Several tens of thousands of the most important chemical substances have tightly entered our lives, clothing and footwear, supplying our body with useful elements, providing us optimal conditions for life. Oils, alkalis, acids, gases, mineral fertilizers, paints, plastics - only a small part of the products created on the basis chemical elements.

Didn't you know?

When we wake up in the morning, we wash our face and brush our teeth. Soap, toothpaste, shampoo, lotions, creams are products created on the basis of chemistry. We brew tea, put a slice of lemon into the glass, and watch how the liquid becomes lighter. Before our eyes, a chemical reaction occurs - the acid-base interaction of several products. The bathroom and kitchen are each, in their own way, a mini-laboratory of a house or apartment, where something is stored in a container or bottle. What substance, their name we find out from the label: salt, soda, whiteness, etc.

Especially many chemical processes occur in the kitchen during food preparation. Frying pans and saucepans successfully replace flasks and retorts here, and each new product sent to them carries out its own separate chemical reaction, interacting with the composition located there. Next, a person, consuming the dishes he has prepared, starts the mechanism of digesting food. This is also true in everything. Our whole life is predetermined by elements from the periodic table of Mendeleev.

Open table

Initially, the table created by Dmitry Ivanovich consisted of 63 elements. That's exactly how many of them had been discovered by that time. The scientist understood that he classified far from full list existing and open in different years its predecessors in the nature of the elements. And he turned out to be right. More than a hundred years later, his table already consisted of 103 items, by the beginning of the 2000s - of 109, and discoveries continue. Scientists around the world are struggling to calculate new elements, relying on a basis - a table created by a Russian scientist.

Mendeleev's periodic law is the basis of chemistry. The interactions between atoms of certain elements gave rise to basic substances in nature. Those, in turn, are previously unknown and more complex derivatives. All the names of substances that exist today come from elements that interact with each other in the process of chemical reactions. The molecules of substances reflect the composition of the elements in them, as well as the number of atoms.

Each element has its own letter symbol

In the periodic table, the names of elements are given in both literal and symbolic terms. We pronounce some, and use others when writing formulas. Write down the names of the substances separately and look at a number of their symbols. It shows what elements the product consists of, how many atoms of a particular component each specific substance was able to synthesize during a chemical reaction. Everything is quite simple and clear, thanks to the presence of symbols.

The basis for the symbolic expression of elements was the initial, and, in most cases, one of the subsequent letters from the Latin name of the element. The system was proposed at the beginning of the 19th century by Berzelius, a chemist from Sweden. Today, one letter expresses the names of two dozen elements. The rest are two-letter. Examples of such names: copper - Cu (cuprum), iron - Fe (ferrum), magnesium - Mg (magnium) and so on. The names of substances contain the reaction products of certain elements, and the formulas contain their symbolic series.

The product is safe and not very

There is much more chemistry around us than the average individual might imagine. Without doing science professionally, we still have to deal with it in our everyday life. Everything that stands on our table consists of chemical elements. Even the human body is made of dozens of chemicals.

The names of chemical substances that exist in nature can be divided into two groups: those used in everyday life or not. Complex and dangerous salts, acids, ether compounds are highly specific and used exclusively in professional activities. They require caution and precision in their use, and in some cases special permission. Substances that are essential in everyday life are less harmless, but their improper use can lead to serious consequences. From this we can conclude that there is no such thing as harmless chemistry. Let's look at the main substances with which human life is connected.

Biopolymer as a building material of the body

The main fundamental component of the body is protein - a polymer consisting of amino acids and water. It is responsible for the formation of cells, hormonal and immune systems, muscle mass, bones, ligaments, internal organs. The human body consists of more than one billion cells, and each one requires protein or, as it is also called, protein. Based on the above, give the names of substances that are more essential for a living organism. The basis of the body is the cell, the basis of the cell is protein. There is no other option. A lack of protein, as well as its excess, leads to disruption of all vital functions of the body.

The order of peptide bonds that create macromolecules is involved in the construction of proteins. Those, in turn, arise as a result of the interaction of substances COOH - carboxyl and NH 2 - amino groups. The most famous protein is collagen. It belongs to the class of fibrillar proteins. The very first one, the structure of which was established, is insulin. Even for a person far from chemistry, these names speak volumes. But not everyone knows that these substances are proteins.

