Calendar, when according to the church calendar is Yuri’s name day

Saints with the name Yuri are venerated 2 times.

  • February 17 - George (Yuri) Vsevolodovich, Vladimir, Grand Duke;
  • August 13 - Yuri (George) Petrogradsky (Novitsky), martyr.

Characteristics of the birthday boy Yuri:

Slavic form from Greek name Georgy is a farmer.

The farmer is always associated with reliability, perseverance, and prudence. So is Yuri. He is persistent in achieving goals, reliable in relationships, and reasonable in everyday life.

In his career, he is capable of achieving a lot, since he hardworkingly cultivates his field, but, like a Russian peasant, he is always ready to take up the sword in order to defend with arms in hand what he is working for. This is a philosopher and warrior rolled into one. Yuri prefers to resolve conflict situations immediately and completely. If, after quarreling or arguing with him, you avoid resolving the problem, it will not be easy to regain his favor.

Yuri knows how to have fun - he is by nature cheerful, endowed with liveliness, even artistry. Therefore, it enjoys constant success among women. But Yuri is very picky in this regard, he is able to choose his soul mate for a long time, but even having found it, he will not rest on his laurels, he can continue his search while he is married. This is due to the fact that Yuri treats women with some distrust. But Yuri’s wife is like behind a stone wall: he always cares about the well-being of the family, strives to ensure that there is prosperity and comfort in the house.

Congratulations on Yuri's name day:

Don't forget to celebrate Yuri's name day and congratulate Yuri on Angel's Day.

Yurochka, congratulations to you

I'm in a hurry with the name day.

If you want, I’ll invite you to visit,

To celebrate your Angel's day?

I promise a nice evening.

It'll just be you and me.

I've loved you for a long time!

There is a reason - I invite you!

Let's light bright candles,

I'll set the festive table,

I'll be gentle with you -

Let's have a wonderful evening!

And all your angels

They will sing the anthem of love for us!

May your guardian angel, Yuri, protect you

Your life is danger and risk.

Let fate connect with love

You value your life.

After all, you deserve the best share

You are a bright warrior in life.

You give yourself everything without reserve

You have an iron grip!

Our dear Yura is a “farmer”,

He is a master in everything,

A great craftsman in the profession -

Everything, while improving!

Overcomes obstacles

Our Yura with a “light” hand,

He manages everything in the world

And rushes home in joy.

We congratulate you Yura

Happy name day, our dear,

Let all the adversities of life, storms

You are being passed over.

YURY - farmer (Greek).

Name day: see George

Zodiac sign - Sagittarius.

Planet - Jupiter.

Color - blue.

A favorable tree is poplar.

The treasured plant is lily of the valley.

The patron of the name is the white bull.

The talisman stone is emerald.


Calm, noble, restrained, reasonable, he has amazing self-control. However, at the same time he has artistic manners, he is generally an actor by nature. Yuri is a philosopher and warrior rolled into one, very persistent, brave, capable of achieving a lot in life. He has been unlucky in love for a long time, with women...

Saints named Yuri according to Orthodox calendar 2019 remembered 3 times a year.

Yuri's upcoming name day

Georgy (Yuri) Vsevolodovich, Vladimirsky, Grand Duke

How to correctly determine the spiritual patron and Yuri’s name day according to the Orthodox calendar? Options you can consider:

  • by birthday;
  • on the day of naming (the eighth day of life);
  • on the day of baptism (fortieth day of life);

It happens that on a specific day the names of saints are not indicated or Yuri’s birthday does not coincide with the day of remembrance of “his” saint. Then they look through the calendar three days ahead from the day of birth or baptism, and decide on the choice - Yuri’s name day church calendar The next memorial day of St. Yuri will be considered.

Traditionally, Christians named their children strictly according to the church charter, so there was no confusion between Name Day and Angel Day. Today, not everyone distinguishes between these two memorable dates.

