Every home has indoor flowers that not only decorate it, but also delight with its presence. By choosing the right flowers, you can create a blooming island on your windowsill all year round.. Long-flowering unpretentious plants They give joy, good mood and are beneficial by purifying the air.

When growing flowers at home, of course I want their care to be minimal and their flowering to last as long as possible. There are many such plants and you can choose to purchase Clivia, Decembrist, Indoor gerbera or Saintpaulia, etc.


When selecting a plant, you need to pay attention to the requirements for growing conditions, because the duration of flowering and appearance flower.

Top 10 flowering indoor plants

Abutilon (Indoor maple)

It blooms from spring to autumn, and as daylight hours shorten, the number of flower stalks decreases and the plant enters a dormant phase. But if you provide additional illumination with lamps daylight, provide fertilizing and watering, flowering does not stop. The leaves are similar to maple leaves, hence the second name. Abutilon flowers look like lanterns of different colors.

It is unpretentious in care, it needs a lot of bright light, regular watering, and a temperature limit of 18-25 ºС. The plant is fast growing, its height reaches 1.5 m. In spring, abutilon shoots need to be cut to 1/3 of their length. To stimulate flowering, fertilizing should include potassium nitrate and superphosphate.

Anthurium is a plant with large glossy leaves and heart-shaped flowers.

It needs constantly moist soil, it can grow even in the shade, but it blooms and develops better on southern and western windowsills. For abundant flowering, winter temperature should not be lower than +15°C, summer temperature +25°C.

Loves spraying, but only with standing water for at least two days, or better yet, with purified water.

Feeding is advisable organic fertilizers(Gumat, “Ideal”, “Darina”), because. the plant is sensitive to an excess of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and mineral salts.

Impatiens blooms almost all year round. It is photophilous, but it must be excluded from direct sunlight. In autumn and winter, with a lack of sunlight, flowering continues perfectly with artificial lighting. It loves moisture, both in the soil and sprayed on the leaves, especially on hot days. Growing temperature +15÷ +25°C. does not like close quarters, so neighbors should be kept at a distance from it, otherwise it will shed its leaves.

Excellent propagation by apical cuttings. At 3-4 years of age it requires replanting and rejuvenation; old plants bloom worse.


- a heat-loving flower that loves moisture, but not spraying on the foliage. To maintain air humidity, you need to place containers of water between flower pots. At air temperatures below +16°C, begonia will not bloom. It loves bright, diffused light; in the bright sun, the leaves fade, the flowers fade, and begonia loses its decorative effect. Feeding to stimulate flowering should be given to begonias every 2 weeks, alternating organomineral with mineral fertilizers for flowering plants.

To create a full begonia bush and create more side shoots, you need to periodically cut off the tops of the shoots, using them for propagation.

Begonias great variety: there are bush ones, they are also ever-flowering, tuberous, double, hanging.

A classic window sill from the time of our grandmothers. An unpretentious, light-loving plant that loves abundant but infrequent watering. Temperature growing +8÷+25°C. Geranium loves a lot of air, so in summer it should be placed on balconies or in the garden. Pots for growing should not be large; to obtain a lush flower bush, you need to plant three seedlings in one pot.

Pelargonium royal

It differs from geranium in having larger flowers and a smaller, almost absent smell of leaves. Care is the same as for geraniums.

For more abundant flowering and to make the bush compact in spring, pelargonium needs to be pruned, leaving 3-4 internodes.

Hibiscus (Chinese rose)

Hibiscus is an evergreen flowering shrub. The lifespan of one flower is a day, for hybrid, double forms up to 3 days.

Demanding of sunlight, abundant watering and fertilizing. In summer you need to spray daily. With insufficient watering, it drops buds and flowers. Hibiscus needs to be replanted annually; the top layer of soil is removed from adult plants and a new one is added.

Depending on the pruning method, hibiscus can be grown in tree or bush form. Flower height can reach 1.5-2 m.

Hibiscus responds very well to regular feeding once every 2-3 weeks.


An unpretentious plant that prefers light partial shade and moderate watering. Loves high air humidity, but absolutely cannot tolerate leaf spraying. Pots with Koleria should be placed on pallets with expanded clay filled with water.

The temperature during flowering should be +23÷+26°C. In winter at the level +16°C. Once a month it is necessary to feed Koleria with liquid fertilizers for orchids.

