Immediately make a reservation that I developed this process personally and I do not pretend to anything. I do as it is convenient for me. This is not a high-speed method, but reliable, my mayonnaise is never stratified and always turns out. Actually, I don't even remember the case, so that something went wrong, even when I first made it with a plug of one yolk and several spoons of oil.

I prepare delicious, thick and fat (yes, greasy) mayonnaise, and I do not need another.

Discussion. I will listen with interest to delivals.

About 750 ml of mayonnaise:
3 large yolk
about 700 ml of vegetable refined oil
1 tsp. Spoon ready or dry mustard
1 tsp. Sololi.
1-2 Ch.L. Sahara

approximately 50 ml of fresh lemon juice or good tasty vinegar (Wine or Berry)
2-3 tbsp. Heat water (about 25 s)

All ingredients must be room temperature , in the area 22 C. This is necessary.

I take the sunflower oil, sometimes corn. Easily advise butter grape bonesBut in our area it costs how olive, I see no point. In short, you can take any refined.

The bowl is very convenient to put on a wet towel, so as not to chop on the table, because There will be nothing to keep it.

You can add vinegar, you can - lemon juice as an acidic component. I have seen recommendations to add ordinary t. Table vinegar, however, in addition to stabilization of emulsion, vinegar also gives taste. Therefore, I think it will not be enough for myself, we will add a really good, high-quality product, and it is not crazy money. In terms of taste, I am more inclined to vinegar (especially well infused on Tarkhun) than to lemon, but this is my personal preference.

Inevitable considerations about Salmonellaza. Every time I do mayonnaise, domestic contradictions are torn me: this is the principle "not boors - not affected" on the one hand and the folk wisdom "gentle God protects" - on the other. Ultimately, I use the raw eggs, but still with some precautionary measures that are as follows. I buy eggs in the supermarket, and I take not those that are a Powty super-duper organic in the box, but those that are slightly cheaper and you need to dial into the package. First, since they soon are cheaper, they are quickly disassembled, and you can choose yourself, i.e. Carefully consider the egg for cracks. You can still shake the egg - if it is not very fresh, the contents will noticeably hang out in the shell. Secondly, the date indicated on the packaging of the super-duper eggs is the day of their sorting, and far from the day of their work on the light. And when the egg was demolished, only chicken knows, and not we are with you. In any case, this is the situation in our city, as in other places there is a case, I do not know. In addition, with regard to supermarket eggs, there is at least some hope that they somehow check. What you can not say about the eggs purchased from the hands, if only you personally are not familiar with that grandmother with chickens and even personally with that chicken. The fact is that before typing the number of eggs needed for sale, the grandmothers are collected, they are collected ... and it is not known how many they collect them (whatever they speak, honestly looking into your eyes). And in what conditions are stored too. In short, after me in the "rustic" eggs got a dead underdeveloped chicken, I am sorry for a grandmother's organ.

Process itself
So, these very eggs I carefully mine with a means of washing dishes, and then lowered one minute in a steep very salted boiling water (a couple of arts. Salts with a slide per liter). Thus, I not only kill Salmonella, which is presumably eating on the shell, but also heating the yolk, which is necessary for the preparation of the resistant emulsion.

Further I get yolks (they remain completely liquid), separating them from the partially curved protein, and necessarily free them from the film, just piercing it and the releasing yolk itself in a bowl. Further I add salt, sugar and mustard and mix. You can wait until the salt and sugar is completely dissolved, but it is optional. Sol-sugar is better to put at the very beginning, to then not add a lot of dry product, which is not very good in such a fat substance. In addition, the salt thickens yolks, which is favorable when creating an emulsion in the early stages. The mustard is also an emulsifier and further contains the fluid necessary for the formation of the emulsion, and the mustard in the powder also prevents the bundle. In general, when it all moved, you can begin to add oil - first in the literal sense, having stirring all this is the case of a manual mixer on the smallest speed. Our goal is to stir, and not to beat (the air in mayonnaise has nothing), therefore, if there is nozzle-blade, it is better, probably, it uses it. Emulsion will gradually begin to form, i.e. Uniform in the form of mass, without visible droplets of fat. Now that emulsions are much, you can already pour oil with a thin flowing, and then completely thick. Do not stop stirring, of course. And the speed can already be added.