Essential amino acids

A protein cell consists of amino acids - the name of substances that have a side chain in the structure of molecules. They are formed by: C - carbon, N - nitrogen, O - oxygen and H - hydrogen. Of the twenty standard amino acids, nine enter cells exclusively with food. The rest are synthesized by the body through the interaction of various compounds. With age or in the presence of diseases, the list of nine essential amino acids expands significantly and is replenished with conditionally essential ones.

In total, more than five hundred different amino acids are known. They are classified in many ways, one of which divides them into two groups: proteinogenic and non-proteinogenic. Some of them play an irreplaceable role in the functioning of the body, not related to the formation of protein. The names of organic substances in these groups, which are key: glutamate, glycine, carnitine. The latter serves as a transporter of lipids throughout the body.

Fats: both simple and complex

We are accustomed to calling all fat-like substances in the body lipids or fats. Their main physical property is insolubility in water. However, in interaction with other substances, such as benzene, alcohol, chloroform and others, these organic compounds break down quite easily. The main chemical difference between fats is similar properties, but different structures. In the life of a living organism, these substances are responsible for its energy. Thus, one gram of lipids can release about forty kJ.

The large number of substances included in fat molecules does not allow for their convenient and accessible classification. The main thing that unites them is their attitude to the hydrolysis process. In this regard, fats are saponifiable and unsaponifiable. The names of substances that make up the first group are divided into simple and complex lipids. Simple waxes include some types of wax and choresterol esters. The second group includes sphingolipids, phospholipids and a number of other substances.

Carbohydrates as a third type of nutrient

Third type of basic nutrients living cells, along with proteins and fats, contain carbohydrates. These are organic compounds consisting of H (hydrogen), O (oxygen) and C (carbon). and their functions are similar to those of fats. They are also sources of energy for the body, but unlike lipids, they mainly get there from food of plant origin. The exception is milk.

Carbohydrates are divided into polysaccharides, monosaccharides and oligosaccharides. Some do not dissolve in water, others - on the contrary. The following are the names of insoluble substances. These include complex carbohydrates from the group of polysaccharides such as starch and cellulose. Their breakdown into simpler substances occurs under the influence of juices secreted by the digestive system.

The beneficial substances of the other two groups are contained in berries and fruits in the form of water-soluble sugars that are easily absorbed by the body. Oligosaccharides - lactose and sucrose, monosaccharides - fructose and glucose.

Glucose and fiber

The names of substances such as glucose and fiber are often found in human everyday life. Both are carbohydrates. One is a monosaccharide found in the blood of any living organism and plant sap. The second is made from polysaccharides, responsible for the digestion process; in other functions, fiber is rarely used, but is also essential substance. Their structure and synthesis are quite complex. But it is enough for a person to know the basic functions involved in the life of the body so as not to neglect their use.

Glucose provides cells with a substance such as grape sugar, which provides energy for their rhythmic, uninterrupted functioning. About 70 percent of glucose enters cells with food, the remaining thirty is produced by the body on its own. The human brain is in dire need of food-grade glucose, since this organ is not capable of independently synthesizing glucose. It is found in honey in the greatest quantity.

Ascorbic acid is not so simple

A source of vitamin C familiar to everyone since childhood is a complex chemical substance consisting of hydrogen and oxygen atoms. Their interaction with other elements can even lead to the creation of salts - it is enough to change just one atom in the compound. In this case, the name and class of the substance will change. Experiments conducted with ascorbic acid discovered its irreplaceable properties in the function of restoring human skin.

In addition, it strengthens immune system skin, helps to resist the negative effects of the atmosphere. It has rejuvenating, whitening properties, prevents aging, and neutralizes free radicals. Contained in citrus fruits bell pepper, medicinal herbs, strawberries. About one hundred milligrams of ascorbic acid - the optimal daily dose - can be obtained with rose hips, sea buckthorn, and kiwi.

Substances around us

We are convinced that our whole life is chemistry, since man himself consists entirely of its elements. Food, shoes and clothing, hygiene products are just a small part of where we meet the fruits of science in everyday life. We know the purpose of many elements and use them for our own benefit. You won't find it in a rare house boric acid, or slaked lime, as we call it, or calcium hydroxide, as it is known to science. Copper sulfate - copper sulfate - is widely used by humans. The name of the substance comes from the name of its main component.

