Case index


serial number matters on nomenclature and symbol structural part of institutions, indicated on the cover of the case

Brief dictionary terms from the field of office work. - Modern office work: Textbook. allowance. - 3rd ed. - M.: INFRA-M; Novosibirsk: Siberian Agreement, - (Series “Higher Education”).. M.V. Kirsanova. 2003.

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Registration of documents is a recording of accounting data about a document in the prescribed form, recording the fact of its creation, receipt or dispatch.

The purpose of registration is to carry out accounting, control over the execution of documents and their search. Registration of documents involves solving such problems as:

Ensuring the safety of documents;

Organization of information retrieval arrays.

Using registration forms, you can obtain information about the receipt and sending of documents, their location, deadlines, etc.

Many documents created in institutions and organizations acquire legal force only after their registration. For example, an order comes into force and begins to operate only from the moment of its registration. A letter sent from an organization becomes official only if it has an outgoing registration number; assigning a registration index to an incoming document is a recording of the fact of its receipt and the establishment of the organization’s responsibility for its execution or use of the information contained in it.


Documents that require recording, execution and use for reference purposes are subject to registration. In the office work of the personnel service, documents are created that are registered in order to give them legal force (orders, letters, memos, etc.). Most of the registration arrays in personnel records management are formed for the purpose of recording particularly valuable documents (work books, personal files, travel certificates, etc.).

Documents are registered within separate groups depending on the type of document, the number of documents of the same type, author, and content. For example, when registering in any organization, orders for personnel are allocated to separate arrays. But with a large volume of these documents, they can be divided according to the criterion of storage period into two arrays - orders for personnel (storage period 75 years) and orders for vacations, business trips, penalties, duty (storage period 5 years). Registration by separate types is possible: orders for admission, orders for transfer, orders for dismissal, etc. Within each allocated array, documents are assigned a serial number and registration index during registration.

Incoming documents are registered on the day of receipt, outgoing and internal documents - on the day of signing. Telegrams and faxes are registered at the time of receipt and immediately transmitted to the addressee.


Indexation of documents is the assignment, during registration, of a document of a serial (registration) number and the necessary symbols that make it possible to determine the structural unit or official who is the author of the document and the place of its storage. Indexes are used in searching, recording, and systematizing documents. Registration indexes on an incoming document are placed in the lower field, on outgoing and internal ones - in the header part of the document.

The registration index consists of the serial number of the document within the selected array and symbols, for example, a group of documents or a structural unit, a case index by nomenclature. The registration index is not repeated during the year and represents the main search feature of the document.

In indexes, the array designation and the serial number are separated from each other by a hyphen or a slash. For example, 145-LS, or 145/LS, where 145 is the serial number of the document in the registered array, LS is the designation of orders for personnel.

The index of administrative documents, as a rule, consists of a serial number assigned to a document within a year.

Small organizations usually use a simple indexing system - the letter indices “K” (personnel) or “LS” (personnel) are added to the order number. Since orders for personnel are issued, registered and stored separately from orders for main activities, in this case indexes help to distinguish them from orders for main activities.

A number of personnel services register long-term storage orders with the index “LS”, and short-term orders with the index “K”.

In large personnel services, an indexing system is being developed that sets different personnel orders for different letter designations. For example, the index “K” is added to the number of orders for the movement of personnel (reception, transfer, dismissal). But with a large number of staff and different categories of personnel (specialists, managers, workers, employees), it is necessary to develop symbols of orders for each category of personnel in addition to the initial index “K”.

The formation of a system for indexing documents is a rather individual procedure and is determined by the rules for registering documents adopted in a particular organization, and depends, first of all, on the number of orders issued. In large organizations, where the number of personnel is in the thousands and, accordingly, the number of personnel orders will also be very significant, and each type of personnel order will be created and registered in separate structural units of the personnel service, it is advisable to develop a system of indices that will distinguish each type of order. For example, "P" - orders for hiring, "PR" - orders for hiring workers, "PS" - for hiring specialists (engineering engineers); “K” - business trips, “KV” - internal business trips, etc. In this case, the indexing system should be enshrined in the instructions on the records management of the personnel service.

Indexes are placed on incoming documents (except for attachments), on outgoing documents (except for attachments) and their copies that remain in the organization’s files, on internal documents and attachments to them.

12. Concept and requirements for the nomenclature of personnel service affairs.

The nomenclature of cases is a systematized list of the headings of cases entered into the records management of an organization, indicating storage periods, drawn up in the prescribed form1.

In this definition, you should pay attention to the fact that the nomenclature of cases should:

Secure the systematization of all documents:

Be prepared in accordance with the rules existing in the normative and methodological documents of the Federal Archive. The nomenclature of cases is developed with the aim of:

Ensuring order in the process of filing documents in cases (i.e., forming cases);

Accounting for the number of cases opened in a structural unit (and the organization as a whole) per year;

Indexation of cases;

Drawing up inventories when submitting documents of permanent and temporary (over 10 years) storage to the archive;

Accounting for temporary (up to 10 years) storage of documents in the document archive.

When developing a specific nomenclature of files, they use the regulatory documents of the Federal Archive, regulating the methodology for compiling and processing the nomenclature of files, and a standard list of documents indicating storage periods; in addition, nomenclatures of files for previous years can provide significant assistance in compiling a nomenclature of files for the next year.

