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Organization of hot shop work

Hot shops are organized at enterprises performing a full production cycle. The hot shop is the main workshop of the enterprise catering, in which the technological process of cooking is completed: food and semi-finished products are cooked, broth is cooked, soups, sauces, side dishes, main courses are prepared, and products for cold and sweet dishes are also cooked. In addition, the workshop prepares hot drinks and bakes flour confectionery products (pies, pies, kulebyaki, etc.) for clear broths. From the hot shop, ready-made meals go directly to dispensers for sale to consumers.

The hot shop occupies a central place in a catering enterprise. In the case when the hot shop serves several sales areas located on different floors, it is advisable to locate it on the same floor with trading floor having greatest number seats. On all other floors there should be serving rooms with a stove for frying portioned dishes and food warmers. The supply of these dispensing stations with finished products is ensured using lifts.

The hot shop should have a convenient connection with the procurement shops, storage facilities and a convenient connection with the cold shop, distribution and sales area, washing kitchen utensils.

Dishes produced in a hot shop are distinguished according to the following main characteristics:

The type of raw materials used - from potatoes, vegetables and mushrooms; from cereals, legumes and pasta; from eggs and cottage cheese; from fish and seafood; from meat and meat products; from poultry, game, rabbit, etc.;

Method culinary processing- boiled, stewed, stewed, fried, baked;

The nature of consumption - soups, main courses, side dishes, drinks, etc.;

Purpose - for dietary, school meals, etc.;

Consistencies - liquid, semi-liquid, thick, puree, viscous, crumbly. Hot shop dishes must comply with the requirements of state standards, industry standards, enterprise standards, collections of recipes for dishes and culinary products, technical specifications and be developed according to technological instructions and maps, technical and technological maps in compliance with the Sanitary Rules for public catering establishments. The production program of the hot shop is drawn up on the basis of the assortment of dishes sold through the sales area, the assortment of culinary products sold through buffets and enterprises retail network(cooking shops, trays).

Microclimate of a hot shop. The temperature, according to the requirements of the scientific organization of labor, should not exceed 23 ° C, therefore, the supply and exhaust ventilation should be more powerful (air movement speed 1-2 m/s); relative humidity 60-70%. To reduce exposure to infrared rays emitted by heated frying surfaces, the stove area should be 45-50 times smaller than the floor area.

The operating mode of the hot shop depends on the operating mode of the enterprise (sales floor) and the forms of release of finished products. In order to successfully cope with the production program, hot shop workers must begin work no later than two hours before the opening of the sales area. The hot shop must be equipped with modern equipment - thermal, refrigeration, mechanical and non-mechanical: stoves, ovens, cooking boilers, electric frying pans, electric fryers, refrigerated cabinets, as well as production tables and shelving. Depending on the type and power, it is planned to use mechanical equipment in the hot shop (universal drive P-II, machine for preparing mashed potatoes). Equipment for the hot shop is selected according to the standards for equipping with commercial, technological and refrigeration equipment in accordance with the type and number of seats in the enterprise, its operating mode, the maximum load of the sales area during peak hours, as well as forms of service. Thus, in restaurants where entrees are prepared in small batches, fewer stationary cooking kettles are required than in canteens with the same number of seats.

Organization of cold shop work

Cold shops are organized at enterprises with a workshop structure of production (restaurants, canteens, cafes, etc.). In specialized enterprises and small-capacity farms that sell a small range of cold snacks that have a workshop-free structure, a separate area is allocated for the preparation of cold dishes. workplace in a common production area. Cold shops are designed for the preparation, portioning and presentation of cold dishes and snacks. The assortment of cold dishes depends on the type of enterprise and its class. Thus, in a 1st class restaurant, the assortment of cold dishes must include at least 10 dishes daily, and in a top class restaurant - 15 dishes. The range of cold shop products includes cold snacks, gastronomic products (meat, fish), cold dishes (boiled, fried, stuffed, jellied, etc.), lactic acid products, as well as cold sweet dishes (jelly, mousses, sambuca, jelly, compotes etc.), cold drinks, cold soups. The production program of the cold shop is drawn up based on the assortment of dishes sold through the sales area, culinary stores, and also sent to buffets and other branches. The cold shop is located, as a rule, in one of the brightest rooms with windows facing north or northwest. When planning a workshop, it is necessary to provide for a convenient connection with the hot workshop, where the heat treatment of products necessary for preparing cold dishes is carried out, as well as with the distribution and washing of tableware. When organizing a cold shop, it is necessary to take into account its features: the products of the workshop, after manufacturing and portioning, are not subjected to secondary heat treatment, therefore it is necessary to strictly observe sanitary rules when organizing the production process, and for cooks - the rules of personal hygiene; cold dishes should be produced in quantities that can be sold in a short time. Undressed salads and vinaigrettes are stored in refrigerated cabinets at a temperature of 2°C for no more than 6 hours. Salads and vinaigrettes should be seasoned immediately before release; products left over from the previous day are not allowed for sale: salads, vinaigrettes, jellies, jellied dishes and others especially perishable cold dishes, as well as compotes and drinks of our own production.

Hot shops are organized at enterprises performing the full production cycle. The hot shop is the main workshop of a catering enterprise, in which the technological process of food preparation is completed: heat treatment of products and semi-finished products, cooking broth, preparation of soups, sauces, side dishes, main courses is carried out, as well as heat treatment of products for cold and sweet dishes. In addition, the workshop prepares hot drinks and bakes flour confectionery products (pies, pies, kulebyaki, etc.) for clear broths. From the hot shop, ready-made meals go directly to dispensers for sale to consumers.

The hot shop occupies a central place in a catering enterprise. In the case where the hot shop serves several sales areas located on different floors, it is advisable to locate it on the same floor with the sales area that has the largest number of seats. On all other floors there should be serving rooms with a stove for frying portioned dishes and food warmers. The supply of these dispensing stations with finished products is ensured using lifts.

The hot shop should have a convenient connection with the procurement shops, with storage facilities and a convenient connection with the cold shop, distribution and sales area, washing kitchen utensils.

Dishes produced in a hot shop are distinguished according to the following main characteristics:

type of raw materials used- from potatoes, vegetables and mushrooms; from cereals, legumes and pasta; from eggs and cottage cheese; from fish and seafood; from meat and meat products; from poultry, game, rabbit, etc.;

cooking method - boiled, stewed, stewed, fried, baked;

nature of consumption - soups, main courses, side dishes, drinks, etc.;

purpose- for dietary, school meals, etc.;

consistency- liquid, semi-liquid, thick, puree, viscous, crumbly.

Hot shop dishes must comply with the requirements of state standards, industry and enterprise standards, collections of recipes for dishes and culinary products, technical specifications and be produced according to technological instructions and maps, technical and technological maps in compliance with sanitary rules for public catering establishments.

The production program of the hot shop is drawn up on the basis of the assortment of dishes sold through the sales area, the assortment of culinary products sold through buffets and retail chain enterprises (cooking shops, trays).

Microclimate of a hot shop. According to labor organization requirements, the temperature should not exceed 23 °C, therefore the supply and exhaust ventilation should be more powerful (air movement speed - 1-2 m/s); relative humidity - 60-70%. To reduce exposure to infrared rays emitted by heated frying surfaces, the stove area should be 45-50 times smaller than the floor area.

The operating mode of the hot shop depends on the operating mode of the enterprise (sales floor) and the forms of release of finished products. In order to successfully cope with the production program, hot shop workers must begin work no later than 2 hours before the opening of the sales area.