Sodium bicarbonate is a common soda in everyday life. This new acid is acetic acid. And so with any or animal origin. They all consist of compounds of chemical elements. Not everyone can explain their molecular structure; it is enough to know the name, purpose of the substance and use it correctly.

All names of chemical elements come from Latin language. This is necessary primarily so that scientists different countries could understand each other.

Chemical symbols of elements

Elements are usually designated by chemical signs (symbols). According to the proposal of the Swedish chemist Berzelius (1813), chemical elements are designated by the initial or initial and one of the subsequent letters of the Latin name of a given element; The first letter is always uppercase, the second lowercase. For example, hydrogen (Hydrogenium) is designated by the letter H, oxygen (Oxygenium) by the letter O, sulfur (Sulfur) by the letter S; mercury (Hydrargyrum) - letters Hg, aluminum (Aluminium) - Al, iron (Ferrum) - Fe, etc.

Rice. 1. Table of chemical elements with names in Latin and Russian.

Russian names of chemical elements are often Latin names with modified endings. But there are also many elements whose pronunciation differs from the Latin source. These are either native Russian words (for example, iron), or words that are translations (for example, oxygen).

Chemical nomenclature

Chemical nomenclature is the correct name for chemical substances. The Latin word nomenclatura translates as “list of names”

On early stage During the development of chemistry, substances were given arbitrary, random names (trivial names). Highly volatile liquids were called alcohols, these included “hydrochloric alcohol” - an aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid, “silitry alcohol” - nitric acid, “ammonium alcohol” - an aqueous solution of ammonia. Oily liquids and solids were called oils, for example, concentrated sulfuric acid was called “oil of vitriol,” and arsenic chloride was called “arsenic oil.”

Sometimes substances were named after their discoverer, for example, “Glauber’s salt” Na 2 SO 4 * 10H 2 O, discovered by the German chemist I. R. Glauber in the 17th century.

Rice. 2. Portrait of I. R. Glauber.

Ancient names could indicate the taste of substances, color, smell, appearance, medical action. One substance sometimes had several names.

By the end of the 18th century, chemists knew no more than 150-200 compounds.

The first system of scientific names in chemistry was developed in 1787 by a commission of chemists headed by A. Lavoisier. Lavoisier's chemical nomenclature served as the basis for the creation of national chemical nomenclatures. In order for chemists from different countries to understand each other, the nomenclature must be uniform. Currently, the construction of chemical formulas and names inorganic substances is subject to a system of nomenclature rules created by the commission of the International Union of Theoretical and applied chemistry(IUPAC). Each substance is represented by a formula, in accordance with which the systematic name of the compound is constructed.

Rice. 3. A. Lavoisier.

What have we learned?

All chemical elements have Latin roots. Latin names of chemical elements are generally accepted. They are transferred into Russian using tracing or translation. however, some words are originally Russian meaning, such as copper or iron. All chemical substances consisting of atoms and molecules are subject to chemical nomenclature. The system of scientific names was first developed by A. Lavoisier.

The classification of inorganic substances and their nomenclature are based on the simplest and most constant characteristic over time - chemical composition, which shows the atoms of the elements that form a given substance in their numerical ratio. If a substance is made up of atoms of one chemical element, i.e. is the form of existence of this element in free form, then it is called simple substance; if the substance is made up of atoms of two or more elements, then it is called complex substance. All simple substances (except monatomic ones) and all complex substances are usually called chemical compounds, since in them atoms of one or different elements are connected to each other by chemical bonds.

The nomenclature of inorganic substances consists of formulas and names. Chemical formula - depiction of the composition of a substance using symbols of chemical elements, numerical indices and some other signs. Chemical name - image of the composition of a substance using a word or group of words. The construction of chemical formulas and names is determined by the system nomenclature rules.

The symbols and names of chemical elements are given in the Periodic Table of Elements by D.I. Mendeleev. The elements are conventionally divided into metals And nonmetals . Non-metals include all elements of group VIIIA (noble gases) and group VIIA (halogens), elements of group VIA (except polonium), elements nitrogen, phosphorus, arsenic (VA group); carbon, silicon (IVA group); boron (IIIA group), as well as hydrogen. The remaining elements are classified as metals.