Angel Yuri Day- this is the day of his baptism. It is called so because after the Sacrament the baptized person has Guardian Angel, who accompanies and protects the ward.

A Name day named after Yuri- This is the day of veneration of one of the saints named Yuri.

Birthday greeting cards 🖼 for Yuri

You can please the birthday boy with a congratulatory picture on Angel’s Day or Yuri’s name day, accompanied by a poetic congratulation, options for which you will find below.

Yuri's patron saints are men with great fortitude. Their lives were selflessly given to God. Yura's name day is the day of remembrance of one of the saints Yuri.

What to give 🎁 to Yuri for his name day

For men named Yuri, jade and emerald stones are considered talismans. Emerald is not a simple stone. It gives the owner wisdom, insight and protects from bad, evil thoughts. Emerald will not allow you to fall into depression or succumb to sad thoughts. This is a good assistant for the execution of any, even the most daring plans. IN flora Yuri's talismans are poplar and lily of the valley. Lily of the valley will help a man find a faithful wife, and poplar will preserve health and physical strength.

For Yuri a good gift things related to his hobby may become. Men with this name love fishing, gardening, gardening, mushroom picking and other leisurely activities. Therefore, fishing accessories, a set of gardening tools, rare seedlings and seeds can please Yuri on his name day. Yuri is a wonderful family man, so he will also like gifts made with the whole family in mind. For example, a certificate to an entertainment or shopping center, the purchase of sports equipment for the whole family.

Congratulations 🥳 on your name day for Yuri

Yuri, Yuri... There is in the word
Strength is frisky and honor
And there is also a side
Which is not visible to everyone.
Can you be an idol?
Sharp, fun jokes
You can succeed in life
To help many people out, to warm them up.
Make your dreams come true
To heavenly heights!
Many words, but the essence is one -
Drink the cup of happiness to the dregs!

I sincerely wish, Yuri,
May you be lucky in everything,
Quarrels, winds, evil storms
They walked past your house.

So that there is only joy in the heart,
And relatives at the table,
Only in a positive mood,
And success in any work!

It's not the name that makes a man,
But it is the man who colors the name.
Yuri, we wish you happiness,
Good health forever.
Perseverance and hard work
May they bring you success.
We wish you love and tenderness!
May you always be the happiest!

Be healthy, strong in body,
You don’t know sorrows, Yurok,
You are an exceptional man
No one has such a wide soul.

I wish you happiness in your lot,
Riches and an affectionate wife,
May success be the ruler of the house
Throughout fate.

I wish you, Yura, pleasure,

So that you cast aside all doubts,

After all, the name day has arrived,

Fortunately, the right was given,

I want to wish you good health,

And never lose heart,

You, Yura, move forward,

May good luck await you!

Patron saints 😇 Yuri according to church calendar

The Church Orthodox calendar - month book contains the names of saints who were glorified for their ascetic life.

Every Christian can find out in memory of which ascetic his birthday was consecrated. In order to find answers to the important questions of one’s own life and to understand what destiny is destined for oneself, it makes sense to familiarize yourself with the details of the life and ascetic deeds of “your” saint.

† Georgy (Yuri) Vsevolodovich Vladimirsky, holy noble prince

The future holy noble Grand Duke was born in 1189. His parents were good Christians. And the little prince with early years raised to fear God. The young prince himself was drawn to Christianity: he diligently studied the Holy Scriptures, attended church, fasted and prayed. At the age of 19, the prince got married. His wife was Agafya, the daughter of the Kyiv prince. Her disposition matched her husband's - modest, religious, kind and sensitive.

At the age of 24, Georgy Vsevolodovich became the Grand Duke of Vladimir. After several years of reign, as a result of the machinations of his elder brother Konstantin, George had to leave Vladimir and reign in the small and poor town of Radilov. The humility with which George accepted his defeat and move was soon rewarded. Having fallen ill, Constantine himself called his brother, gave him the city of Suzdal to reign and appointed him as his heir. After the death of his brother, George again took the princely throne. The Grand Duke allocated cities to his sons and nephews. Being a defender of the Russian land, he protected it from foreign raids, founded Nizhny Novgorod and founded two temples in it - the All-Merciful Savior and the Archangel Michael.

