To feel good, look beautiful and be energetic and full of energy, you need to eat right. A nutritious diet should include not only meat products, fruits and vegetables, but also a variety of sea and river products of animal origin.

Fish product is one of the most favorite for many. Some people cannot imagine their diet without it, being very indifferent to meat, for example. After all, this is a very diverse category, including marine, river, and lake animals, each species has its own beneficial substances.

What vitamins are in fish

This product varies greatly in its composition. Some varieties contain significant amounts of minerals and vitamins, while others are not able to provide benefits to human health. Marine species are recognized as more beneficial than freshwater species. The cleanliness of the reservoir is also of particular importance.

The maximum amount of useful elements is in the fish product of the sturgeon family, in particular in trout. Although other varieties have vitamins and minerals:

  • A - found in eel, herring and halibut. It is included in a light concentration, which ensures its rapid absorption. Preserves youth;
  • B12 - found in mackerel, salmon and fresh tuna, is involved in the formation of red blood cells, useful for the central nervous system;
  • B6 - included in all varieties and is responsible for the stability of the emotional background and strengthening the immune system;
  • C - is included in fresh salmon in a small amount and has an antioxidant effect on human health;
  • D - included in the structure of lamprey, mackerel, tuna, salmon and eel. Prevents the appearance of abnormalities in bones and muscles;
  • E - is present in every marine grade of this product. It has anti-inflammatory properties and acts as a powerful antioxidant.

This product contains amino acids, nucleoproteins, and phosphorus that are important for human well-being. Fat, caviar and liver are endowed with vitamins A and D. A mineral such as P from fish products is not absorbed particularly well, since they contain a low concentration of Ca and Mg. So, it is recommended to consume this product with food rich in these minerals.

What is in fish

This product contains many useful elements. First of all, these are, of course, omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids, which are not found in other foods. These acids reduce the amount of harmful cholesterol in the blood, thereby improving the activity of the heart muscle, brain, and blood vessels. People who regularly consume seafood are not at risk of dementia and depression in old age. Fatty acids protect blood vessels from atherosclerosis. Such products include herring, tuna, eel, trout and other fatty varieties, containing at least 8% fat.

Less fatty varieties, such as, for example, flounder, pike, perch, bream, help normalize fat metabolism and reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.

How much protein is in fish

This product contains a lot of protein, the content of which varies depending on the variety and ranges from 15 to 22 g per hundred grams of product. For example, cod and flounder contain 16 percent protein. And in salmon there are more than 16, in tuna there are as many as 24. The most protein is found in caviar. It contains more than 30 percent of this useful substance. Fish milk is distinguished by the presence of amino acids.

This protein contains a small amount of connective tissue substances that add protein to meat products and have no nutritional value. Fish protein is more effective because it is more digestible than meat protein. And it is 93-98%.

People have been eating fish for a long time. It is used boiled, fried and baked. It is used to make canned food, dried, salted or smoked. This widespread use is explained by the high nutritional value of fish and its taste. Rich chemical composition and low calorie content make it the best dietary product.

Types of fish

First, let's look at the classification of these aquatic vertebrates. There are about 20 thousand species of fish. But a person eats no more than three hundred. All edible fish are divided into two large groups: river and sea. They differ in taste and nutritional value. Most fish have brownish or gray flesh. It has lower taste and nutritional qualities. White and red fish are considered more valuable. This group includes the sturgeon and salmon families. They are considered a delicacy and have high nutritional value.

Fish eaten by humans is called commercial fish. Several of its families are the most common:

  • The most commonly caught herring fish in the world. These are herring, anchovy, ivashi, herring, sprat and sardine. They are valued for their taste and rich chemical composition.
  • Cod is the most affordable food for many segments of the population. In addition to cod, this family includes: burbot, navaga, pollock, hake, blue whiting and haddock.
  • The most valuable and useful fish is the salmon family. These are salmon, trout, chum salmon, pink salmon, salmon and many others.
  • Of the freshwater fish, sturgeon is considered the best. They are quite rare, and their meat has high nutritional value. The most famous representatives of the family are sturgeon, sterlet, and beluga.
  • More common, but no less useful, are representatives of the carp, perch, pike, and catfish families.