When compiling the names of substances, Russian names of elements are usually used, for example, dioxygen, xenon difluoride, potassium selenate. Traditionally, for some elements, the roots of their Latin names are introduced into derivative terms:

For example: carbonate, manganate, oxide, sulfide, silicate.

Titles simple substances consist of one word - the name of a chemical element with a numerical prefix, for example:

The following are used numerical prefixes:

An indefinite number is indicated by a numeric prefix n- poly.

For some simple substances they also use special names such as O 3 - ozone, P 4 - white phosphorus.

Chemical formulas complex substances made up of the notation electropositive(conditional and real cations) and electronegative(conditional and real anions) components, for example, CuSO 4 (here Cu 2+ is a real cation, SO 4 2 - is a real anion) and PCl 3 (here P +III is a conditional cation, Cl -I is a conditional anion).

Titles complex substances composed according to chemical formulas from right to left. They are made up of two words - the names of electronegative components (in the nominative case) and electropositive components (in genitive case), For example:

CuSO 4 - copper(II) sulfate
PCl 3 - phosphorus trichloride
LaCl 3 - lanthanum(III) chloride
CO - carbon monoxide

The number of electropositive and electronegative components in the names is indicated by the numerical prefixes given above (universal method), or by oxidation states (if they can be determined by the formula) using Roman numerals in parentheses (the plus sign is omitted). In some cases, the charge of ions is given (for cations and anions of complex composition) using Arabic numerals with the corresponding sign.

The following special names are used for common multielement cations and anions:

H 2 F + - fluoronium

C 2 2 - - acetylenide

H 3 O + - oxonium

CN - - cyanide

H 3 S + - sulfonium

CNO - - fulminate

NH 4 + - ammonium

HF 2 - - hydrodifluoride

N 2 H 5 + - hydrazinium(1+)

HO 2 - - hydroperoxide

N 2 H 6 + - hydrazinium(2+)

HS - - hydrosulfide

NH 3 OH + - hydroxylamine

N 3 - - azide

NO+ - nitrosyl

NCS - - thiocyanate

NO 2 + - nitroyl

O 2 2 - - peroxide

O 2 + - dioxygenyl

O 2 - - superoxide

PH 4 + - phosphonium

O 3 - - ozonide

VO 2+ - vanadyl

OCN - - cyanate

UO 2+ - uranyl

OH - - hydroxide

For a small number of well-known substances it is also used special titles:

1. Acidic and basic hydroxides. Salts

Hydroxides are a type of complex substances that contain atoms of some element E (except fluorine and oxygen) and hydroxyl groups OH; general formula of hydroxides E(OH) n, Where n= 1÷6. Form of hydroxides E(OH) n called ortho-shape; at n> 2 hydroxide can also be found in meta-form, which includes, in addition to E atoms and OH groups, oxygen atoms O, for example E(OH) 3 and EO(OH), E(OH) 4 and E(OH) 6 and EO 2 (OH) 2.

Hydroxides are divided into two groups with opposite chemical properties: acidic and basic hydroxides.

Acidic hydroxides contain hydrogen atoms, which can be replaced by metal atoms subject to the rule of stoichiometric valence. Most acid hydroxides are found in meta-form, and hydrogen atoms in the formulas of acidic hydroxides are given first place, for example, H 2 SO 4, HNO 3 and H 2 CO 3, and not SO 2 (OH) 2, NO 2 (OH) and CO (OH) 2. The general formula of acid hydroxides is H X EO at, where the electronegative component EO y x - called an acid residue. If not all hydrogen atoms are replaced by a metal, then they remain as part of the acid residue.

The names of common acid hydroxides consist of two words: the proper name with the ending “aya” and the group word “acid”. Here are the formulas and proper names of common acidic hydroxides and their acidic residues (a dash means that the hydroxide is not known in free form or in an acidic aqueous solution):