There are three types of case nomenclatures:

Standard (establishes the composition of cases opened in the office work of similar organizations, and is a normative document),

Approximate (establishes an approximate composition of cases opened in the records management of the organizations to which it applies, indicating their indexes and is advisory in nature),

Individual nomenclature of affairs of a specific organization.

Standard and approximate nomenclatures of cases are used to compile an individual nomenclature of cases; Of these, case headings and document retention periods are transferred without changes to the individual case nomenclature.

The nomenclature of cases is compiled at the end of the calendar year by the organization’s records management service and comes into effect in January of the next year.

The nomenclature of personnel service affairs is a section of the general nomenclature; its project is prepared by one of the employees and signed by the head of the service. The organization's records management service can make changes and adjustments to the prepared project (clarify case titles, storage periods, etc.).

The nomenclature of the organization's affairs is replicated in the required number of copies. Its first copy is stored in the office work service, the second is used by the office work service as a working copy, the third is located as an accounting document in the organization's archive, the fourth is in the state archive, the source of which is this organization. .

After approval of the general nomenclature of cases, the personnel service receives an extract from it, which is the basis for the formation of documents in cases throughout the calendar year. The list of cases is placed next to the rack (shelves, cabinets, safes) on which the cases are stored, and is used throughout the year for filing documents (forming cases).

The list of affairs of the organization is drawn up by analogy with other internal documents and has the following details:

Name of organization,

Name of the document type (list of cases),

Development site

Validity period.

On the right is the approval bar. The nomenclature of affairs of an organization and a structural unit differs in the composition of details, their location and design.

Information on the nomenclature of cases is presented in the form of a table:

Case index (1), Case title (2), Number of storage units (3), Case storage period and number of articles on the list (4), Note (5) - name of the headings. Below them is written: “Section name”

The names of the sections of the organization’s nomenclature of affairs will be the names of structural divisions, located in the sequence corresponding to staffing table or approved structure. After the structural divisions, the names should be placed in order of importance public organizations.

If the organization does not have a structural division, the nomenclature of cases is built according to production and branch or functional system; the names of its sections are determined by the content of the management functions and areas of activity of the organization.

The table in the finished nomenclature must be filled out, with the exception of column 3, which is completed at the end of the calendar year, when it becomes clear how many documents have been postponed in the case. If the number of documents with a permanent and long-term storage period (over 10 years) exceeds 250 pages, then the file is divided into volumes (parts) and information about this is recorded in column 3.

In column 4, in addition to the storage period of each file, the numbers of the articles according to the list must be entered.

page, make a general link to its name and imprint. If, in addition to the standard list, a standard or approximate nomenclature of cases, legislative acts or regulatory documents were used, according to which the retention periods for the case were established, then there should be a link to these documents.

If the nomenclature contains headings of cases containing documents whose storage period is not provided for by the standard or departmental list of documents, then their storage period is established by the expert verification commission (EPC) of the relevant archival institution on the recommendation of the departmental archive and the central expert commission (CEC) or expert commission (EC) organizations. In this case, next to a, the storage period is indicated by the corresponding expert commission.

nomenclature, the personnel service indicates: names of lists of documents with their storage periods used in determining the storage periods for files; makes notes:

On the establishment of business;

Transitory matters;

Selection of cases for destruction;

Persons responsible for the formation of cases;

Transferring cases to another organization for continuation. At the end of the calendar year, the organization’s personnel service

at the end of the nomenclature of cases, a final record is filled in about the number of opened cases (volumes, parts), separately for permanent and temporary storage. The final record and information in column 3 “work” to fulfill the accounting function of the nomenclature of cases. The information contained in the final record of the nomenclature of the organization’s affairs is necessarily reported to the departmental archive, about which a note is made in the nomenclature indicating the position of the person who made the note, his signature and the transcript of the signature. The form of the final entry to the list of affairs of the organization is unified.

The nomenclature of files of organizations that deposit documents for storage is agreed upon with the archival institution at least once every five years. More often (regardless of the period of its approval) this must be done if there has been a fundamental change in functions, areas of activity or organizational structure organizations. In this case, the list of cases is drawn up, agreed upon and approved anew.

An approved copy of the file nomenclature is a document of permanent storage and is included in the nomenclature section of the office management service.

The specific nomenclature of cases should provide case headings for all documents generated in the activities of the organization (incoming, outgoing, internal), as well as:

For grouping documents marked “For Official Use” (DSP), “Confidential”, “Trade Secret” and reference files, journals (books) for recording documents issued and accounting for work books, business trips, certificates, etc.;

Cases of temporary bodies, the documents of which serve as the legal basis for confirmation of powers

organization or termination of its activities (for example, the affairs of the liquidation commission of the organization are included in the list of affairs of the liquidated organization);

Cases of liquidated organizations whose legal successor is the organization have not been completed by paperwork. Headings of printed publications (bulletins, tariffs, directories) are not included in the list of cases.

Headings of cases on issues not resolved within one year are “transitional” and are included in the list of cases of the organization for the next year with the same index. In the nomenclature of personnel service files, such cases include personal files, work books, and accounting journals (books).