; The hot shop must be equipped with modern equipment: thermal, refrigeration, mechanical and non-mechanical: stoves, ovens, cooking boilers, electric frying pans, electric fryers, refrigerated cabinets, as well as production tables and shelving.

Depending on the type and power, it is planned to use mechanical equipment in the hot shop (universal P-P drive, machine for preparing mashed potatoes).

Equipment for the hot shop is selected according to the standards for equipping with commercial, technological and refrigeration equipment in accordance with the type and number of seats in the enterprise, its operating mode, the maximum load of the sales area during peak hours, as well as forms of service. So, in restaurants, where the first

dishes are prepared in small batches; fewer stationary digesters are required than in canteens with the same number of seats (Table 14).

Table 14

Selection of equipment for the hot shop of a public canteen for 100 seats

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
FSBEI HPE "Kuban State Technological University"

for course work

in the discipline "Organization of production and service
at catering establishments"
on the topic: “Organization of the work of a hot shop and ways to improve it using the example of “Lyubo-kafe” in Krasnodar”

Completed by a part-time student
6th year ZF and DO: Marchenko N.A.

Project manager: Zaiko G.M.
Accepted for protection:

Protected____________________ Rating_____________________

Members of the commission______________________ ______

FSBEI HPE Kuban State Technological University
Institute of Food and Processing Industry
Department of Technology and Catering Organization

Head of the department
Technologies and catering
__________________M. Yu. Tamova
(signature, transcript of signature)

Coursework assignment

To a student of ______________________________ group_________________
Faculty of Correspondence and Distance Learning
specialties_________________ ______________________________ ____


______________________________ ______________________________ ______

Contents of the assignment: analytical review. Practical data on a public catering enterprise. Conclusions and proposals for improving the organization
Volume of work: 35-40 s.
Date of assignment ______________________________ ________________
Date of submission of work to the department ______________________________ ________
Work manager ______________________________ _________________
Signature, full name, account. rank, degree
The student accepted the task _________________ _______________________
signature date

Coursework - pages, figures, tables, sources, applications.

The object of the study is the hot shop of the Lyubo-Cafe cafe in Krasnodar in order to study the organization of its work and its improvement. A review of information sources was carried out, which provides experience in organizing the work of hot shops in public catering establishments, including the range of products, equipment, inventory, utensils, sanitary requirements, accounting, safe working methods, microclimate, lighting. Based on this, the organization of work in the hot shop of the enterprise was studied, an analysis was made, conclusions were made, and specific proposals were given to improve the organization of work in the hot shop of the Lyubo-Cafe cafe in Krasnodar.

Normative references…………………………………………………………….…………5
Introduction……………………………..…………………… …………….……..6
1. Experience in organizing the work of hot shops at public catering establishments……………………………………………………………… …………..
1.1 Range of hot shop products…………………………..
1.2 Sections and lines in the workshop…………………… ……………………….
1.3 Equipment in the hot shop…………………………………..
1.4 Tools and equipment………………… ………………………
1.5 Requirements for the design of hot shops…………………..
1.6 Microclimate in the hot shop………… ………………………….
1.7 Sanitary requirements for organizing the work of hot shops...
1.8 Safety precautions in the hot shop……………………………..
1.9 Material accounting in the hot shop……………………………….
2.General characteristics enterprises………………………………………….8
2.1 Organization of supplying the hot shop with products…………..………9
2.2 Product characteristics of raw materials for dishes……………………………11
3.Characteristics of the hot shop……………………………………………………......13
3.1 Organizational and technological calculations………………….………..15
3.1.1 Calculation of the number of visitors……………………………………16
3.1.2 Calculation of the number of dishes……………………………………………17
3.1.3 Breakdown of dishes into groups……………………………………………………17
3.1.4 Calculation of the quantity of other products according to consumption standards per person………………………………………………………………… …….18
3.1.5 Drawing up a menu plan…………………………………………... 19
3.1.6 Calculation of dishes…………………………………………………..23
3.1.7 Technological process of cooking………………….26
3.1.8 Organization of customer service………………………..27
3.1.9 Sanitary and hygienic measures…………………………..27
3.1.10 Safety rules when working in a hot shop…….29
3.1.11 Microclimate of the hot shop………………………………………………………31
4. Proposals for improving the organization of the work of the hot shop in the cafe “Lyubo-cafe” in Krasnodar…………………………………………………………….32
List of sources used….……………………………………………………..34
Appendix A Enterprise plan………………………...……………………… 35
Appendix B Hot shop diagram……………………………………………………36
Appendix B Technological diagrams and technological maps for several dishes…………………………………………… ………………….37

    GOST 7.1-84 SIBID. Bibliographic description of the document. General requirements and rules for drawing up
GOST 2.105-95 ESKD General requirements for text documents
GOST R 51074-97. Food products. Information for the consumer.
    General requirements
SanPiN Hygienic requirements to quality and safety
food raw materials and food products
    GOST R 50763 – 2007. Catering services. Catering products sold to the public. General technological conditions
    GOST R 50935 – 2007. Catering services. Personnel requirements
GOST R 50764 – 2009. Catering services. General requirements
    SanPiN 2.3.2. 1078 – 01. Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations. Hygienic requirements for food safety and nutritional value
    GOST 7.80-2000. Bibliographic record. Title. General requirements and drafting rules
GOST 7.9-95. Abstract and annotation. General requirements
GOST R 50647-94. Catering. Terms and definitions
Food is the basis of human life. How a person eats affects his health, mood, and ability to work. Consequently, a person’s nutrition is not only his personal, but also a public matter.
Catering establishments are equipped with mechanical, refrigeration and heating equipment with gas, electric and steam heating. In this regard, the technologist must know the equipment of public catering establishments and other technical disciplines. Knowledge of the economics of public catering is no less important for a technologist. It is impossible to achieve high labor productivity and improve the service culture without knowledge of the basics of organizing public catering.
Development of public catering:
- provides significant savings in social labor due to more rational use of equipment, raw materials, materials;
- provides workers and employees with hot food during the working day, which increases their efficiency and maintains health;
- makes it possible to organize a balanced, rational diet in children's and educational institutions.
Increasing the efficiency of public catering is based on the principles of production intensification common to the entire national economy - achieving high results with the least expenditure of material and labor resources.
Currently, the country's public catering, like other sectors of the national economy, is experiencing significant changes associated with the transition to market relations.
In terms of mass service to the population, public catering is second only to trade. Every year, more than a third of the country’s population uses its services; the share of public catering in the population’s food expenses is about 10% for city residents and 4-6% in rural areas.
In developed countries, spending on public catering is 1.5 - 4 times higher, and everywhere they experience an upward trend.
In terms of provision of public catering establishments, our country is approximately 2.5 times inferior to economically developed countries, and we have approximately 6 times fewer open-type enterprises per 10 thousand people.

1. Experience in organizing the work of hot shops at catering establishments

Hot shops are organized in enterprises that perform a full production cycle. The hot shop is the main workshop of a catering enterprise, in which the technological process of food preparation is completed: heat treatment of products and semi-finished products, cooking broth, preparation of soups, sauces, side dishes, main courses is carried out, as well as heat treatment of products for cold and sweet dishes. In addition, the workshop prepares hot drinks and bakes flour confectionery products (pies, pies, kulebyaki, etc.) for clear broths. From the hot shop, ready-made meals go directly to dispensers for sale to consumers. The hot shop occupies a central place in a catering enterprise. In the case where the hot shop serves several sales areas located on different floors, it is advisable to locate it on the same floor with the sales area that has the largest number of seats. On all other floors there should be serving rooms with a stove for frying portioned dishes and food warmers. The supply of these dispensing stations with finished products is ensured with the help of lifts. The hot shop should have a convenient connection with the procurement shops, with storage facilities and a convenient connection with the cold shop, distribution and sales area, washing kitchen utensils.

