Thanks to Hollywood and horror novels, dolls of Wood have become the most mysterious dangerous symbol of African religions, reigning in the heads of the Western world. drugs, occultism, demonism, it all blended together in the minds of the general public.

Fearfully? That's the same.,

Very few things, the ability to trigger an attack of panic, fear and paranoia, one such thing is like finding a Voodoo doll on your front porch. But what harm can there be from a doll? After all, the doll itself will not point a gun at you. But on the other hand, such a Voodoo doll can be much worse, since it symbolizes a magical war waged against you. And how can you protect yourself from this?

So what is a voodoo doll actually?

It doesn't matter how they were used in antiquity, but today, Voodoo dolls are created for a variety of purposes. In New Orleans, which can be called the center of voodoo in America, they are also created as gris-gris mascots. (First came the gris-gris.) The word gris-gris means "gray" and it means that they are between black and white witchcraft. Gris-gris is both a noun and a verb meaning a finished ritual object such as a doll or cloth bag filled with magical ingredients and charged with enchantments and spells. There are 4 main categories of gris-gris in New Orleans; love, luck, finances, domination and curse lifting. These 4 categories are among the most sought after voodoo and gris-gris dolls and are also used as focusing tools in rituals and meditations.

Classic voodoo doll

But to understand how the Voodoo doll became a symbol of black magic, we need to learn a little about the history of Voodoo magic:

The Voodoo religion can rightfully be considered one of the most ancient religions on earth, it has been known for about 7 thousand years. The word voodoo means spirit or mystery. Voodoo adherents recognize the existence of a single god (bon dieu or good god), below him are powerful spirits called loa (loa). This perfume is responsible for the daily necessities of life in the areas of love, money, wealth, family, happiness and revenge. Loa differ slightly from Catholic saints and Christian angels in that they themselves are not asked for help, rather they are asked to intercede with God on your behalf.

During slavery, African slaves brought the vodun religion with them to plantations in Brazil, Haiti, Cuba and Louisiana, where it mingled with local superstition, European folk magic, and Catholicism. The resulting religious tradition is referred to as African borrowed religion. Among the most famous such religions are; Santeria in Cuba and parts of the US states, Voudou in Haiti and some southern US states, and Creole Voodoo in New Orleans and Louisiana. In 1782, the Governor of Louisiana outlawed the importation of black slaves from the West Indies. He believed they were a threat to citizens due to the practice of Voodoo. In addition, the number of black slaves outnumbered the white colonists, and the governor sought to ban Voodoo out of fear of a slave revolt. Indeed, Voodoo has become one of the main ways of resistance of slaves against the oppression of slave owners. The support of the god of war gave strength to this resistance and helped them in their final emancipation from slavery.

And this is Mambo, the sorcerer

Voodoo was demonized as a savage religion and actively persecuted throughout the colonial era. The priests and their followers were killed, their shrines and belongings were destroyed because of the threat they posed to Christianity. Slaves were forcibly baptized in the tradition of the Roman Catholic Church immediately upon arrival in Haiti and America. This forced Voodoo fans to go underground and secretly worship their gods and ancestral spirits. The irony is that Catholicism has proven to be an effective cover to continue the Voodoo tradition, as the saints have merged with the spirits of the African pantheon. The original deities worshiped by African slaves under the guise of Catholicism were preserved and synthesized in the new Voodoo.

And 400 years later, the Voodoo religion remains a major part of spiritual life for millions of people living in Haiti, West Africa and some states in the United States. In Haiti, approximately 70% of the 8.8 million inhabitants practice Voodoo, including Catholics and members of other faiths. In April 2003, the Haitian government recognized Vodou as the country's official religion. Similarly, approximately 15% of New Orleans residents practiced Voodoo before Hurricane Katrina.

There are the most Various types Voodoo dolls:

Dolls - family heirlooms (passed from one generation to another and carefully protected); Broomstick dolls from Louisiana. In Louisiana, the broom is a symbol of health and abundance. They are also used to ward off evil influences from the home. These dolls are borrowed from Hoodoo magic and South African folklore. Broom dolls are made in the form of small brooms for protection, health and abundance, and resemble straw dolls from Europe.

Ju Ju dolls. Ju Ju dolls tend to attract good luck and give protection. The term Ju Ju refers to a doll that has been consecrated to ward off evil and negative phenomena. Sometimes these dolls are used as a talisman to protect the house from evil.