13. Concept and requirements for the formation of cases in the personnel service.

The formation of cases is usually called the grouping of documents into cases in accordance with the nomenclature of cases and the systematization of documents within cases.

The basis for the formation of cases is the nomenclature of cases - its presence greatly facilitates this process, since this document establishes the composition of the cases being opened and their headings, and sets scientifically based retention periods regulated by national regulatory documents. But the mere presence of even a high-quality nomenclature of cases will not help to competently formulate cases if those who are responsible for this do not know the regulatory requirements for the formation of cases.

It is necessary to adhere to the existing rules for forming cases, since their implementation:

Allows you to quickly search for documents;

Enables the rational formation of files and their compact storage, thereby saving the cost of performing this operation;

Speeds up and facilitates the final processing of files before submitting them to the archives, reduces labor costs for pre-archival processing of documents;

Facilitates the examination of the value of documents, their selection for further storage or destruction;

Ensures the safety of documents, since it excludes the possibility of permanent storage documents getting into files with temporary storage periods;

It is one of the areas of organizational information protection, preventing unauthorized access to both confidential and other proprietary information;

Allows you to control the availability and location of documents.

A case (primary complex) is considered to be a collection of documents related to one issue or area of ​​activity and placed in a separate cover (registrar or binder).

The work of forming cases consists of the following operations

Layout of documents into folders (cases) and filing of documents;

Arrangement of documents within files in a certain sequence;

Case cover design.

The first two operations are performed daily. Covers are designed when business is initiated and after the end of the year. At the end of the calendar year, I prepare as many folders in the personnel department for the next year as there are cases listed in the nomenclature. Indexes are transferred to the spines of folders.

The case is considered opened after filing the first executed document in the folder.

The basic requirements for the formation of cases are as follows:

1. When creating cases, it is necessary to file documents only in cases provided for by the nomenclature in accordance with the headings established in it. Therefore, one of the mandatory conditions for compiling the nomenclature is to include in it all documents of the organization (structural unit). If during the year documents appear in the organization that are not provided for in the nomenclature, they are formed into independent files. For this purpose, at the end of the list of cases, it is customary to include cases with the conventional name “Reserve”.

2.Documents are filed in files only after they have been executed. e. the final solution to the issues raised in them. The document must contain a note about the execution and sending of documents to the file, which is one of the required details. It should include brief information on execution, if there is no document evidencing execution.

If there is a response document, in the lower field the executor writes by hand: “For file No...”, affixes the date and his signature.

IN regulatory documents intersectoral action establishing the procedure for storing documents [it is prohibited to file unfulfilled, pending documents, or documents marked “Returnable” into files. In the process of generating documents, the correctness of the documents is checked - the presence and authenticity of signatures of officials, dates, registration indexes, notes on removal from control and execution.

3.Documents are filed in cases on the day of their execution.

4.Documents can be filed in files with all attachments and additional materials related to the decision this issue. However, if the volume of the latter is large, it is possible to create separate files with documents and files with attachments to them. For example: orders separately from the grounds for their issuance, protocols separately from decisions.

5.Documents of permanent and temporary storage periods are formed into separate files. Based on this rule, it is customary to form into separate files originals and copies, annual and quarterly reports, as well as documents of the same purpose (for example, administrative), but of different denominations (types) and storage periods - orders and instructions.

6. It should not be allowed to file two or more copies of the same document in files: this clutters files with unnecessary documents, causes additional time spent searching for documents, and unjustifiably increases the volume of stored documents. The only exceptions may be those copies of documents that have any resolutions, marks, visas that complement the contents of the first copy of the document.

7.Each case should contain no more than 250 sheets (30-40 mm). Thicker cases are inconvenient to use. If a larger number of documents are put on file, it should be divided into volumes (parts). A case consisting of several volumes must have a common title and case index with the addition of the volume number.

8.Cases are formed for the calendar year. The exception is the so-called moving cases, which contain documents on issues that have not been resolved within one year. In personnel services, such files include personal files of employees, accounting books, and log books.

Within each case, documents must be systematized, since the sequence of arrangement of documents within the case determines the speed of searching for documents during their operational storage and obtaining information about the procedure for resolving a particular issue. In addition, the amount of information about the progress and resolution of individual issues depends on compliance with the requirement for systematization of documents within the case. The separation of interrelated documents for different cases will complicate the signing of the necessary information. The basic principle of systematizing documents in cases is chronological. In this case, the documents are arranged by date, starting from the earliest and ending with the latest; compliance with this rule ensures that the documents are located within the file in direct chronological sequence, which is mandatory when submitting documents to the archive.

Registration of documents is carried out by putting down the registration index and date of registration, followed by recording the necessary information about the document in registration control forms (RCF) - registration cards or registration logs. In practice, two registration forms are used to register incoming and outgoing documentation: a registration card and document logs.

Registration in registration cards is usually carried out in government agencies with a document flow volume of over 600 documents per year. Registration cards are printed on paper of established formats (for manual registration) or filled out using a computer. The registration card must contain the following information about the document being registered: registration date, information about the correspondent, date of receipt and document index (for incoming documents), summary document, information about the resolution or to whom the document was sent, a note on the execution of the document, etc.