The benefits of fish

This is a very valuable dietary product. After heat treatment, fish meat becomes loose and easily digestible by the body. During cooking, a large number of extractive compounds pass into the broth. Their main value is to stimulate digestion. Therefore, fish broth is considered useful, especially for gastritis with low acidity, lack of appetite and after serious illnesses. Eating large amounts of fish prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases, improves mental performance, and protects against cancer.

The benefits of fish are explained by its special and varied composition:

  • it contains a large number of essential amino acids and easily digestible protein;
  • due to the small amount of connective tissue, it is digested quickly and completely;
  • there are many Omega-3 fatty acids;
  • contains essential trace elements such as copper and iodine.

Chemical composition

The value of fish and its suitability for consumption largely depend on its composition. Most of it is water, proteins and fats. It also contains minerals and vitamins, and very few carbohydrates. Chemical composition fish depends on its species, age, sex, habitat and even time of capture. It may differ among identical but differently prepared members of the family. For example, the calorie content of boiled fish is less than that of fried fish, and the former is more healthy. The most nutrients are found in fresh produce.

The amount of water in fish meat can vary from 50 to 90% depending on its variety. And its taste is provided by extractive nitrogenous compounds, such as guanidine. Fish contains few minerals - no more than 3%, but they are very valuable for health. There are almost no carbohydrates, they are represented only by glycogen, which provides the special smell and sweet taste of this product.


The nutritional value of fish lies in the fact that it is a source of complete but easily digestible protein. Although, compared to the meat of mammals, the taste of aquatic inhabitants is less pronounced. Fish proteins are perfectly balanced in amino acids. In addition, they are absorbed by 97%. The protein content in meat is 15-20%. The main and most valuable types are albumin, myoglobin and L-ichtulin. Lots of methionine, lysine and tryptophan - essential amino acids that improve food absorption.

Compared to animal meat, fish contains very few purine compounds. This ensures no harsh unpleasant odor and peculiarity of taste.


To a greater extent nutritional value fish and its benefits are provided by a significant amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids. They have a low melting point, so they are well absorbed by the body. Omega-3s have been proven to be essential for health. Their deficiency can cause the development of ulcers, coronary heart disease, arthritis, and dermatological diseases. And fish is the main source of these fats. But not all its varieties are equally valuable. Based on fat content, fish is divided into several groups:

  1. Skinny - not at all fat. Contains up to 3% fatty acids. These are freshwater perches, pikefish, the cod family and most river species.
  2. Fish of medium fat content, containing up to 8% fat. This group includes sea bass, sprat, carp, and catfish.
  3. Fatty fish with a fat content of 8 to 20% (mostly sea fish). These are mackerel, saury, whitefish, all representatives of sturgeon.
  4. Salmon, herring, as well as eel and lamprey are considered particularly oily fish. They contain 34% fat.

Cod liver contains the most fat - about 70%.

Vitamins and minerals

If we consider the chemical composition of fish, we will find that it is a supplier of valuable elements to the human body. Namely minerals and vitamins. It is very important that they are easily digestible. Their number depends on the type and habitat of the fish. Marine representatives are considered the most valuable. Their meat contains a lot of iodine, and also contains phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, manganese, zinc, fluorine, copper and other minerals.

A special feature of fish is that it contains fat-soluble vitamins A, E, K and D, which are difficult to obtain from other products. Moreover, they are easily digestible. Most of them are found in the liver, as well as in fatty fish. Meat of other varieties contains mainly B vitamins.

Calorie content

The energy value of fish is not as high as, for example, animal meat. This is due to its high digestibility and special composition. Therefore, fish is considered a dietary product. Its calorie content depends on the type. And also on the method of preparation. If, for example, in species such as hake, pike perch or pangasius, fresh calorie content does not exceed 90 kcal, then after frying it increases to 110-114 kcal. High energy value also in smoked, dried and salted fish. Therefore for dietary nutrition It is better to use it boiled. The calorie content of boiled fish is approximately two times less than that of fish prepared in another way.