      Hot shop product range
Hot shop dishes must comply with the requirements of the current collections of recipes for dishes and culinary products, enterprise standards, technical conditions and be produced according to technological instructions and maps, technical and technological maps in compliance with the Sanitary Rules for public catering establishments.
The production program of the hot shop is drawn up on the basis of the assortment of dishes sold through the hall, the assortment of culinary products sold through buffets and retail outlets (cooking shops, trays).
The development of the production program is carried out in the following order: the number of consumers is determined, the total number of dishes per group in the assortment is determined, and the calculated menu for the hall is drawn up.
      Sections and lines in the workshop
The hot shop is divided into two specialized departments - soup and sauce. Broths and first courses are prepared in the soup department, and second courses, side dishes, sauces, and hot drinks are prepared in the sauce department. In low-power hot shops, as a rule, there is no such division.
The number of cooks in each department is determined by the ratio 1: 2, i.e. in the soup department there are half as many cooks. In low-power hot shops, as a rule, there is no such division.
Soup department. The technological process of preparing first courses consists of two stages: preparing broth and preparing soups.
In the restaurant, broths are prepared in small quantities and therefore for cooking broth they install boilers KE-100 or a sectional modulated boiler KPESM-60 tilting with a capacity of 100 and 60 liters. Cold and hot water is supplied to the digester boilers. The number of boilers and their capacity depend on the capacity of the enterprise. Near the boilers, for ease of work, production tables are installed in a line, designed to perform auxiliary operations.
Bone, meat and bone, chicken, fish and mushroom broths are prepared in the hot shop. The longest cooking time is for bone and meat and bone broths (4-6 hours). They are prepared in advance, usually the day before the current day. After preparing the broth, the cauldrons are washed and used for cooking soups.
The technological process of preparing soups is organized as follows. The day before, the cooks get acquainted with the menu plan, which indicates the quantity and range of first courses for the next day. Bone and meat-bone broths are cooked in concentrated or normal concentration, as mentioned above, also the day before.
At the beginning of the working day, cooks, in accordance with the task and technological maps, receive the required amount of products by net weight, prepare the workplace - select dishes, equipment, and tools. With a clear organization of production, preparing the workplace and receiving products should take no more than 15 minutes of the cook’s working time. The remaining operations that the cooks perform depend on the assortment of first courses. First, the cooks strain the broth (using a sieve or cheesecloth), set it to boil meat and poultry, chop vegetables, stew beets for borscht, sauté vegetables and tomato puree, sort out cereals, etc.
For cooking soups, stovetop boilers of 50, 40, 30 and 20 liters and stationary boilers are used. The sequence of cooking soups is determined taking into account the labor intensity of the prepared dishes and the duration of heat treatment of the products. To speed up the cooking process, use measured dishes (buckets, pans, etc.).
In restaurants where first courses are prepared in small batches, food warmers are installed in the hot shop, which ensures that the temperature and taste of the soups are maintained. First courses must be served at a temperature not lower than 75 °C; the duration of sale of first courses in mass preparation is no more than 2-3 hours.
Flour culinary products (pies, cheesecakes, pies) are prepared with clear broths.
Additional jobs will be created for their production. The dough is kneaded in stovetop kettles and cut on a production table with a wooden surface using rolling pins, manual dough dividers, and cutters.
Sauce compartment intended for preparing various main courses in boiled, fried, stewed, baked and stewed forms, as well as side dishes and sauces.
The main equipment is: stoves, ovens, electric frying pans for frying food in the main method and in deep frying, electric fryers, universal drive. To prepare complex side dishes in small quantities, use stovetop dishes.
There are three workplaces in the sauce shop: for frying and sautéing products; for cooking, stewing, poaching and baking foods and semi-finished products; for preparing side dishes and cereals.
The work of the cook in the sauce department consists of the following operations: familiarization with the menu plan and technological maps, obtaining the products necessary for preparing dishes, and selecting utensils.
In this workshop, the most commonly used cookware of various capacities (2-15 liters), stewpans (2-10 liters), cast iron frying pans (140-500 mm in diameter), frying pans for frying eggs in cells, frying pans with a press for frying chicken tobacco, frying pans with a steel handle, cast iron frying pans for frying pancakes, baking trays for frying custom-made products.
The cook's workplace must have the following equipment: three types of sieves, a metal screen, a metal colander with a capacity of 7 liters, a slotted spoon, ladles, a ladle, strainers, a spatula with an ejector, a chef's fork, skewers for frying kebabs.
For short-term storage of side dishes and sauces in a hot state, as well as for preparing custom-made dishes, a special food warmer is installed at the workplaces of restaurant chefs.
The work of the hot shop is headed by a 6th grade cook, who is responsible for the organization technological process, quality and compliance with the yield of prepared dishes. He prepares custom and banquet dishes. The team of cooks responsible for preparing second courses includes several cooks of 5th and 6th grades (except for the foreman).
      Hot shop equipment
The hot shop must be equipped with modern equipment - thermal, refrigeration, mechanical and non-mechanical: stoves, ovens, cooking boilers, electric frying pans, electric fryers, refrigerated cabinets, as well as production tables and shelving.
The technological process of preparing first courses consists of two stages: preparing broth and preparing soups. In high-capacity canteens, where the range of first courses is small (2-3 items), soups are prepared in large batches, so a lot of broth is required. At the workplace, cooks preparing broths install stationary boilers in line - electric, gas or steam. Electric boilers KPE-100, KPE-160, KPE-250 with a capacity of 100, 160, 250 liters or KE-100, KE-160 with functional containers are more often used. The UEV-40 cooking device is intended for cooking seasoning soups, second and third courses, side dishes; It differs from boilers in that after cooking, the cooking container is disconnected from the steam generator and transported for distribution. Above stationary boilers, it is advisable to install local exhaust ventilation in the form of umbrellas, connected to the general exhaust ventilation system of the hot shop. This helps create a normal workshop microclimate.
In a restaurant where broths are prepared in small quantities, 50 and 40 liter stovetop boilers are used for cooking them.
To prepare puree soups, products are pureed and crushed using a universal P-P drive with replaceable mechanisms, a UKM universal kitchen machine with replaceable mechanisms.
In addition to stationary digester boilers, the soup preparation workplace includes a line of thermal equipment and a line of non-mechanical equipment. The distance between the lines should be 1.5 m.
The line of heating equipment consists of electric (gas) stoves and electric frying pans. The stove is used for cooking first courses in small batches in stovetop cauldrons, stewing, sautéing vegetables, etc. An electric frying pan is used for sautéing vegetables. Insert sections for heating equipment are used as additional elements in the lines of sectional modulated equipment, creating additional convenience for the cook’s work.
Non-mechanical equipment lines include sectional modulated tables and a mobile bath for washing garnishes for clear broths.
At the workplace of the cook preparing the first courses, the following are used: a table with a built-in bathroom, a table for small-scale mechanization, a table with a refrigerated slide and a cabinet for storing food supplies.