Pachistachis is a plant without any special pretensions. The main thing is abundant watering, high air humidity, and regular pruning. Optimal temperature+20÷+26°C. When the temperature rises, it stretches out and exposes the shoots; when it drops, it sheds its leaves.

Needs diffused light, loves it Fresh air, but not drafts. Loves leaf spraying.

Pachistachis needs to be cut off and the tops pinched as the shoots grow so that it bushes and does not stretch out.

An evergreen shrub that blooms all year round. The lifespan of a flower is one day.

Prefers bright, diffused light; direct sunlight needs to be shaded. Winter growing temperature +20 °C, summer + 24°C. Water abundantly as the soil dries. needs high air humidity, so flower pots are placed in trays with wet expanded clay or sphagnum moss.

Ruellia is very sensitive to drafts and dry air, which can cause leaves to fall off.

The plant can be formed as a bush or vine.

When choosing flowering plants for landscaping your home or office, you need to understand that, although small, they will have a break between waves of flowering. During this period, the flower rests and gains strength. Give even unpretentious flowers a little attention and in return they will give you lush and long-lasting flowering.

Blooming flowers in pots are a wonderful decoration for rooms in an apartment or house, balconies or even summer cottages. This original gift for a birthday, housewarming or other celebration. But, before choosing a suitable plant, you should find out which flowers in pots will bloom and delight floriculture lovers in the conditions for which they are purchased.

Common unpretentious flowers

This is a beautifully flowering evergreen plant known as the flamingo flower. Belongs to the android family, which includes more than 1800 species.

Anthuriums grow in the subtropical and tropical forests of America and on the islands of the Caribbean archipelago. They can be like land plants, which rise along the stem of a tree, and grow on trees with aerial roots.

In the photo you can see some types of anthuriums that are suitable for growing at home. These include:

  • Anthurium Andre.
  • Anthurium Scherzer.
  • Crystal anthurium.

These flowering plants require partial shade. However, to ensure longer flowering in winter time, anthurium needs light.

Features of care:

The second name of this popular indoor plant is violet. Saintpaulias have amazingly beautiful simple, semi-double or double flowers that come in a variety of colors. Among domestic flowering plants, violets have no equal in abundance and beauty, diversity and duration of flowering.

Features of care:

The bushes of this plant are the size of small trees that bloom with bright flowers. In the photo you can see that they are very similar to roses. That is why the second name of hibiscus is Chinese rose.

Features of care:

  • On a northern windowsill, hibiscus will grow well as a bush. But in order to achieve its flowering, the flower should be placed in a more illuminated place.
  • To prevent the plant from stretching upward, you should pinch its top and side shoots in time.
  • In summer, hibiscus is watered several times a week. In winter, the number of waterings is reduced.

Geranium or pelargonium

This is a beautiful, fragrant plant that can be grown in an apartment in pots, on balconies in boxes and even in flower beds. This suggests that the plant is quite unpretentious. And yet, if this flower is not properly cared for, certain problems may arise.

Features of care:

Another name for this flower is “cavalier lily.” Hippeastrum is bulbous plant and belongs to the Amaryllis family. One, two or three flower stalks may develop from its large bulb.

Hippeastrum flowers can be of a wide variety of colors: white, pink, orange, purple (photo). They usually begin to bloom in March or April. However, if you change the planting date of the bulb of this flower, it can be made to bloom at any time of the year.


Another name for this plant blooming in a pot is “female happiness.” The flower will decorate any room, even if it does not bloom. With proper care, spathiphyllum will delight you with its delicate white flowers, the beauty of which can be seen in the photo.

Features of care:

  • It is best to place it on an east or west window sill.
  • It is recommended to defend the water for watering spathiphyllum.
  • The regularity of watering should be determined by air temperature. In summer, it is better to water the flower every other day, and in winter – twice a week.
  • Spathiphyllum loves regular spraying.


When creating these flowers, nature spared no imagination. Their forms sparkle with fabulous beauty and originality. The Orchid family has more than 17 million artificially bred varieties and hybrids (some of them can be seen in the photo).

The most popular types of orchids:

These types of orchids also grow well in pots on a windowsill, just like other houseplants.