In organizations with a document flow volume of up to 600 documents per year, registration of documents in journals is allowed. In this case, incoming documents, outgoing and internal documents are recorded in separate log books. The content of details in registration logs, incoming and outgoing and internal documents is similar to the content of details in registration and control cards. With small amounts of documentation, these logs can be kept for several years.

When registering, all documents are divided into several groups, each of which must be registered separately: incoming documents, outgoing documents, internal documents, etc.

Incoming and outgoing documents have registration numbers. The registration number of a document consists of a serial number, which can be supplemented by an alphabetic or digital number of a structural unit, a case number according to the nomenclature of cases, a document code, a correspondent, an executor, etc. The components of the registration number are separated from each other by a slash or a hyphen. The registration number for incoming documents is entered in the following sequence: serial registration number, case number according to the nomenclature of cases (document index). For example, the registration number of the received letter: No. 182/06-14, where 182 is the serial number of the letter within the registration array of letters; 06-14 - case index according to the nomenclature of cases.

Indexing documents -- this is the affixing of their serial (registration) numbers and the necessary symbols during registration, indicating the place of their execution (composition) and storage. Index of incoming, outgoing and internal document, as a rule, consists of a case index according to the nomenclature of cases and the registration number of the document. The indexes of administrative documents and protocols are their registration numbers, which are assigned independently within each type of document. The registration number of sent letters is entered in reverse order.

Serial numbering is carried out within the office year, which corresponds to the calendar year - from January 1 to December 31. The registration number of a document compiled jointly by two or more organizations consists of the registration numbers of the document of each of these organizations, separated by a slash in the order of indicating the authors of the document.

on the procedure for preparing and transferring to the archive documents completed by paperwork for permanent, long-term and temporary storage

Formation of files, transferring them to the archive, use and destruction

archival documents

The procedure for compiling and approving the list of cases

Case indexing

Case retention periods

Service Expert Commission bailiffs Departments of the Ministry

Justice Russian Federation in the Kirov region

Formation and registration of cases

Drawing up case inventories

Transferring cases to the department's archives

Prompt storage of documents

Selection of documents for destruction

Methodical recommendations contain a theoretical section on reinforcing the basics of office work and archiving, as well as practical advice on the formation and registration of cases, drawing up inventories, prompt storage and destruction of documents.

Currently, Russia is reforming the archival and record keeping system. Political issues, their impact on the economy, ideology, culture, and all spheres of public life have always been of interest to various segments of the population, especially representatives of state and public organizations. The documentation generated in the work of the organization reflects different sides activities of society in the sphere of material production, science, culture, public life, as well as the functioning of state and economic management bodies.

Ministries, departments, institutions, organizations, and enterprises are entrusted with important government responsibilities in the field of organizing archival affairs and office work. The organization’s documents, after appropriate examination, are included in the State Archival Fund of the Russian Federation and subsequently enter state storage.

In their practical activities, departmental archives are guided by legislation, orders and instructions of ministries (departments) and other higher organizations, Rosarkhiv, rules, regulations on organizations and structural units that include departmental archives.

Rosarkhiv has developed “Basic rules for the operation of departmental archives.” They are mandatory for all ministries, departments, institutions and organizations. Issues of organizing documents and office work are provided for by the Unified State System of Office Work, and a number of requirements for working with documents are regulated by the relevant GOSTs.

Methodological guidance in the organization of documents in the office work of the bailiff service, the basis of which is the preparation of nomenclatures of cases and the formation of cases, is carried out in accordance with the Instructions for office work in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated May 21, 1999 N 174, and the Instructions on the organization of work with documents during enforcement proceedings in the divisions of the bailiff services of the justice authorities of the Russian Federation in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated August 3, 1999 N 225.

The proposed Methodological Recommendations include a theoretical section and practical advice on the formation of cases and compilation of inventories of cases in the structural divisions of the bailiff service of the Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Kirov Region.

Formation of files, transferring them to the archive, use and destruction of archival documents

The procedure for compiling and approving the list of cases

The nomenclature of files is a systematic list of headings of files of structural divisions with an indication of their storage periods.

The nomenclature of cases is compiled on the basis of studying the composition, content and number of documents generated in the process of activities of structural units.

Each structural unit of the bailiff service of the Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Kirov Region, regardless of the standard or approximate nomenclature of cases, must have a specific nomenclature of cases.

The nomenclature of cases of the interdistrict, district and city divisions of the bailiff service of the Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Kirov Region is compiled on the basis of studying the composition, content and number of documents generated in the process of their activities.

The names of the sections of the nomenclature of affairs of the structural divisions of the service are the names of the departments located in the nomenclature in accordance with the approved structure.

The list of cases is printed in four copies. The first copy is stored in the records management service, the second in the interdistrict division, the third in the bailiff service of the Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Kirov Region, and the fourth is kept as an accounting document in the archive.

The list of cases is compiled at least once every five years. In the event of a radical change in the functions and structure of the bailiff service, it is subject to reconstitution, coordination and approval, regardless of the period of its approval.

An approved copy of the file nomenclature is a document of permanent storage and is included in the nomenclature section of the office management department.

After approval of the nomenclature of cases, departments of divisions receive extracts of its corresponding sections for use in their work.

When compiling the nomenclature of cases for the interdistrict, district and city divisions of the bailiff service of the Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Kirov Region, one should be guided by the approximate nomenclature of cases and journals for 2000, the nomenclature of cases of the city division of the bailiff service and lists of documents indicating their storage periods.