The most popular goals for Voodoo dolls today are love, luck and prosperity, strength and domination, pregnancy, protection, removal of spoilage and healing. However, for revenge, they are also still used. Only, for some reason, they forget about responsibility. What goes around comes around. A voodoo doll can be considered a gri-gri form. A gri-gri is a charm or amulet made to bring something positive to its owner; love, luck or money. They are used as a focusing tool in creative visualization for any good purpose.

Gris-gris fillers (this is just a part of the ingredients):

To attract money:

Rice flour or corn starch Cedar needles Galangal root Ginger root Patchouli - attracting love and money Parsley - love, the ability to conceive Ivy - spiritual protection Rose - love, luck, protection from negativity Rosemary - expelling evil spirits, family well-being Chamomile - good luck in business and gambling, protection, neutralization of the negative influence Minerals (I list only a small fraction) Gold - success, wealth, money Red coral - protection from negativity, love Flint - protection from dangers, health Lapis lazuli - spiritual protection, health, love

If, for example, you want healing, then after making a doll of white color, you stick needles (pins) on the doll into the diseased organ - by this you fix the channel of healing energy. Energy is constantly flowing along a needle to the diseased organ. At the same time, a prayer is read (in Catholicism, this is a prayer to St. Lazarus). (And what do you want - this is how the African comrades heal each other - moreover, for about 7,000 years) And there are also wedding dolls:

In New Orleans, Voodoo dolls are given as a wedding gift to newlyweds. Sometimes they are handed out to guests at a wedding. According to the old Voodoo Hood tradition, before the dolls are given to the newlyweds, each guest should wish the couple happiness and attach a pin to the doll. There is a belief that without such dolls, a marriage can be unsuccessful. Of course, the pin can be attached to any part of the doll, but there are certain places that can enhance the wish. For example, so that the couple always have money, a pin is attached to the pockets of the groom doll, for long-lasting love in the heart of the dolls, so that the couple have many children to the doll's groin. As soon as all the guests of the wedding party wish happiness and the ritual is over, the bride doll is presented to the groom, and the groom doll to the bride. They bring these dolls into their new home to ensure a happy and rich life. However, a couple wishing to conduct such a wedding ritual must be sure that there is no one among the guests who wishes them harm.

Iconic Voodoo dolls. These dolls are designed to attract the help of a particular loa into the life of its wearer. Loa are the deities of the Voodoo pantheon. Artists are often inspired by one of the gods, goddesses or spirits and create voodoo dolls according to their idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthem. Doll Jester. The Jester doll is an old type of Voodoo doll in New Orleans in the form of a cloth man. These dolls can be half white and half black to symbolize the balance of the senses during meditation. Another kind of this doll, when the right side is always black - for damage and curses. The right side can also be red for love spells or white for the aid of spirits. The back of this doll is blue and is used to attract good luck.

Other voodoo dolls available to the public are more specialized and are usually purchased by collectors or people who are highly aware of the consequences of owning such artwork. In any case, whatever your doll is, and for whatever purpose you acquire or make it, remember - they all require a serious attitude, in no way disdainful, since they are objects of ancient magic and human creativity.

cloth doll wool doll corn doll

Voodoo dolls are usually made from any natural material, fabric, moss, wood, bones, straw. Dolls are made from sticks tied with thread or sewn and embroidered with facial features. Appearance dolls speaks about what it is intended for. For example, an abundance doll may have large breasts and genitals, and be very careful! The doll will absorb your energy and your intentions, so more positive mood when making. And remember, don't make a doll that depicts an existing problem. Make one that depicts the problem as already solved in order to achieve the changes you desire. If you want to heal a person, make a doll that portrays him as healthy and cheerful.

The colors of the dolls are very important: Yellow - success, understanding, attractiveness, trust White - peace, protection, purity, health, healing, etc.

And then there are Voodoo cleansing baths:

As a rule, they are recommended to be taken when you feel the approach of danger, anxiety, are depressed or want to relieve fatigue. They can also be useful if you want to restore your peace of mind after an unpleasant incident.

Phew, in my opinion, I told everything I could. And here's what is surprising - somehow to believe in bad things faster. The fact that a Voodoo doll can be harmed is believed immediately, but that dolls can bring abundance is more often questioned. So if you believe that harm can be done, then the same belief can be applied to the positive aspect. What do you think?

Now watch the video about the hard fate of Voodoo dolls, which were able to resist their evil master.

