The times of chubby young ladies with rosy cheeks are long gone, now clearly defined face shapes and chiseled cheekbones are in fashion. But not every girl can boast of perfect facial contours and prominent cheekbones. What to do in order for the desired cheekbones to appear and how to remove the cheeks?

In order to know how to remove the cheeks and highlight the cheekbones, you need to determine where the chubby cheeks came from. The following main reasons for their presence can be distinguished:

  • shape and structure of the face
  • edema
  • weak facial muscles
  • fullness of the body

The natural structure of the face

First of all, you need to go to the mirror and carefully examine and examine your face. Its structure depends on mother nature, especially with regard to the cheekbones. After all, the cheekbones are bones, and how much they are visible is determined by the shape of the face and skull, which, alas, cannot be changed.

The same applies to the cheeks. You must have met skinny skeleton girls, but with a chubby face. However, such situations are rare. In this case, the question "How to make cheekbones?" sounds stupid. Special exercises for the development of facial muscles will help to better outline its contour, but it will not be possible to achieve sharp cheekbones.

Puffiness - the cause of the plumpness of the face

In the second case, edema may be the cause of chubby cheeks. When excess water is retained in the body, it primarily affects the face - it swells. Usually, swelling lasts no more than one or two days, after which the face regains its normal shape. But if your swelling occurs very often and does not go away for a long time, you should consult a doctor, this can be the cause of serious illness.

In a healthy body - sharp cheekbones

Another reason for weak cheekbones can be weak facial muscles. following general condition bodies, we play sports and do exercises for different groups muscles, but do not pay attention to the facial muscles. However, they also require regular exercise. Therefore, ordinary facial gymnastics will help to remove sagging cheeks at home.

In addition, with the help of special exercises, you can not only achieve perfect cheekbones, but also increase the overall tone of the face, give it freshness, get rid of wrinkles and learn to better control your own facial expressions.

And finally, the face may not be perfect due to the fact that the whole body in general is poorly developed or has excess weight. Therefore, it is not surprising that the face is not in perfect shape. In this case, the ways to remove the cheeks are obvious: sports and proper nutrition in order to tone the muscles and get rid of excess body fat.

How to get rid of unwanted cheeks and get the desired cheekbones?

There are several ways to remove cheeks and make cheekbones. Here are some of them:

  • special gymnastics for the face (face-building)
  • removal of Bish's lumps
  • hyaluronic acid for cheekbones
  • proper nutrition and exercise
  • makeup

Sports in the fight for the perfect face

Facebook building is a special set of exercises, the purpose of which is to tighten all the muscles of the face. Thanks to this, the facial muscles tone up, unnecessary swelling on the cheeks goes away, and the desired cheekbones become more distinct and sharper.

Like any other exercise, Facebook building should be done regularly, and the first results will be noticeable only after one to two weeks.

  • The easiest way to remove cheeks in home environment with the help of exercises - to remember childhood and make faces in front of the mirror, making different faces.
  • At this time, forget that you are an adult respectable girl or the director of a serious enterprise, and fool around for glory.
  • The more sophisticated the faces, the more deep facial muscles will be involved.
  • Alternatively, you can simply train the expressions of different emotions, which will bring practical benefits.
  • The face before and after the correction of the cheekbones with the help of such exercises will noticeably change for the better.

Proper nutrition and exercise will help get rid of chubby cheeks if you are overweight. When the whole body becomes more toned, the face will transform with it. With frequent edema, you need to monitor the water balance: a lack or excess of water is the most common cause of edema, due to which the cheekbones are not so noticeable.

Cosmetic procedures for cheekbone correction

Bish's lumps are fat deposits located in the area below the cheekbones. Their main purpose is to facilitate the process of sucking in babies. That is why all babies are so chubby. Usually, over time, the fat layer becomes smaller, and the face acquires a clear outline.

But there are cases when Bish's lumps do not disappear with age. This phenomenon is not considered a pathology, but it can cause aesthetic inconvenience. You can get rid of them with the help of surgery, but before that, you must definitely consult with specialists.