The list of cases in each structural unit of the bailiff service for the coming calendar year is compiled before November 15 of the current year, approved by the senior bailiff (in the interdistrict, district and city divisions) and agreed upon by the expert commission of the bailiff service of the Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Kirov Region.

Case indexing

In column 1 of the nomenclature of cases, the indexes of each case included in the nomenclature are entered. The index consists of the digital designation of the structural unit established in the organization and the serial number of the case title according to the nomenclature.

Case indexes are indicated by Arabic numerals. For example: 01-02, where 01 is the designation of the structural unit, 02 is the serial number of the case according to the nomenclature. In the nomenclature of cases, it is recommended to maintain the same indexes for homogeneous cases within different structural divisions.

Column 2 of the nomenclature of cases includes the titles of cases (volumes, parts).

The order of case headings within sections and subsections of the nomenclature of cases is determined by the degree of importance of the documents. At the beginning there are headings of cases containing organizational and administrative documentation.

Column 3 of the list of cases is filled in at the end of the calendar year.

Column 4 indicates the storage period of the file, the article numbers with reference to the list (standard, departmental).

Column 5 “Note” indicates the name of the lists of documents with an indication of their storage periods, marks are made on the establishment of cases, on transferable cases, on the allocation of cases for destruction, on the transfer of cases to another organization.

At the end of the calendar year, at the end of the nomenclature of cases, a final record is drawn up on the number of opened cases (volumes, parts), separately permanent and temporary storage.

Case retention periods

The storage periods for cases provided for by the standard or approximate nomenclature of cases are transferred to the specific nomenclature of cases without changes. The storage periods for files in a specific nomenclature of files are set according to the standard and departmental lists of documents indicating their storage periods.

In the bailiff service of the Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Kirov Region, the storage periods for cases are listed in accordance with the departmental list of documents of the USSR Ministry of Justice, bodies, institutions of justice of the Russian Federation and courts, indicating the storage periods for documents, (Moscow 1980) and list standard documents, formed in the activities of state committees, ministries, departments and other institutions, organizations, enterprises, indicating storage periods (Moscow, 1989).

Cases of permanent storage period include: annual statistical reports on the work of bailiffs and departments, as well as logs of registration and securing of safes, metal cabinets and storages, logs of receipts and issuance of seals and stamps for use, nomenclature of cases, acts on the allocation of documents for destruction, not subject to storage.

Cases with a long-term storage period (15 years) and temporary (over 10 years) include:

an order of monetary supporting documents (bank statements), a book of accounting for deposit amounts received at the temporary disposal of bailiffs, receipts and check books of bailiffs.

Cases with a temporary storage period (3 years, 5 years, DMN) include all other documents.

Enforcement proceedings refer to documents with a temporary storage period. They have two shelf life periods: 5 years and 3 years.

Enforcement proceedings with a 5-year shelf life include the following:

on the collection of alimony; on compensation for damage caused by injury or death of a citizen;

on the release of property from seizure and the return of confiscated property.

Enforcement proceedings with a 3-year shelf life include the following:

on the collection of administrative fines, on other penalties and enforcement documents in cases of claim.

In the district, inter-district and city divisions of the bailiff service of the Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in the Kirov Region, permanent storage documents include: logs of registration and securing of safes, metal cabinets and vaults, logs of records of opening safes, metal cabinets and vaults, receipts log and issuance of seals and stamps for use, nomenclature of cases.

Temporary storage documents (over 10 years) include: a book for recording deposit amounts received at the temporary disposal of the bailiff department, receipt and check books of bailiffs. In district divisions, receipt and check books are stored for three years, and then transferred according to inventories to inter-district divisions.

All other documents are classified as temporary storage documents.

Expert Commission of the Bailiff Service of the Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Kirov Region

To conduct an examination of the value of documents and prepare them for transfer to the departmental archive, a permanent expert commission (EC) is being created in the bailiff service of the Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Kirov Region.

The expert commission includes qualified service specialists responsible for organizing office work and archives.

An examination of the value of documents is carried out: when compiling nomenclatures of cases, when forming cases, when preparing cases for subsequent storage.

The expert commission makes decisions on the approval of the nomenclatures of cases, inventories of cases of permanent, long-term and temporary storage of city, interdistrict and district divisions of the bailiff service of the Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Kirov Region, considers acts on the allocation of documents for destruction (one copy of the act remains in the Office, the second - in the department).

Issues within the competence of the expert commission are considered at its meetings, which are held as needed, but at least twice a year.

Formation and registration of cases

The formation and registration of cases in the bailiff service of the Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Kirov Region is carried out in accordance with the Instructions for office work in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated May 25, 1999 N 174, and the Instructions for organizing work with documents when conducting enforcement proceedings in the divisions of the bailiff services of the justice authorities in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated August 3, 1999 N 225.

When forming cases you must:

– place in the case only executed, correctly executed documents in accordance with the headings of the cases according to the nomenclature;

– group documents of the same calendar year into a case, with the exception of transferable cases;

– the case must contain no more than 250 sheets.

Depending on the storage period, full or partial registration of cases is carried out.

Permanent, long-term (over 10 years) storage and personnel files are subject to full registration.