acid hydroxide

acid residue

HAsO 2 - metaarsenic

AsO 2 - - metaarsenite

H 3 AsO 3 - orthoarsenic

AsO 3 3 - - orthoarsenite

H 3 AsO 4 - arsenic

AsO 4 3 - - arsenate

B 4 O 7 2 - - tetraborate

ВiО 3 - - bismuthate

HBrO - bromide

BrO - - hypobromite

HBrO 3 - brominated

BrO 3 - - bromate

H 2 CO 3 - coal

CO 3 2 - - carbonate

HClO - hypochlorous

ClO- - hypochlorite

HClO 2 - chloride

ClO2 - - chlorite

HClO 3 - chloric

ClO3 - - chlorate

HClO 4 - chlorine

ClO4 - - perchlorate

H 2 CrO 4 - chrome

CrO 4 2 - - chromate

НCrO 4 - - hydrochromate

H 2 Cr 2 O 7 - dichromic

Cr 2 O 7 2 - - dichromate

FeO 4 2 - - ferrate

HIO 3 - iodine

IO 3 - - iodate

HIO 4 - metaiodine

IO 4 - - metaperiodate

H 5 IO 6 - orthoiodine

IO 6 5 - - orthoperiodate

HMnO 4 - manganese

MnO4- - permanganate

MnO 4 2 - - manganate

MoO 4 2 - - molybdate

HNO 2 - nitrogenous

NO 2 - - nitrite

HNO 3 - nitrogen

NO 3 - - nitrate

HPO 3 - metaphosphoric

PO 3 - - metaphosphate

H 3 PO 4 - orthophosphoric

PO 4 3 - - orthophosphate

НPO 4 2 - - hydroorthophosphate

H 2 PO 4 - - dihydroothophosphate

H 4 P 2 O 7 - diphosphoric

P 2 O 7 4 - - diphosphate

ReO 4 - - perrhenate

SO 3 2 - - sulfite

HSO 3 - - hydrosulfite

H 2 SO 4 - sulfuric

SO 4 2 - - sulfate

HSO 4 - - hydrogen sulfate

H 2 S 2 O 7 - disulfur

S 2 O 7 2 - - disulfate

H 2 S 2 O 6 (O 2) - peroxodisulfur

S 2 O 6 (O 2) 2 - - peroxodisulfate

H 2 SO 3 S - thiosulfur

SO 3 S 2 - - thiosulfate

H 2 SeO 3 - selenium

SeO 3 2 - - selenite

H 2 SeO 4 - selenium

SeO 4 2 - - selenate

H 2 SiO 3 - metasilicon

SiO 3 2 - - metasilicate

H 4 SiO 4 - orthosilicon

SiO 4 4 - - orthosilicate

H 2 TeO 3 - telluric

TeO 3 2 - - tellurite

H 2 TeO 4 - metatelluric

TeO 4 2 - - metatellurate

H 6 TeO 6 - orthotelluric

TeO 6 6 - - orthotellurate

VO 3 - - metavanadate

VO 4 3 - - orthovanadate

WO 4 3 - - tungstate

Less common acid hydroxides are named according to nomenclature rules for complex compounds, for example:

The names of acid residues are used to construct the names of salts.

Basic hydroxides contain hydroxide ions, which can be replaced by acid residues subject to the rule of stoichiometric valency. All basic hydroxides are found in ortho-shape; their general formula is M(OH) n, Where n= 1.2 (less often 3.4) and M n+ is a metal cation. Examples of formulas and names of basic hydroxides:

The most important chemical property of basic and acidic hydroxides is their interaction with each other to form salts ( salt formation reaction), For example:

Ca(OH) 2 + H 2 SO 4 = CaSO 4 + 2H 2 O

Ca(OH) 2 + 2H 2 SO 4 = Ca(HSO 4) 2 + 2H 2 O

2Ca(OH)2 + H2SO4 = Ca2SO4(OH)2 + 2H2O

Salts are a type of complex substances that contain M cations n+ and acidic residues*.

Salts with general formula M X(EO at)n called average salts, and salts with unsubstituted hydrogen atoms - sour salts. Sometimes salts also contain hydroxide and/or oxide ions; such salts are called main salts. Here are examples and names of salts:

Calcium orthophosphate

Calcium dihydrogen orthophosphate

Calcium hydrogen phosphate

Copper(II) carbonate

Cu 2 CO 3 (OH) 2

Dicopper dihydroxide carbonate

Lanthanum(III) nitrate

Titanium oxide dinitrate

Acid and basic salts can be converted to middle salts by reaction with the appropriate basic and acidic hydroxide, for example:

Ca(HSO 4) 2 + Ca(OH) = CaSO 4 + 2H 2 O

Ca 2 SO 4 (OH) 2 + H 2 SO 4 = Ca 2 SO 4 + 2H 2 O

There are also salts containing two different cations: they are often called double salts, For example:

2. Acidic and basic oxides

Oxides E X ABOUT at- products of complete dehydration of hydroxides:

Acid hydroxides (H 2 SO 4, H 2 CO 3) acid oxides answer(SO 3, CO 2), and basic hydroxides (NaOH, Ca(OH) 2) - basicoxides(Na 2 O, CaO), and the oxidation state of element E does not change when moving from hydroxide to oxide. Example of formulas and names of oxides:

Acidic and basic oxides retain the salt-forming properties of the corresponding hydroxides when interacting with hydroxides of opposite properties or with each other:

N 2 O 5 + 2NaOH = 2NaNO 3 + H 2 O

3CaO + 2H3PO4 = Ca3(PO4)2 + 3H2O

La 2 O 3 + 3SO 3 = La 2 (SO 4) 3

3. Amphoteric oxides and hydroxides

Amphotericity hydroxides and oxides - chemical property, which consists in the formation of two rows of salts, for example, for aluminum hydroxide and aluminum oxide:

(a) 2Al(OH) 3 + 3SO 3 = Al 2 (SO 4) 3 + 3H 2 O

Al 2 O 3 + 3H 2 SO 4 = Al 2 (SO 4) 3 + 3H 2 O

(b) 2Al(OH) 3 + Na 2 O = 2NaAlO 2 + 3H 2 O

Al 2 O 3 + 2NaOH = 2NaAlO 2 + H 2 O

Thus, aluminum hydroxide and oxide in reactions (a) exhibit the properties main hydroxides and oxides, i.e. react with acidic hydroxides and oxide, forming the corresponding salt - aluminum sulfate Al 2 (SO 4) 3, while in reactions (b) they also exhibit the properties acidic hydroxides and oxides, i.e. react with basic hydroxide and oxide, forming a salt - sodium dioxoaluminate (III) NaAlO 2. In the first case, the element aluminum exhibits the property of a metal and is part of the electropositive component (Al 3+), in the second - the property of a non-metal and is part of the electronegative component of the salt formula (AlO 2 -).

If these reactions occur in an aqueous solution, then the composition of the resulting salts changes, but the presence of aluminum in the cation and anion remains:

2Al(OH) 3 + 3H 2 SO 4 = 2 (SO 4) 3

Al(OH) 3 + NaOH = Na

Here, complex ions 3+ - hexaaqualuminium(III) cation, - - tetrahydroxoaluminate(III) ion are highlighted in square brackets.

Elements that exhibit metallic and non-metallic properties in compounds are called amphoteric, these include elements of the A-groups of the Periodic Table - Be, Al, Ga, Ge, Sn, Pb, Sb, Bi, Po, etc., as well as most elements of the B- groups - Cr, Mn, Fe, Zn, Cd, Au, etc. Amphoteric oxides are called the same as basic ones, for example:

Amphoteric hydroxides (if the oxidation state of the element exceeds + II) can be found in ortho- or (and) meta- form. Here are examples of amphoteric hydroxides:

Amphoteric oxides do not always correspond to amphoteric hydroxides, since when trying to obtain the latter, hydrated oxides are formed, for example:

If an amphoteric element in a compound has several oxidation states, then the amphotericity of the corresponding oxides and hydroxides (and, consequently, the amphotericity of the element itself) will be expressed differently. For low oxidation states, hydroxides and oxides have a predominance of basic properties, and the element itself has metallic properties, so it is almost always included in the composition of cations. For high oxidation states, on the contrary, hydroxides and oxides have a predominance of acidic properties, and the element itself has non-metallic properties, so it is almost always included in the composition of anions. Thus, manganese(II) oxide and hydroxide have dominant basic properties, and manganese itself is part of cations of the 2+ type, while manganese(VII) oxide and hydroxide have dominant acidic properties, and manganese itself is part of the MnO 4 - type anion. . Amphoteric hydroxides with a high predominance of acidic properties are assigned formulas and names modeled after acidic hydroxides, for example HMn VII O 4 - manganese acid.

Thus, the division of elements into metals and non-metals is conditional; Between the elements (Na, K, Ca, Ba, etc.) with purely metallic properties and the elements (F, O, N, Cl, S, C, etc.) with purely non-metallic properties, there is a large group of elements with amphoteric properties.