Georgy Vsevolodovich gained fame as a wise ruler. Princes and clergy consulted with him. On the initiative of the prince, the relics of the martyr Abraham were transferred to Vladimir. But severe trials awaited the ruler. The Mongol-Tatar invasion swept across the lands like a black wave and was approaching the Vladimir principality. Leaving his family in the capital, the prince united with other rulers of the Russian land and moved to the banks of the City River. In the besieged city, the entire family of the Grand Duke perished. Many of those whom he called to repel the enemies did not come to help either. Georgy Vsevolodovich died in 1238 in an unequal battle with the invaders. His body was transferred to Vladimir.

Nowadays, the shrine with the holy relics of the blessed prince is in the Assumption Cathedral Church, and miraculous healings happen near it.

Days of remembrance of Prince George (Yuri) Vsevolodovich Vladimirsky on February 17 and July 6 as part of the Cathedral of Vladimir Saints.

† Yuri Novitsky, martyr

A brilliantly educated native of a noble family, Yuri Petrovich Novitsky was an active public figure in the first two decades of the last century. He was born in 1882 in Ukraine, in the small city of Uman. His childhood and youth passed among educated and highly spiritual people. His father was a justice of the peace, his uncle was a philosopher and professor at the Kyiv Theological Academy.

The young man decided to follow in his father’s footsteps, so he graduated from the Kiev Imperial University, choosing legal disciplines. After studying, the talented student was left to continue his education at the university and do an internship in Germany.

Judicial investigator, creator of a shelter for children of convicts and exiles and the Patronage society, whose activities included the guardianship of prisoners, participant in the investigation of the murder of P.A. Stolypin, private associate professor at Kyiv and St. Petersburg universities - Yuri Petrovich worked a lot in various fields. But there was another side to his life - a spiritual one. Even as a child, he was imbued with the ideas of Christianity, regularly visited churches, and sang in the choir. In adulthood, he collaborated with Metropolitan Veniamin and was chairman of the board of the Society of United Petrograd Orthodox Parishes.

In 1922, Novitsky was arrested. He became the main defendant in the case of resistance to the seizure of church valuables. Being a lawyer, Yuri Novitsky behaved calmly and confidently during the trial. He competently stated his position, trying to take all the blame upon himself. However, on August 13, 1922, he, Metropolitan Veniamin, and Archimandrite Sergius were shot.

Yuri Novitsky was canonized as a new martyr in 1992.

The name has ancient Greek roots and correlates with the Orthodox church name Georgios. Yuri means a cultivator or tiller. Another form of the name: it also corresponds to the worldly name Yuri.

Church name:

Name meaning: farmer, farmer, land worker

Basic interpretation and characteristics of the name

Yuri is a calm, reasonable and reliable person. He has high self-control, endurance, tenacity of character and the will to win. He can be stubborn, persistent and convincing in his goals. He is not inclined to dream and make unrealistic plans; from his youth he is accustomed to working and relying on his own strength.

Yura begins to show leadership qualities early, preferring to lead rather than be led by someone. This man loves to dominate both in the family and among colleagues, friends or subordinates.

To those around him, Yuri seems quite friendly, sociable and peaceful. But sometimes this person can be vindictive and aggressive. A man gets annoyed when people contradict him or disagree with his opinion.

Yuri is hardworking and accustomed to achieving his goals. I am ready to defend and firmly defend my position, lifestyle, family structure and values. He is distinguished by his pragmatism and practical approach to business.

In relationships with loved ones, Yuri tries to be non-conflict, prefers to quickly resolve quarrels and contradictions, since he does not want to experience long emotional experiences. He knows how to abstract himself from everyday life and have a good time, has good feeling humor, very active and artistic.