Features of river fish

The meat of freshwater inhabitants has been used for food for a long time. It is considered very valuable in nutritional terms. This meat is more tender and slightly sweet in taste. But the disadvantage of most types of river fish is the presence of a significant number of small bones.

The following species are considered the most valuable: catfish, carp, perch, pike, pike perch, tench, trout and others. They are fried, boiled, salted or smoked. River fish is considered very healthy due to the large amount of essential nutrients it contains.

Sea fish: nutritional value

In these representatives water element contains more extractive substances, so their taste and smell are more pronounced. In addition, such fish contains many essential amino acids. For example, taurine in sea bass, cod or tuna helps regulate blood pressure and sugar levels.

But sea fish is especially valuable due to the presence of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. They help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve vision, and prevent cardiovascular diseases. Fatty fish contains vitamins A, E and D, which are not synthesized by the body. In addition, it contains more minerals than freshwater. It is especially rich in iodine and copper. Therefore, sea fish is considered more valuable in nutritional terms.

The carbohydrate found in fish is glycogen.
It is the energy supplier in the fish's body.
The amount of glycogen in the body of fish is small (up to 0.64%), so it does not have a significant effect on the calorie content of fish meat.
When determining the overall chemical composition, glycogen is not taken into account.

Minerals .
Phosphorus, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, chlorine and other elements were found in fish meat in large quantities.
They are contained in meat in tenths of a percent and are called macroelements.
In addition to them, meat contains small quantities iron, copper, manganese, cobalt, bromine, iodine, which are called microelements.

An important feature of fish, in contrast to warm-blooded animals, is the relatively high content of calcium, magnesium, iodine, and iron in the meat

Fish muscles contain: sulfur - 100-300; chlorine - 60-250; fluorine - 0.5-1.1 (sea fish); manganese - 0.01-0.05; zinc - 0.7-4.0 mg per 100 g of meat.

Vitamins are found in tissues and organs in small quantities, but they play a very important role in regulating metabolism.
The absence or deficiency of one or more vitamins causes certain diseases.

Vitamins are divided into two groups - water soluble (water soluble) and soluble in organic solvents in fat x (fat soluble).

Fat-soluble vitamins found in fish include vitamins A, D, E. The content of vitamins A and D in the body of fish is many times higher than in the bodies of other animals, so fish are the most important source of obtaining them.

Vitamins are distributed unevenly in the body of a fish.
There are much more of them in internal organs than in muscle tissue, especially fat-soluble ones.

Freshwater fish are high in vitamin D D (dehydroretinol) , and sea ones contain more vitamin A1 (retinol).

The content of vitamin A2 in the liver of pike is on average 4180 IU/g, and in the liver of perch - 22,000 IU/g.
The content of vitamin A2 in freshwater eel ranges from 9000 to 27000 IU/g, in the liver of herring from 2740 to 12880, halibut - from 1510 to 22700, mackerel - from 1030 to 56340 IU/g.
The largest amount of vitamin A is found in tuna meat - 900 mg% and Japanese eel

Vitamin D
found mainly in liver fish oil.
Great content vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) found in the fat of sea bass - from 20 to 800 IU/g; for tuna - from 1000 to 4000; for swordfish - from 9000 to 10000 IU/g.

In river perch, the vitamin D3 content is up to 11 IU/gv1g of liver.

Vitamin D The meat of various fish contains relatively small quantities.

Its maximum amount (30 mg%) was found in Atlantic herring, mackerel and tuna.

Vitamin E (tocopherol), called multiplication factor, liver fats contain about 1 mg/g.

