Good afternoon, dear needlewomen!

In our previous lessons we learned how to make paper roses; they are suitable as a gift for a mother, teacher, or sister. What to give to dad, grandparents on February 23 or May 9? And there are suitable flowers for them - carnations.

Carnation is a symbol; after World War II, this flower began to represent victory Soviet Union. Carnations are given to veterans, defenders of the fatherland.

How to make a carnation out of paper?

In our article you will find two master classes on how to make a carnation from paper or napkins step by step with your own hands:

  • The first version of a carnation made of corrugated paper,
  • And the second option is to apply a carnation from a napkin for a card for March 8, February 23 or May 9

DIY corrugated paper carnation

In order to make carnation flowers from corrugated paper, cut out a strip of 6-7 centimeters from the paper.

The strip should be approximately 40 centimeters in length.

As we cut out a strip of corrugated paper, stretch the corrugation.

If you have curly scissors, use them to trim the edges of the corrugated paper.

Now we fold the tape like an accordion.

Make several cuts with scissors

Glue paper onto a stick and form a carnation.

When the carnation flower is wound around the stick, secure it with thread.

For the stem, cut out a strip of green corrugated paper.

Glue the sepals in place and onto the stem.

We straighten the carnation petals from corrugated paper.

Your DIY corrugated paper carnation is ready! Give a bouquet to your defender of the fatherland - dad or grandfather on February 23 or May 9!

The corrugated paper carnation looks very realistic, and its petals are like real ones! We thank the Haykanush channel for the master class.

Video: How to make a paper carnation with your own hands

Do-it-yourself carnations from napkins (applique for a postcard)

In order to make a carnation flower for applique on a postcard, we will need the following materials:

  • scissors
  • colored napkins
  • white paper or card base

So, we make flowers and carnations from napkins with our own hands - an applique for a postcard for February 23rd. Fold the colored napkin in half.

We cut it with scissors along the fold line.

We will get 4 squares.

Let's bend each of the squares separately.

Then we form carnation petals from each triangle.

Making cuts with scissors

This is how it should turn out.

Twist the ends of the carnation petal from a napkin.

Here is the finished carnation petal.

We repeat the same with all the carnation petals.

To form the stem of the clove, cut out this rectangle from a green napkin.

Let's twist it.

Here is our stem.

To make the flower leaves, cut a rectangle from a green napkin.

We twist it at the bottom and at the top, forming flower leaves from a napkin.

First the stem of the clove,

Then the carnation petals

Form sepals from a green napkin.

The final stage is to glue the leaves to the flower. The carnation made from napkins in the form of an applique is ready!

This hand-made application on paper in the form of a postcard can be given to your mother, grandfather, grandmother for any holiday - March 8, February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day.

We thank the “Favorite Lesson” channel for the master class. Also watch the video master class with a step-by-step description.

Video: how to make a paper carnation

Text prepared by: Veronica

Carnation is a beautiful and delicate flower; many women love to receive it for a holiday or for no reason. But it happens that it is not always possible to find this representative of the flora at flower markets. That's why we suggest making carnations from paper napkins.

How to make carnations from napkins - necessary materials

So, to make such a simple craft as “Carnations from napkins”, you should stock up on the following materials:

  • paper napkins of a color close to the color of the flowers;
  • colored markers;
  • a compass or a jar lid;
  • pencil;
  • 2 large paper clips;
  • green electrical tape;
  • floral wire;
  • with wire cutters.

Napkin carnations - master class

So, making these flowers is not that difficult.

  1. Fold 4-5 napkins, place a jar lid on top and draw the outline of a circle with a pencil. If you have a compass, use it.
  2. Use a large paper clip to secure all layers of napkins so that they do not unravel and stay level. Begin carefully cutting out the outline of the circle with scissors.
  3. Then secure the opposite side circle with a second large paperclip, which will allow the future carnation made from napkins with your own hands to keep the correct shape.
  4. Using a marker of a suitable color, draw the circumference of the future bud. Moreover, the applied marker should stand out against the background of the main color of the napkins. Paint over the areas under the paper clips as well - you just need to move them a little to the side.
  5. Then use a needle or the end of a floral wire to poke two holes near the center of the circle.
  6. Drag the end of the wire to the top of the bud and then pass it through the adjacent hole. Twist this short end of the wire with the long one to secure it.
  7. Now all that remains is to find out how to make carnations from napkins, that is, give them a characteristic bud shape. We crumple the top circle, moving with our fingers from the center to the top.
  8. We do the same with each subsequent circle of the bud. Please note that you do not need to repeat the fold lines for the flower to have a full shape. As a result, you should have a beautiful open carnation flower.
  9. For greater authenticity and decorativeness, wrap the wire with green electrical tape.
  10. However, one flower does not look impressive, so it seems logical to make several more carnation flowers from napkins. By the way, you can make a double flower, consisting of several buds, which are then attached to the main stem with green electrical tape.
  11. That's it! In the same way you can make a whole