Features of care:

  • Orchids grown in pots require a special substrate.
  • For these plants to bloom, a daylight period of twelve to fifteen hours is required. In winter, orchids will need additional artificial lighting.
  • Pots with orchids are best placed on a western or eastern windowsill.
  • Watering is moderate.
  • High air humidity is required.


The Latin name of this plant comes from the word “thick”, as Kalanchoe has fleshy trunks and leaves. Belongs to the genus of succulent plants. Grows in South Africa, South America, Southeast and South Asia. Kalanchoes are unpretentious in care, so they are often used in indoor floriculture.

Domestic Kalanchoe species are divided into three groups:

  1. Beautifully flowering.
  2. Viviparous.
  3. Decorative deciduous.

Features of care:

In addition to the fact that Kalanchoe blooms beautifully (photo), it also has medicinal properties. The juice of its leaves has a wound-healing, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. Fresh juice treats burns, rashes, cracks, boils and stops bleeding.


This flower with a fleshy hard tuber and variegated long petiolate leaves has a second name - “Alpine violet”. Its homeland is Iran, Asia Minor, the Mediterranean, Central Europe.

The most popular types:

  1. Persian (photo).
  2. Ivy-leaved.
  3. European.

At home, the most common are Persian cyclamens, blooming from November to March. Their pink, white, red or bicolor flowers have elegantly recurved petals.

Features of care:

Although cyclamens are perennial plants, after flowering at home they rarely bloom again. That's why they are mostly thrown away.

This is perennial herbaceous plant belongs to the Bromeliad family. Its name comes from the Greek “aechme” - the tip of a pike. Most likely, the flower was so named because of its pointed bracts or spiny teeth along the edges of the leaves.

Aechmeas grow in tropical rain forests or seasonally dry subtropical forests. They take root in the forks of branches or crevices of trees.

Many representatives of this genus are beautiful ornamental plants (in the photo there is an echmea flower). They are widespread in indoor culture.

Features of care:

This is one of the most common indoor vines, which grows quickly and has beautiful color when grown in pots. Hoya is also known as “wax ivy.”

The main types grown at home: fleshy hoya and beautiful hoya.

The most popular is Hoya fleshy. It's climbing indoor plant, which can grow up to six meters in length. Its shoots require support, as they are quite thin. This type of vine has thick, medium-sized, dark green, oval-shaped leaves that are covered with a waxy coating. Hoya flowers are star-shaped, white with a pink center, fragrant. The plant blooms annually.

Features of care:

Any of these flowers blooming in pots will serve as a worthy decoration for an apartment or office. The most important thing is, knowing the growing conditions, carefully read the recommendations and make the right choice.

Indoor flowers appear at home for various reasons and reasons. There is hardly a house where there is not a single domestic flower. Flowers in pots are bought in flower shops, markets, greenhouses, propagated on their own, and given as gifts for the holidays.

Some use them for decoration, others, knowing the properties of plants, use them specifically for treatment and to purify the air. And still others grow them just for fun, being flower lovers.

House flowers can easily transform the look of the interior, enliven and decorate it.

Photo gallery of flowers

The varieties of indoor flowers amaze with their diversity and beauty. The flower catalog contains photos of the most popular house flowers. Photos of flowers in pots immerse you in a blooming world.

House flowers differ not only in their appearance, but also in different conditions of maintenance and care. After all, in order for a flower to delight you with its beautiful appearance for a long time, you need to know the rules of caring for it.

A description of the appearance of the flowers, their characteristic features, and the conditions of maintenance of the house can be found under each photo of the plant.

Indoor plants are divided into different categories:

  • decoratively blooming,
  • decorative deciduous,
  • succulents,
  • fruit.

Most indoor plants are flowering. They are united in this group by one thing - the beauty of the inflorescences. But the flowering period and duration of flowering are different for everyone. This species includes anthurium, geranium, orchid, clivia, balsam, jasmine, azalea and others.

Decorative deciduous plants amaze with the beauty of their leaves. Some have inconspicuous small flowers, while others never bloom. All year round They look great and don't require much maintenance.

This group includes ficus, dracaena, monstera, yucca, dieffenbachia, croton, begonia and others.

Succulents have a characteristic feature - a fleshy structure, bristles and hairs that perform a protective function. These plants survive in the complete absence of moisture. These include: Crassula ( Money Tree), aloe, kalanchoe, cacti, agave, spurge and others.

