Yogurt is a type of fermented milk product. Its difference from kefir or, say, yogurt is that it is fermented with the help of special bacteria. Despite the relatively low calorie content of yogurt, it has many beneficial properties thanks to its composition. It contains a lot of easily digestible protein, and the presence of special enzymes and bacteria in it allows it to be consumed even by people who have problems digesting lactose. It contains vitamins A, C, PP, B vitamins, choline, as well as calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, iodine, copper, manganese, selenium, chromium, fluorine and others. The calcium contained in this fermented milk product is absorbed much better than calcium from regular milk or kefir. The lactic acid bacteria it contains give yogurt a special benefit – they improve digestion and promote efficient bowel function.

Calorie content of natural yogurt

How many calories are in yogurt and is it suitable for weight loss?

The energy value of this fermented milk product depends on its type, fat content, thickness, etc. The calorie content of natural yogurt (without additives) 1.5% fat is 57 kcal per 100 g. A glass (250 ml) of such yogurt will contain 142 calories, and a tablespoon - about 10 kcal. The calorie content of 3.2% yogurt without additives will be 68 kcal.

How many calories are in yogurt with additives?

The taste of natural yogurt is unusual for those who are accustomed to sweet “yogurts” from store shelves; it is more reminiscent of sour cream, Varenets or cream cheese. Natural yogurt is not sweet, which explains its low popularity. Tastier (or rather, sweeter), but also more caloric, is this sour dairy product with various flavorings. It is less healthy than natural - it contains added flavors, dyes, sugar and, of course, preservatives. The calorie content in this yogurt is 1.5-2 times higher than in natural yogurt.

For example, the calorie content of Activia yogurt is 82 kcal per 100 g, Fruttis - 79 kcal,“Miracle” - 92 kcal, “Bio balance” - 82 kcal; thick yoghurts contain more calories not only due to sugar, but also due to starch, which is used as a thickener; the calorie content of fruit and berry yoghurts ranges from 100 to 140; cereals – not less than 108 kcal.

Obviously, it is best to use natural yogurt for weight loss. It contains less sugar, fewer additives, and is lower in calories.

In addition to being low in calories, yogurt has many other health and body benefits. It improves digestion, intestinal motility and its microflora, cleanses the body, removing waste and toxins from it, and has a beneficial effect on work nervous system, reduces the risk of intestinal cancer, normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood, has a positive effect on the condition of hair, nails and skin, strengthens the immune system, and promotes the breakdown of fats. Yogurt for weight loss can be consumed as a low-calorie snack during the day or as a substitute for dinner. Natural yogurt can be used to dress salads instead of sour cream or fatty and unhealthy mayonnaise. This fermented milk product can be added to baked goods instead of butter and milk or used as a soak for biscuits. You can make natural smoothies from yogurt, nuts, berries and oatmeal, which will be equally useful for girls on a diet, athletes, children and the elderly.

How to choose the right yogurt

It's no secret that manufacturers food products They are often more concerned about reducing production costs than about our health. Meanwhile, this product will only bring benefits if it is natural. Natural healthy yogurt can be distinguished by several parameters.

The calorie content of yogurt with unwanted additives is almost always higher than that of natural yogurt.. The more calories there are in yogurt, the more sugar that is harmful to your figure. Also, when choosing this product, you should pay attention to its fat content. The low calorie content of industrially (chemically) low-fat yogurt is not an indicator of its usefulness. The optimal fat content in this product is from 1.5 to 4.5%.

On the label, reading the composition, you can see that “harmful” yogurt contains, in addition to natural ingredients, sugar, starch, additives, flavors, stabilizers, etc., and due to preservatives, it can be stored without refrigeration for a long time. Natural yogurt is stored only in the refrigerator at a temperature no higher than 6 degrees and no more than a few days - then the bacteria that live in it simply die. “Yogurts” whose shelf life exceeds 1 month are unnatural and will not bring any health or figure benefits.

Is it possible to lose weight on yogurt?

