in the composition under the names CI 77947, nogenol, pigment white 4, zinc gelatin. It protects well from the sun, fights inflammation and oily skin. But pay attention, zinc oxide should be in the first place in the composition, only in this way will it have the maximum effect.

The titanium dioxide in the composition can be encrypted as CI 77891, titanium peroxide, pigment white 6. It protects a little worse than zinc oxide. But much better than all chemical filters. It is not allergenic and does not cause skin irritation. Look for a formula that is NOT nano-particles.

Natural sunscreens

The best natural sunscreens are those that contain only physical filters. And also components that not only do not harm humans and the ecosystem, but also benefit the skin. These products include organic and natural cosmetics; let’s look at some of them.


Contains natural UV filters such as propolis extract, plants under the same name as the cream Gynura Procumbens and royal jelly. The cream contains antioxidants, normalizes lipid metabolism, and has an anti-inflammatory and rejuvenating effect on the skin.

Siam Botanicals

Thai face cream from the cosmetics range Siam Botanicals includes a mineral screen such as zinc oxide. There are also many pleasant and beneficial for the skin essential oils: lavender, lemon balm, neroli, rosemary and others; extracts of thyme, cinnamon bark, lemon zest, olive tree. Just a storehouse of healthy and nourishing vitamins for the skin! It is so natural and safe that it is suitable even for children.


Company Lavera also produces natural sunscreens in the form of spray and cream. Contains organic evening primrose flower oil, which has a protective and soothing effect on the skin. Suitable for problem skin. Contains a mineral physical filter. There are also no silicones or other harmful substances.

La saponaria

Italian biocosmetics. Sunscreen La saponaria has a large selection protection level - from 15 to 50 SPF. Sunscreen Crema Solare is waterproof, does not leave white marks, moisturizes. And, very importantly, it fights premature aging. The manufacturer added natural mineral filters, vitamin E, pomegranate juice, and sunflower oil to the cream, which are designed to soothe and nourish the skin. Dermatologically tested and can be safely used by people with sensitive skin types.


Russian companyboasts natural sunscreen Calendula cream. Contains both physical UV filters - zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. And, accordingly, it protects very well from ultraviolet radiation. From useful: floral water from calendula flowers, a whole range of healthy oils, such as olive, sesame, almond, flaxseed. And also safe vegetable glycerin. The company tries to include only naturally biodegradable ingredients in its products.

Eco Suncare

Polish balm from Eco Suncare It has a light weightless texture, applies well, does not stick and creates a pleasant sensation on the skin. Created using titanium dioxide, contains noni fruit juice extract, which relieves tired skin and helps prevent the appearance of wrinkles. The composition also includes castor oil, an extract from Scutellaria Baikal flowers. There are fragrances, but they are all natural and do not cause harm to humans.

The best sunscreens for children

The choice of sunscreens for children must be taken especially carefully, since the skin of babies is more susceptible to the sun's rays and the sun's rays applied to it. various means. It is important not to damage or harm anything. Children under six months are not recommended to apply any sun cream at all, since their skin is especially delicate, thin and more susceptible to aggressive components. Such children need shade, a Panama hat and light clothing that covers their body. The best sunscreens for children over six months with a safe composition are as follows:

Coola Organic Suncare Collection

For the best protection of children's skin. Contains two UV filters - titanium dioxide and zinc oxide. Also contains beeswax, organic shea butter, coconut oil, safflower oil, and aloe barbadensis leaf extract. The cream is waterproof and does not wash off for 80 minutes.

Mommy Care

Israeli natural cosmetics. In sunscreen for children M ommy Care Physical filters included: titanium dioxide. And also healthy oils to moisturize delicate baby skin and Dead Sea minerals. It is perfectly absorbed and suitable as daily protection for babies from 0+. Although the SPF value is not so high - only 15 units - the cream copes well with protection even at sea and in the mountains.

Composition of sunscreens - summing up

As can be seen from the list, there are not so few natural and organic, and most importantly safe, creams for UV protection. And for both adults and children. But often, along with good creams in the store, there are also bad ones. Such protective products as Naratai (Siberian Health company), Avene, La Rocher Posay, Garnier, sunscreens from the Pure Line brand, Clarins and even children's cream from the Quack-Quack brand were distinguished by their harmfulness and unnatural composition. Which is already out of the ordinary. As can be seen from the list, which also includes quite expensive brands, the rather high price of a product does not always mean its quality. And even unscrupulous manufacturers manage to add harmful substances to baby creams. All these products contain certain ingredients critical for humans - silicones, chemical filters, toxic components, parabens, SLS, allergenic substances.

We hope that this article will resolve all questions regarding the choice of sunscreen. Good remedy not the one that has the highest level of protection, but the one that contains the most natural ingredients. Which not only do not harm the skin and the health of the body, but also take care of it. An important factor when choosing such a product should be its safety for the ecosystem, flora and fauna of water bodies. Taking care of nature and the environment is no less important than taking care of your loved one. We figured out the composition of sunscreens and armed ourselves with knowledge. Now the main thing is that the summer weather does not let us down and gives us many sunny and hot days.

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