Fruit - dwarf varieties of citrus fruits, avocado, pomegranate, coffee tree.

Unpretentious and capricious house flowers

When the question arises of which flower to plant in a pot, you need to choose a plant not only for its beauty of appearance, but also take into account the conditions of its maintenance and the rules of caring for it.

These flowers are not demanding on watering, lighting and humidity. Owners of such unpretentious flowers can leave them for a long time and not be afraid for their appearance - they will withstand. Unpretentious flowers are convenient for women and business ladies who do not have enough time for household chores.

Violet can grow on all windows except the southern one (so that the sun does not burn the leaves). The roots of the violet are on the surface, so it does not like abundant watering. If there is excess moisture, the roots rot.

Euphorbia is a succulent with spines and small flowers that loves light and infrequent watering.

Clivia grows where others fail. A shaded place is just right for it; too much water can ruin it.

Spathiphylium is a female flower of happiness. He lives with diffuse lighting and goes without water for more than a week. When the leaves dry out, you need to pour cool water over it, it moves away and grows further.

Chlorophytum is the simplest and most unpretentious. He can live quietly on a cabinet in the far corner without light and long-term watering. He is not afraid of temperature changes and drafts.

Dracaena does not require frequent watering and spraying and can withstand darkness.

Crassula does not like dark corners and excess moisture. The money tree brings prosperity and abundance to the home.

Yucca is sun-loving, requires scanty watering and is unpretentious to the soil.

And housewives, people leading a measured lifestyle, and lovers of living plants can grow whimsical and exquisite flowers at home.

The group of capricious flowers includes the following flowers: begonia, cyclamen, gardenia, camellia, indoor rose. By following the rules of caring for flowers in pots, they will delight the owner with their beauty for a long time.

  • Old inflorescences must be removed in a timely manner, and then the plant will bloom profusely.
  • To prevent the plant from leaning in one direction towards the light and to grow evenly, you need to turn it around half a turn once a week.
  • If a flowering plant does not bloom for a long time, it should be placed in a cool, dark place and watering reduced for several weeks.
  • If you sprinkle the soil in a pot with black pepper, you can discourage the cat from the flower.

Types of plant pots

In addition to proper care, each flower requires a flower pot. And although a pot is only a container for growth, and the decoration for the room is the flower itself, the choice of this item must be taken seriously.

There are a huge number of flower pots on the modern market. They differ from each other in material, color, shape and price. The most purchased and in demand are plastic and ceramic.

Plastic flower pots are very convenient to use: they are lightweight, making it easy to replant plants without damaging the root system. These containers are varied in color and shape, which allows them to harmoniously fit into the interior of the room.

Plastic pots are practical and rarely break, since the life of the plastic is unlimited. These pots are lightweight and easy to move from one place to another. But they have a drawback - they easily heat up at high temperatures. And it suffers from overheating of the substrate root system flower.

Ceramic flower pots amaze with their beauty. Their main advantage is their porous structure. It allows the root system to breathe freely, distributing moisture evenly throughout the substrate.

But these pots are heavy and difficult to move around the room, especially if it is a large plant. They break easily when you drop them. The price of ceramic pots is much higher than plastic ones.

Pots come in different shapes and sizes. It is important to choose the right size of the pot so that the flower is comfortable. There is a “golden” rule when choosing: the height should be 1/4 or 1/3 of the height of the plant.

For large and fast-growing plants, immediately take a large flower pot. And small flowers with a superficial root system are planted in a wide and shallow pot.

Very large pots are used for tall plants with a powerful root system. They are usually placed on the floor in the house or outside for garden decoration.

All flower pots, regardless of material, shape and size, must have a pallet. It helps prevent root rot and mold formation.

If you decide to give a homemade flower in a pot to someone you know, approach this carefully. According to popular beliefs, climbing varieties of plants, palm trees, ivy, and hoya cannot be given as a gift. These flowers predict discord in the family and disturb the peace. It is better not to violate long-lived signs.

Choose a plant in accordance with the person’s lifestyle. Potted flowers are a wonderful gift for both young and old people. Such a gift not only serves as an interior decoration, but also preserves the warm feelings of the giver.

Photos of flowers in pots

The catalog of the online store “Flower Base No. 1” presents a rich assortment of living plants. Attentive and fast service, detailed consultations and the ability to order online are the main reasons why many turn to us.