4. Binary compounds

A broad type of inorganic complex substances are binary compounds. These include, first of all, all two-element compounds (except for basic, acidic and amphoteric oxides), for example H 2 O, KBr, H 2 S, Cs 2 (S 2), N 2 O, NH 3, HN 3, CaC 2 , SiH 4 . The electropositive and electronegative components of the formulas of these compounds include individual atoms or bonded groups of atoms of the same element.

Multielement substances, in the formulas of which one of the components contains unrelated atoms of several elements, as well as single-element or multi-element groups of atoms (except hydroxides and salts), are considered as binary compounds, for example CSO, IO 2 F 3, SBrO 2 F, CrO (O 2) 2, PSI 3, (CaTi)O 3, (FeCu)S 2, Hg(CN) 2, (PF 3) 2 O, VCl 2 (NH 2). Thus, CSO can be represented as a CS 2 compound in which one sulfur atom is replaced by an oxygen atom.

The names of binary compounds are constructed according to the usual nomenclature rules, for example:

OF 2 - oxygen difluoride

K 2 O 2 - potassium peroxide

HgCl 2 - mercury(II) chloride

Na 2 S - sodium sulfide

Hg 2 Cl 2 - dimercury dichloride

Mg 3 N 2 - magnesium nitride

SBr 2 O - sulfur oxide-dibromide

NH 4 Br - ammonium bromide

N 2 O - dinitrogen oxide

Pb(N 3) 2 - lead(II) azide

NO 2 - nitrogen dioxide

CaC 2 - calcium acetylenide

For some binary compounds, special names are used, a list of which was given earlier.

The chemical properties of binary compounds are quite diverse, so they are often divided into groups by the name of anions, i.e. halides, chalcogenides, nitrides, carbides, hydrides, etc. are considered separately. Among binary compounds there are also those that have some characteristics of other types of inorganic substances. Thus, the compounds CO, NO, NO 2, and (Fe II Fe 2 III) O 4, the names of which are constructed using the word oxide, cannot be classified as oxides (acidic, basic, amphoteric). Carbon monoxide CO, nitrogen monoxide NO and nitrogen dioxide NO 2 do not have corresponding acid hydroxides (although these oxides are formed by non-metals C and N), nor do they form salts whose anions would include C II, N II and N IV atoms. Double oxide (Fe II Fe 2 III) O 4 - diiron(III)-iron(II) oxide, although it contains atoms of the amphoteric element - iron in the electropositive component, but in two different oxidation states, as a result of which, when interacting with acid hydroxides, it forms not one, but two different salts.

Binary compounds such as AgF, KBr, Na 2 S, Ba(HS) 2, NaCN, NH 4 Cl, and Pb(N 3) 2 are built, like salts, from real cations and anions, which is why they are called salt-like binary compounds (or simply salts). They can be considered as products of the substitution of hydrogen atoms in the compounds HF, HCl, HBr, H 2 S, HCN and HN 3. The latter in an aqueous solution have an acidic function, and therefore their solutions are called acids, for example HF (aqua) - hydrofluoric acid, H 2 S (aqua) - hydrosulfide acid. However, they do not belong to the type of acid hydroxides, and their derivatives do not belong to the salts within the classification of inorganic substances.

Mimimitsin. An antibiotic from the anthracycline group, designed to destroy gram-positive bacteria. Belongs to a subgroup of so-called “bohemian” antibiotics - all 8 of its “members” were named by developers from the American city of Syracuse in honor of the characters from Puccini’s opera “La Bohème”. Mimimycin is named after Mimi, and the group also includes bohemamine, alcindoromycin, collenomycin, marcellomycin, musettamycin, rudolphomycin and shonardimycin.

Pikachurin. A protein found in the retina of the eye and first described in 2008 by Japanese biologist Shigeru Sato. Being a Pokemon fan, Sato named the substance he discovered after Pikachu, since the new protein seemed to him to be very fast and unpredictable in its reactions. Like a real Pikachu.

Ranasmurfin. Protein found in tree frog habitats in Southeast Asia. The protein, first described in 2008, was an atypical blue color and its discoverers named it after the Smurfs, known for their bright blue skin.

Bastardan. A tricyclic bridged hydrocarbon, a close relative of adamantane. In fact, it is a modification of adamantane, which arose due to an atypical deviation from the principles of formation of hydrocarbons of its group, which is why it received the name “bastardane” from the word bastard, “illegitimate child.”