Yuri is popular with women. Since he is not inclined to mope, be a bore, complaining about fate. Young people are attracted by his optimism, resourcefulness and cheerfulness. But this man is not inclined to be a ladies' man. If it comes to serious relationship, his companion can be confident in his fidelity and constancy. But this does not mean that this person will not be able to decide on a second and third marriage if they are overcome by love and passion. He will continue to take care of his former family, worrying about the material well-being and prosperity of his children.

A career for Yuri is not an end in itself. He is used to being self-sufficient and earning good money, but having reached a certain level he may stop and not expand the boundaries of his capabilities. At such moments, Yuri desperately needs additional motivation and inspiration, otherwise he will not fully reveal his potential.

His professional area of ​​interest may be related to research or engineering activities. Yuri has a mathematical mindset, is always accurate in calculations, reasonable, attentive and patient. He can be trusted with monotonous work that requires great responsibility. The man is used to completing the work he has started, focusing on a successful result.

Yuri will feel comfortable in the role of a leader. He has good organizational skills and is able to competently delegate tasks, focusing on the abilities and skills of his subordinates. He will always support, train or give advice, without making complaints about the employee’s incompetence in a particular area.

Yura knows what friendship is. He knows how to be honest, decent and reliable comrade. Friends can always count on his support in difficult moment. But those closest to Yuri’s heart will be those closest to him. He values ​​it very much family ties, respects his father, honors his mother, loves and values ​​his own children very much.

In the family, Yuri is used to keeping everything under control. It seems to him that his advice and attention are needed in everything related to everyday issues: cleaning, cooking, creating coziness and comfort in the house. Sometimes this burdens loved ones, and they point to his excessive vigilance.

In his wife, Yuri was accustomed to seeing not only a mistress, but also a close friend. He can be jealous, suspicious, wary. This is due to past bad experiences that made him very distrustful of women.

To win over Yuri, the wife must pay more attention to her husband, be affectionate, gentle and caring. This man cannot be called a sentimental person, but he loves when feelings are shown to him, expecting positive emotions from him.

Yuri's health is very good. He is not inclined to colds and has high immunity. But sometimes he can neglect his own body, provoking the appearance of a chronic disease.

The fate of the church name Yuri in history

Saint Yuri of Petrograd

Novitsky Yuri Petrovich is one of the famous Orthodox Christians, equated to sainthood for good deeds and the spread of faith among Russians. Yuri Petrovich was born in 1882 in one of the provinces near Kyiv. His family was quite wealthy, his mother was a noblewoman, his father was a justice of the peace.

When Yuri studied at the Kyiv Gymnasium, he actively began to be interested in religion, and became a deeply religious person. Even when he became a professor in the field of criminal law, a criminologist, he did not leave public work for the benefit of the church, and became chairman of the Society of Orthodox Parishes in Petrograd.

Yuri Petrovich began to firmly defend the interests of the church before Soviet power, provide professional legal assistance to Metropolitan Benjamin. After which Yuri Petrovich, together with the archbishop and metropolitan, was arrested by counter-revolutionaries and shot at one of the railway stations, presumably at the Rzhevsky training ground. The location of his relics is still unknown to this day.

The reason for such a quick execution of Yuri Petrogradsky was his high authority among the common people, who valued him for his kindness, responsiveness, courage and inflexibility.

Saint George Vsevolodovich

) Vsevolodovich - Prince of Vladimir, Gorodetsky and Suzdal. He professed Orthodoxy, was kind, merciful, revered the laws of God, supported the needy, giving alms, building churches, parishes, built a stone cathedral in Suzdal, finishing it with marble and painting the ceilings.

After the death of Yuri of Vladimir, his relics were canonized, and he was equated to the ranks of saints as the Blessed Holy Prince George Vsevolodovich.

The name has ancient Greek roots and correlates with the Orthodox church name Georgios. Yuri means a cultivator or tiller. Another form of the name: it also corresponds to the worldly name Yuri.