There are practically no restrictions on the use of this product, with the exception of individual intolerance. To lose weight with yogurt, eat it for breakfast, as a snack, dessert, or as a dinner replacement.. Thanks to yogurt's low calorie content and high nutritional value, you can significantly reduce your total daily calorie intake. For example, by drinking a glass of yogurt instead of an afternoon snack, you will satisfy your hunger for 2-3 hours, while consuming only 150 kcal. This product goes well with cereals, vegetables, fruits, cottage cheese, cheese, herbs, nuts, berries and dried fruits. Yogurt's low calorie content and beneficial health and digestive properties have made it possible to use it as the basis for a variety of yogurt diets. As a rule, during such diets, in order to lose weight on yogurt, you need to consume about 500 g per day. In addition to yogurt, these diets include vegetables, fruits, cereals, and fish. It is useful to combine the consumption of yogurt and green tea - each acting in its own direction, they have a comprehensive healing, drainage and fat-burning effect on the body.

In addition to diets on this product, you can arrange fasting days on it. The diet for such a fasting day is 500 g of natural yogurt and an unlimited amount of green tea. With an average calorie content of yogurt of 65 kcal per 100 g, you will consume only 325 kcal this day, and spend at least 2000 - that is, in one fasting day you have the opportunity to burn up to 250 g of pure fat. In addition, thanks to cleansing the intestines and removing excess fluid from the body, you will lose about 1-1.5 kg, and your health will noticeably improve - swelling will disappear, you will feel better. better color skin, abdominal discomfort will disappear, sleep will improve.

But even if you are not on a diet, eating yogurt daily will help you not only keep your weight under control, but also avoid health problems. It normalizes the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, fights various unwanted fungi (including consuming yogurt reduces the likelihood of thrush in women), accelerates regeneration processes in the body and improves immunity, strengthens teeth, bones, improves the condition of skin, nails and hair and their appearance, and gives you good health and a great mood.

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Yogurt is a fermented milk product; it contains milk (natural) and a combination of starter bacteria. IN different countries The generally accepted contents of this product may vary.

In the homeland of yogurt, in Bulgaria, the composition of this product is strictly regulated and not every product that we call “yogurt” in this country could bear such a name.

Yogurt became widespread at the beginning of the twentieth century and was initially sold in glass bottles in pharmacies. Now the container for it is mainly plastic cups, often connected in 4 or 6 pieces.

Many health-conscious people eat yogurt daily to improve their health. Its calorie content varies and depends on the percentage of fat content, therefore adhering dietary nutrition, it is better to pay attention to this number when studying the packaging.

100 g of Activia yoghurt with 1.5% fat content contains 65 kcal.

This product is also great for fasting days and for use during diets.

The calorie content of Activia with 2.5% fat content is 80 kcal per 100 g.

Yoghurt has enormous benefits for the body.:

  1. Thanks to it, the body better absorbs nutrients from food.
  2. Increases immunity and blocks the formation of tumors.
  3. Restores the intestines after illnesses, and also prevents the destruction of its tissues while taking antibiotics.
  4. It is a preventative against fungal infections.
  5. Easily digestible by people with lactose intolerance.
  6. Protects the colon from diseases, including cancer.
  7. Contains a lot of calcium, which is easily absorbed.
  8. It contains a lot of proteins.
  9. It is believed that yogurt normalizes the amount of cholesterol in the blood.
  10. Has a double effect: quickly absorbed and facilitates easy absorption useful substances from other food products.

Calorie content of yogurt "Miracle"

This yogurt appeared on store shelves in the late 90s and immediately has become a favorite product of many people on a diet, as well as patients diabetes mellitus . Now the range of this product is quite wide and many will be able to choose any type of it to their taste, and its cost is quite low, and yes, its caloric content is also low.

The calorie content of 100 g of “Miracle” yoghurt ranges from 70 to 100 kcal, depending on its variety.

Energy value of Danissimo yogurt

The Danone product range is quite diverse and consists of all kinds of yoghurts and curds. The company positions itself as a manufacturer of healthy food products and strives to provide them to every inhabitant of the globe. Among all the fermented milk products of this brand there are both children and adults, so you can have a tasting with the whole family.

100 g of Danissimo yogurt contains about 150 kcal.

These products contain all kinds of fruit fillings so that everyone can choose their favorite taste.

How many calories are in Gentle yogurt?

Yoghurts called “Tender” also come in the usual form, in cups and bottles, that is, drinkable. The taste of the products is fruity, because almost every type of product range contains a fruit ingredient.

The energy value of 100 g of “Tender” yogurt is approximately 100 kcal.

When choosing foods for your diet, you should take into account not only their calorie content, but also the amount nutrients. 100 g of bread and the same amount of yogurt may have the same calorie content, but the nutritional value of the second is undoubtedly greater and it is better to give preference to it.