Voodoo dolls appeared in African peoples as a spiritual tradition. Today, New Orleans Voodoo is known, as well as Haitian Voodoo. ... Despite the fact that it is believed that Voodoo dolls are used to negatively affect a person, a Voodoo doll can also be used for good purposes: it can be used to influence your own life or the lives of other people. It can attract love, health, protection, success, and many other things. The doll identifies a person who wants to turn to the voodoo spirits, and some dolls are used exclusively to bring positive changes into their lives.


How to make a Voodoo doll for another person

    Imagine the person you are making a doll for. When you make a Voodoo doll, you need to depict the person you are directing the Voodoo magic to, as well as the impact on that person's life. Due to the fact that voodoo magic is highly dependent on your connection with the spirit world, it is important that the doll you make symbolizes the person whose life you want to change.

    Make a voodoo doll with the image of a man. One way to identify a doll with a person is to print a full photo of that person and sew it onto the fabric. When you find the image and print it, crop the image to fit the silhouette of the person in the photo, then sew it back to the doll. As you start sewing the photo onto the doll, you need to fill the doll with content.

    Make a Voodoo doll with a person's personal belongings. Perhaps you do not have a photograph of the person with whom you want to identify the doll. Then you can make a doll with some thing that belongs to him. For example, you can use a piece of clothing or a lock of hair. Find yarn, thread or fabric and sew the doll. After the doll is ready, sew this personal item into the doll.

    "Clean" the voodoo doll. Before you can magically use a Voodoo doll, you need to "cleanse" it of the previous energy, so that you get a kind of "blank canvas" for creation. To do this, you need to put your hand on the doll and direct your energy as if "through", focus on how to "cleanse" the doll of extraneous energy. You can wash the doll in salt water and fumigate with incense (such as sage or sandalwood extract), then leave it in natural light (sunlight or moonlight) so that the Universe and Mother Nature will take care of the doll and convert the raw energy.

    • Most likely, some kind of extraneous energy will already be attached to the objects from which you make the Voodoo doll. Therefore, do not forget to "cleanse" the doll, so that extraneous energy does not interfere with you.
    • To simplify this process, you can use materials or objects that have come into contact with other people. Unless you intend to specifically use this item to identify the doll with this person.

    How to use a voodoo doll for good purposes

    1. Focus on your desires. One of the goals of a voodoo doll is meditation and concentration. Hold your Voodoo doll and focus on the desired changes you want to make in your life. You can buy a Voodoo doll on the Internet, there are special dolls that symbolize fertility, marriage, luck, prosperity, and so on. There are those that represent spiritual strength.

      • This process requires patience and concentration, you need to clear your mind of distracting thoughts. This is why this process is called meditation, because it calms the mind and soul in order to find harmony with yourself and your desires.
      • You can change for the better not only your life, but also the lives of others. If you want to attract good luck to someone's life, you will need the same, but the doll must identify that person. Concentrate on what you want this person.
    2. You need colored pins. Traditionally, this rite uses seven colored pins, each of which is responsible for a specific area of ​​life that you want to influence. This technique goes hand in hand with the meditation method. But first you need to meditate and focus, and then use pins. After you decide what aspect of life you want to influence, stick a pin of the appropriate color into your Voodoo doll. The head is associated with knowledge and wisdom, the heart is associated with emotions, and the stomach is associated with feelings and intuition. So, if you want to gain power (or for someone else to gain it), stick a red pin in the head of the Voodoo doll. If you want to attract love, stick a blue pin into the doll's heart. Listed below are the colors and what they represent:

      • yellow: success;
      • green: money;
      • white: health;
      • red: power;
      • purple: spirituality
      • blue: love;
      • black: getting rid of negative energy.
    3. Refer to the voodoo spirits. Loa, twins and the spirits of the dead are the spiritual principles of Voodoo, with the help of which you can bring various changes into your life. To summon spirits, you need to make or buy a Voodoo doll. You need to focus on your desires, which you want to fulfill with the help of perfume, then you need to light a candle of the desired color, after that you need to offer a sacrifice to the spirit. Perhaps it is better to make a second Voodoo doll of the same kind in order to light a candle on it and bring a sacrifice to the spirits.

    How to use a Voodoo doll for evil purposes

      Colored pins are also needed for this purpose. Colored pins can be used to both positively and negatively affect a person's life. For example, if you want to subdue a person, stick a red needle into the doll's head and focus on power and strength.