A large group of water-soluble vitamins contained in fish products are extremely important.
Fish is an important source of vitamins B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B6 ​​(pyridoxine), B12 (cyanocobalomin), PP ( nicotinic acid)

The content of these vitamins in meat is subject to significant fluctuations.
The content of vitamin B1 ranges from 4 to 460 mg%,
B2 - from 14 to 660; Wb - from 20 to 1500;
B12 - from 0.02 to 23; RR - from 0.3 to 14.8 mg%;
B6 - from 0.04 to 1.03; C—from 0.5 to 19.7 mg%.
Vitamin B (carnitine) is found in the muscles of cartilaginous and bony fish in an amount of 70-700 mg per 1 g of dry tissue.
A high content of folic acid is observed in lampreys, eels, etc. Most fish contain choline on average 0.4-0.6 mg per 1 g. Vitamin B1 is most found in burbot meat (up to 460 mg%), tuna, mackerel, salmon (200-250 mg%).

Vitamin B2 is found in the largest quantities in mackerel meat (230-660 mg%) and Pacific herring (217 mg%). halibut (185 mg%).

In the meat of tuna, mackerel, halibut, the amount of nicotinic acid reaches 11-14 mg%, in the meat of other types of fish - about 2-4 mg%.

Water-soluble vitamins, contained in fish are quite stable and are mostly preserved with conventional processing methods, and when cooked, a significant part of them goes into the broth.

Vitamin A
resistant to temperature in the absence of oxygen in the environment. In the presence of oxygen, it quickly oxidizes and breaks down.

These are complex organic substances contained in tissues and organs in very small quantities.
They are biological catalysts that accelerate chemical reactions in the body, and are distinguished by selective action.
Each of them speeds up or slows down biochemical processes.
Enzymes that break down proteins are called proteases, those that break down fats are called lipases, and those that break down carbohydrates are called amylases.
In dead fish, enzymes break down proteins and fats, which leads to spoilage of the product.

Enzyme activity depends on a number of factors, including temperature, pH, and fishing season.
At temperatures close to 0°C, protease activity decreases markedly; Lipase activity decreases only at a temperature of -30°C.
Maximum enzyme activity is detected at a temperature of 40°C and completely stops at 60°C.
Solutions of table salt, magnesium salts, calcium and heavy metals slow down the activity of proteases and do not affect the activity of lipases.
Dehydrating fish also reduces protease activity.

Chemical composition of organs and parts of fish.
The chemical composition of individual organs and body parts of fish is not the same, so knowledge of the general chemical composition does not give a complete picture of the nutritional value of fish.

Individual organs and parts of fish differ from each other in chemical composition. For example, the head and milt of crucian carp have a high fat content - 12.9 and 12.1%.
For pike it is significantly lower - 1.1 and 4.3%, respectively.
Pike liver contains only 4.2% fat, but cod liver contains up to 70.5% fat.

Pike caviar and milt contain a higher amount of protein - 20.3 and 20.8%, respectively.
The head, fins and bones of fish contain a significant amount of protein, but it is incomplete and is represented mainly by collagen.
The protein of these organs has no nutritional value, and the organs themselves are used mainly in the production of fishmeal and glue.
In sturgeon and salmon, the proportion of protein in caviar reaches 30%.
The source of dietary protein, fat and microelements is mainly muscle tissue and, to a lesser extent, liver and caviar.

All people interested in their own health should monitor their diet. Not only a professional athlete, but also an amateur athlete needs to follow a diet. A professional’s diet depends on what kind of sport he plays and what kind of stress he experiences during training or competition. Volume and content of food during recruitment muscle mass is strikingly different from the quality and portions of the food of the athlete whose goal is.

The amount of water, fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals consumed must cover all the body’s needs, including for the growth and renewal of cells and tissues. Preparing a balanced healthy diet active person- this is a whole science that involves the knowledge of specialists in various fields: doctors and nutritionists, chemists and technologists. All specialized experts are unanimous on one thing: fish is a strategically important product that should be on the table regardless of a person’s age, body weight or gender.

Which nutrients found in fish

The high nutritional value of tasty and aromatic fish, which both adults and children eat with pleasure, is due to numerous factors:

  1. the presence of a large amount of protein valuable for athletes - 15 - 20%, moreover, among fish protein, fish protein is of particular value, since it is easily digestible;
  2. the biological value of easily digestible protein is 93 - 98%, which is completely absorbed in the body within 2 - 2.5 hours;
  3. high content of extractive substances stimulating the production of gastric secretion - 1.5 - 3.5%;
  4. record-breaking high percentage content of polyunsaturated fatty acids - 1-5%;
  5. low carbohydrate content.