The full registration of the case includes:

– case file;

– numbering of sheets in the file;

– drawing up a certification sheet in the case;

– drawing up an internal inventory of case documents;

– entering into the details of the case cover the name of the organization, the index and title of the case, the date of the case, the shelf life of the case and the number of sheets.

The inscriptions on the covers of cases should be made clearly; they should indicate in full:

name of the higher organization (Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Kirov Region), below the name of the organization (Bailiff Service of the Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Kirov Region), name of the structural unit of the service (district unit of the Bailiff Service of the Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Kirov Region) , name of the department (Office).

The title of the case on the cover is transferred from the nomenclature of the division’s cases, agreed with the expert commission of the bailiff service of the Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Kirov Region. At the end of the year, the inscriptions on the covers of the cases are consistent with the nomenclature of the cases, and the compliance of the title of the cases on the cover with the contents of the filed documents is checked (for cases of permanent and long-term storage).

The date on the cover must correspond to the year of establishment and termination of the case. In a case with documents for more than early years than the year the case was founded, an entry is made under the date: “there are documents for ... years.” On the covers of cases consisting of several volumes (parts), the deadlines for documents in each volume (part) are indicated. To indicate the exact calendar date, the day, month and year are indicated.

Mandatory details of the cover of the case are: indication of the number of sheets in the case, which is affixed on the basis of the certification inscription of the case, and the storage period of the case, which is transferred to the cover of the case from the corresponding nomenclature of the organization's files.

All sheets in permanent and long-term storage files are numbered in Arabic numerals in the upper right corner using a simple graphic pencil. In each volume, the sheets are numbered separately.

The internal inventory of documents in the case is placed at the beginning of the case and includes:

indication of document indexes, brief contents, date and sheet numbers in the file. At the end of the case, a certification inscription is made on a separate sheet, which indicates in numbers and in words the number of numbered sheets.

Cases of permanent storage in the city division include annual statistical reports on the work of bailiffs and the division.

Cases of temporary (over 10 years) storage in the city, interdistrict and district divisions of the bailiff service of the Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Kirov Region must be formed and documented as cases with a permanent storage period.

Cases of temporary (over 10 years) storage in interdistrict and district divisions of the service include: a book of records of deposit amounts received at the temporary disposal of the bailiff division, and receipt and check books of the division's bailiffs (storage period - 15 years). In district divisions, receipt and check books are stored for 3 years, and then transferred according to inventories to inter-district divisions, where they are stored for the next 12 years. In the city division of the bailiff service of the Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, in addition to the above, temporary cases (over 10 years) include the case “Order of monetary supporting documents (bank, statements)”.

Registration of temporary storage cases (up to 10 years inclusive)

Temporary storage cases include cases with storage periods: 3 years, 5 years, DMN (Until the need passes).

Temporary storage files are subject to partial registration: files can be stored in folders, files are not filed, the sheets in them are not numbered, certification inscriptions are not drawn up.

Cases with a temporary storage period include enforcement proceedings, the storage period of which is 3 years and 5 years.

Each enforcement proceeding is a separate case in which enforcement documents are drawn up.

List of executive documents:

1. Writs of execution summoned by the courts on the basis of: judicial acts adopted by them; decisions of International Commercial Arbitration and other arbitration courts; decisions of foreign courts and arbitrations; decisions of interstate bodies for the protection of human rights and freedoms.

2. Court orders.

3. Notarized agreements on payment of alimony.

4. Certificates of the labor dispute commission, issued on the basis of its decisions.

5. Demands from bodies exercising control functions, formalized in the prescribed manner, for recovery cash with a note from a bank or other credit organization about complete or partial non-execution of the collection due to the lack of funds in the debtor’s accounts sufficient to satisfy the claims of the recoverer, unless the legislation of the Russian Federation establishes a different procedure for the execution of the specified enforcement documents.

6. Resolutions of bodies (officials) authorized to consider cases of administrative offenses.

7. Resolutions of the bailiff.

8. Resolutions of other bodies in cases provided for by federal law.

For each enforcement document, the bailiff is obliged to initiate enforcement proceedings, an accounting and statistical card, and also make an appropriate entry in the zonal book of registration of enforcement documents.

Original documents drawn up by bailiffs (decrees, etc.), but not their copies, are attached to the materials of enforcement proceedings.

The first document in enforcement proceedings is the resolution to initiate enforcement proceedings, the resolution to collect the enforcement fee, the resolution to reimburse expenses for carrying out enforcement actions, complaints and responses, etc.

In addition to them, payment orders, cover letters, notifications, letters of request, and acts of impossibility of collection are filed in enforcement proceedings.

At the end of the enforcement proceedings, a resolution on the completion of the enforcement proceedings is filed.

On all documents related to a specific enforcement proceeding, the bailiff makes an entry “to N _____” and indicates the single number of the corresponding enforcement proceeding.

Documents within the enforcement proceedings are numbered in Arabic numerals in the upper right corner in pencil, and the names of the documents of the enforcement proceedings and page numbers are indicated in the internal list of enclosed documents, placed at the beginning of this proceeding.

The internal inventory sheets are numbered in the upper right corner with Roman numerals. On the internal inventory of the enforcement proceedings, a certification note is made by the bailiff about the number of entered document titles (in numbers and in words).