If you take two photos - one before removing Bish's lumps, and the second after - the result will be visible to the naked eye.

Another cosmetic procedure that will help in the fight for sharp cheekbones is hyaluronic acid. Her task is no different from the previous ones - to give the face tone and highlight the cheekbones. You can use hyaluronic acid at home in the form of masks or injections. But there are chances to make a mistake with the proportions and get allergic reaction. Therefore, again, before use, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

If we compare the face before and after hyaluronic acid, then the skin will not only tighten, but also acquire a natural color and freshness.

You can make cheekbones on your face using the right makeup. Of course, this is only a visual trick, but sometimes such "scams" are the only option. You can find many options on how to properly highlight the cheekbones with the help of concealers and blush. by the most simple method there will be a concealer application, slightly darker in tone than your skin, along the line of the cheekbones.

Video: Facebook building - facial gymnastics

2 years ago

For several seasons in Russia, and not only, the trend towards a healthy lifestyle has been firmly held: modern man has begun to think about what he eats, how well he builds his day, whether he has enough physical activity. However, while doing their body, girls often forget about one important part - the face. For him, too, there are a lot of exercises that help maintain the tone of the facial muscles. It is they who answer the popular question “how to remove cheeks and make cheekbones” for girls and boys, so everyone should know a set of such simple home exercises.

How to get rid of cheeks at home?

In order for the measures taken to be as effective as possible, the problem should be assessed from all sides. Answer the question: why did the cheeks appear (the same applies to the second chin and other imperfections in the oval of the face). There are several most likely prerequisites for this:

  • Adolescence (15-19 years old) - some youthful “swelling” and softness of features disappear with age, here even intensive training does little.
  • Fluid retention - this is mainly due to changes in hormonal levels, so it is important not only to stop abusing salt and water at night, but also to check the level of hormones (especially estrogen).
  • Abuse of sunburn - in conditions middle lane In Russia, these are mainly too frequent visits to the solarium, against which the skin loses moisture and, accordingly, elasticity. Additionally, she begins to suffer from dryness.
  • Natural aging is a cause that is difficult to deal with, since its influence can only be reduced, but not completely eliminated. Reduced skin elasticity, weakening of the muscles of the face: all this leads to sagging contours, the appearance of not only cheeks and a second chin, but also “flews”.
  • The presence of excess weight - when extra pounds appear, the face turns round faster than the rest of the body, as well as losing weight after that, too, often faster. Here, of course, in order for the cheekbones to appear, you will first have to deal with the figure.

It is also impossible not to say about the genetic predisposition, which can affect both the elasticity of the skin and the oval of the face as a whole. Girls with an initially teardrop-shaped or round face will never have model sharp cheekbones, even if they bring themselves to anorexia. The easiest way is for the owners of the "rhombus" type - they initially have sharp facial features that only need to be polished a little. And this is exactly what the exercises that make up the face-building complex are aimed at: this is a special gymnastics for the face, popular abroad.

Concerning physical activity for the face, they should be given 10 minutes every day - then after a month it will be possible to track the first hints of a positive trend. Ideally, they should be made the same routine as brushing your teeth or taking a shower, especially since the exercises are simple, it is better to perform them in front of a mirror (for control):

  • Inhale actively, leaving the air in the mouth, rounding the cheeks, and close the lips. Evenly distribute the collected air inside. Place your palms on your cheeks so that your thumbs rest on your ears, and press, trying to squeeze out the air. Build resistance from within, count to 10 and exhale. Repeat the exercise 20-25 times. It well tones the entire oval of the face.
  • Pull your lips forward with a tube, press your tongue to your cheek. Try to maintain an elongated state of the lips, but at the same time press the tongue on the cheek. Switch sides to a count of 10. Repeat the exercise 20 times.
  • This exercise helps to get rid of the cheeks and the second chin: make a grin on your face (a very wide smile “with teeth”) and pull it down lower lip. Try to pull it as low as possible, counting up to 15. If you feel tension under your chin, that's right. Exhale, relaxing your muscles. Repeat the task 20 more times.
  • Take a breath in your mouth, close your lips. Start rolling it from one cheek to the other, passing through the gap between upper lip and gum. Do this continuously for 2 minutes.
  • Stretching your lips with a tube, as in the 2nd exercise, pull your cheeks inward as much as possible. For 2 min. roll your tongue from one cheek to the other.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)

Mar 17 2017


No one gets younger with time, and if you want to preserve the former beauty of your face and body at least for a while, you will have to devote some time to this. One of the main problems of women is the appearance of sagging cheeks over the years. You can get rid of them and return your face to its previous appearance without even resorting to plastic surgery. Find out how.

