• Insecticides
  • Fungicides
    • Protective fungicides
    • Contact fungicides
    • Systemic fungicides
  • Treaters
  • Desiccant
  • Retardant
  • Seeds
    • Spring rapeseeds
    • Winter rape seeds
    • Corn seeds
    • Sunflower seeds
    • Sorghum seeds
  • Seed processing equipment
  • Stock Pest Control
  • Rodent control
  • Products for non-agricultural pest control
    1. According to the method of penetration of the pest into the body:

    • contact cause intoxication of the pest upon contact with any part of its body. The action of such drugs is directed against butterfly caterpillars, as well as insects with piercing-sucking mouthparts;
    • intestinal provoke poisoning of the pest when it gets into it intestinal tract along with food. Such substances are used against insects with gnawing type mouthparts;
    • systemic insecticides penetrate into the plant, spreading through its vascular system. They are used against insects living in stems, leaves and roots;
    • fumigants affect the condition of insects by penetrating their respiratory tract. Such drugs have a universal effect and can be used against pests of any type.

    By the nature of the action insecticides are released that can:

    • disrupt the functioning of the insect’s nervous system by interrupting the formation of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses in the motor system;
    • block receptors of the postsynaptic membrane, as a result of which the mechanism of impulse transmission between nerve cells is disrupted;
    • inhibit the production of chitin (exoskeleton substance), thereby disrupting the cycle of growth and development of the insect into an adult;
    • inhibit mitochondrial (cellular) respiration, interrupting metabolism and energy release, which leads to weakening and death of the insect.


    The properties of the insecticide and the effectiveness of its action are largely determined by the form in which it is applied to the surfaces being treated. Today there are the following varieties.

    Powders. This form is a dry, crushed insecticide (often mixed with a filler). Powders are used for spraying, creating solutions, emulsions and suspensions, as well as dust-air suspensions (aerosols).

    Granules. In this case, filler balls with adsorbing properties are impregnated with the insecticide. When granules are introduced into the soil or gaseous environment, the active substance begins to be absorbed into the soil or evaporate and affect pests.

    Checkers. This form is a beam of active substance or its compound, which, when burned, produces smoke that exhibits toxic properties to insects.

    Methods of using insecticides

    Depending on the form, insecticides can be applied in one of the following ways:

    • pollination- this method of treatment consists of spreading a powdery agent in the form of a dust cloud, covering the soil and plants with a thin layer;
    • spraying- the essence of this method is to dilute the insecticide in water and then apply it in a drop-liquid state to the treated plants;
    • soil application- in this case, it means the direct introduction of a granular or powdery substance into the soil to treat not only the surface, but also the entire top layer of soil;
    • aerosol treatment- this method involves the creation of air suspensions of crushed powder or liquid agent;
    • seed treatment- in this case, the seeds are treated (impregnated) with active substances in dry or liquid (dissolved) form;
    • fumigation (fumigation)- this method involves treating plants with a gaseous agent.

    Bayer insecticides

    Bayer offers a wide range of systemic insecticides, as well as combined contact-intestinal products with a wide profile. Below is a list of these products indicating target crops and pests.

    Image Drug name Description Culture Harmful object

    Insecticide with contact-intestinal action against caterpillars of lepidopteran pests for the protection of fruit and vegetable crops.

    Apple tree Apple codling moth, leaf rollers
    Grape Bunion budworm, cotton bollworm
    Cabbage Cabbage moth, cabbage moth, white moth
    Open ground tomato Cotton bollworm, tomato leafminer
    Biscaya Innovative contact-intestinal for the destruction of a wide range of pests, created using O-TEQ technology. Food and seed potatoes. Aphids, Colorado potato beetles.
    Rape. Rapeseed flower beetle, cabbage gall midge, rape seed beetle, aphids.
    Decis Expert Universal contact preparation for rapid control of a wide range of harmful insects. Wheat. Harmful bugs, grain beetles, aphids, thrips, leech, grain flies, grain cutworm.
    Barley. Bread flea beetles, grain flies, leopard.
    Corn. Cotton bollworm, corn borer.
    Sugar beet. Beet flea beetles, weevils, meadow moth.
    Potato. Colorado beetle.
    Peas. Pea aphid.
    Open ground tomatoes. Gnawing cutworms, Colorado potato beetle.
    Rape. Cruciferous flea beetles, rapeseed flower beetle, bugs, whites, aphids.
    Cabbage. Cabbage and turnip whites, moths, cutworms, flea beetles, aphids.
    Flax flax. Fleas.
    Grape. Bunch leaf roller: first generation, second generation, third generation.
    Apple tree. Apple flower beetle, codling moth, leaf rollers, aphids.
    Pastures, areas infested with locusts, wild vegetation. Locusts.
    Calypso Contact-intestinal systemic insecticide chloronicotinyl class against sucking and gnawing pests of apple, grape and rapeseed. Apple tree. Apple flower beetle, codling moth, leaf rollers, scale insects.
    Rape. Rapeseed flower beetle.
    Grape. Bunch leaf roller.
    Confidor Extra