The bailiff makes a note about the completion of enforcement proceedings in the zonal journal and in the book of registration of enforcement documents.

The completed enforcement proceedings are endorsed by the senior bailiff with a transcript of the signature and the date of signing is indicated.

When merging enforcement proceedings into a consolidated one, it is allowed to fill out one statistical card indicating the number of enforcement documents. When documents are withdrawn from enforcement proceedings, substitute sheets are inserted to replace the seized materials, indicating the name of the seized document, the number and numbers of seized pages, the date and reason for the seizure. In this case, the signature of the senior bailiff and the seal of the bailiff service unit are affixed.

Drawing up case inventories

Cases of permanent, temporary (over 10 years) and temporary (up to 10 years) storage periods completed by office work remain in structural units for reference work for two years, and then are handed over to the archive.

When transferring files to the archive for permanent, temporary (over 10 years) and temporary (3 years, 5 years, DMN) storage, inventories are drawn up (Appendices No. 5 to No. 8).

Inventories of cases are compiled in the prescribed form in two copies. The first copy of the inventory is transferred to the office management inspector, the second remains in the department and is added to the file “Inventory of permanent and long-term storage”).

When transferring cases from a structural unit, a note about the presence of the case is made on both copies of the inventory opposite each case included in it. At the end of each copy of the inventory, the number of actually transferred (accepted) cases is indicated in numbers and in words.

The records management inspector signs on both copies of the inventory when receiving cases, indicating his position and the date of signing the inventory.

When compiling case inventories, the following requirements must be observed:

Headings of cases are included in the inventory after checking them with the nomenclature of cases and checking the correctness of the formation and execution of cases. When viewing cases, the case title is checked for compliance with the contents of the documents in it.

Each case is entered into the inventory under an independent serial number. If the file consists of several volumes, then each volume is entered in the inventory under an independent number. The numbering of cases in the inventory is gross.

When adding consecutive cases with the same headings to the inventory, the title of the first case is written in full, and all other similar cases are indicated by the words “The same” (on each new sheet of the inventory the title is reproduced in full).

The descriptive article of the inventory of cases consists of the following elements:

1) serial number of the case (volume, part);

3) title of the case;

4) date of the case;

5) period of storage of the file;

6) number of cases;

7) note.

The inventory column “Note” is used to note the features of the physical state of affairs, the transfer of affairs to other structural units with reference to the necessary act, etc.

Inventories of cases are compiled in accordance with the established form in two copies.

Transferring cases to the department's archives

Cases of permanent, temporary (over 10 years) storage, temporary (up to 10 years) storage and personnel files are transferred to the division archive. Transfer of cases is carried out only according to inventories. Cases are kept in structural units for two years. Cases are entered into the archive no later than three years after the completion of office work.

Inventories of cases of temporary (over 10 years) storage in the city, inter-district and district divisions of the bailiff service of the Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Kirov Region are compiled by an inspector of records management and submitted no later than two years after the completion of records management for consideration by the expert commission of the bailiff service Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Kirov Region.

Responsibility for the timely preparation of inventories of cases of permanent and long-term storage for consideration by the EC of the bailiff service of the Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Kirov Region rests with the heads of city, interdistrict and district structural divisions.

Inventories for completed enforcement proceedings are drawn up by bailiffs in two copies, bound in bundles and handed over to the senior inspector or office management inspector responsible for maintaining the archive.

The office work inspector checks the actual number of enforcement proceedings piece by piece with the final entry at the end of the inventory and signs on both copies of the inventory.

The first copy remains with the office work inspector and is put aside in the file with an index according to the nomenclature “Inventory of completed enforcement proceedings submitted to the archive.”

When issuing enforcement proceedings from the archive, the senior inspector or office work inspector puts in a substitute sheet instead of the issued enforcement proceeding, after which he makes a note about the issued enforcement proceeding in the book for recording the issuance of cases from the archive.

Inventories of receipts and check books are compiled by bailiffs in two copies.

The first copy of the inventory is handed over to the senior inspector or records inspector, who checks the actual number of receipt or check books with a final entry at the end of the inventory, signs on both copies of the inventory and files the first copy in the file along with the inventory of long-term storage of documents.

The second copy is handed over to the bailiff as an accounting document.

Prompt storage of documents

From the moment of establishment and until transfer to the archive, documents are stored at the place of their formation in the structural divisions of the bailiff service of the Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Kirov Region.

In city, interdistrict and district subdivisions, documents are stored in departments, in rooms specially designated for this purpose, and are located in locked desk cabinets that ensure complete safety of documents.

In order to increase the efficiency of searching for documents, cases are arranged in accordance with the nomenclature of cases, an extract from which is placed on the cabinet door on the inside.

Case numbers according to nomenclature are indicated on the spines of case covers. Heads of structural divisions of the bailiff service of the Ministry of Justice

Russian Federation for the Kirov region and employees responsible for documentation ensure the safety of documents and files.

Selection of documents for destruction

After selecting documents for the corresponding period for destruction, a senior inspector or an office-work inspector of a structural unit of the bailiff service of the Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Kirov Region draws up an act on the selection of documents for destruction.

The act on the allocation of documents for destruction is prepared after drawing up the annual sections of the consolidated inventories of permanent and temporary (over 10 years) storage.