How to get rid of cheeks at home

Not all women like their plump cheeks. The reason for this is often weight gain and it is possible and necessary to remove such a disadvantage without liposuction of the cheeks. Slender can be not only a figure, but also a face. He will immediately suit much more stylish haircuts and hairstyles, while chubby ladies have to choose an image for a long time to look spectacular.

There are many ways to lose weight in the cheeks. Moreover, these methods are, if not completely free, then they cost a penny (if we talk about masks). The main thing that is required is patience, because without it nothing will come of it. As in any process of losing weight, it is important not only to perform any actions aimed at reducing weight, but also to follow proper nutrition, without which excess weight will not go away. How to remove fat from the cheeks, you will learn further.

Exercises for cheeks and cheekbones

To reduce the contour of the face, you can do special exercises for slimming the cheeks. It is important to perform them regularly, then the result will certainly please you. With the help of this complex, you will get rid of not only full cheeks, but also the second chin. How to remove cheeks:

  1. Sit down and tilt your head back. Make movements with your chin, as if you want to capture the upper lip with the lower one. Repeat 30 times.
  2. With your jaw closed (while keeping your head straight), try to stick out your lower lip as much as possible.
  3. Slightly tilt your head forward, start making movements with your chin: stretch either to the left or to the right shoulder.
  4. Keep your head straight, the corners of your lips should drop. Start tensing your muscles and stay in this state for a minute.

Diet for slimming face and cheeks

If you think that there is a special diet for the cheeks, then you will probably be disappointed that there is none. Losing weight in this part of the face will depend entirely on how much you want to lose weight in general. Uncontrolled hunger won't help, so start by sticking to healthy eating. Review your diet: remove all fried and fatty foods from it, give up quick snacks. Give the diet at least two weeks, cleanse your body of toxins, and in combination with exercises, you will achieve the effect even faster and you will not need any cheek liposuction.

A healthy diet will help not only improve the contour of the face, but also make slim figure. Eat more vegetables, try to use honey instead of sugar, often refuse starchy foods. In this case, the main thing is to be patient, because there is no such way as to quickly remove the cheeks. Everything takes time and perseverance, and the result will definitely not be long in coming.

Cheek masks

Another great alternative for getting a beautiful face are various anti-cheek masks that you can make yourself from natural products. Here are some recipes that will help you fight the roundness of the face:

  • Lemon mask. Stir 1 tsp. lemon juice and the same amount of honey with warm oatmeal (1 tablespoon). Spread the mask over your face and leave for 20 minutes.
  • Yeast mask. Dilute 20 g of yeast with a tablespoon of milk, add an egg, a tablespoon of olive oil and honey (1 tsp). Thicken the mixture with rice flour. Apply the mask on your face and leave for 30 minutes.

Massage for slimming cheeks

Finally, the last of the free ways is a face massage for slimming cheeks. How to remove cheeks with massage:

  1. Apply any nourishing cream. It is undesirable to use products with a lifting effect.
  2. Start stroking the skin of the face, go to patting, pinching. No need to hurt yourself, because massage should only be a pleasure. Direct movements from the bottom up from the cheekbones to the temples.
  3. Start pinching and rubbing the folds. It will be a huge mistake if you start to stretch the skin too much. In this case, the opposite result will be obtained.

How to remove bulldog cheeks at home

Not only older women, but also girls or young men can face sagging facial skin. Sagging largely depends on genetics. It is not at all worth worrying about this problem, because there are many methods on how to tighten sagging cheeks at home. In this case, it is absolutely not necessary to resort to liposuction of the cheeks or other plastic surgeries.