Depending on the type and power, it is planned to use mechanical equipment in the hot shop (universal drive P-II, machine for preparing mashed potatoes).
Equipment for the hot shop is selected according to the standards for equipping with commercial, technological and refrigeration equipment in accordance with the type and number of seats in the enterprise, its operating mode, the maximum load of the sales area during peak hours, as well as forms of service. Thus, in restaurants where entrees are prepared in small batches, fewer stationary cooking kettles are required than in canteens with the same number of seats.
In a hot shop, for the convenience of organizing the processes of preparing hot dishes, it is advisable to use sectional modulated equipment, which can be installed in an island manner, or organize several technological lines for preparing broths and first and second courses; side dishes and sauces.
Sectional modulated equipment saves production space by 5-1%, increases the efficiency of equipment use, reduces worker fatigue, and increases their ability to work.
Sectional modulated equipment is equipped with an individual exhaust device that removes from the workshop harmful gases formed during frying of products, which helps create a favorable microclimate in the workshop and improve working conditions.
To rationally organize the chef’s workplace, sectional modulated production tables and other non-mechanical equipment should also be used.
This equipment can be used in all pre-production shops.
The table section with a refrigerated cabinet and a slide SOESM-3 is used for preparing portioned first courses (in the containers of the slide there is a set of prepared necessary products); This table is also intended for cold shops.
The section-table with a refrigerated cabinet SOESM-2 is used for preparing dishes, storing semi-finished products, herbs in a refrigerated cabinet with a capacity of 0.28 m3.
The table section with a built-in washing tub SMVSM is designed for processing semi-finished products and herbs.
The section-table for installing small-scale mechanization equipment SMMSM has sockets for connected electricity.
Section inserts for thermal equipment VSM-210 are auxiliary elements in the technological lines of sectional modulated equipment. Section length 210 and 420 mm.
Sections-inserts for heating equipment with a VKSM mixer tap are installed in technological lines for filling cooking stove-top boilers with water.
      Tools and equipment
The hot shop must be equipped with a variety of equipment: cutting boards, chumichki (for portioning dishes), skimmers (for skimming foam), scoops (for pouring liquid), strainers, etc. To determine the volume occupied by the product in the boiler, measuring rulers are used; for cutting products, chef’s knives are used; carbing (for figured cutting).
      Requirements for the design of hot shops
A hot shop is designed at all public catering establishments, regardless of their capacity, where there are halls for serving consumers.
The hot shop is designed for the preparation of hot dishes, snacks and desserts for sale in the halls, as well as culinary products for sale.
The hot shop should be designed on the ground floors of the building with windows facing the courtyard façade. The workshops are located on the same level as the halls. If the enterprise has several halls located on different floors, the workshop should be designed on the floor where the hall with the largest number of seats is located. To other floors equipped with dispensing rooms, finished culinary products are transported by a special lift (sometimes several hot and cold shops are designed).
The workshop must have convenient communication with each other, as well as with other premises: washing tables and kitchen utensils, pre-cooking and greenery processing workshops (if the enterprise operates on semi-finished products) or meat, fish and vegetable workshops (if the enterprise operates on raw materials), a store culinary and storage facilities. Depending on the form of service, the hot shop should have a convenient connection with the food distribution premises. When serving by waiters, the workshop adjoins directly to the dispensing room; when serving by self-service, it adjoins the halls on the area of ​​which the dispensing lines are located.
The hot shop is equipped with thermal, mechanical, refrigeration and auxiliary equipment. The arrangement of equipment is linear-group, allowing it to be placed according to technological processes. Auxiliary equipment is installed in independent lines located parallel to the lines of thermal equipment.
Mechanical equipment in a hot shop should be located taking into account convenient maintenance of all technological
The composition and area of ​​production premises are determined by Building Codes and Design Rules depending on the type and capacity of the enterprise.
The area of ​​production premises must provide safe conditions labor and compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements.
The height of the production premises must be at least 3.3 m. The walls to a height of 1.8 m from the floor are lined with ceramic tiles, the rest is covered with light adhesive paint.
Floors must be waterproof, have a slight slope towards the ladder, they are covered with metlakh tiles or other artificial material that meets sanitary and hygienic requirements.
      Microclimate in the hot shop
An optimal microclimate must be created in production premises. Microclimate factors include temperature, humidity and air speed. The microclimate of the hot and confectionery shops is also affected by thermal radiation from the heated surfaces of the equipment. The exposed surface of a hot stove emits rays that can cause heat stroke in a worker.
These microclimatic conditions are created by installing supply and exhaust ventilation.
The hood should be greater than the air flow. In hot shops, in addition to general ventilation, local ventilation is used; local ventilation suctions are installed above sectional modulated equipment (stoves, frying pans, deep fryers, food warmers), which are designed to remove vapors.
In modern enterprises, it is advisable to use automatic air-conditioning units to create an optimal microclimate.
The temperature, according to the requirements of the scientific organization of labor, should not exceed 23°C, therefore, the supply and exhaust ventilation should be more powerful (air movement speed 1-2 m/s); relative humidity 60-70%. To reduce exposure to infrared rays emitted by heated frying surfaces, the cooktop area should be smaller in 45-50 times the floor area.
      Sanitary requirements for organizing the work of hot shops
Sanitary and hygienic standards are a series of rules aimed at creating favorable working conditions and reducing the risk of pathogens developing in the enterprise, and even more so getting into food. The main measures are personal hygiene cook, adherence to cooking technology and maintaining a general hygienic environment. Important measures are daily, wet cleaning and personal hygiene of enterprise employees. The enterprise complies with all sanitation rules and maintains full control over the situation at the enterprise.
The following are used detergents such as: chloramine B, bleach, soda ash powder “Pemo Lux”, dishwashing detergent “Drop of Sorti”, etc.
The personal hygiene of the cook is of great hygienic importance. It is especially worth highlighting keeping the cook's hands clean. Unwashed hands can introduce pathogenic bacteria into food. Nails should be cut short, and a hygienic manicure is allowed. Before work, you need to thoroughly wash your hands up to the elbows and remove all kinds of jewelry (rings, bracelets, watches). Contamination of food products is also possible through the oral cavity. Therefore, you should brush your teeth daily. You need to shower daily and at least 2 times a week with a washcloth and detergent. All catering workers are provided with sanitary clothing (apron, jacket, cap (mesh), robe). Clothes should not be pinned or stored in pockets. foreign objects. Buttons on workwear must be firmly sewn on. Sanitary clothing is changed as it gets dirty. Shoes must fit the foot in shape and size, be sufficiently ventilated, soft, elastic and with a heel of no more than 2 centimeters.
All applicants to work at a catering establishment are required to undergo a medical examination and have a personal health record. Those working at a catering establishment undergo a medical examination every 6 months.
      Safety precautions in the hot shop