      Reach out to the spirit you want to invoke. You need a voodoo doll that identifies the spirit you want to invoke. Make another doll of the same kind and focus on the person you want to harm, ask the spirit to act on your behalf. In the same way as described above, light a candle that matches this spirit and it may be worth offering a sacrifice to it.

    1. Focus on classic methods of punishment. If you want to harm someone with the help of a voodoo doll that identifies this person, you can use ordinary pins or needles, rope, wire, water, or another method of punishment and torture. Then focus on that person and the actions you are taking.

      • Make sure to clear the foreign energy from the doll. If the doll is somehow connected to someone else, voodoo magic can harm him, and you do not want an innocent person to suffer!
      • Many experts who practice Voodoo magic advise using a Voodoo doll only to attract positive changes, because, as the saying goes, "it will come around as it will respond."
    • A voodoo doll is used to influence a specific person. You can refer to the voodoo doll as if you were talking to that person. You can ask to change the attitude or influence the behavior of a person according to your wishes.
    • Much of Voodoo magic is about reuniting with the universe and spirits. If you are in doubt about your strength or are unable to concentrate on the reunion, chances are the magic of the voodoo doll will not work.
    • According to New Orleans Voodoo, many dolls are blessed with experienced practitioners to better reconnect with the spirits.


    • Since a voodoo doll is capable of absorbing the energy of the person who uses it, it is best to never use someone else's voodoo doll.
    • If you use a Voodoo doll incorrectly, you may be overtaken by karmic backlash, that is, things like conflict, accidents, depression, bad luck, death.
    • The power of voodoo magic has not been scientifically proven.
    • Remember, if you plan to use a Voodoo doll to negatively influence a person, you may be overtaken by karmic backlash. So be careful.

Voodoo religion has not heard, probably only lazy. Bloody sacrifices, dark rituals, stained with the blood of people and animals, black candles and a Voodoo doll pierced with needles on the magician's table - all this, according to the ideas of modern man, is complete list for what this magic is practiced.

Modern pop culture has inspired the majority of the world's population with the idea that the witchcraft rituals of the African continent are capable of only evil and are used for enslavement, harm and revenge.

Voodoo cult history

It is known that Voodoo is one of the youngest religious movements on our planet. She, according to experts, is a little over 1000 years old.

This cult originated in Africa and before the arrival of the white colonialists it served exclusively for good and prosperity. It was only with the arrival of Europeans that spells appeared in Voodoo rituals that harm a person.

The spread of this "religion of slaves," as the slave owners once called it, occurred at a time when the indigenous black population of Africa began to be exported en masse for sale in slave markets in various countries of the world.

Currently, the Voodoo religion has over 30 million followers. It is common in the USA, Africa, Asian and European countries. She, as before, is characterized by dark and light rituals, the creation of a Voodoo doll, spells and dances around bonfires and kindled fires.

The strongest sorcerers who know how to make a voodoo doll are still considered to be dark-skinned experts in this magical art.

Why do you need a doll

What is this Voodoo doll and who creates it and why? Currently, the manufacture of such human prototypes is quite widespread and is practiced by various specialists.

Such a magical attribute is made both in the name of good and to retaliate against the enemy.

With the help of such a magic doll, which in more classical and familiar magic for Europeans is associated with the Volt, you can cure a person from a serious illness, make him successful in business and wealthy in life, attract love and strong family relationships.

If the doll is created with the help of black magic, then it, subsequently, will be able to send illness, failure, force the victim to carry life before the deadline through all the circles of hell and even kill the object.

The shamans and sorcerers of Africa created ancient magical human figurines only from natural materials.

When making a real Voodoo doll in ancient times, they used:

  • branches;
  • wax;
  • rough twine;
  • scraps of tissue.

To breathe life into an inanimate object, the victim's genetic material was put into it: hair and nails.

An excellent addition was considered when it was possible to get the victim's worn clothes. Then the magical prototype of a person was also wrapped in rags from it.

Afterwards, the doll was soaked in the object's secretions: saliva, semen, or blood. To enhance the effect of the impact, shamans did not disdain the feces of the necessary person.

Next, the doll needed to be revived. For this, the sorcerer called into the body of the created figure of one of the Loa spirits, which was usually located nearby and, unlike the supreme deity Bondi, who is the main one in the African religion, always came to the call of the shaman.