Facial contrast shower

A very useful tool that will help remove the cheeks is a contrast shower. It can and should be done regularly, every time you take a bath yourself. Everything is very simple: pour hot water over your face, then cold water. In this case, you can alternately inflate the cheeks, then blow them off, gaining air in them. Such gymnastics and contrasting water procedures have a positive effect on the skin of the face, rejuvenating it and making it more elastic.

Facial massage for lifting the oval of the face at home

Sagging skin of the face must be massaged with the palm of your hand or fingertips. This process helps to improve blood circulation and has a rejuvenating effect. Regular massage from sagging cheeks can be done in the salon by a professional or on your own at home, which is even no worse. For the procedure, it is desirable to acquire a special oil, which helps to increase the elasticity of the skin.

One way to remove the cheeks with a massage requires a special herbal decoction. Almost any will do, but chamomile, birch, mint are especially good for the skin. Soak the tip of a towel in the decoction and lightly hit your face with it. Problem areas must be thoroughly kneaded, tap on them with your fingertips. Create vibration-like movements. Performing such a massage on a regular basis, you will soon forget about this problem.

Saggy cheek exercises

You can achieve skin elasticity and pump up facial muscles by performing special exercises for sagging cheeks:

  1. Strengthen the upper part: fold your lips as if you want to sing the sound “o”. In this case, the upper lip is pressed to the teeth. Start smiling at the top. You can keep the skin around the eyes from wrinkling with your fingers. Repeat the movement 20 times.
  2. Strengthening the lower part occurs in a slightly different way: fold your lips in the same way as in the previous exercise, only lower the corners this time. Make 20 circular movements at the bottom of the cheeks with your fingers. If you feel a burning sensation, then the exercise is done correctly.
  3. Fold your lips, as in the first exercise, press your upper lip to your teeth. Smile only with the corners of your mouth, lifting your cheeks up. Repeat the exercise 20 times. Hold the last smile for 30 seconds.

How to reduce cheeks visually

Want to learn how to visually reduce cheeks with makeup? To do this, there is a simple trick that can help make the contour of the face more slender, like the models in the photo. All you need is a dark blush that matches your skin tone, light powder, a thick brush, and 5 minutes of free time. With the help of powder, tone your face, and apply blush along the sunken line that forms when you fold your lips in a “duck” manner, starting from the cheekbones. Do not overdo it with cosmetics, distribute blush evenly.

In fact, many of the fair sex are worried about how to remove the cheeks and make cheekbones out of them. And donuts do not always have to worry about the fullness of their face. It often happens that chubby cheeks appear in thin and slender women.

Why do you have to think about how to remove the cheeks and make the cheekbones?

There can be many reasons why a face can be rounded and take on unsatisfactory forms. The most common of them:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • regular contact with ultraviolet rays;
  • accumulation of fluid in the body;
  • improper body care;
  • overweight;
  • natural aging of the epidermis;
  • non-compliance with a healthy lifestyle.

How to remove cheeks and make cheekbones for a girl?

At first glance, this task may seem impossible. For the face, in the gyms, they do not prepare special programs, as they do for any other part of the body. That is why some ladies believe that their only chance to remove their cheeks and make cheekbones is plastic surgery. But it's not.

One of the most simple ways change the shape of the face - go on a diet and start sticking to proper nutrition:

  1. Although sometimes the cause of too large cheeks is, you can’t deny yourself liquid. Every day you need to drink at least two liters of water or green tea.
  2. It is necessary to exclude from the diet such harmful products like salt, sugar, various sweets, muffin soda.
  3. During lunch, it is advisable to eat as many vegetables as possible. And throughout the day it is useful to pamper yourself with different fruits.
  4. It will be very difficult for women who regularly drink a lot of beer to get rid of their cheeks.
  5. It is recommended to add dishes with a high content to food.

How to quickly remove cheeks and make cheekbones with the help of exercises?