Separately, it is worth analyzing the composition of mineral elements involved in the construction of musculoskeletal fibers, affecting metabolic processes, immune system and the functioning of all organs and systems. Food production technologists claim that fish contains almost all the substances necessary for the human body in full.

Micro and macroelements in fish

  • - participates in the structure of bone tissue, is necessary for normal blood clotting;
  • phosphorus is the basis of the tissue of teeth and bones, promotes body growth, fat metabolism, and the breakdown of starches;
  • - responsible for oxygen supply, regulates blood pressure, supports the reproductive system, stimulates intestinal motility;
  • silicon- provides strength and elasticity of the epithelium and connective tissue formations,
  • potassium- participates in collagen synthesis, maintains normal osmotic pressure;
  • - an indispensable component in the process of hematopoiesis;
  • sodium- maintains alkaline-acid balance, a necessary element for the normal functioning of the neuromuscular system;
  • selenium- helps improve protective functions, slows down the aging process;
  • - ensures the normal functioning of the cardiac system, takes part in the synthesis of red blood cells;
  • cobalt- also indispensable in hematopoietic processes;
  • - an element that stimulates energy activity and mental activity of a person. In the sea, especially noteworthy are hake, haddock, flounder, salmon, cod, shrimp, herring, pollock;
  • - catalyst in the process of protein, fat, vitamin metabolism;
  • manganese- affects the state of the central nervous system, prevents, ensures normal functioning of the reproductive organs.

According to experts, this list of substances present in different types sea ​​and river fish, is far from exhaustive.

Secrets of cooking fish

Proper heat treatment of fish is an important condition that will help preserve the biological value of the product. If you don't know how to cook fish properly, listen to the advice experienced chefs who do not recommend using frozen fish. Preference should be made in favor of fresh or chilled product. Due to the differences in the properties of the sea and river environments, seafood is prepared quickly and is sometimes eaten raw or lightly salted. Freshwater fish must be cooked for longer periods of time.

Nutritionists advise avoiding strong fish broths. The most healthy fish is boiled, steamed, baked in foil or on an open grill without adding oil. Experienced chefs and observant athletes claim that a portion of tuna contributes to a surge of energy, sea bass, like other fish, promotes weight loss, and fatty mackerel is an indispensable product during competitions, helps to concentrate and develop winning tactics.

Proper nutrition is the key to good health for many years. It is difficult to imagine a well-designed weekly menu without fish. The benefits of fish were noted many centuries ago, so the tradition came to us - one day a week it is mandatory to eat fish (the famous “fish day”).

Fish fillet is a source of easily digestible protein, microelements, vitamins, but the most valuable thing in fish is fat, which consists of polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega 3 and omega 6) and is completely absorbed by the body.

When talking about the benefits of fish, it is worth focusing on which fish is healthier: river or sea. IN river fish or fish from freshwater bodies less content protein and fat, it lacks iodine and bromine, which are always present in sea and ocean fish.

The benefits of fish caught from the depths of the sea are undoubtedly greater than the benefits of fish caught from the nearest river. Sea fish, in addition to being rich in iodine and bromine, saturates our body with phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, fluorine, copper, iron, zinc, manganese, cobalt, molybdenum. The range of vitamins contained in sea fish fillets is significant; these include B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B12), vitamin PP, H, in small quantities, as well as fat-soluble vitamins A and D.

Why is it good to eat fish?

Fish (not only fillet, but also liver) saturates the body with the most valuable fatty acids linoleic and archidonic (famous and omega 6), they are part of the brain cells and are building material for cell membranes. Omega 6 also reduces the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood, minimizes the risk of developing atherosclerosis, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems.

For the endocrine system, in particular for the successful functioning of the thyroid gland, it is extremely useful, which is rich in sea fish. For your information, 200 g of mackerel contains daily norm iodine, in a form that is completely absorbed by the body.

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