Carnations are beautiful decorative flowers that delight our eyes in parks, squares and home lawns. There are many different varieties of this flower, but only three can be called popular: large, mini and dwarf.

In this master class I will show several options - how to make paper carnations with your own hands with step-by-step photographs and videos. Carnations are most often given to veterans and for grandparents' birthdays.

Also, this flower will look great on a voluminous applique made with your own hands for mom for some holiday, for dad for Defender of the Fatherland Day, for grandfather for May 9th. Once you see the raft of your creativity, you will definitely find a worthy use for it.

What is summer without flowers?! So, feel free to take corrugated paper, which can easily be replaced with plain napkins. From such a light and thin material we can easily get a delicate flower with bright red petals.

In addition to corrugated paper, green half-cardboard will come to the rescue. You can’t do without it here, because you need to add a stem, receptacle and leaves to the bud.

Required materials:

  • red corrugated paper;
  • green half cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • glue.

Manufacturing stages:

1. Draw an even circle on green half-cardboard. We cut along the contour and get a template that should be transferred to red corrugated paper. To do this, trace the outline of the template with a pencil five to six times.

2. Cut out all the parts along the contour. We get ready-made elements to create petals.

3. Place all the corrugated paper circles in a pile.

4. Bend the bottom part up in half.

6. Using scissors, create many cuts along the top round edge.

7. Open the blank once and get a clove bud.

9. Glue the receptacle to the center of the red carnation bud. Next, we attach the stem and two leaves to it.

10. All layers of corrugated paper in the carnation bud should be carefully straightened to obtain lush petals.

11. Here is a cute carnation flower made from corrugated paper, where half cardboard was used as an addition.

These have a flat appearance, so they are ideal for creating some “zest” on the front of the card.

This variety of carnations can be immediately distinguished from others due to the fact that they have only one large flower on the stem. This is exactly what we will learn to make from available material.

Required materials for carnations:

  • red corrugated paper;
  • tape tape;
  • wire;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • pencil;
  • ruler.

Manufacturing stages:

1. To create a carnation bud, you need to take red corrugated paper. Also, this material can be easily replaced with crepe paper or regular plain napkins.

We measure out dimensions 20 x 7 cm on a strip. Cut it out and get a long strip. Bend the top part down 2 cm.

2. Cut a small piece from the floral wire. We attach one end of it to the right side of the paper strip. You can immediately prepare several more blanks in the form of paper strips to immediately get a whole bouquet of red carnations.

3. Now we will make small teeth along the entire upper edge using small scissors with a sharp end.

4. We begin to twist the red strip around the wire. We create several folds to obtain a voluminous flower.

5. Secure the end of the corrugated paper to the wire with glue. As a result, we get a lush clove bud with small teeth.

6. We create a receptacle in the lower part of the craft using green tape, which should be tightly wrapped around the lower part of the red corrugated tape. Next we move on to thin wire.

To give it the necessary texture and color, you should reapply the tape. We wrap it tightly around the entire length of the wire. Also, if desired, you can cut out large leaves from it for the stem of the flower.

7. As a result, we will get a cute carnation flower made of corrugated paper in a short period of time. We create a couple more of these flowers in the same way and get a cute bouquet for any holiday.

These flowers are artificial, so they do not need water or careful care. So they will decorate the interior of the room for more than one week and even more than one month!

If you want to know the easiest way to create a blooming carnation bud from crepe paper, then this article is exactly what you need. The resulting flower will be bright if you take the right paper, airy if you use a sufficient number of layers, small or large as you wish. In fact, there is nothing difficult in such work.

To learn how to make a lush flower, prepare the following materials:

  • corrugated paper - bright or white, soft pink;
  • scissors;
  • cardboard circle template;
  • thin wire or thread with a needle.

How to make carnations with your own hands step by step

Prepare a roll of corrugated paper of minimum density. In the process of work, you need to make thin layers and crumple them, so soft paper is better suited. Cut the strips, choosing the width depending on the size of the bud you want to make. When cutting off the desired strips, you can move along or across the roll, in this case it does not matter.