Potted plants for every taste

Unlike the common (and many are already bored with) bouquet, they do not fade and, with proper care, can delight their owner for many years. Such flowers do not lose their relevance and are always in great demand. This is probably why almost all florist shops today offer their customers similar products in a wide range.

Have you decided to buy flowers in pots? Please take a look at the catalogue. From us you can purchase:

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Do you want to decorate your home? beautiful plants? Today on our website we will provide you with the most popular indoor flowers - photos and names, care at home. Flora for your own home should be chosen not only by appearance, but also by existing home conditions. If the plant feels uncomfortable, its appearance will not be pleasing to the eye.

Indoor flowers - photo

Indoor flowers - illustrated names of popular varieties


This is one of the most common indoor plants. The photo shows what highly decorative properties it has. Azalea blooms almost all winter, which makes it especially desirable for growing at home.

Pictured is the beautiful Azalea

To get a truly beautiful indoor plant, you need to follow following rules care:

Lighting- azalea loves a lot of light, but does not tolerate direct midday rays.
Hydration- it is necessary to take care of high air humidity and regular watering. At the same time, you cannot spray leaves and flowers.
Temperature- azalea blooms better in cool conditions (10-18 ° C).
Feeding - carried out once a month, more often during the flowering period.

It is very important to regularly trim the azalea bush so that the pot has a beautiful ball.

Family Maranthaceae

Of the beautiful indoor plants without flowers, representatives of the Marantaceae family (about 400 species) have gained special love. At home you can find various varieties from the following genera:

Arrowroot is a compact and unpretentious home crop that easily tolerates dry soil and air.
Calathea is a tall plant (up to 80 cm) with large leaves, very demanding to care for.
Ctenanta is as demanding in care as Calathea.
Stromantha is a compact plant with long, sharp leaves that requires especially careful care.

Indoor flowers of the Marantaceae family

Home care for representatives of the Marantaceae family:

Lighting- good, but without direct rays.
Humidity- watering should be frequent and the air should be moist (regular spraying will help).
Temperature- drafts and cooling down to +18 °C should not be allowed.
Fertilizer - The crop should be fed once a month.

Areca Palm

This type of palm tree differs from others in its special decorativeness and rapid growth. At home, you can most often find a variety such as Chrysolidocarpus yellowish.

Areca palm for home use

Care to maintain the beauty of the palm tree should be aimed at creating conditions in the hot tropics:

Lighting- The Areca palm tree prefers bright sunlight. It is not recommended to suddenly change the position of the pot.
Humidity- Frequent watering and spraying is recommended.
Temperature- the ideal option is to maintain the air temperature within 18-25 °C. If the air gets hotter, you need to increase the humidity.
Fertilizer- carried out at intervals of 2-3 weeks, but only in spring and summer.


For those who like to decorate windows with living green balls, Soleirolia is suitable. This lacy grass grows quickly, spreading along the ground and creating an air cushion above the pot. Different kinds differ in the shade of small leaves. Saltirolia is often planted in flowerpots with large flowers to increase the decorative effect.

In the photo there is an openwork Soleirolia

Home care:

Lighting- soleirolia loves shade, so it will not do well in well-lit windows.
Humidity- a resident of the subtropics is demanding on the amount of water. It should be watered through a tray and often spray the entire cap.
Temperature- should be maintained at 18-23 °C. The plant does not tolerate cold, and in the heat the soil quickly dries out.
Fertilizer- in winter it is carried out once a month, in summer more often.

Indoor bamboo

In fact, bamboo is not grown at home, but the stems of Dracaena Sander, very similar to it, are very similar. The shoots turn out to be very tenacious, and they are grown at home completely without soil.

Caring for indoor bamboo is very easy

Features of caring for indoor bamboo in water:

The lower ends need to be deepened by 1-2 cm.
Change the water weekly.
Add liquid fertilizer once a month.
Avoid bright light.

After the roots appear, the plant can be safely planted in the soil. It is necessary to use a light substrate and provide a good drainage layer. Dracaena Sandera needs well-moistened soil, frequent spraying and warmth. TO sun rays it must be taught gradually.


This very common plant is popularly called women's happiness. Flowers can be white or red. Spathiphyllum is known for its ability to purify the air at home.