Safety is one of the main tasks of labor protection, which includes a set of technical and organizational measures aimed at creating and implementing safe equipment, safe production processes, automatic communication means and protection signals, protective and safety devices, as well as personal protective equipment that prevent industrial injuries. Upon hiring, all employees of the enterprise must be instructed and familiarized with the rules of operation of the enterprise and safety precautions at work. Safety precautions can be divided into two main parts - working with equipment and safety precautions in the workplace (cook’s personal hygiene and so on).

Enterprise employees allowed to work on the equipment must undergo on-site training and know the structure and operating rules of this equipment. Persons who have completed the technical minimum and instructions according to the plan are allowed to operate mechanical equipment. Induction training is carried out upon entry to work; it explains the general safety rules when working. Then initial instruction is carried out directly at the workplace, he shows techniques safe work on specific equipment and area of ​​work, repeated once every 3 months, the employee independently shows the techniques of safe work in the workplace and explains them. The enterprise has a safety log, where each employee must sign, thereby indicating his responsibility for violating safe work rules.
When working with electrical equipment, before starting work, you must ensure the presence and reliability of protective grounding and the serviceability of the electrical wiring, as well as check the integrity of the housing and other parts. Inspect the car and check it at idle speed. If there is any extraneous noise, a burning smell, or a power outage during operation, it is necessary to stop supplying the product and stop the machine. When working on an electric stove, it is necessary to check the presence of a temperature gap and the integrity of the burner. Do not leave a running machine unattended. For normal operation of the machine, it is necessary to clean and wash the machine after work; after washing, the working parts should be dried and lubricated with unsalted vegetable oil. From time to time it is necessary to inspect equipment to ensure its reliability and suitability for operation.
Next to each equipment there is an instruction manual for this equipment, which provides brief information about safety precautions. Also in the manager’s office there is a stand on safety precautions and sanitary and hygienic standards.
    General characteristics of the enterprise
Cafe "Lyubo-cafe" is located in Krasnodar on Krasnaya street 21.
The cafe team consists of 34 people: manager 1 person, accountant-calculator 4 people, production manager 1 person, administrator 2 people, hot shop cook 4 people, cold shop cook 2 people, kitchen workers 2 people, sushi chef 3 people, waiters 8 people, bartenders 2 people, cashier 2 people, technical employee 2 people. The number of seats is 84. The establishment's opening hours are from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m.
The cafe is aimed mainly at young people - students and office workers who work in neighboring buildings.
Guests are served by waiters. Each waiter is assigned certain tables.
The source of supply of food raw materials is the output base. Such bases are located directly at large enterprises, such as Lyubo LLC. The main function of the base is to organize the movement of goods from the point of purchase to the point of consumption. Wholesale purchases in large quantities are organized here for all departments of the cafe.
The menu of the enterprise is very diverse and corresponds to the minimum assortment, the contingent of people eating and seasonality. The cuisine in the cafe is European-Asian. The menu changes twice a year: in November and March.
A schematic plan of the Lubo-Cafe LLC enterprise is presented in Appendix A.

2.1 Supply organization
At Lu-Cafe, food delivery is carried out by a forwarder. To provide an enterprise with food products, it is necessary to solve the following problems:
- What to buy;
- How much to buy;
-Who to buy from;
- Under what conditions to purchase;
In addition, you must:
- Conclude an agreement;
- Monitor the execution of the contract;
- Organize delivery;
- Organize warehousing and storage.
These tasks are solved by the cafe supply department. It works independently, performing its functions defined above. The company has a list of suppliers from whom products are constantly purchased, as well as purchases from markets and wholesale warehouses.
The compiled list of suppliers is analyzed based on special criteria. They are often limited by the price and quality of the products supplied, as well as the reliability of supplies.
Other criteria taken into account when choosing a supplier include the following:
- Distance of the supplier from the consumer;
- Order fulfillment times;
- Organization of quality management at the supplier;
The financial position of the supplier, his creditworthiness, etc.
Delivery of products is carried out in centralized and decentralized ways.
Centralized delivery of goods to enterprises is carried out by the forces and means of suppliers. With centralized delivery, the company is freed from the need to have its own transport.
With decentralized delivery, the removal of goods from suppliers is ensured directly by the enterprise itself, using its own transport.
Transport plays an important role in the movement of goods.
During the movement of goods, transport drivers and the forwarding agent must ensure:
- Safety of cargo during transportation;
- Timely delivery of cargo;
- Compliance with the rules of loading and transportation of cargo;
- Efficient use of vehicles.
In the Lyubo-Cafe cafe, each car intended for transporting products has a sanitary passport issued by the sanitary and epidemiological service institutions.
Receiving goods in a food establishment is important integral part technological process. Acceptance is carried out in two stages.
Products are obtained according to quantity and quality. The first stage is preliminary. Acceptance of products by quantity is carried out according to waybills, invoices, by recalculating containers, weighing. If the goods arrived in a serviceable container, in addition to checking the gross weight, the company has the right to require opening the container and checking the net weight. The second stage is final acceptance. The net weight and number of product units are checked simultaneously with the opening of the container. The tare weight is checked simultaneously with the acceptance of the goods.
If a shortage is detected, a unilateral report on the identified shortage is drawn up, this product is stored separately, its safety is ensured and the supplier is called. After final acceptance, a certificate is drawn up in 3 copies.
Simultaneously with the acceptance of goods by quantity, goods are also accepted by quality.
Acceptance of goods for quality is carried out organoleptically (by appearance, color, smell, taste). At the same time, compliance with standards and specifications is checked. Certificates or quality certificates are attached to transport documents.
To ensure uninterrupted operation of production facilities for the sale of products in a sufficient assortment, taking into account consumer demand, inventory is required.
For the Lubo-Cafe cafe, the following inventory standards are recommended under normal storage conditions:
- Non-perishable products (flour, sugar, cereals) – 8-10 days
- Perishable products (meat, fish, poultry) – 2-5 days
- Stocks of bread and milk should not exceed one-day sales.

2.2 Product characteristics of raw materials for dishes
Firstly, it is not allowed; expired goods are immediately written off. The types of incoming products are varied: fish, meat, dairy products, bread and others. All products are of the highest quality. After all, the presentation and taste of the dishes must be at their best. The caloric content of products is varied, because they come absolutely different people, some of them are on a diet, some prefer to eat healthy food, some tasty, and therefore the administration is constantly expanding the range of dishes. The products come in different packaging. For example: Fish (salmon) comes in polythene packaging, whole one and a half meters long, mayonnaise and cream in boxes, ice cream in plastic jars, bread on wooden shelves, noodles (fettuccine) in plastic packaging. For storage, the restaurant had two large prefabricated refrigerators. Vegetables, fruits, preservatives, herbs were stored in one, and meat and fish products in the other. Seafood products were stored in a freezer located near the kitchen. Bread products were stored in a special cabinet and bread bin. The restaurant had a refrigerated counter where cakes and cakes were displayed. A stable temperature was always maintained in the refrigerator window. The glass of the display case did not fog up thanks to ventilation.

    Characteristics of the hot shop.
In the hot shop, food and semi-finished products are cooked, broths are cooked, soups, side dishes, main courses are prepared, flour culinary products are baked - pies, pies, etc., and products for cold and sweet dishes are also cooked.
Semi-finished products from all procurement departments of the restaurant are sent to the hot shop. Therefore, it has a convenient connection with the cold shop, adjacent to the distribution, as well as to the washing of tableware and kitchen utensils.
Due to sanitary requirements and the requirements of the technological process in the workshop, universal workplaces are organized:
    Workplace - intended for preparing soups and broths, it uses an electric stove, an electric frying pan and a production table with a washing tub. To maintain the required temperature before serving food, a stovetop food warmer is used.
    Workplace - for preparing main courses, side dishes, sauces. Used: oven, deep fryer, electric stove, production table.
    Workplace - for preparing hot drinks: boiler, production table.
    Workplace - for preparing and serving dishes to the visitor - a table with a refrigerated volume and a slide.
The workshop is open from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. The workshop has sufficient natural lighting, a centralized supply of cold and hot water. To maintain the required temperature and air humidity in the workshop, a supply and exhaust ventilation system is equipped; in addition, a local exhaust is mounted above the heating equipment.
The following lines are allocated in the workshop:
- heating equipment: 4-burner stove, frying pan, deep fryer, combi oven, microwave oven
    non-mechanical equipment: production tables, refrigeration cabinet, shelving, mixer, blender.
    The equipment consists of “chef’s troika” knives, whisks, frying pans, gastronorm containers, spatulas, tongs, various spoons, colanders, pots, etc. All equipment is washed and sanitized with the disinfectant “Samarovka” 1% at the end of the working day.
    Table 2 – Equipment characteristics