Pronouncing certain words and performing magical manipulations, the sorcerer drove the spirit into the doll's body and locked it there. After that, the witch's prototype of a person was named after the victim and the spirit was locked there until it completed the task or forever, if the figurine was created for the personal purposes of the shaman himself.

African magic of our time

Modern voodoo dolls are no different from their ancient predecessors in the technique of creation. True, the sorcerers of our time have more available means for witchcraft practice.

You can make a Voodoo doll from:

  • fabrics;
  • wax;
  • wood;
  • plasticine;
  • paper.

Modern craftsmen create dolls for a variety of purposes. They, like 1000 years ago, are used both in the rituals of white magic and serve dark designs and purposes.

With the help of such a prototype of a person, wealth, love, luck, happiness are attracted. You can make a Voodoo doll in order to take revenge on the offender or to nullify the life of the enemy. In this case, the ritual figurine in which the spirit of Loa dwells can do a lot of trouble.

How to make a voodoo doll

Voodoo magical rituals involve creating a doll as follows.

For this you will need:

  • 2 wooden sticks;
  • filler;
  • the cloth;
  • threads;
  • wax;
  • buttons;
  • pencil or marker;
  • the victim's genetic material.

Now you need to tune in the right way and disconnect from everything worldly.

If the ritual is aimed at evil, then the candles are chosen in black, if for creation, then it is necessary to take white or church candles in the amount of 1-2 pieces. Items can be laid out in such a way that they are in sight and their search does not distract from the witchcraft.

When creating a doll, it is necessary to clearly imagine the victim and think about the person for whom it is being created.

If a person decides to create a figurine of himself, for his own personal use, then, in this case, it is recommended to present his own wealth or happy life... It all depends on the purpose of the ritual.

Having adjusted properly, you need to knit 2 existing sticks in an even cross using threads. In order for them to last a long time, it is recommended to fill the bonding place with wax.

An important nuance is that for the doll to work effectively, it is necessary to use the so-called "middle tree", one that is no longer damp, but has not yet dried completely.

Making a doll

Now you can start creating the covers of the future figurine, namely, wrap the resulting wooden cross with the prepared filler.

This could be:

  • hay;
  • cotton wool;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • sawdust.

This is done from the middle up and then from the middle down. At this stage, nails, blood, saliva and sperm of a person are added to the filler, which will then be affected by the doll.

Now, to secure the material, the resulting figures are wrapped with threads or rags. After that, for a magical copy of a person, it is necessary to create a body, that is, to cover the resulting lyalka with cloth or wool.

For this, it is necessary to prepare pieces of fabric in advance, preferably from the victim's dirty clothes. If the magician does not have sufficient talent in the skill of cutting and sewing, then two identical halves with a head, two arms and legs can be simply cut out of the fabric.

Having put the wrapped cross inside and supplementing the contents with cotton or other filler, so that you get a voluminous little man's body that resembles him. Now the figurine can be sewn up with natural thread of any color using ordinary stitches.

The final stage

After the ritual prototype is ready, they begin external transformations. The victim's hair, if any, is inserted into the doll's head with a needle. After that, to make the doll even more similar to the object, eyes and a face are sewn or drawn.

For the eyes, you can take buttons, beads, or simply embroider them with a cross in the right place. The nose and mouth are usually drawn, but it is not forbidden to do this also with a thread and a needle.

Experienced sorcerers also recommend applying to the body of the doll and birthmarks of the victim, which will give it a greater resemblance. If the object has undergone several plastic or other operations, then this should not be displayed on its magical prototype.

Artificial tattoos and other distinctive marks on the skin are also not applied to the doll.

Reviving the doll

When the figurine is ready, it's time to revive it.

To do this, you must cast a spell and give her a name. Remember that an unnamed or unbaptized doll will not work in this way.

As a magical animation of the figurine, the following words are pronounced: “I accuse you (pronounce the name of the victim). Now (victim's name), you are one with this doll. As with the doll, so with you. May it be so! Ago, Ago, Ago! "

The figurine will now completely obey its creator. In the future, the magical attribute must be stored in a secluded place and not shown to anyone, since during the ritual part of your vital energy turns into a rag copy of a person.

What the magician will do with the rag body will be felt by the person energetically attached to it.

Figurine for darkness

All Voodoo magic rituals must be taken very seriously and are best done in the appropriate mood and state. The use of any stimulating and stimulating substances during manufacture is strictly contraindicated for novice sorcerers.

Ideally, the creation of the doll should be done by an experienced sorcerer who has been familiar with the other world for several years.