It turns out that for slimming cheeks, a special set of exercises also exists:

How else can you remove your cheeks and make beautiful cheekbones?

In addition to diet and exercise, there are other ways to help achieve perfect cheekbones:

  1. Massage is extremely useful, for example. And making it yourself at home is not difficult. To do this, you just need to take a towel, soak it in water or herbal infusion. Then they will have to slap themselves along the chin line, from below the cheeks, and then along the entire contour of the face. This procedure will help improve microcirculation.
  2. Regular tightening masks are not superfluous.
  3. In the morning, it is recommended to wipe the skin with cosmetic ice.
  4. If the problem is edema, then you can try to remove them with contrast procedures.
  5. The condition of the skin is favorably affected by regular night compresses, after which the epidermis must be treated with a tightening cream.

The refined features of the cheekbones look expressive, but few women have such lines by nature. How to get rid of chubby cheeks, bypassing expensive procedures, and adjust the outlines of the face at home?

We must immediately admit that the cheekbones lend themselves to weight loss with great difficulty. It is difficult to lose extra centimeters in relation to any part of the body, wherever fat is deposited. But, for example, the muscles of the legs or abdomen are constantly involved in movement, naturally acquiring clear outlines - and the muscles of the face do not have special mobility.

How to get rid of chubby cheeks? The process is similar to any other weight loss. You need to carefully analyze your nutrition schedule, sleep regularity, organize regular physical activity for the corresponding muscles - in other words, do special exercises. Of course, auxiliary procedures will be useful - tonic masks, creams, washings. They will not help to lose weight - but they will remove excess fluid from under the skin, toxins, which also cause puffy cheeks.

If you are too busy to do cheekbone correction at home, beauty treatments are always available for you. We briefly list the most effective of them.

Professional beauty treatments

Professional cosmetic procedures that help to correct the outlines of the cheeks are recommended to be carried out exclusively with the help of specialized salons. The main disadvantage of cosmetic procedures is, of course, the high cost. And the main advantage is that an experienced cosmetologist will assess the condition of your face, choose the most successful strategy for its correction, prescribing the most effective course of procedures.

Most often, the following is done to correct the cheekbones and cheeks: toxins, excess fluid are removed from under the skin, muscles are toned, muscles are activated, and the skin is tightened. What methods are used to achieve these goals?

  • Massage. There are points throughout the body, the impact on which improves blood circulation, better oxygen supply, and rapid skin renewal. Skillful massage of the facial zone, made by a professional, has a healing effect on the muscles and skin at the same time. Thus, regular procedures remove the swelling of the cheeks, correcting the line of the cheekbones.
  • Mesotherapy. The specificity of the technique is as follows - the scalp is affected from the inside, by introducing a special meso-solution into the subcutaneous layer. The method most effectively saturates the skin with oxygen, improves blood flow, removes accumulated toxins.
  • Cosmetic peeling. This procedure is designed to renew the upper layers of the skin. With special strong, but sparing means, cosmetologists remove the old, keratinized layer of the skin, remove the mimic wrinkles that have appeared, nourish the young delicate skin - it tightens, becoming fresh and elastic.

The listed procedures are carried out a maximum of once a month - otherwise the effect will turn out to be the opposite, they cannot be done weekly. However, for maximum benefit, it is recommended to use peeling, mesotherapy, massage regularly, in courses. It turns out that the costs are still reusable. Since each of the procedures is not cheap, the listed methods are not suitable for everyone.

Special "exercises" for the cheekbones and a special make-up

How to remove cheeks and make cheekbones without resorting to expensive services of beauty salons? Is it really possible to get by with improvised means? Yes - very likely, although it may take quite a few weeks, requiring considerable effort.

First of all, every day you will need to find at least fifteen minutes for a kind of "gymnastics" for the cheekbones. What exercises does such an original exercise consist of?