    Equipment name





    Quantity, units

    Types of semi-finished products prepared on this equipment
    Electric stove PSM 4Sh 1 Cooked dishes
    Steam convection SIVE 1 Baking
    Deep frying FSM-5 1 Deep frying
    Wall shelves PKO 1400 400 400 2 Storage of bulk products
    Production tables PS 1500 400 1000 2
    Stand under steam convection oven 1
    Stand for deep frying 1
    Continuation Table 2 - Equipment characteristics

The heaviest occupancy of seats occurs at lunchtime from 10 pm to 3 pm. By this time, all preparations are prepared: sauces, pancakes, soups, potatoes for baked dishes are boiled, side dishes and toppings are prepared.
The waiter takes the finished dish from the “finished goods” table.
The hot shop diagram is presented in Appendix B.

3.1 Organizational and technological calculations
Drawing up a production program for the workshop.
The production program of an enterprise is a plan for daily production, which includes the number of dishes sold in the halls of the enterprise, as well as for feeding the employees of the enterprise.
In catering establishments with a free choice of dishes, the initial values ​​for drawing up a production program are: the number of people eating, the coefficient of consumption of dishes, the approximate norms of consumption of individual products, the approximate assortment of dishes and the percentage of dishes in the assortment.

3.1.1 Calculation of the number of visitors
The number of visitors served per 1 hour of operation of the enterprise is determined by the formula:
Where Nch. – number of consumers served in 1 hour.
P – hall capacity (number of seats)

The turnover of places depends on the duration of the meal and is determined by the formula:
Where t is the time of eating by one consumer, s
The hall load schedule is presented below in Table 2.1

Table 2.1 - Calculation of the number of visitors

Opening Hours Turnover of places in 1 hour, times Average% room occupancy Number of people feeding.
11 – 12 1,5 60 76
12 – 13 1,5 90 113
13 – 14 1,5 90 113
14 – 15 1,5 100 126
15 – 16 1,5 90 113
16 – 17 1,5 50 63
17 – 18 1,5 50 63
18 – 19 1,5 100 126
19 – 20 0,5 100 42
20 – 21 0,5 100 42
21 – 22 1 90 76
22 – 23 1 90 76
Total for the day: 1105
        Calculation of the number of dishes
    The number of dishes sold per day is calculated using the formula:
Where m is the food consumption coefficient, m=3.5
        Breakdown of dishes into groups
Dishes sold at catering establishments are divided into the following main groups: cold dishes and snacks, hot snacks, soups, main hot courses, sweet dishes, hot drinks.
    Table 2.2 - Breakdown of dishes by groups
        Calculation of the quantity of other products according to consumption standards per person
    Such products include: hot drinks, cold drinks, bread and bakery products, home-produced flour confectionery products, purchased goods (sweets, cookies, fruits, etc.).
    Table 2.3 – Calculation of the quantity of products according to consumption standards per person
    Product name Standard per person Total, kg, l, pcs.
    Cold drinks, l 0,25 276
    Bread and bakery products, kg 100 110,5
    Rye 50 55,25
    Wheat 50 55,25
    Flour confectionery products 0,5 553
    Candies, cookies, kg 0,02 22
    Fruits, kg 0,05 55
    Wine and vodka products, l 0,1 111
    Beer, l 0,1 111
      3.1.5 Creating a menu plan
    Table 2.4 – Assortment list
    Type of dish and product Minimum number of items in the menu plan
    Cold dishes and snacks 4
    Second hot courses 4
    Sweet dishes 6
    Hot drinks 8
    Bakery and flour confectionery products 7
    Milk and fermented milk products 3
    Cognac 1
    Table wines 2
    Dessert and liqueur wines 2
    Strong wines 2
    Sparkling wines 1
    Fruit and mineral waters, drinks, juices, beer 8

Table 2.5 – Menu Plan

The heart of any food establishment, be it a canteen, cafe or restaurant, is the hot shop or kitchen, where highly qualified chefs “conjure” their masterpieces. But, regardless of their experience and skills, a professional kitchen must organize an effective process for the production of food service products, which directly depends on correct selection and installation of all necessary thermal, electromechanical and auxiliary equipment.

A hot shop is provided in all food enterprises, both procurement and pre-cooking, regardless of their capacity and the range of dishes produced. It is the central production site where all types of heat treatment products (frying, boiling, baking) for the preparation of first, second and third courses to be distributed. Heat treatment of vegetables, meat, fish, and seafood is also carried out here, which are sent to a cold shop for further production of salads and snacks. In the hot shops of pre-processing food enterprises, the production of flour products can be organized and equipment for kneading, molding, proofing and baking can be installed.

Requirements for the hot shop premises

The space-planning solutions of the hot shop should ensure the rapid receipt of semi-finished products from the vegetable and meat shops, convenient communication with the cold shop, distribution and dining rooms, which helps reduce the time spent on moving products. Kitchen and tableware washing stations are located near the hot shop.

The height of the walls of the hot shop should not be less than 3 meters. For hygiene, they are painted with light-colored paint and have panels lined with ceramic tiles not lower than 1.7 meters. The flooring material must be waterproof, non-slip and easy to hygienically treat. Hot and cold water supply must be provided in the hot shop. In the absence of a centralized hot water supply, flow-through boilers are installed or digester boilers are used to produce boiling water. Particular attention is paid to the lighting of the hot shop, which should be sufficient so as not to distort the color of the finished dishes, which is one of their quality indicators. Natural lighting should be complemented by artificial lighting and provide even illumination work area hot shop cooks.

A hot shop is a room where, during the production process, a significant amount of heat, vapors and gases are released, for the removal of which a supply and exhaust ventilation system must be provided. However, it is not enough to maintain an optimal microclimate at the chefs’ workplaces, so an exhaust hood must be installed above each piece of heating equipment. The recommended air temperature for hot shops is no higher than 25°C.

Determination of the hot shop production program

The production program of the hot shop is determined on the basis of the menu plan, as well as requests from buffets, culinary stores and other branches. Strict implementation of the hot shop production program depends on the following factors:

  • rational organization of workplaces;
  • timely provision of necessary products and semi-finished products;
  • equipped with modern technological equipment;
  • availability of qualified personnel.

The work of the hot shop is always coordinated with the operating hours of the dining room, taking into account the methods used to serve consumers, based on which the cooks’ schedule is determined. At the beginning of the working day, they receive products in accordance with the production program and technological maps, which indicate stowage standards, select the necessary equipment and begin to directly perform their duties.

Technological processes of the hot shop

The main technological operation of a hot shop is the heat treatment of products for the preparation of a certain range of dishes. In accordance with this, the workshop has two main technological lines:

  • for preparing first courses;
  • for preparing main courses, side dishes, sauces and drinks.

Technological line for preparing first courses

Preparation of first courses includes:

  • preparing broths;
  • preparing first courses.

In accordance with this, areas are distinguished where they are produced:

  • preparing products for heat treatment;
  • preparing broths;
  • preparing first courses.