Draculin. A glycoprotein isolated from the saliva of vampire bats. It consists of 411 amino acid residues, works as an anticoagulant and is named, as you might guess, in honor of Count Dracula.

Olympiadan. One of the catenanes, molecules that, in addition to chemical bonds, have mechanical “fastenings” of repeating cycles. Olympiadan is a substance whose molecules are 5 independent, but mechanically linked rings. Synthesized in 1994 and named after the Olympics.

A set of rules for how to name a particular chemical compound is called chemical nomenclature. Initially, the names of chemical substances appeared without any rules or systematics - such names are now called “trivial”. Many names that have been in use for hundreds and sometimes thousands of years (for example, acetic acid) are still in use today.

Which nomenclature is better

Since chemistry became a science, repeated attempts have been made to systematize chemical names. At the moment, there are many chemical nomenclatures that are popular to a greater or lesser extent. The most common are the Rational Nomenclature for Inorganic Compounds and the IUPAC 1957 Rules of Nomenclature for Organic Compounds. However, absolutely universal system there are no names, different organizations, scientific publications and even countries give preference to one or another nomenclature, therefore almost any nomenclature contains tables of synonyms. For example, water can be called dihydrogen monoxide or H2O, and sulfuric acid can be called dihydrogen tetraoxosulfate or H2SO4. In the periodic table, each element has two names, for example, Russian and international designations: tin and Sn (Stannum), silver and Ag (Argentum).

In Russia, different nomenclatures are used. Rospatent recommends using Chemical Abstracts; GOST uses IUPAC rules ( International Union theoretical and applied chemistry). At the same time, it is considered reasonable to use established trivial names for long-known substances: soda, water, citric acid, but for new substances, especially organic ones, of complex composition, it is better to use systematic names that reflect the structure of the compound.

Taxonomy for inorganic substances

The names of inorganic compounds are based on the Russian names of the elements or the use of the roots of traditional Latin names: nitride from Nitrogenium, dioxygen, bromide, oxide from Oxygenium, sulfide from sulfur, carbonate from Carboneum, etc. To indicate the number of atoms in a compound, prefixes are used, for example, mono- (one), di- (two), tetra- (four), deca- (ten), dodeca- (twelve). For an indefinite number they write p- (poly-).

Titles chemical substance reflects its chemical formula, consisting of real or conventional ions. The names are read from right to left. The number of ions is indicated using a prefix or the oxidation state with a Roman numeral in parentheses:
SnO2 - tin dioxide, tin (IV) oxide;
SnO - tin monoxide, tin(II) oxide.

For known substances, established names are used: water, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, ozone, oxygen, hydrogen fluoride, etc.

Names of acids and alkalis

The names of acids consist of the name of the forming substance and the word “acid”: carbonic acid, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid. For lesser-known acids, the rules for constructing names for complex compounds are used. For example, hydrofluoroboric acid HBF4 is also called tetrafluoroboric acid.

The names of alkalis consist of the name of the metal and the word “hydroxide (hydroxide)”: sodium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide.

Names of salts

They are made up of the name of the acid residue and the metal. The main one is the acid residue. The suffix “-at/-it” is used for oxygen-containing salts, and “-id” for non-oxygen-containing salts. For example, NaBr is sodium bromide, K2CO3 is potassium carbonate.
For oxygen-containing salts, various suffixes and prefixes are used to indicate the degree of oxidation of the acid residue.
The suffix “-at” is used as a basis.
when the oxidation state decreases, first the suffix “-it” is used, then, in addition to the suffix “-it”, the prefix “hypo-”.
For more high degree oxidation, the suffix “-at” is supplemented with the prefix “per-”. For example,
NaClO4 - sodium perchlorate,
NaClO3 - sodium chlorate,
NaClO2 - sodium chlorite,
NaClO - sodium hypochlorite.

Acid and basic salts, crystalline hydrates and some other groups have their own group names and rules of formation. For example, for crystalline hydrates, the word “hydrate” is used before the name of the salt. Alum is the general name for a class of double sulfates, for example, KAl(SO4)2*12H2O - potassium alum.

For organic substances, nomenclature rules are used that reflect the structure of these compounds. We will look at them in our next articles.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):