  • Tilt your head back, sticking out your lower jaw, freeze for a few seconds. Feeling the tension in the muscles of the cheeks, relax the chin, and then return to its original position.
  • Sit straight, straighten your back, tilt your head back, clenching your jaws, and then lower your shoulders down as much as possible, diligently keeping your neck motionless. If the exercise is performed correctly, you should again feel a strong tension in the muscles of the cheeks.
  • Inhale air with your cheeks, squeeze your mouth tightly, and then place your palms on both cheeks, covering your ears with your fingers, and slowly press with your palms from the sides. Feeling the resistance of the muscles, continue to press with your palms for a few seconds, and then release the air.
  • Stretching out your lips, as if in a kiss, try to draw an imaginary circle in front of you with smooth movements of the neck - to the left, to the right. You can also put a pencil over your upper lip, holding it under your nose.
  • Opening your mouth, draw in your lips, sticking them around your teeth, tighten your muscles, put your fingers on your cheeks. Begin to gently pull your palms up. You will feel tension first, and then even a slight burning sensation in the muscles - it will mean that the exercise is being performed correctly.

These simple exercises need to be repeated more than once, but at least ten approaches - gradually the number of repetitions needs to be increased. Such gymnastics will have a positive effect on more than one cheek - the second chin, which upsets many women, will also noticeably decrease. In just a few weeks, the outlines in the mirror will become thinner, sleeker, much more attractive.

Telling how to remove the second chin and cheeks, one cannot remain silent about the possibilities of cosmetics. And in this case, not expensive professional procedures are meant - the most common cosmetics that any woman uses every day. With proper application of shadows and blush, facial features can be tweaked a little - although, of course, cosmetics will give the greatest effect along with weight loss exercises.

To visually reduce the cheeks, make the cheekbones more distinct, you will need to carefully apply the correct shadows to certain areas. To begin with, a foundation is applied, which helps to easily cope with the shading of cosmetics, at the same time protecting the skin from overdrying. Powder is applied over the foundation - not daily, but a little darker shade.

It is the powder that will create the desired visual effect. Running your hand along your cheek, find the line of your cheekbones, then use dark powder to make the skin under this line a little noticeably darker than the rest of the skin. The main thing to remember is that the shadow should lie clearly along the cheeks, do not take it to the lips. Otherwise, you will suddenly look much older than your real age.

After carefully applying the shadows, put the powder of a regular, natural color along the upper line of the cheekbones - the makeup will get a natural contrast. Of course, in order to avoid too sharp a color transition, the powder must be carefully shaded. It is best to treat the cheekbones with a wide brush with a soft bristle.

When applying makeup, make sure that it does not look too “artificial”. In particular, the rule applies day makeup- For evening, it is acceptable to use darker and clearer tones, since it will most likely be accompanied by a corresponding bright eyeliner and juicy lipstick.

What causes chubby cheeks?

We have listed the main ways to help effectively remove swelling of the cheeks. And what are the reasons that cause the very appearance of a deficiency?

Unfortunately, most often chubby cheeks are a genetic "gift" - i.e. manifest in a hereditary way. If your parents, sisters, brothers, grandparents have similar rounded features, it will be difficult to correct the line of the cheekbones. Carefully sculpted outlines will have to be maintained continuously, spending a lot of effort and hours on cosmetic procedures and special exercises.

However, heredity is not the only reason. Often fat deposits on the cheeks appear in people who are generally not at all inclined to be overweight. Here, most likely, malnutrition is to blame, as well as a disturbed daily routine.

For example, excessive fluid intake in the evenings has a sad effect on appearance. If you are used to drinking coffee or tea shortly before going to bed, you will have to reconsider the established traditions. Water, accumulating in the tissues, during the night forms some puffiness, which is especially noticeable on the cheeks.

The same negative impact is exerted by irregular nutrition, abuse junk food, wrong dream. The above leads to the fact that the body's metabolism is disturbed - toxins do not leave the body, accumulate in the cells. The breakdown of fats slows down, immediately expressed by the characteristic swelling of the cheeks, eyelids, and chin.

Deciding to see a perfectly healthy, great-looking reflection in the mirror with pronounced cheekbones, get ready not just to do the exercises - you will need to completely reconsider your daily routine. However, the result is worth all the effort - having achieved the desired shape, you will always be satisfied with your own appearance.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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