The production line is equipped with a production table, a washing bath, hanging shelves for equipment, kitchen racks for storing a small supply of food, as well as one or more digester kettles in which broths, soups, and drinks are prepared.

Broths, both regular and concentrated, can be prepared in advance and stored in refrigerated chambers, which contributes to the rational use of boilers.

In small catering establishments, as well as in restaurants, where first courses are prepared according to demand, stove-top boilers are used for cooking them, and the cook’s workplace is equipped with electric stoves. To calculate the required volume of stationary and stove-top boilers, take into account the number of dishes to be prepared, as well as the norms for laying all products.

Electric frying pans or frying surfaces can be installed to saute vegetables, which is necessary for preparing soup dressings.

A small amount of sautéed vegetables is prepared in stovetop frying pans or saucepans. Based on the required number of dishes to be prepared in cookware, calculate the number of electric or gas stoves.

Technological line for preparing second courses

Catering enterprises, as a rule, offer consumers a wide range of main courses, as well as side dishes and sauces for them. All these dishes require both simple and combined types of heat treatment, for which a technological line is organized and equipped with thermal, electromechanical and neutral equipment. Depending on the specifics of the canteen, cafe, restaurant, as well as the capacity, from one to several technological lines can be organized on which cooking, frying (both in the main method and in deep frying) and baking of products are carried out. To organize workplaces, electric stoves, frying pans or frying surfaces, ovens, deep fryers, and combi ovens are installed. The hot shop equipment is located along the technological process and is supplemented with neutral tables for carrying out auxiliary operations. It can be placed either along the walls or in an island manner, when two or more parallel lines of certain types of heating equipment are installed in the center, and production tables and shelving are placed around the perimeter of the workshop.

If necessary, electromechanical equipment is installed in the hot shop, which is used for cutting vegetables and wiping products ( mashed potatoes and pureed soups), mixing ingredients and kneading dough. You can install a universal kitchen machine, which performs all these technological operations efficiently and effectively.

In small catering establishments, given the small volume of products produced, it is advisable to install specialized heating lines of the “Tavern” or “Tradition 2008” type, which are compact and functional. With their help, they organize the preparation and short-term storage of main courses and side dishes. Heating lines are completed depending on the production needs of the hot shop.
In the kitchen of specialized enterprises, the following equipment is installed to carry out technological processes: in a kebab shop - a kebab maker, in a pancake house - a pancake machine, in grill bars - a grill for chickens or sausages, in donut shops - a donut machine, etc.

The Petrokhladotekhnika company designs hot shops and equips them with all the necessary equipment. Our catalog presents the most modern and successful models of thermal and electromechanical equipment for professional kitchens from foreign and domestic manufacturers. They are designed for both budget and commercial catering establishments. In addition, our specialists carry out competent installation, testing and service maintenance of equipment purchased from us. If you decide to start a business in the food industry or want to improve your enterprise and reconstruct the hot shop, the Petrokhladotekhnika company will provide all the services you need at the highest level.

Hot shops are organized at enterprises that perform a full cycle of work. It is the main workshop of the enterprise, in which the technological process of food preparation is completed. Thus, purpose of hot shop: for heat treatment of products and semi-finished products, cooking broths, preparing soups, sauces, side dishes, main courses, heat treatment of products for cold and sweet dishes. In addition, the workshop prepares hot drinks and flour confectionery products (pies, pies, kulebyaki) for clear broths. From the hot shop, ready-made meals are delivered to dispensers for sale to consumers.

If a hot shop serves several sales areas located on different floors, it is better to locate it on the same floor with the sales area that has the largest number of seats. On all other floors there should be serving rooms with a stove for frying portioned dishes and food warmers. The supply of these dispensing stations with finished products is ensured using lifts. The hot shop should have a convenient connection with the procurement shops, warehouses, cold shop, distribution and sales area, and washing kitchen utensils.

Dishes produced in a hot shop are distinguished according to the following characteristics:

· the type of raw materials used – potatoes, vegetables and mushrooms; from cereals, legumes and pasta; from fish and seafood; from meat and meat products, etc.;

· method of culinary processing;

· nature of consumption - soups, main courses, side dishes, drinks, etc.;

· purpose – for dietary, school meals, etc.;

Consistency – liquid, semi-liquid. thick, viscous, puree-like, crumbly.

The production program of the hot shop is drawn up on the basis of the assortment of dishes sold through the sales area, the assortment of culinary products sold through buffets and retail outlets.

Microclimate of the hot shop: temperature according to NOT requirements should not exceed 23 degrees. C (this is achieved using supply and exhaust ventilation, with an air speed of 1-2 m/sec); relative humidity 60-70%. The area of ​​the slab should be 45-50 times less than the area of ​​the floor.

Operating mode The workshop depends on the operating mode of the enterprise and the forms of hot product release, and usually work should begin no later than 2 hours from the opening of the sales area.

Workshop equipment: stoves, ovens, food boilers, electric frying pans, deep fryers, refrigerated cabinets, production tables and racks. Depending on the type and power, it is planned to use mechanical equipment in the workshop - a universal drive and a machine for preparing mashed potatoes. Equipment is selected according to:

· equipment standards;

· in accordance with the type and number of seats of the enterprise;

· operating mode of the enterprise;

· maximum load of the trading floor during peak hours;

· forms of service.

Sectional-modulated equipment saves production space by 5-7%, increases the efficiency of equipment use, reduces worker fatigue and increases their ability to work. it is equipped with an individual exhaust device that removes harmful gases generated during frying from the workshop. For the rational organization of a chef’s workplace, sectional modulated production tables and other non-mechanical equipment (sectional inserts, sectional tables for installing small-scale mechanization equipment, mobile bathtubs, etc.) should be used. The hot shop is divided into two specialized departments - soup and sauce. In the soup department, broths and first courses are prepared, in the sauce department, second courses, side dishes, sauces, and hot drinks are prepared.

The number of cooks in each department is determined by the ratio 1:2, i.e. there are half as many cooks in the soup department. There is no such division in low-capacity hot shops.

Soup department.

The technological process of preparing first courses consists of two stages - preparing broths and preparing soups. In accordance with this, cooks' workplaces are used, which are combined into two parallel lines: a line of thermal equipment and a line of non-mechanical equipment. The distance between the lines should be 1.5 m. If the assortment of first courses is relatively limited and they are prepared in large quantities, at the cook’s workplace in the line of heating equipment, boilers of various capacities are installed for cooking broths and soups and frying pans for sautéing roots. The line of non-mechanical equipment includes a table with a refrigerated cabinet for storing fats, sour cream, herbs, a table with a built-in washing tub, tables for storing equipment and spices.

The technological process of preparing soups is organized as follows. The day before, the cooks get acquainted with the menu plan for the next day. Bone and meat and bone broths are cooked the day before, concentrated or normal. At the beginning of the working day, cooks, in accordance with the task, receive the required amount of food by net weight, prepare the workplace - select dishes and equipment, which should take no more than 15 minutes of the cook’s working time. The remaining operations that the cooks perform depend on the assortment of first courses.

Electric frying pans are used for sautéing and stewing vegetables in large quantities. In small enterprises, vegetables are sautéed in stovetop dishes. It is advisable to prepare sauteed vegetables for future use; fatty sautéed onions and carrots can be stored for 7 days in the refrigerator, this will save both time and energy.