Delicious and healthy yogurt at home

Yogurt is very useful product and it’s good if it is present in the diet more often. To save time, you can purchase it in a store, but it has always been believed that any product or dish made independently has great useful qualities. So let's learn how to make yogurt yourself.


  • milk 2000 g;
  • “live” yogurt purchased in a store;
  • pan, thick cloth.

Cooking process:

  1. Cover the milk brought to a boil and lower its temperature to 45 degrees.
    In another container, which must first be sterilized, small quantity Mix milk with yogurt.
  2. Pour the mixture into the pan and stir thoroughly.
  3. Close the lid tightly and wrap in a towel. Place it in a warm place and do not touch it for about 8 hours.
  4. Sterilize the required number of jars, pour the prepared yogurt into them and place in the refrigerator.
  5. The product must be eaten within 5 days. Can be used as a starter for the next batch of yogurt.

Sourdough requires periodic renewal, otherwise the lactic acid bacteria may disappear.

Calorie content of yogurt: 73 kcal*
* average value per 100 g, depends on the fat content of the product and the composition of the ingredients

Yogurt is a healthy fermented milk product obtained by fermenting milk with special live cultures. It has a delicate texture, excellent taste and low fat content.

Nutritional value of yoghurts

Yogurt has a beneficial effect on intestinal function, relieving inflammation and improving metabolic processes. Regular consumption of fermented milk products strengthens the immune system, improves mood and well-being. It is important to choose high-quality products that do not contain chemical additives, dyes or flavor enhancers.

The most useful is homemade yogurt made with milk with the addition of starter (59 kcal per 100g).

When following a diet, it is recommended to purchase a dairy product with a minimum amount of fat - 1.5% (57 kcal) or 2% (60 kcal). Low-fat yogurt (0%) without additives has a calorie content of 51 kcal, and with fruit - 90 kcal. Read about it in our publication. Products with 2.5% and 3.2% fat have a higher energy value - 76 and 88 kcal, respectively.

In addition to thick yoghurts, many manufacturers produce drinking yoghurts with an average calorie content of 70 kcal. Frozen products should not be overused during a diet, since there are about 107 kcal per 100 g. Calorie content increases if sugar, fruits and grains are added.

How many calories are in Danone and Activia yoghurts?

From a wide range of yoghurts from various manufacturers You can choose the one suitable for your dietary needs, taking into account your personal taste preferences.

Options for fermented milk products from famous brands:

  • “Miracle”: 80-90 kcal, depending on the amount of fruit additives and fat content.
  • “Activia”: with cereals 2.2% – 82 kcal; natural – 75 kcal.
  • “Sloboda”: thick with strawberries 2.9% – 98 kcal; drinking with peach – 82 kcal.
  • “Campina”: 1.2% – 52 kcal; 2.5% with peach, cherry and strawberry juice – 94 kcal.
  • “Danissimo”: natural – 70 kcal; with chocolate, cereal and puffed rice - more than 100 kcal.
  • “Savushkin”: Greek 2% – 63 kcal; optimal with fruit flavors – 63 kcal.
  • “Danone”: with blueberries, peach or strawberries – 83 kcal.
  • “Bio Balance”: 1% kefir – 41 kcal; with cereals – 75 kcal.
  • “Epika”: with blood orange, pineapple, cherry – 120 kcal; with coconut and vanilla – 130 kcal.
  • “Fruttis”: with a fat content of 2-3% – 70 kcal; more than 5% – 100 kcal.

When choosing yogurt, it is important to familiarize yourself with the expiration date and composition. The fewer ingredients used, the healthier the final product.

Calorie table per 100 grams

The calorie table will help you understand the energy value of fermented milk products of different fat contents. It contains information about thick and drinkable yoghurts from well-known manufacturers.

What to choose - yogurt or kefir?

Fermented milk products such as natural kefir and yogurt have many healing and health properties. They are ideal for dietary menus, during rehabilitation periods after illness, and are perfectly absorbed by the digestive system.

For yogurt, the caloric content ranges from 60 to 90 kcal, for kefir - from 30 to 55 kcal.

Yogurt with various flavoring additives (emulsifiers, thickeners) is not as healthy as natural or homemade. Kefir with chemical fillers is not produced. You can read more about the benefits and energy value of kefir.

When including a fermented milk product in the diet menu, it is worth considering not only it energy value, but also the composition. Maximum benefits can be obtained by consuming only high-quality fresh yogurt based on natural ingredients.