Church name:

Name meaning: farmer, farmer, land worker

Basic interpretation and characteristics of the name

Yuri is a calm, reasonable and reliable person. He has high self-control, endurance, tenacity of character and the will to win. He can be stubborn, persistent and convincing in his goals. He is not inclined to dream and make unrealistic plans; from his youth he is accustomed to working and relying on his own strength.

Yura begins to show leadership qualities early, preferring to lead rather than be led by someone. This man loves to dominate both in the family and among colleagues, friends or subordinates.

To those around him, Yuri seems quite friendly, sociable and peaceful. But sometimes this person can be vindictive and aggressive. A man gets annoyed when people contradict him or disagree with his opinion.

Yuri is hardworking and accustomed to achieving his goals. I am ready to defend and firmly defend my position, lifestyle, family structure and values. He is distinguished by his pragmatism and practical approach to business.

In relationships with loved ones, Yuri tries to be non-conflict, prefers to quickly resolve quarrels and contradictions, since he does not want to experience long emotional experiences. He knows how to abstract himself from everyday life and have a good time, has a good sense of humor, is very active and artistic.

Yuri is popular with women. Since he is not inclined to mope, be a bore, complaining about fate. Young people are attracted by his optimism, resourcefulness and cheerfulness. But this man is not inclined to be a ladies' man. If it comes to a serious relationship, his companion can be confident in his fidelity and constancy. But this does not mean that this person will not be able to decide on a second and third marriage if they are overcome by love and passion. He will continue to take care of his former family, worrying about the material well-being and prosperity of his children.

A career for Yuri is not an end in itself. He is used to being self-sufficient and earning good money, but having reached a certain level he may stop and not expand the boundaries of his capabilities. At such moments, Yuri desperately needs additional motivation and inspiration, otherwise he will not fully reveal his potential.

His professional area of ​​interest may be related to research or engineering activities. Yuri has a mathematical mindset, is always accurate in calculations, reasonable, attentive and patient. He can be trusted with monotonous work that requires great responsibility. The man is used to completing the work he has started, focusing on a successful result.

Yuri will feel comfortable in the role of a leader. He has good organizational skills and is able to competently delegate tasks, focusing on the abilities and skills of his subordinates. He will always support, train or give advice, without making complaints about the employee’s incompetence in a particular area.

Yura knows what friendship is. He knows how to be honest, decent and reliable comrade. Friends can always hope for his support in difficult times. But those closest to Yuri’s heart will be those closest to him. He values ​​family ties very much, respects his father, honors his mother, and loves and values ​​his own children very much.

In the family, Yuri is used to keeping everything under control. It seems to him that his advice and attention are needed in everything related to everyday issues: cleaning, cooking, creating coziness and comfort in the house. Sometimes this burdens loved ones, and they point to his excessive vigilance.

In his wife, Yuri was accustomed to seeing not only a mistress, but also a close friend. He can be jealous, suspicious, wary. This is due to past bad experiences that made him very distrustful of women.

To win over Yuri, the wife must pay more attention to her husband, be affectionate, gentle and caring. This man cannot be called a sentimental person, but he loves when feelings are shown to him, expecting positive emotions from him.

Yuri's health is very good. He is not prone to colds and has high immunity. But sometimes he can neglect his own body, provoking the appearance of a chronic disease.

The fate of the church name Yuri in history

Saint Yuri of Petrograd

Novitsky Yuri Petrovich is one of the famous Orthodox Christians, equated to sainthood for good deeds and the spread of faith among Russians. Yuri Petrovich was born in 1882 in one of the provinces near Kyiv. His family was quite wealthy, his mother was a noblewoman, his father was a justice of the peace.

When Yuri studied at the Kyiv Gymnasium, he actively began to be interested in religion, and became a deeply religious person. Even when he became a professor in the field of criminal law, a criminologist, he did not leave public work for the benefit of the church, and became chairman of the Society of Orthodox Parishes in Petrograd.