Spathiphyllum purifies the air at home

Light- absent-minded.
Humidity- high, frequent spraying.
Temperature- comfortable for humans.


Zamioculcas, or the dollar tree, looks quite unusual, which, along with its unpretentiousness, has become a favorite of many people. It is suitable for any interior at home or office. Zamioculcas is a plant for the laziest gardeners. It retains a supply of moisture in the stems, and therefore can survive even prolonged drought.


Conditions and care:

Light- abundant, but scattered.
Hydration- moderate watering; in summer (during the period of active growth) - abundant. Rare spraying can be done.
Temperature- constant heat (not lower than 18 °C).

Indoor violet

There are many varieties of this tender house plant with various leaves and flowers. The violet is by and large unpretentious in care, but it should completely like the proposed living conditions.

Indoor violet is perfect for growing at home

Primary requirements:

Lighting- long-term (12-14 hours), but no direct rays.
Hydration- do not let the soil dry out, pour water only under the bush or into a tray, do not spray the leaves.
Temperature- 18-25 °C. At higher values, the humidity should be increased.
Fertilizer- in spring and summer once every three weeks, the rest of the time - once a month.


This vine began to be grown as a houseplant several centuries ago. A special support is installed in the pot, or the branches are allowed to trail along the wall. The genus Philodendron is represented by many varieties, the main difference of which is the size and shape of the leaves.

Philodendron at home

Philodendron care:

Lighting- the vine is used to climbing trees in dense forests, so it will calmly develop in the back of the room only with artificial lighting.
Hydration- the soil should always be moist, and air humidity at home should not be lowered more than 55%.
Temperature- a tropical guest needs constant warmth (not lower than 15 ° C).
Fertilizer- apply only during the warm period of the year once every 2-3 weeks.


A blooming Kalanchoe is a lovely decoration for the home (see photo), if those living in it do not have allergies. It is often presented as a gift instead of a bouquet. If you provide the plant proper care, the flowering period will be long and repeated frequently. It is worth noting that medicinal varieties do not bloom and are not used for decorating living space.

The photo shows a blooming Kalanchoe

An indoor flower called Kalanchoe is undemanding in care. Here are the main conditions:

Lighting- bright, but diffuse, no more than 10 hours a day (due to this, flowering occurs in winter).
Hydration- Kalanchoe tolerates drought well; it should not be over-watered (especially in winter).
Temperature- growth and flowering occur when this indicator is between 18-28 °C.
Feeding- are carried out only during the flowering period.


This miniature palm tree always looks good at home, refreshing the interior. Of the hundreds of species, only a few of the most unpretentious ones are grown in everyday life. The photo shows one of them. The plant is famous not only for its grace, but also for its ability to purify the air from harmful impurities.


A little about care:

Lighting- bright, but without direct rays.
Hydration- watering is carried out as the top layer of soil dries; in the summer, foliar moistening is additionally carried out.
Temperature- for subtropical Dracaenas, cool conditions are created in winter, and for tropical ones this indicator is always maintained at 18 °C.
Fertilizer- fertilizing is applied only in the summer once every 2-3 weeks.

Money tree (crassula)

This plant is found in almost every home today. Some people like its unusual round and thick leaves, while other gardeners believe in the magical ability of the fat plant to attract money into the house. The leaves of this indoor culture have medicinal properties- They are eaten or applied to wounds.

Pictured is a money tree

Home care:

Lighting- the fat woman loves bright sun, so a south window is perfect for her.
Hydration- money tree tolerates drought well, but reacts extremely negatively to waterlogging. In winter, watering should be especially sparse.
Temperature- to maintain growth during the warm period of the year, maintain the temperature at 20-10 °C, and in winter reduce it to 12-14 °C.
Fertilizer- use fertilizers for succulent plants and only during the growth period.


Popular houseplant with summer bloom, is a relative of the indoor violet. Koleria is a flower with a dormant period. For the winter, store the empty pot or dug up tubers in a cool place (10-15 °C), moistening from time to time.

Different types Colors at home

A few words about care:

Lighting- koleria loves light, but not direct summer rays.
Hydration- watering should be moderate.
Temperature- 20-25 °C in the active phase, 10-15 °C during the rest period.

Additional list of indoor flowers with photos and names

Pictured is Plumeria

In the photo is Hatiora

Orchid in the photo

Bougainvillea in the photo

Christmas star

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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