When mayonnaise becomes completely thick, yellow and even somehow translucent, it is recommended to be slightly diluted with heat-heat and vinegar (lemon juice) - it is necessary to stabilize the emulsion. At this stage, the mayonnaise already contains a sufficient amount of oil and the end is already close, so it would be nice to try it. If the salts are not enough, dissolve it in added vinegar or water. Mayonnaise will become more like himself, and marriage will noticeably (not only from vinegar, from water too). But it is very white, as an industrial, it will not. And we do not need. By the way, I recently read that something like Beshemel was added to reduce fat content in Mayonnaise. Well, quite an option for those who want and ours.

After adding water, it can be safely pouring more oils until you reach the desired volume. Usually I make 0.75-0.8 liters, just no longer necessary.
Ready mayonnaise put into the jar and take storage. If you wish, add pepper and everything else. My personal look mayonnaise is delicious on the second day.

Now the same thing on points:
1. Wash eggs and cut breach, yolks to remove and release from the film.
2. Add mustard, salt-sugar to yolks, mix.
3. Start adding vegetable refined oil drops.
4. After the formation of the resistant emulsion you can pour oil with a jet.
5. When mayonnaise becomes very dense, dilute it with a small amount of fluid, in which it is recommended to dissolve an additional salt (if necessary).
6. Add the rest of the oil.
7. Cool.

The origin of mayonnaise (suddenly someone did not see together yolks, mustard and salt with sugar):

Add oil dropsy:

Emulsion has already been formed:

BUT it happens such a troublethat the hand shook and a lot of oil came out in a bowl at once (here I specifically poured it for clarity). Nothing wrong. You just need to continue mixing the mixer while holding it in one place, i.e. All the excess oil will gradually pull up under the whisk, without causing a bundle with the work of the extracted emulsion. Moreover, I was so lazy that even on purpose more than more oil in certain momentnot to keep your hand on weight.

That's it turned out.


  • Egg yolk - 2 pcs.
  • Sunflower oil - 130 ml
  • Apple vinegar - 2 h.
  • Dijon or any other mustard (except grainy) - 1 tsp.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp.

Close Printing ingredients

Who would have thought that from the most ordinary ingredients can be made thick homemade mayonnaise !! I know that many modern hostesses are not much complaining of mayonnaise and more and less and less refuel them their dishes. But try this recipe I recommend you with all my might! This mayonnaise is easy to cook, and the process will not take too much time. We will need: sunflower oil, mustard, yolk and manual mixer. Well, isn't the beauty of? You will be able to add garlic or saffron to this basic recipe for this basic recipe, it turns out fragrant and unusual mayonnaise. So, if you have long dreamed of cooking thick home mayonnaise But for some reason they were afraid or he did not get it, then go to the kitchen with me and begin to create!

First thing

Separate yolks from the protein. We will need only yolks.

In a deep bowl for yolks, add 1 tsp. mustard, 1 tsp. lemon juice, 2 ppm apple vinegar and pinch salts. Now on low or medium speed, to keep the kitchen in original form;), with the help of a hand mixer, start to beat everything. We continue to beat until the mixture starts thick (about 2-3 minutes). First, the mass is a saturated yellow or mustard shade (depending on the color of your mustard), but after a few minutes our mayonnaise will begin to brighten and show the whole view that we are on the right track!

That's how I got. Our sauce spawned and acquired a light creamy texture. He thicked slightly, but still runs off the bunker.

And the final barcode is sunflower oil. In many recipes, sunflower and olive oil is found in the ratio of 1: 1, but I think olive oil will give a strong fragrance or maybe to kill the taste of mayonnaise. Therefore, at will, at the end, you can add one or two teaspoons of your favorite olive oil. So, without stopping to beat, we slowly begin to pour oil. Gradually increase the speed of the mixer. Whip up until the oil is completely mixed and the sauce does not thicken. You can adjust my delicate yourself - the longer whipping, the clever mayonnaise you will succeed.

That's all, our thick home mayonnaise Ready. Fast, fragrant, but do not be distinguished from the store. Although who I cheat? Of course, it is different, he is his own, home, A-and-much tastier! As they say, the dexterity of the hands and no fraud. P.S. Store in the refrigerator no more than 3-4 days.