It is better to prepare broths concentrated and store them in refrigerators. When cooking broths, boilers of various capacities with mesh inserts are used. Meat and bones are placed in cauldrons in nets. When the broth is prepared, the meshes are removed from the cauldrons using a special mechanism and delivered to tables for sorting bones and meat.

Essential for organizing a chef’s workplace is the supply of cold and hot water to boilers, stoves for washing cereals, vegetables, filling boilers. For this purpose, an insert for sectional modulated VKSM equipment is used.

For cooking soups, stovetop boilers of 50, 40, 30 and 20 liters and electric boilers of 40, 60, 160 and 250 liters are used. The sequence of cooking soups is determined taking into account the labor intensity of the prepared dishes and the duration of heat treatment of the products. To speed up the cooking process, use measured dishes. In restaurants, first courses are prepared in small batches and served in separate portions, so in the heating equipment line, instead of boilers for boiling soups, stoves are installed on which first courses are prepared in small-capacity containers.

A table with a refrigerated cabinet and a slide is installed in the line of non-mechanical equipment. Various products used for preparing first courses are placed in slide containers - meat, ham, olives, capers, etc.

First courses must be served at a temperature not lower than 75 degrees C, the duration of sale of first courses when mass prepared is 2-3 hours.

Flour culinary products (pies, cheesecakes) are prepared for clear broths. Additional workplaces will be organized for their preparation. The dough is kneaded in stovetop kettles and cut on a production table with a wooden surface.

Sauce compartment.

In the area for preparing second courses, workplaces are organized to perform the same type of operations: frying, stewing, poaching, boiling and baking products. In accordance with this, thermal and other technological equipment is grouped according to its purpose. Ovens, electric frying pans, deep fryers, stoves and boilers are installed here.

Since the range of dishes in the sauce department is very large, it is impossible to organize specialized work stations for preparing each type of dish, so they are organized taking into account the ability of cooks to perform several operations simultaneously.

When frying and sautéing food, the cook must constantly be at the heating equipment, so everything necessary must be at hand. For this purpose, mobile tables, shelves, and stools are used to place dishes, equipment and tools. On mobile racks, prepared semi-finished products are transported to heating devices. To prepare for frying and sautéing, one or more production tables are installed.

The jobs of chefs preparing main courses in canteens and restaurants differ from each other. So in the dining room, along with stoves, deep fryers, and ovens, boilers are installed for preparing side dishes and sauces, but in a restaurant, boilers are not installed, because... main courses are prepared in portions according to the consumer's order.

For short-term storage of side dishes and sauces in a hot state and for preparing portioned dishes, a special food warmer is installed in the heating equipment line, this allows you to use the frying surface of the plates for their intended purpose.

Production tables are placed near the heating units for manual cutting of vegetables, sorting of cereals and pasta. For washing vegetables and cereals, tables with built-in sinks or sinks with a drain for water drainage are installed.

In the canteens, where sauces are prepared only for second courses sold at these enterprises, special work places are not organized. The broth for sauces is boiled in the same cauldrons in which the first courses are prepared. All other operations are performed at work stations for preparing second courses.

Acceleration of cooking can be achieved by using microwaves. For cooking dietary dishes A steam oven can be installed in the sauce compartment.

The sauce department equipment can be grouped into the following lines:

· for heat treatment and preparation of semi-finished dishes from meat, fish, vegetables, preparation of sauces and side dishes in stove-top dishes (stoves, ovens, frying pans and deep fryers);

· for performing auxiliary operations (table with built-in bathroom, table for installing small-scale mechanization equipment, with a refrigerated cabinet);

· in large hot shops - sectional-modulated boilers with functional containers, work tables for preparing products and baths for washing side dishes.

The work of the sauce department cooks begins with familiarization with the production program, selection technological maps, clarification of the number of products. Then the cooks receive products, semi-finished products and select utensils.

In the restaurant, fried and baked dishes are prepared only upon order of visitors; Labor-intensive dishes are prepared in small batches.

For mass production, it should be taken into account that fried main courses should be sold within an hour, boiled, stewed and stewed - 2 hours, crumbly porridges and stewed cabbage - 6 hours, hot drinks - 2 hours.

In exceptional cases, remaining food must be cooled and stored at a temperature of 2 - 6 degrees C. Before sale, chilled food is checked and tasted by production managers, after which it is subjected to heat treatment and sold within an hour. It is prohibited to mix leftover food from the previous day or with food prepared on the same day, but at an earlier date.

It is forbidden to leave the following day:

· pancakes with meat and cottage cheese;

· minced meat, poultry and fish products;

· omelettes;

· mashed potatoes, boiled pasta.

Sauce compartment utensils:

· stovetop boilers with a capacity of 20, 30, 40 and 50 liters for cooking and stewing meat and vegetable dishes; boilers (boxes) for boiling and poaching fish whole and in sections;

· boilers for steaming dietary dishes with a grate insert;

· pans with a capacity of 1 - 10 liters for cooking small quantity portions of main courses, sauces;

· saucepans with a capacity of 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 liters for sautéing vegetables, tomato puree, with a thickened bottom;

· metal baking sheets and large cast iron frying pans for frying semi-finished meat, fish, vegetables and poultry;

· small and medium cast iron frying pans with a handle for frying pancakes, pancakes, and preparing omelettes;

· frying pans with 5, 7 and 9 cells for preparing fried eggs in large quantities;

· cast iron frying pans with a press for frying chicken-tobacco, etc.

Hot shop inventory:

Whisks, whisks, chef's forks; bolt; spatulas for pancakes, cutlets, fish. Equipment for straining broth, various sieves, scoops, skimmers, etc.

In the sauce department of the hot shop, jobs are organized mainly according to the type of heat treatment:

· for frying and sautéing;

· for cooking, stewing and poaching;

· for preparing side dishes and cereals.

At the workplace for frying and sautéing products are available: stoves, ovens, production tables and mobile shelving. Restaurants additionally have deep fryers, electric grills, and barbecue ovens.

Jobs for cooking, stewing, poaching and baking products are organized taking into account the chefs performing several operations simultaneously. For this purpose, heating equipment is grouped taking into account the ease of transition of cooks from one operation to another. Auxiliary operations are carried out on production tables installed parallel to the heating line. Heating equipment can be installed not only in line but also in an island manner.

porridge and pasta for baked dishes are cooked in stovetop boilers. The mass prepared for baking is placed on baking sheets and placed in ovens, where it is cooked until cooked.

Chef's workplace for preparing side dishes The technological process consists of the following operations: cereals are sorted on a production table, washed and cooked in stationary or stove-top boilers.

The selection of stovetop boilers of a certain capacity for cooking cereals of various consistencies is made based on the volume occupied by 1 kg of cereal along with water.

Initial volume (in liters) of water from 1 kg of cereal when cooking porridges of various consistencies

To prepare sauces at the workplace, cooking kettles or pans of various capacities are used. Basic sauces are usually prepared for the whole day, and derivatives for 2-3 hours of selling dishes on the sales floor.

Labor organization.

The shop employs chefs of various qualifications, the percentage: 5th category - 40%, 4th category - 33%, 3rd category - 27%.

The hot shop production team also includes dishwashers and kitchen workers.

A 5th category cook is a foreman or senior cook and is responsible for organizing the technological process in the workshop, the quality and compliance with the yield of dishes. He monitors compliance with the cooking technology, prepares portioned, signature and banquet dishes.

A 4th grade cook prepares first and second courses for mass demand, sautes vegetables and tomato puree.

A 3rd category cook prepares food.

In small hot shops, the work of the shop is headed by the production manager.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):