Yuri Petrovich began to firmly defend the interests of the church before the Soviet authorities and provide professional legal assistance to Metropolitan Veniamin. After which Yuri Petrovich, along with the archbishop and metropolitan, was arrested by counter-revolutionaries and shot at one of the railway stations, presumably at the Rzhev training ground. The location of his relics is still unknown to this day.

The reason for such a quick execution of Yuri Petrogradsky was his high authority among the common people, who valued him for his kindness, responsiveness, courage and inflexibility.

Saint George Vsevolodovich

) Vsevolodovich - Prince of Vladimir, Gorodetsky and Suzdal. He professed Orthodoxy, was kind, merciful, revered the laws of God, supported the needy, giving alms, building churches, parishes, built a stone cathedral in Suzdal, finishing it with marble and painting the ceilings.

After the death of Yuri of Vladimir, his relics were canonized, and he was equated to the ranks of saints as the Blessed Holy Prince George Vsevolodovich.

Over the past few years, the name Yuri has become less popular than, for example, about 10 years ago. As a result, parents of today's children rarely use such a name and are more inclined to names such as Tikhon or Mark, but in former times it was widespread. It is important to remember the fact that in ancient times the name Yura was often given to children who were born into noble or other high-born families. It was from those very times that Yura’s name day was celebrated, since such a celebration was considered the most important in his life. It is also worth noting that many people claim that the tradition of celebrating a person’s name day is returning to modern life. As a result, it is important to know exactly when name days are and on what dates they fall; at the same time, we should not forget that there are a number of rules according to which name days must be celebrated.

Name meaning

Before you talk about Yuri’s name day and what rules exist for their providence, you need to find out what meaning this name carries? Since it is known that every human name assigns a certain human destiny, as a result, many parents study its meaning when choosing a name for their child. At the same time, it is important to note that Orthodox believers believe that human destiny in no case can depend on the name, but only on the Almighty Himself.

Yuri- This ancient Greek name, which is a kind of offshoot from famous name Georgy. It is worth noting that Yuri means the so-called “farmer” or the literal translation sounds like a person “cultivating the land.” Similar names to male name Yuri are Georgiy and Egor.

Character of the birthday boy

Experienced and competent specialists have been observing people named Yuri for many years. Thus, they establish characteristic behavioral differences at different ages.

Boys with the same name, Yuri, show some independence from childhood. They are prone to housekeeping, do their homework on their own and, of course, take care of their own pets. Also, as a child, Yuri is often extremely curious, that is, an inquisitive child, so he looks for any means of information in order to study it. It is important to note that scientists have found that boys often do not listen to parental advice, that is, they do not tolerate any kind of care, reproaches fall on deaf ears, but at the same time they are excellent helpers in household chores.

Competent experts have established that Yuri has many excellent qualities: he is observant and has an excellent memory. At the same time, like any child, he is active and loves various sports competitions.

In youth and maturity, a person named Yura has enormous knowledge, that is, thinking, and there is also a large amount of perseverance. It is worth noting that such people are not afraid of various difficulties, so they take on even the greatest responsibility. At the same time, the main distinguishing quality of such a person is restraint and prudence, since the nature is such that Yuri can hide certain impulses of his own soul. As a result, people who bear the name Yura can become excellent teachers, scientists, architects or even surgeons.

Over the past few years, experienced and competent specialists have discovered that the main characteristics of a person named Yuri are a sense of humor, activity and, of course, independence.

Yuri's birthday. What does this holiday mean?

In former times, name days were only of a religious nature, but later such celebrations were given a certain secular character. However, despite the advent of such a celebration, it is believed that the name day of this or that person is a kind of holiday of the soul.

Every Orthodox believer knows that in ancient times a name was given only at the time of baptism, which often occurred at about 8 days of age. At the same time, the choice of name was involuntary, since the baby was named after one or another Saint. The day of remembrance or name day, which is located near the date of birth of the baby. Thus, religious believers believed that a child on the 8th day of birth acquires his own patron, who will protect and help the baby throughout his life. Since then, it has been customary that the name day is the date of memory of the highly revered Saint namesake, that is, the patron.