    Contact-intestinal insecticide of systemic action of the chloronicotinyl class against sucking and gnawing pests.

    Wheat. Bread beetles, bread ground beetles, pest bugs, thrips.
    Barley. Bread fleas, piavits.
    Oats. Pyavitsy.
    Potato. Colorado beetle.
    Potatoes (seed crops). Aphid.
    Protected soil cucumber. Greenhouse whitefly, tobacco thrips, aphids.
    Protected soil tomato. Greenhouse whitefly.
    Tomato, open ground cucumber. Whitefly, aphids, tobacco thrips.
    Movento Energy

    A unique two-way systemic insecticide with contact-intestinal action against sucking and gnawing pests, including secretive ones.

    Apple tree Codling moth, aphids, California scale insect
    Pear Pear sucker
    Grape Bunch leaf roller, leaf phylloxera
    Cabbage Cabbage aphid
    Potato Aphids, leafhoppers, Colorado potato beetle
    Onion Thrips
    Greenhouse whitefly, thrips, aphids
    Oberon Rapid

    A new generation insecticide-acaricide against herbivorous mites, whiteflies and other harmful objects, providing reliable and long-lasting protection.

    Apple tree Ticks
    Cucumber and tomato in protected soil Common spider mite, greenhouse whitefly

    This class of plant protection drugs is used to control insects - both adults and at the stage of larvae, eggs and pupae. These pests cause significant damage to most agricultural crops - by eating leaves, they at least reduce the quality of agricultural products, and at maximum, they lead to the fact that the plants die before they have time to bear fruit. Insecticides are most often used to treat grains, fruits and vegetables, and potatoes.

    Chemicals that are used to combat insects, as well as their eggs and larvae that harm ornamental and agricultural crops, are called insecticides. Let's take a look at broad-spectrum insecticides.

    Insecticides - types

    Types of drugs are distinguished, first of all, by the method of entry into the insect’s body:

    • intestinal, when the poison first enters the digestive organs of insects;
    • contact, when the insect dies in direct contact with the product;
    • systemic, when the poison accumulates in any part of the crop and enters the insect in different ways.

    Broad-spectrum insecticides are the best representatives

    Karbofos (Malathion). Karbofos is effective against aphids, mites, moths, bedbugs and sawflies. Karbofos is also used against garden ants, mealybugs, scale insects, various flies, and leaf rollers. The composition is sprayed on all parts of the plants, especially paying attention to the leaves. If we talk about how to dilute karbofos, then the entire package (60 g) is diluted in 3-10 liters of water, depending on the crop and the pest. By the way, according to the instructions, plants are treated with karbofos after flowering, as it is dangerous for pollinating bees.

    Biotlin. The systemic insecticide is effective against whiteflies, thrips, aphids and cicadas. Biotlin is available in the form of a liquid concentrate.

    Monsoon. This drug is a panacea for caterpillars and.

    Chlorpyrifos (Sinuzan, Sichlor, Pirinex). The insecticide successfully fights against aphids, flea beetles, shield moths, leaf rollers, moths and mites. According to the instructions, a 0.25% solution is prepared from chlorpyrifos, which is used to spray the land.

    Tanrek. An excellent product that helps rid garden beds of aphids, Colorado potato beetles, whiteflies, thrips. An ampoule (1.5 ml) is diluted in 1-1.5 liters of water.