Fold one or more strips in a zigzag pattern to create a square layered piece. Our task is to study the most easy way modeling a flower, so all layers will be processed at once and not separately. This will save a lot of time.

Holding the folded tape in this position, use a thin wire or needle to make 2 holes clearly in the center. Insert the ends of the wire into the resulting holes and twist or sew with thread.

This way you will attach all the layers at once. In this case, glue is also not needed. This fastening method is faster and more reliable.

Attach on top cardboard template circle, draw with a pencil or directly by eye, cut out a circle. Even if you end up with a slightly crumpled edge, this will not cause any difficulties. This is exactly the effect that should be achieved.

Make random small cuts along the edge of each circle, using scissors about 0.5 cm inward. It is also possible to make the outer edge wavy.

Now all that remains is to model the flower. Its pomp directly depends on the number of layers used. Starting from the top circle, begin to lift each layer up and push it with your fingers. Corrugated paper It holds its shape well, so after creasing it will not straighten. Assemble the middle and continue this operation further.

So gradually process all layers. Lift one circle at a time, pressing down on all sides. Circumferential cuts will provide a lighter, more believable design. After processing the last layer, you will see a weightless ball in front of you.

The beautiful carnation is ready. Its petals are tender and quivering, like those of a real flower. Make a stem for it or glue it on paper.

04. Simple origami carnation

05. How to make voluminous carnations from napkins with your own hands

A do-it-yourself carnation made from a napkin is a very beautiful and cute product that can decorate your interior and add new colors to your home. The carnation flower has big story, which began before our era. The generic Latin name Dianthus comes from the Greek, meaning "flower of Zeus." And since Zeus is the god of the sky, in charge of the whole world, the carnation has since symbolized freedom, victory and greatness. Sometimes it happens that this fresh flower is very difficult to find in stores. Therefore, the best solution is to make carnations with your own hands in the form of a bouquet or on a postcard, which will delight the eye for a long time.

Thanks to this article, you can learn how to quickly and easily make such a craft with your own hands, step by step and with photos.

Delicate pink flowers of Zeus

The master class begins with a fairly simple craft that even a novice needlewoman can handle.

Before starting work, you should purchase the following materials:

  • paper napkins in white and pink colors;
  • colored marker;
  • compass;
  • a simple pencil;
  • two large paper clips;
  • green electrical tape;
  • flower wire;
  • wire cutters

First, you need to fold 4-5 napkins one on top, attach a compass on top and outline the outline of the circle. If you don’t have a compass, you can use the neck of a glass or a lid.

Secure the opposite side of the circle with a second large paperclip so that the studs hold the correct shape.

Use a marker, preferably pink, to sketch the circumference of the future bud. The applied marker should stand out against the background of the main color. Paint the areas under the staples as well, moving them away a little.

Poke a needle near the center of the circle. Then drag the end of the wire to the top of the bud and pass it through the nearest hole. Twist the short end of the wire with the long one to secure it.

Time to give our future carnations the required form buds. Crumple the top layer as shown in the photo:

Do the same with each next circle of bud.

You should definitely know that you don’t need to repeat the fold lines, this will make the flower appear thicker and more magnificent.

This is the flower you should get:

To help the stem hold its shape better, you can wrap it with green electrical tape.

Just buds without a stem can make a wonderful applique.

And here is a photo of the finished bouquet:

Another assembly option

First you need to tear off a small part of it, approximately 1 cm wide, from the napkin. Unfold the napkin and fold it like an accordion to make a bow. Use the part that was just torn off to rewind the butterfly in the middle.

Then select a layer from either side of the bow and separate it. Repeat the action with each layer. Secure one of the parts of the bow with a stapler. This layer will be the base of the bud.

Now the carnation is ready! This version of carnations can also be used for appliqués. Using glue, you can attach flowers to any surface, paper, cardboard or fabric.

Want to find new idea an original and inexpensive homemade gift? Make carnations from Master class and useful tips will help you complete this craft. It will not only look beautiful and natural, but can also decorate any interior, especially if everything is done in the form of a bouquet, topiary or individual decorative elements.

Unfading floral compositions

Many people like to give and receive bouquets. One of the cute and pleasant flowers that are popular and loved is the carnation. They sell both bush and single specimens. The color range is also very diverse: from plain to variegated bright shades. The only drawback of such a gift is that it will not retain its beauty for long.