If the doll was created for dark witchcraft and the purpose of the sorcerer is to harm a person, then the figure must be moistened with the blood of the victim. The numbers 13 or 666 are drawn on the back of the rag body, and sharp needles are stuck into the necessary parts of the body.

It is noted that if a magician just wants to harm a person, then, thinking about him over his prototype, he sticks needles into his hands and feet.

If the goal is to bring the victim to the account with life, then the points are in the head and chest area.

Attracting love

African magic figures also help in light deeds. With their help, a person can attract love, wealth, health and luck to himself.

In this case, it is better to make a Voodoo doll out of soft materials, without using sharp parts. When creating it, you need to think about how your life will change and what positive changes will happen to you.

You can imagine anything:

  • wealth;
  • personal business;
  • health;
  • trips;
  • fame.

If there is little love in life, then you can use love spells for love. In this case, the doll is made soft and attractive. The process of creation is no different from the one described above, but on the face of the prototype you need to depict a smile and sew or embroider a red heart on the left of the chest.

During manufacturing, it is necessary to light a candle, preferably white. If the object of tender feelings already exists, then in the process it is continuously necessary to think about this person and call the figure by his name. In this case, genetic samples of the chosen one are sewn into the doll.

And if there is no young man, then you can safely imagine your betrothed with all the necessary qualities. In this case, the girl puts her hair into the figure and, to enhance the effect, can use part of her secretions.

Having sewed the heart to the chest, it is necessary to moisten it with your blood. For this, it is lightly pierced thumb right hand and applied to the red patch on the doll so that the drop is completely absorbed into it.

After that, the figurine is either put away in the closet, or is constantly carried around so that the narrowed one finds you faster.

Disarming ritual

After the doll has fulfilled its purpose, it must be destroyed.

For this, at first, it is relieved of its name, and then it is burned or buried.

To release the spirit that helped the magician, you should sprinkle it with holy water and say: “I cleanse you with holy water, I deprive you of this name. You no longer have power over (say the name)! Exactly".

Often, in black magic, voodoo dolls made of wax are used to destroy the enemy. For this, a prototype of the body of a man or a woman is created from molten wax, depending on the need.

For light rituals, cloth, straw or cotton wool are used. Less commonly, Voodoo dolls are made from paper and plasticine, but the use of such materials is highly undesirable.

When resorting to any magic, it must be remembered that the rituals for creation are carried out on the growing moon, and for deliverance - on the waning one.

It is not worth resorting to witchcraft for trifles, and only experienced magicians should conduct serious rituals, otherwise, irreparable damage may occur.

In order to avoid witchcraft influence, it is necessary to have special amulets with you, which can be both charmed objects and symbols of faith.

Most people are absolutely sure that voodoo dolls are used for exclusive purposes only. And of course, for many, voodoo magic is associated with the dark side. But this is far from the case.

Voodoo - what is it?

Voodoo magic is often a combination of several powerful rituals that are based on the appeal to the spirits of the loa. That is, an appeal to the spirits of nature, in particular - the forest. In addition, the basis of Christianity also belongs to voodoo magic, which involves mixing spells with powerful prayers.

What is Voodoo?

Voodoo Is an Afro-Caribbean religion based on the island of Haiti. The voodoo cult is used to heal sick and injured people.


There are at least three types of voodoo.

  1. Traditional. This is the African voodoo cult, which is now practiced by about 30 mil. human. It is practiced mainly in African countries.
  2. Haitian voodoo. The most consistent kind of this religion. It arose surrounded by West African slaves in Haiti, as a result of the contamination of popular religions and elements of Catholicism.
  3. Louisiana cult. A phenomenal cult practiced by the descendants of black slaves from the American state of Louisiana. Its development was significantly influenced by the Spanish, Portuguese and French colonists.

Voodoo dolls

Voodoo dolls just seem simple to uninitiated people. Connoisseurs are sure that a voodoo doll gets a bond with the person it symbolizes - after something connected with that person is attached to it.

A person who does not possess theoretical and practical skills cannot make a voodoo doll and use it to influence others. Also, not all priests are able to control such a doll. Only a sorcerer of the highest, sixth level possesses the ability to make a doll and to exert a remote, energetic effect on a person. You can't just take and make a voodoo doll. This can be done, but, without a competent specialist in this field, a voodoo doll does not carry any magical power.


Most people do not even have a general picture of what power the energetic essences have, and all the same - they climb where they are not worth.