    Actellik. This insecticide is quite effective against whiteflies, mites and aphids. An ampoule of the product (2 ml) is mixed with 2 liters of water.

    Inta-Ts-M. The drug has an intestinal contact effect on pests. It is produced in the form of a tablet (8 g), which must be crushed and then diluted in 5-10 liters of water. Inta-Ts-M cannot be used in water bodies and during the flowering period due to its toxicity to bees and fish.

    Decis. This enteric-contact insecticide is effective against the Colorado potato beetle, codling moth, aphids, weevils, and glass beetles. The spray solution is prepared from 2 ml of the drug and 10 liters of water.

    April 16, 2013 at 06:12

    Review of drugs for private household plots and summer residents

    Today in stores you can find a wide range of different commercial names of insecticides - drugs for controlling insect pests. For summer residents, such diversity raises many questions related to the direction and effectiveness of their actions, safety and possible consequences. There are rumors that some drugs are already outdated and do not work on pests, while others, on the contrary, are “modern” and therefore highly effective. The question is, is this true or not?

    Specialists from the GREEN ISTOC chain of garden stores recommend that you be wary of such rumors, often generated by advertising. In order to clarify the situation, we will conduct brief analysis existing commercially available drugs. Based on the active substance and principles of action, the following similar groups of drugs can be formed:

    1. Barguzin, Grom, Grom-2, Zemlin, Medvetoks, Anteater, Anteater, Muratsid, Flycatcher, Pochin, Provotoks. All are produced on the basis of one active ingredient - diazinon, in different concentrations. These are non-systemic drugs with a broad spectrum of action. Diazinon is practically insoluble in water, so it can effectively combat soil-dwelling pests such as wireworms, cabbage and onion flies, weevils, cutworms, aphids, and flea beetles. In addition, it also has an acaricidal effect, i.e. effective against arachnid pests - mites. Previously, preparations for household use were made based on diazinon, but then it was banned for home use due to high degree dangers and ability to accumulate in the human body. Diazinon is a potential soil and groundwater contaminant. The decay period in soil is 9-18 days.

    2. Bison, Golden Spark, Commander, Confidor, Corado, Monsoon, Tanrek. All are made on the basis of the active substance - imidacloprid - a systemic insecticide that can spread through plant cells. The drug is easily absorbed by plants and works well systemically through the roots. Shows high residual activity. Imidacloprid has gained particular popularity due to its effectiveness against the Colorado potato beetle. It is also used to combat sucking insects: aphids, leafhoppers, delphacides, thrips, whiteflies, weevils. Not effective against nematodes and spider mites. Imidacloprid is a highly toxic substance, very dangerous for mammals, birds, fish, earthworms, and also for humans. The period of its decomposition in the soil is from six months to two years. For summer residents and gardeners, it is allowed on a limited number of crops. The drug also belongs to this group Aktara. Its active substance has a different name, but is of the same chemical group. It works especially well against scale insects, aphids, mites, and the Colorado potato beetle. Recommended for treating roses and ornamental shrubs.

    3. Iskra M, Karbofos, Fenaxin-Plus, Fufanon, Inta-CM. They are made on the basis of malathion - a non-systemic insecticide and acaricide with a broad spectrum of action. It is used to combat harmful insects and mites on many agricultural crops: on fruit crops against mites, aphids, psyllids, copperheads, apple moths and others, on berry fields against the yellow gooseberry sawfly, aphids, on vineyards against grape mealybugs, on citrus fruits against most pests that damage these crops: citrus whitefly, scale insects, citrus red mite and others. Highly effective against large number pests of vegetable crops (mites, aphids, thrips, leaf-eating caterpillars), on cucumbers and tomatoes in greenhouses and greenhouses. Malathion is a slightly toxic substance with a decay period in the soil of only 1 day and at the same time a highly effective means of combating a wide range of pests! Therefore, it is allowed and recommended for use on private plots on almost all crops. Malathion has been used successfully since 1950. It is used in medicine, in everyday life, and in the care of park areas and recreation areas. To date, no serious signs of resistance of harmful insects to the action of malathion have been identified! This group also includes Aktellik- a broad-spectrum drug, recommended, including for indoor use.