Inventories of cases and acts are considered at a meeting of the expert commission of the bailiff service of the Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Kirov Region simultaneously.

Acts on the destruction of documents approved by the expert commission are approved by the head of the organization.

Cases are included in the act of allocating them for destruction if the storage period provided for them has expired by January 1 of the year in which the act was drawn up. For example, cases with a three-year storage period completed in 1997 can be included in an act that will be drawn up no earlier than January 1, 2001, with a five-year storage period - no earlier than January 1, 2003.

An act on the allocation of documents for destruction is drawn up for the affairs of the entire organization or structural unit.

The name of each department of the structural unit of the bailiff service of the Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Kirov Region is indicated before the group of case headings of this unit.

Cases intended for destruction, after approval of acts on their allocation for destruction, are stored in a place specially designated for them. Before submission, documents must be bundled.

Documents are handed over by employees of the office management service using delivery notes, which indicate the following details: invoice number, weight, date of delivery of documents.

The act on the allocation of documents for destruction is filed in the corresponding file according to the nomenclature “Inventory of files and journals deposited in the archive (acts on the destruction of documents)”. Documents are destroyed by burning in a boiler room.


1. Approximate nomenclature of cases of the interdistrict (district) division of the bailiff service of the Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Kirov Region.

2. Internal inventory of documents in the case (enforcement proceedings).

3. The sheet is a substitute for the case.

4. List – witness of the case.

5. Inventory of permanent storage files.

6. Inventory of temporary (over 10 years) storage files.

7. Inventory of temporary storage cases.

8. Inventory of temporary (over 10 years) storage files (for inter-district and district divisions).

9. Inventory of completed enforcement proceedings with a storage period of 3 years and 5 years.

10. Inventory of completed enforcement proceedings (consolidated).

11. Inventory of receipt books.

12. Inventory of check books.

13. Act on the allocation of documents for destruction.

14. Book of issuing cases from the archive.

Case indexing

For practical use of the nomenclature of cases great value have symbols assigned to cases - case indices.

If the organization is small and does not have structural parts, its nomenclature is built according to a production or functional scheme. In this case, the case index will be its serial number in the nomenclature: 01, 02, 03, etc.

In the consolidated nomenclature, the index of each case includes the symbol of the structural unit and the serial number of the case within the structural unit. For example, the case index 02-03 means that the case was formed in a structural unit that was assigned the index “03”, and in the nomenclature of cases of this division, the case title is located under the number “02” (02).

Indexation of structural units must be constant and repeated from year to year. Transferring cases are entered into the nomenclature each time using the same index.

The procedure for registration and certification of the list of cases

The nomenclature of files is compiled according to a unified form, which was developed by archival authorities and enshrined in the State Documentation Management System and the Basic Rules for the Operation of Departmental Archives. The form of nomenclatures of affairs of a structural unit is shown in Fig. 1.

The nomenclature form is a table of five columns: case indexes, case titles, number of volumes, shelf life and notes.

The first column contains the index of the case included in the nomenclature. At the end of each section of the nomenclature, reserve numbers are left for the establishment of additional, not foreseen in advance, cases if they arise.

The second column is the name of the case headings.

Each case may comprise one or several volumes. This becomes known at the end of the office year. Therefore, the third column - the number of cases (volumes, parts) - is filled in exactly then.

In the column “Storage periods and articles on the List,” indicate the storage period for a specific case and make a link to the List (standard or departmental). For some documents, specific storage periods are not established, but are stored “until the need passes” (for example, instructions from higher organizations sent for information) or “until they are replaced with new ones” (for example, regulations, instructions). In this case, exactly these marks are put in the column. The mark “EC” can also be placed here, which means that at the end of the record-keeping year the case must be subjected to an examination of its value with the possible allocation of some documents for permanent storage.

In the “Notes” column, during the entire period of validity of the nomenclature of cases, notes are made in a timely manner about the establishment of new cases, about the transfer of files to the archive, about transferable cases, about the allocation of cases for destruction, etc.

At the end of the year, a final record is filled out in the nomenclature about the categories and quantities of cases opened and included in the nomenclature.

The final record separately indicates the number of cases of permanent storage, with a storage period of over 10 years and with a storage period of up to 10 years inclusive. In addition, the number of cases carried over to the next year is indicated.

After the final entry, the signature of the person who compiled the nomenclature is drawn up, and the date of affixing is indicated.

The nomenclature is compiled by the service or person responsible for documentation support and is coordinated with the archive of the enterprise or organization. It is signed by the head of the service and approved by the head of the organization; if the documents are received for state storage, the nomenclature of cases is sent for approval to the state archive that receives the files of this organization, and only after that is approved by the head of the organization.

The list of cases of a structural unit must be drawn up in triplicate. One copy is stored in the preschool educational institution service, the second is in the archive, the third is used in the structural unit as a reference guide for the formation of cases.

The list of affairs of the organization (consolidated) must be compiled in four copies. Two copies are agreed upon and approved, one of which is stored in the organization’s preschool educational institution service and is a document of permanent storage. This copy is included in the consolidated nomenclature in the DOW service section. The second copy is stored in the state archive, with which the nomenclature was agreed upon, the third is a working copy, and the fourth is used for extracts, which are certified by the preschool educational institution service and sent to the appropriate structural units for establishing cases.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):