4.3 out of 5

The birthplace of yogurt is Bulgaria. A little later, this wonderful product was loved in countries Eastern Europe, in the Balkans. And then yogurt took the whole world by storm. People appreciated its nutritional, taste and medicinal qualities.

Yogurt is obtained by fermentation by adding two types of microorganisms to pasteurized milk - thermophilic streptococcus and Bulgarian bacillus. Yogurt is considered healthier for adults than milk itself. It is easier and more fully absorbed, normalizes the intestinal microflora, and strengthens the immune system. Many people who are milk intolerant can eat yogurt.

The number of calories in yogurt depends on how much fat milk was used for its manufacture. In addition, the calorie content of yogurt is greatly influenced by all kinds of additives: fruit fillers, sweeteners, thickeners, etc.

How many calories are in yogurt

The most useful is considered to be live yogurt, that is, a product that has not been pasteurized after the fermentation process. After pasteurization of the finished yogurt, it usually retains its taste, can be stored for a relatively long time, but loses most of the lactic acid cultures, and therefore most of its usefulness.

Yoghurt is low in calories. It is generally accepted that products with a calorie content of less than 100 kcal per 100 g are considered low-calorie. So, natural live yogurt without additives is a low-calorie food. With a fat content of 3.2% (this is the basic fat content of milk), yogurt contains only 68 kcal. The calorie content of yogurt made from milk with 2 percent fat content will not exceed 60 kcal. With a low calorie content, yogurt is rich in proteins - 4-5 g per 100 g of product. Yogurt contains 3 to 6 grams of carbohydrates. In addition, natural yoghurts are rich in calcium, which, thanks to lactic acid bacteria, is perfectly absorbed, potassium, and B vitamins.

But the properties and calorie content of yogurt change greatly when additives are added to it. For example, sweetened flavored yogurt with a fat content of 1.5% can contain 15 g of carbohydrates, and only 2.8 g of protein. In this case, the number of calories in yogurt will increase to 85-100 kcal. The calorie content of yogurt increases most significantly when adding sugar and starch.- as a thickener. Naturally, when rational nutrition and the desire to control weight, preference should be given to natural, low-calorie yoghurts. By the way, very often yoghurt products are called yogurt. These products do not contain live lactic acid cultures, and, therefore, they bring negligible benefits.

High nutritional value and low calorie content make it possible to consider yogurt valuable dietary product. The practice of using yogurt for weight loss has become widespread.

How to lose weight on yogurt

It is quite possible to lose weight on yogurt by following a simple diet.. This diet is based on natural yogurt without additives or sweeteners. This product is truly universal, which can be consumed as an independent dish, can be used as sauces and dressings for salads of vegetables and fruits, and can be used to prepare very tasty low-calorie desserts.

It is believed that yogurt is very effective for weight loss. Back in the first half of the 20th century, overweight people in one of the German sanatoriums, under the guidance of nutritionist Seik, got rid of 6-8 kilograms in 10 days. For those losing weight, a special diet based on natural yogurt was developed. This diet remains relevant today. In addition to live yogurt, it includes chicken, fish, a large number of vegetables and fruits, and fruit juices.

How many calories are in yogurt used for dieting is also quite an important question. It is advisable that the calorie content of yogurt does not exceed 60-70 kcal. Natural unsweetened yoghurts usually meet these requirements.

To lose weight on yogurt, you need to prepare 0.5 liters of live yogurt for each of the 10 days of the diet. For men, the daily intake of yogurt can be increased to 0.75 liters.

For lunch, you can eat 150 g (for men - 200 g) of boiled chicken or steamed fish with a portion of tomato and herb salad. Season the salad with 100 g of yogurt.

Prepare for dinner cold soup from 250 ml yogurt, cucumbers, bell pepper and greenery. If desired, you can add garlic. The soup can be replaced with a serving of salad from any fresh vegetables and herbs. Then you will use a little less yogurt. You can drink the remaining yogurt before bed if you feel hungry.

The calorie content of yogurt will be low, but its usefulness will be maximum if you prepare it yourself. To do this, a special starter is placed in warm milk and kept at a temperature of 39-42 degrees for 4 to 8 hours. You can buy yogurt starter at a pharmacy. The amount of starter consumed per liter depends on the concentration of microorganisms, and must be indicated in the instructions. There are special yogurt makers for preparing yogurt at home; most models of modern multicookers also have the function of preparing yogurt.