    4. Inta-CM, Iskra, Kinmiks, Fastak, Tsunami, Lightning, Senpai. The active ingredients of these drugs are different, but they all belong to the same chemical group - pyrethroids. These are non-systemic substances for combating a wide range of chewing and sucking insects, especially butterflies, potato ladybugs, and Colorado potato beetles. Allowed for summer residents and gardeners on many vegetable, fruit, berry and ornamental crops. Have good residual activity with minimal negative impact on objects environment, easily decompose in soil and plants. The decay period in soil is about 20 days. A distinctive feature of many pyrethroids is their cost-effectiveness due to the low concentration required during processing. Many pyrethroids are highly toxic to fish, aquatic life and bees. For humans, pyrethroids are relatively dangerous, so some of them are used in everyday life to combat cockroaches, mosquitoes, flies, bedbugs, fleas, house ants, etc.

    5. Fitoverm, Akarin, Iskra-Bio, Lepidocid, Bitoxibacillin. A group of biological preparations based on various microorganisms and fermentation products of soil bacteria. They have an insecticidal, acaricidal, nematode effect in the fight against white moths, cutworms, Colorado potato beetles, spider and red fruit mites, moths and leaf rollers on currants and apple trees, with spider mite, peach and melon aphids, tobacco and western flower thrips on cucumbers, peppers, eggplants, tomatoes and roses in protected ground, as well as to combat a wide range of pests of garden, vegetable and ornamental crops in open and protected ground. The peculiarity of biological products is that they are effective only in a warm, humid environment, at least 20 degrees Celsius. Biological products act only through the intestinal system of pests, and they actively feed when it is warm and humid. The toxicity of biological products should not be underestimated; at high concentrations they are very dangerous for humans and animals.

    Now we can draw conclusions. The attack of the Colorado potato beetle in Primorye forces summer residents to use potent systemic medications. The advertisement calls: “One treatment per season and no problems with the harvest!” But few people try to compare the degree of danger of certain drugs. Experts from the GREEN ISTOC chain of garden stores still recommend using systemic medications with extreme caution. When using non-systemic drugs against the Colorado potato beetle and potato borer, you will have to do 3-4 treatments per season, but the price of these efforts is your health! Here I would especially like to highlight the drugs Inta-CM And Spark- fairly safe insecticides with a very wide range of use, thanks to a double set of compatible active ingredients of different types. Their low price is due to their economical mechanism of action, due to their high efficiency at low concentrations! As for the treatment of trees and shrubs, non-systemic preparations should definitely be used here, preferably those based on malathion, for example Fufanon. Acceptable in indoor floriculture Aktellik And Fitoverm.


    How to choose the right drug against garden pests

    How to choose the right drug against garden pests

    To be honest, I don’t really believe gardeners who claim that they do not use chemicals (insecticides) against pests in the garden. They are either lucky or... simply cunning. At least once, but any gardener still had to use chemistry. And, as a rule, more often.

    With the onset of spring, I am reviewing my garden first aid kit. I discover that it lacks Decis, a drug that I have been using against flower beetle .

    I run to the garden store, ask for Decis, and they tell me that it has been banned.

    Horrible! So how can I fight the flower beetle now?
    “Take Karbofos or Fufanon,” the saleswoman advises.
    - No, thank you, they are not so effective against the flower beetle.

    And indeed it is. I once alternated “Decis” with “Fufanon” and noticed that after “Decis” there were practically no damaged buds, and after “Fufanon” they were very common.

    But I wonder why different chemicals have different effects on the same pest, although these same pests are indicated on the instructions that come with them?

    And since Decis is no longer sold, how can I find its equally effective analogue?

    To answer all these questions, I decided to first study the characteristics of insecticides. Namely, what is included in the preparations and how they affect garden pests.

    So, here's what I found out about them. At first glance, this information may seem boring to you. But you shouldn’t brush it off! After all, if you know the nature of things, then you will not buy these same chemical preparations against pests blindly, but with knowledge of the matter. So let's have a little patience and read)))

    What are insecticides anyway?

    Insecticides are chemical preparations for the destruction of harmful insects, larvae, egg laying, mites, nematodes. The name comes from the Latin: “insectum” (insect) and “caedo” (to kill).

    What else do you need to know about insecticides?