Name day traditions

In ancient times, name days were special and practically one of the most important celebrations in a person’s life at that time. The main tradition of such a day was considered to be a trip to a temple or church so that the birthday person could receive communion and confess. This act was also the main ritual of the celebration. It is also important to note that in addition to the birthday person, his relatives and close people had to come to the temple in order to order a service in the name of celebration, as well as to light a candle. The person whose name day was celebrated on this day had to place a candle near the Holy Face of his own Patron; further celebrations were in no way different from the current name days.

After confession and communion, you must return to your own home and serve a festive dinner for all family members, as well as for close and dear relatives. It is also important to note that according to ancient tradition, there should have been various dishes, but the main condition was their home cooking. Therefore, a special holiday was celebrated with the help of pies and loaves, since every Orthodox believer could not afford such baked goods at that time. The largest loaf on a name day was supposed to be taken to a neighboring house for the godparents, and other goodies and delicacies were to be taken to nearby neighbors so that they could celebrate the name day of the patron of this or that person. In ancient times, it was customary to stuff loaves and pies with a variety of berries, mushrooms, fish and even jam. At the same time, baked goods could have both an open and closed appearance. It was customary to celebrate Yuri's name day in such a way that the most beautiful and main loaf was located in the center of the festive dinner table, but at the same time the loaf should be decorated directly with the name of the hero of the occasion. Consequently, using the test, the name Yuri was placed on the loaf.

Angel's Day, or when is Yuri's name day?

The day of the angel and the man who bears the name Yuri according to the Orthodox church calendar must be celebrated depending on the date of his nearby patron.

It is also worth noting that Orthodox believers have some folk traditions and signs that are especially effective on the day of the angel Yura. Some people say that on the day of the angel of St. Yuri it is necessary to offer a prayer for the protection of girls, as well as for patronage in starting agricultural work. If Yuri’s angel day falls in the winter, then he is considered a kind of lord of wolves. There is a popular belief that on this day not a single wolf will be able to touch livestock without the command of Saint Yura.

Particularly important dates, which are Angel Day for men named Yuri is February 17 and August 13- these dates, according to the church calendar, are his name days.

What do they give for name days?

Since in ancient times name days were a spiritual holiday, therefore, gifts were appropriate. In ancient times, the optimal gift for a name day was an icon depicting the Patron Saint. Also, many people gave the birthday boy various church literature or paraphernalia.

It is important to note that in some settlements there was a tradition of giving a measured icon drawn with one’s own hands on a name day. The main condition for such a gift is that the baby’s height matches. It is important to note that it was the measured icon that was considered not only a powerful amulet, but also a kind of divine symbol, as a result of which the people to whom it was given often took it with them on a long journey. Servants of temples and churches claim that the measured Holy Face is a kind of means of communication between the patron and the birthday person himself.

Previously, measured icons were supposed to accompany Yuri throughout his life, and after his death the Holy Image was passed on to other family members in the form of an heirloom. It is also important to note that holy images could be made from the most simple materials, but it was often customary to give icons that were made from a variety of precious stones or materials. The basis for applying the drawing with one’s own hand was canvas or wood. It is also important to note that the birthday boy Yuri often valued the external beauty and the opportunity to communicate with his own patron in a gift, and not what materials the icon was made from.

The story of the patron saint of all Yuri

The widely known name day of Yuri according to the Orthodox Christian calendar is February 17.

It is this date that is associated with the Memorial Day of Yuri Vsevolodovich, who was once the Prince of Vladimir. However, he was canonized and canonized under the name of Georgy Vsevolodovich.

It is known that every Orthodox believer knows exactly what role in the formation Orthodox Church Georgy Vsevolodovich plays, as a result of this, canonization took place and his memorial day is February 17, so it is on this day that every person who was named Yuri at the time of baptism celebrates his name day.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):