Advice: You should not play with energetic entities just like that, out of curiosity. Do not start this game if you do not have knowledge in this area, believe me! Serious information disruptions may begin in For example, watch the movie - Mind on Fire, 2016. He will teach you.

In fact, voodoo dolls have gained a lot of fame because of movies and various books. They talk about the wrong purpose of this type of magic. The films and books talk about the fact that voodoo can harm a person, jinx it - and this is due to the desire to take revenge on the offender. It's not like that at all.

Few people know that the original indication when using voodoo was the phrase "Do no harm to anyone." Do not harm yourself or others. Otherwise, it will work in the opposite way and strike a blow to a person who wished to commit evil, in a double or even triple size.

The real purpose of a voodoo doll is to help people who need it by communicating with spirits.

Voodoo dolls can handle:

  • Severe illnesses;
  • Failures;
  • Poor energy;
  • Get rid of the evil eye;

Voodoo deities

Bondier is the most important deity of the voodoo subspecies, which correlates with the image of God inherent in another faith. He is revered as the ruler of the judgment of this world, and no one will ever dare to disturb his peace, no matter what problem arises. To contradict his desires means to anger the creator and receive retribution.

When performing rituals, adepts ask for help from powerful spirits who are hiding in the forest - loa. All are subject to them human lives, or rather, their separation: luck, prosperity and, of course, happiness.

Leader in importance among the loa is Legbe - the creator of portals between two dimensions. This is a major factor in any successful voodoo ritual. The complete opposite of Legbe is Kalfu, who is subject to all dark spells. But voodooists resort to his help only in exceptional cases.

An experienced voodoo player can always determine which loa to refer to in a given situation. Because they each have their own purpose and their own abilities. With the help of these abilities, you can control the lives of people, of course, without harm.

Since voodoo magic is based on ritual songs and special dances during rituals, there are talismans that are also used by magicians to achieve success in the ritual.

For example, Gri-gri is the most famous amulet among voodoo practitioners. This is a small bag with natural resources in which you need to put a biological element of a person to whom it will belong.

Novice voodooists should remember one rule - inept handling of magic can lead to not the most pleasant consequences for a person. After all, the ancient power must be able to dispose of correctly, without incurring the wrath of the spirits. For this reason, before finally deciding to practice voodoo magic, it is imperative to weigh the pros and cons. In order not to be mistaken in your choice.

Magic chooses human or human magic?

Is it always possible to touch and know magic only a truly desiring person? Is it possible to cognize magic without consciously setting such a goal for yourself? Yes, a person may want and not receive knowledge. And vice versa, very often, people who do not even think about magic - fall into the sphere of her attention. In this case, magic, like a magnet, attracts a person and "drags" in a certain direction. Some believe that it is in this state that it is necessary to go to magic. But, there is no unequivocal answer to the question "How is it right?" In magic.

There are people who really wanted to know magic and learned it. There are also people who did not want to learn magic, but still, they set foot on this path. By what algorithm magic chooses its carriers for itself - no one knows.

When a person begins to practice magic, he always attracts entities to himself, moreover, from various energy systems. If a person works at low vibrations, then he accordingly attracts those entities that hear and understand these vibrations. For example, in Christianity, low vibration Are demons and demons. Higher vibrational frequency - prayer work, chanting, etc.

In this article, you will learn how to make a voodoo doll. So, you need to make a Voodoo doll for a certain ritual. The doll should be a likeness of the person who will be targeted by the actions of your ritual. It will serve as a direct energy channel that connects you, or rather gives you access to its energy biofield.

Making a ritual doll

Dolls can be made at home from various materials: wooden, rag, woolen, wax. But all varieties of Voodoo dolls have something in common, they all must be made using particles of the person with whom the doll is identified. These are nails, hair, secretions (saliva, blood, semen), as well as particles from clothing that the object of identification has worn for a long time. Very often, in addition to a Voodoo doll, a photo of a person is attached to the face of a ritual lyalka.

Since there is no fundamental difference in action depending on the type of doll, the easiest way is to make a doll from wax, as an option, from plasticine, but unfortunately there is no reliable information about how it will work, and since plasticine is not a natural material , it is better to use wax.

To make a Voodoo doll from melted wax, you need to mold a semblance of a human figure so that you can clearly distinguish the head, arms, legs and body. Nails, blood and secretions are added to the wax, depending on what you managed to get. Hair is implanted into the head of the doll, thus creating a semblance of hair. After the figure is molded, you can still drag it with dust from the shoes of your object of witchcraft and wrap it in a piece of cloth from his clothes.