    You need to know about them chemical composition. Because it is precisely this (the chemical composition, and not the name of the drug) that determines their effectiveness and, at the same time, the degree of danger/safety for humans and the environment.

    Insecticides according to chemical composition are divided into as many as 11 types (including natural ones). But we will not consider all these types, but for now we will study only two, which are quite often used on personal plots and with which most garden stores are littered.

    So, according to chemical composition insecticides are:

    Organophosphorus (this is malathion)

    Synthetic pyrethroids (for example, 2nd generation, these are cypermethrin, deltamethrin (decamethrin)).

    I’m citing these “scary” chemical terms here for a reason. They are very important! And we will definitely need them when choosing and purchasing the right chemical.

    First let's find out What is the difference between organophosphate insecticides and synthetic pyrethroids?.
    It turns out that synthetic pyrethroids are more effective and safe for humans than organophosphorus drugs. Did you know about this?)))

    How can you find out what the chemical composition of insecticides sold in a garden store is?

    We look at the packaging where the name of the insecticide is written. Actually, the name on the package is just a trademark. And the true chemical composition of the drug is usually written next to the name in very small print.

    "Karbofos", "Fufanon", "Kemifos". Next to these names in small print it says malathion. Yep, now we know it's an organophosphate insecticide.

    I read what is written next to the name “Decis”. Deltamethrin 2.5%. Clearly, this means Decis is a synthetic pyrethroid.

    Now I understand why Decis was more effective against the flower beetle than Fufanon. ...synthetic pyrethroids are more effective and safe for humans than organophosphorus drugs.

    This means that when looking for an analogue of Decis, I will look for those insecticides that, in their chemical composition, will be synthetic pyrethroids, that is, on their packaging next to the name it should be written in small print cypermethrin or deltamethrin (decamethrin).

    What else do you need to know about insecticides when choosing and purchasing them?

    You also need to know about the nature of their impact on insect pests. Because the way the insecticide affects pests also indicates the degree of effectiveness of the drug.

    Based on the nature of their effects, insecticides are:



    Contact insecticides.

    The name speaks for itself. The pest dies from direct contact with the poison, regardless of which part of the body the chemical hits.

    True, the effectiveness of contact insecticides, which under favorable conditions lasts up to 7 days, decreases with heavy and frequent precipitation. They are simply washed away by the rains.

    Also, a contact preparation can only protect the sprayed parts of plants. The part of the plant that the spray gun cannot reach will remain inhabited by pests. Yes, and pests can fly in from a neighbor’s untreated plot and safely settle on your apple tree.

    And the contact drug will not have an effect on the larva hidden in a bud or bud. After all, he simply doesn’t get on it (the larva).

    But there is an absolute plus - it acts immediately after spraying the plants.

    Systemic insecticide.

    It is considered the most effective because when sprayed it penetrates into the plant. And even if you couldn’t reach the top of the apple tree, don’t worry. The insecticide will move through the plant's vascular system. After eating a poisoned leaf, the pest will die.

    The advantage of such an insecticide is that precipitation practically does not reduce its effectiveness, and pests flying in from a neighbor’s apple tree, having eaten from your sprayed tree, will also die. And also systemic drugs have an excellent effect on larvae and egg laying.

    The systemic insecticide lasts longer than the contact insecticide – 10-15 days.

    I also came across such a concept as intestinal insecticide. But I must admit, I don’t really understand the difference between it and a systemic insecticide. After all, the principle is the same - the pest ate a poisoned leaf and died from it. Apparently there are some scientific features, which we probably don’t need to know.

    By the way, now some insecticides can be described as “two in one,” that is, as contact-systemic (contact-intestinal). And this is perhaps the best solution when choosing the right insecticide. And it will poison the beetles (both its own and vagrants) and their larvae.

    Unfortunately, information on the nature of the effect on insect pests is not indicated on the packaging. It's a pity! After all, she is important.
    But you can find it. Enough in search engines Enter the name of the chemical on the Internet and you're done. When reading about an insecticide, you need to find the column “Nature of action/impact” (or something similar).

    While studying information about pesticides, I realized that insecticides, the chemical composition of which includes malathion, cypermethrin, deltamethrin (we read the small, small print next to the name of the drug) are contact-intestinal (“two in one”). But do not forget that malathion as a chemical substance is inferior in its effectiveness to such chemical substances as cypermethrin or deltamethrin.