A wonderful bouquet, very natural and beautiful, easy to make yourself. Essentially, you will be making peculiar roses from napkins, which, with a certain method of folding the blanks and coloring them, look like real carnations. Choosing different size template, you can select the desired diameter to perform single or cluster options. Both are not difficult and will not require much time.

How to make carnations from napkins

The execution technologies are somewhat different: various available tools, frame elements and objects that facilitate the work process are used. The principle for all methods is the same: cut the blanks, connect and fasten paper circles, paint and install on the stem.

A step-by-step technique on how to do it yourself (master class) is outlined below. The differences in manufacturing principles are as follows:

  • A wire or cocktail tube is used as a stem. In the first case, you will need to make two holes in the stack of blanks in order to thread and secure the frame made in the form of a loop. The plastic tube is fixed with plasticine, the ball of which is inserted inside the bud.
  • To cut the circles for the blanks evenly, you can fasten the layers with two paper clips, or you can connect them in the middle with a stapler.
  • The edges of the layers are left smooth or cut with scissors in the form of a fringe.
  • Sepals are cut out from a separate sheet of colored paper or made from green napkins. IN simple version you don't have to do them at all.
  • The stem is wrapped with adhesive tape or colored paper using glue.
  • To make napkin blanks, use a compass, or you can use a jar lid as a stencil.

As you can see, the options are not too different. The choice depends on what you have on hand, or how easier it is to make this or that part.

What you need to prepare

Making cloves from a napkin does not require expensive materials. So, you need the following:

  • ordinary paper napkins;
  • floral or any other wire, as well as a suitable tube or stick;
  • adhesive tape or a strip of paper and glue;
  • compass or round template (jar lid);
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • felt-tip pens or markers;
  • plasticine, stapler (depending on the manufacturing method you choose).

As you can see, everything is cheap and available. More likely, necessary materials and the tools are already available at home.

DIY napkin carnations: master class

When you have everything prepared, start executing the elements of your floral composition.

  1. Take several napkins and stack them one on top of the other. The more there are, the more magnificent the flower will be.
  2. Secure them together with paper clips or connect them in the middle with a stapler.
  3. Draw a circle with a compass or trace the template in a circle.
  4. Cut out the blanks with scissors.
  5. Use felt-tip pens to color the edges with the desired color. If desired, you can trim the edges with fringe.
  6. Make a hole in the center of the circle (one for the tube, two for the wire frame).
  7. Secure the stem with plasticine (thread the wire in the form of a loop).
  8. Fold the top circle toward the center.
  9. Do the same with everyone else. Don't try to make the folds exactly the same.
  10. When the flower is formed, fluff it.
  11. Wrap the tube in green tape or a strip of paper, sizing it every few centimeters.
  12. Make sepals from a separate piece of paper and secure them to the stem near the flower.

In fact, making such beauty is not difficult. Even a child can handle the craft. For kids, paper blanks can be cut out by adults, and the same goes for the hole for the stick. Leave everything else to the young DIYers.


So (the carnation) is ready, but one won't look as good as several. You can make the buds the same or different.

If you use several templates, you will get blanks for a branch of bush carnation. In this case, it is good to make buds and half-opened flowers. To do this, you will have to cut out the part of the sepals and attach them to the main part. Make a branch and place flowers on it. Place your carnations in a vase or tie them together with a ribbon and bow.


The resulting “roses” from napkins can be used to create a decorative tree in the shape of a ball. You will need the following:

  • base, for example, an unnecessary ball or foam blank;
  • kernel;
  • pot or vase;
  • glue;
  • pins;
  • plaster or alabaster;
  • additional decor.

The sequence of work will be as follows:

  1. The blanks made from napkins can be attached tightly to one another to the sphere using pins. It's also good to use glue.
  2. Attach the resulting topiary ball to the rod. If it’s more convenient for you, first assemble the entire frame (ball and stem), and then decorate it.
  3. The entire structure is installed in a pot/vase, after which the container is filled with plaster (alabaster), diluted to the consistency of sour cream.
  4. After hardening, the surface is decorated with beads, seed beads, and coffee beans.

The stick can be wrapped or in a strip of paper of a suitable shade. Decorate the topiary with additional details (beads, ribbons, bows, coins). This souvenir will be a wonderful gift for any occasion.

So, you have seen how to make carnations from napkins with your own hands. The master class shows the sequence of actions step by step, so you can easily cope with the work of creating a floral souvenir.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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