Probably no representative of the dairy group is as popular as yogurt. Considering the wide range of this product, almost everyone can find an option to their liking: at least a natural low-fat one, very similar to kefir, only better, or a thick curd with pieces of fruit and chocolate balls that tastes like light dessert. Although, if you look at the calorie content of this type of yogurt, the lightness is questioned. And, nevertheless, it will be much safer than many other sweets.

In cooking, yogurt is also used quite actively, being both the basis for cold soups and a dressing for salads, main courses, casseroles, a base for sauces, creams and fillings, as well as various smoothies, jellies and cocktails. The product, obtained by chance in ancient times, has become almost irreplaceable. And therefore, you need to find out how many calories are in yogurt of different fat content and consistency, what the right yogurt should be, and what it brings to the body in addition to a certain amount of calories.

The difference in caloric content of yogurt is determined by the percentage of fat content of the finished product, as well as its consistency and base. The vast majority of yogurts presented on grocery store shelves are based on cow's milk, but you can also find a product made from goat's milk. This yogurt will have a slightly higher calorie content than the usual version, and it also contains more high percentage fat Nevertheless, even with a “weight” of 60 kcal per hundred grams, where 59% is fat, goat yogurt is extremely healthy, like all dairy products. Moreover, there is an opinion that it was goat’s milk that was originally the base for yogurt, and not cow’s milk. And yet it was the latter that gained popularity as source material for yogurt. In terms of calorie content, the finished product comes out a little lighter - 57 kcal, but the percentage of fat content here is much lower - only 24%, while 29% goes to proteins, and 41% to carbohydrates.

In addition to milk, natural yogurt also contains a live lactic acid bacterium, the Bulgarian bacillus, whose Latin name is Lactobacillus bulgaricus. And ideally there should be no more components here. But few manufacturers will limit themselves to these two ingredients: they use dyes, flavoring additives, preservatives, stabilizers, thickeners, the whole periodic table, only from artificial ones. chemical elements. Liquid drinking yogurt, whose calorie content is slightly higher than that of thick jarred yogurt, may contain starter, but nothing more. True, this all applies to pure natural yogurt without additives, which is now becoming more and more difficult to find. And not all those with a sweet tooth will like this drink: it has a significant sourness, similar to kefir, but has a more delicate consistency. In the case of the usual yogurt - both thick and liquid - the composition is necessarily also “inhabited” by pieces of fruits and berries, cereals, chocolate, fruit juice or puree. And these are only natural supplements. In addition to them, sugar may be present, which is one of the most acceptable undesirable ingredients, and then dyes and flavors are added. And all this affects the final calorie content of yogurt. If only natural fruit and cereal additives are present, and there is no sugar, the calorie content of thick yogurt will be on average approximately 63 kcal, and the calorie content of drinking yogurt will be 77 kcal per hundred grams. A smaller percentage of fat content will result in a decrease in the calorie content of yogurt, and a larger percentage will naturally contribute to its increase. But not within particularly significant limits. For example, the calorie content of drinking yogurt with 1% fat content will show 63 kcal, and with 2.5% fat content - 79 kcal. It should be noted that cereal additives increase this indicator more than fruit additives, causing the calorie content of yogurt to jump to 93-104 kcal per hundred grams.

The benefits and harms of yogurt

Based on how many calories are in yogurt, we can assume that its consumption should not have a detrimental effect on the figure. In fact, this question depends only on the composition that loads or does not load the pancreas, as well as on the percentage of fat content of the product. And, of course, on the frequency and quantity of its use: any calorie content will be powerless if you absorb tons of food. And the following recommendations will help in choosing the right yogurt that is not harmful to your figure.

  • The naturalness of yogurt is determined not only by what the manufacturer wrote in capital letters on the packaging, but also by its composition, as well as its expiration date. Proper yogurt has a shelf life of no more than one week: this means that no artificial preservatives were added to the product.
  • It is advisable to make sure that the composition does not contain powdered milk: only whole or normalized milk. Trying to find a list of ingredients consisting of only two items is a lost cause. Therefore, it is worth protecting yourself from at least some harm. Ideally, yogurt should not contain sugar, dyes or flavorings other than fruit juice or puree.

Like any representative of dairy products, yogurt is enriched with bifidobacteria, which normalize the microflora in the intestines and fill it with new beneficial microorganisms. It is for this reason that natural yoghurts are actively included in the menu after colon cleansing. But the key word here is “natural”: various types of yoghurts filled with group “E” chemical additives do not contribute in any way to this good cause.

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