    And you also need to know Which pests are affected by a particular insecticide?.

    The point is that there is continuous action insecticides(that is, they kill, if not all insects, then many of their species at the same time), but there is electoral actions (these are those that affect only specific pests). For example, there are insecticides that are suitable for controlling mites and will be absolutely useless against codling moths.

    In this matter, the choice is easy to make. The packaging always indicates which pests the product is against. For more detailed information You can refer to the reference book or the Internet. What I mean is that on one of the Decis packages, for example, it was written that it is against the Colorado potato beetle. There was not a word about the fact that it also affects other pests. Therefore, before purchasing, it always makes sense to clarify against whom exactly this insecticide is effective.

    Here you go. Now I know what I can replace Decis with. For example, "Kinmiksom". This, however, is not analogous. But in their own way chemical properties very suitable because contains beta-cypermethrin. You can also use “Alatar”. It contains both malathion and cypermethrin.

    I certainly want my garden to be insecticide-free. But there are situations when you can’t do without chemicals.
    You wouldn’t treat a person who has pneumonia with radish and honey. You will be forced to resort to antibiotics despite their by-effect. The main thing is to cure the patient.

    So it is in the garden. Sometimes the condition of the garden is so neglected that decoctions onion peel, celandine brooms and others natural means, no matter how much we want it, we cannot cope.

    The main thing is to use insecticides wisely and follow all the recommendations that are indicated in the instructions - read which pests this or that drug affects, how to dilute it, in what proportions and at what air temperature to spray the plants.
    And of course, don't forget about small font next to the drug name. It is he who will tell us about the true composition and, as a result, about the effectiveness of the insecticide.

    And correct and timely agricultural technology in the garden - pruning trees, digging tree trunks in autumn, whitewashing trunks - will allow us to reduce the number of treatments against pests to one per season.
    And choosing good weather (temperatures above +12 degrees and low clouds) for spraying the garden will also help us deal a more effective blow to insect pests.

    I wish you a rich and healthy harvest in every sense!

    Katya Shlykova (amateur gardener)

    Before the gardener reaps the long-awaited harvest, he will have to deal with many pests that impair the quality and reduce the quantity of fruits. Unfortunately, not only fruit crops, but also ornamental crops are subject to annual attacks. Insects feed on leaves and plant sap, which significantly spoils the appearance of the plant. In addition, if the infection is severe, the tree may even die.

    To save the harvest and make it attractive appearance For ornamental plants, systemic insecticides are used, which significantly reduce the population of garden pests. Moreover, depending on the active substance, they can have an effect on one or several types of insects.

    A nice bonus is that a systemic insecticide of a certain type can help get rid of weeds. Herbicides penetrate the plant and burn it from the roots. When using, it is important to avoid contact with garden crops.

    Types of insecticides by chemical composition

    A systemic insecticide is developed in chemical laboratories based on organic substances. Their toxicity allows them to poison insects by affecting digestive system and sense organs. The most common types of systemic insecticides are:

    Systemic insecticides are popular due to their ease of use and high efficiency, but require some human safety precautions.

    Classification according to the method of penetration into the body

    A systemic insecticide can enter the insect’s body in different ways. Some drugs can combine several methods. The types of penetration are as follows:

    The use of systemic insecticides helps preserve up to 95% of the yield of a fruit plant.

    Classification by spectrum of action

    According to the spectrum of action, the following types are distinguished:

    1. Electoral- applicable to combat a specific type of pest. The species also includes drugs against mites and helminths that infect plants.
    2. Continuous action- aimed at group destruction different types insects

    The choice of product depends entirely on the needs of the gardener. Some substances are harmless to bees, which are considered beneficial insects, as they help pollinate garden crops.