But the most important thing in making a real Voodoo doll is to give it a name. Or, to put it another way - baptize. During the manufacture itself, you need not just sculpt the doll, you need to remember that you are making a semblance a certain person and put every effort into this process to saturate the doll with the necessary energy.

Then give her a name, saying:

"From now your name(person's name), with this doll you are one,
As with the doll, so with you. May it be so! Ago, Ago, Ago! "

Do not forget that the doll is a strong energy channel connecting you with the object of witchcraft, so you need to take care of it and not trust anyone, only you must perform rituals over it, those that you need, for good or evil! Otherwise, the consequences can be tragic, up to the death of a person.

If you have any questions on the topic how to make a voodoo doll, leave comments and we will answer you!


Due to the fact that a lot of repetitive questions are asked in the comments, and there is no time or desire to answer them a hundred times, we have collected the most necessary, important and popular questions and formed an FAQ on them! Duplicate questions in the comments, or simply stupid questions that will not benefit any of the users, by the administration will be ignored! Read to your health !!!

1. Can a Voodoo Doll be made from straw, rag, plasticine, etc.?
You can make a voodoo doll with your own hands from anything, the main thing is that it contains particles that carry the energy of the person in whose likeness you are making a doll. (nails, hair, clothing, blood, etc.)

2. I have nothing from the object on which I want to make a doll, no hair, no nails, let alone a selection, what should I do?
If you do not have anything that carries the energy of the object, then it is impossible to make a Voodoo doll! Forget this idea and look for other solutions to your problem.

3. I made (made) a Voodoo doll, but what to do with it I don’t know?
On our site there is a description of how to make a Voodoo love spell, you are looking for other rituals on the Internet, about how to do good with the help of a Voodoo doll, read in paragraph 8.

4. Is it dangerous to deal with a voodoo doll? Will it hurt me?
Yes, it's dangerous! Any magic is dangerous if you treat it like a toy! Magic is a serious tool and you can use it only as a last resort and it is better to turn to a professional, you don’t repair the TV yourself if it breaks, but call the master! Although on the Internet you can also find information on how to fix a TV!

5. Is it possible with the help of a Voodoo doll to cause harm on purpose, or kill a person?
It is possible, in order to kill you are unlikely to have enough energy, but you can do harm, but just look how you don't have to repent for what you have done later! Voodoo magic for destroying a person is very dangerous, and we do not give techniques on how to harm anyone and we do not advise you to do this!

6. I am a Christian, is it a sin to practice magic and make a Voodoo doll in particular?
Yes, it is sinful, Christianity does not recognize magic! Pray and God will help you, but forget about magic!

7. I am a Muslim, Buddhist, Catholic, etc., can this somehow affect the success of the ritual?
No way! Religion has nothing to do with it!

8. Can I make a doll by myself? And then what to do with it?
You can make a doll in your likeness! Pay attention to the conspiracy in the rite, it says: "What's with the doll, so with you" - therefore, if you simulate certain circumstances for the doll, then they will be attracted to you!

Here is an example from the comments of one user, what to do with your doll (the same can be done with dolls on people you wish well):

I tied a doll, about 15 cm, the doll personifies me, spat a little, added a little hair, put it in a box, covered the box with not real money, made it myself. She put on a crown on her head, put on her jewelry that she once wore, and what do you think? Now I have my own business, not long ago I bought a brand new Lacetti, but before that I was unemployed, could not find a normal job, I was interrupted from penny to penny. So people make dolls for the good, let them help you in life.

9. How to get rid of a Voodoo doll? How to destroy a Voodoo doll so as not to harm a person?
To destroy a Voodoo doll, it is enough to sprinkle it with holy water, saying:

“I clean the doll with holy water,
I release you (name),
no more her power over you,
and your name is not given to her now. Amen".

The conspiracy is repeated three times, after which you can do anything with the doll without causing any harm to the person.

10. When will the rituals that I do with the Voodoo doll work and will they work at all?
The time and strength of the action of any magic ritual depends primarily on the person who conducted it! Or rather, from his energy and ability to magic! Therefore, to answer the question: when exactly will the ritual begin to operate, where was the Voodoo doll used? - No one can! If there are no results within a month, then everything was wasted, the ritual did not work.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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