    Types of drugs by industrial purpose

    For ease of use, systemic insecticides for the garden are also divided by industrial purpose. They differ in the nature of their effect on the insect and in their chemical composition. There are the following categories of funds:

    1. Pheromones- substances that attract insects, as they are created on the basis of substances secreted to attract beetles of the opposite sex. Such traps are capable of mass destruction of insects of a certain species.
    2. Insectoacaricides have a paralytic effect on ticks and other insects. The disadvantage is bad influence on nervous system person. This type requires the use of a protective suit when processing plants.
    3. Ovicides affect only insect eggs and are harmless to other stages life cycle.
    4. Aficides used to destroy all varieties of aphids.
    5. Larvicides designed to destroy insects at the larval stage.
    6. Repellents- repellers that do not destroy insects, but their smell makes it clear that the plant is inedible. Used by gardeners for preventive purposes.

    Most drugs are highly toxic, so experts do not recommend using them unless absolutely necessary as a preventive measure.

    The best systemic insecticides

    • "Decis Lux", "Aktara", "Bi-58", "Zolon", "Lufox" - used on fruit trees, especially often on apple, pear and cherry trees;
    • "Aktellik", "Apollo", "Bi-58 Novy", "Varant", "Nissoran", "Omite", "Ortus" - intended for spraying vineyards;
    • "Vertimek", "Karate" - for cucumbers, pumpkins and carrots;
    • "Voliam Flexi", "Danadim Mix", "Enzhio", "Confidor Maxi" - for tomatoes;
    • "Reldan", "Helikovex" - for bell peppers;
    • "Ratibor", "Karate Zeon" - for eggplants;
    • “Antizhuk”, “Calypso”, “Matador”, “Mospilan”, “Fastak”, “Fury” - are used to control insects on potatoes, in particular the Colorado potato beetle;
    • "Greenfort", "Douglas", "Marsh", "Nurel D", "Pirinex Supper", "Sumition" - used on cereal crops, including for cultivating large fields;
    • "Arrivo", "Fufanon" - for melons (melon, watermelon);
    • "Vertimex", "Force", "Omite" - for strawberries.

    Impact on plants and ecology

    When treating plants in favorable conditions (suitable air temperature, lack of precipitation, moderate climate humidity), the entire list of systemic insecticides does not harm plants. Despite this, any attempt to treat a plant with a chemical is stressful for it. If the dosage is calculated correctly, the drug stimulates plant metabolism and, in some cases, develops immunity to certain pests.

    Soil insecticides have a detrimental effect that is neutralized only after 10 weeks. They also have a negative effect on fish, (especially bees), and domestic animals. Therefore, it is important to spray away from apiaries, ponds and pastures.

    When to treat plants

    All drugs have instructions for use. in which the dosage is indicated in detail, as well as favorable conditions for spraying. The rules for processing garden crops are as follows:

    • it is worth considering the phase of the insect’s life cycle when choosing an insecticide - for adult insects it is too late to use ovits, which only affect eggs;
    • when treating with several drugs, it is worth considering their compatibility, because if the approach is incorrect chemical substances can cause irreparable harm to plants;
    • treatment is not carried out as a preventative measure - only when the first symptoms of damage are detected;
    • When plants are flowering, you should stop spraying - this may affect the quality and quantity of the crop for the worse;
    • the end of spraying occurs 40-45 days before harvest, since pesticides can harm the human body.

    For getting maximum effect processing should be carried out in dry, windless weather, in the evening.

    You should also avoid dripping of the drug from the leaves and strictly adhere to the instructions from the manufacturer.

    Insecticide treatment methods

    There are several effective ways treatment with chemicals that are widely used in gardening. These include the following:

    The method is selected individually and depends on the wishes and capabilities of the gardener.

    Systemic insecticides for indoor plants

    These systemic insecticides for indoor plants also applicable for horticultural crops, but it is important to follow the dosage indicated on the drug label. If possible, you should choose products that are harmless to people and pets.

    Preparations for coniferous plants

    Insects strike conifers no less than garden ones. For this reason, systemic insecticides for conifers are used by gardeners who protect the beauty of the site.

    Do the affected areas of the tree begin to turn yellow, the needles fall off, and a white coating appears on them? This indicates the presence of a pest. The following drugs are often used:

    It should be remembered that small space and high humidity stimulate the development of pests in the garden. In order to avoid their attack, it is necessary first of all to ensure normal conditions for the growth of garden crops.

    Correct use of chemical insecticides, taking into account safety precautions and dosage recommendations from the manufacturer, will preserve the beauty of the site, the health of the plants and the harvest.

    This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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      THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

      • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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          What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

    • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):