Such mayonnaise can serve as the basis for sauce to, you will need only finely chopped garlic, basil leaves, salt, pepper and beat all this again! And what kind of New Year Does without all the beloved Salad Olivier? This mayonnaise recipe is perfect for him! Checked!

And in conclusion, I want everyone to congratulate everyone with the upcoming holidays! Wish good health, comfort, love and warmth in your homes. Fulfillment of the most cherished desiresAnd, of course, more forces for culinary feats in the new year! Hooray!

Mayonnaise is used in almost all dishes: salads, snacks, sandwiches, hepatic cakes. Many people simply do not imagine their lives without him and eat it with everything: with fish, cutlets, chops, borscht and soups. Today, manufacturers offer a huge assortment of this product, which sometimes takes on racks in supermarkets not one shelf. But homemade mayonnaise, cooked with his own hands, will be better to sell in stores. First, it does not contain a preservatives, which are stuck to his "Sorudii", and secondly, you will always be sure of the quality of your dish. You will not spend a lot of time to make home mayonnaise, because all recipes are very simple and do not require special skills. Therefore, if you want to use healthy and useful food, We propose to take up the following recipes.

Homemade mayonnaise

Do not know how to cook mayonnaise at home? Everything is very simple: read this recipe, go to the store and buy the necessary products, after all mix and fill your favorite dishes sauce. Ingredients:

  • 700 milliliters of vegetable oil
  • three spoons (table) lemon juice
  • one small spoon of salt, the same amount of mustard
  • 10 grams of sugar
  • three chicken squirrels

Cooking method:

Homemade mayonnaise is preparing for some five minutes, but in his capacity does not have to doubt. So, connect chicken squirrels in one deep peary, granulated sugar, mustard, as well as salt and lemon juice. Now you need to beat all the ingredients to homogeneity - for this you can use the kitchen currency, but better - blender. When you finish, in the resulting sauce with a thin jet, pour vegetation oil and turn on the electrical device again. As a result, you should get a dense mass without lumps. If the dish seems to you too thick, dilute it with a small amount of cold, but necessarily boiled water, and again mix well. Now you know how to cook homemade mayonnaise, with whom the taste of your dishes will play completely in a new way! Believe and check!

Mayonnaise "home" using yolks

We propose to make an appetizing homemade mayonnaise not on the basis of proteins, as in the previous recipe, but using chicken yolks. By the way, for his cooking you will need mustard. If you want to give a dish sharp taste, buy acute if not, take a softer product (even grainy). Ingredients:

  • yolk - two pieces
  • 120 milliliters of sunflower (use refined) oil
  • tablespoon of acidic lemon juice
  • half a little sugar spoon, as much mustard
  • celebrate salt add to your taste

Cooking method:

Before proceeding with the cooking process, get the necessary dishes: a clean spoon, a deep bowl or a plate, a special kitchen whisk. If you have a blender or a mixer, we recommend that you beat all the mayonnaise components by one of these devices. In this case, you can achieve an ideal consistency of your dish. When preparations are completed, separate chicken proteins from yolks and the last put into another dishes. Now add the specified amount of mustard and sugar sand to them, put salt at your discretion. Beat all the ingredients of the wedge; When neither a single lump will remain, and the mass will acquire a homogeneous light beige color, gradually pour the oil.

It is from him that depends on the density of the future mayonnaise, so if the consistency of the dish does not suit you, you can add some more sunflower product. Turn on the mixer and thoroughly sweat the mixture, after add lemon juice and mix a few more times. Ready mayonnaise is stored in the refrigerator no longer than four or five days, have it in mind! If you moved with vegetable oil, as a result of which the dish turned out to be too thick, add some boiled water into it. In the case of the formation of extra lumps: diluing mayonnaise and hindering well, you can get rid of them.

Milk mayonnaise, without eggs

There are a huge variety of various ways to prepare mayonnaise: on sour cream, with or without eggs, with olive or vegetable oil, with greens or nuts. Great cooks have an unlimited fantasy and every day come up with new versions of the sauce, which are subsequently shared with the rest of people. We will tell you about one of the most interesting recipes: this time we propose to make milk-based mayonnaise without chicken eggs. Would you like to try? Then dare! Ingredients:

  • 100 milliliters of pasteurized milk (can use and home, but pre-boil it and cool down)
  • any vegetable oil - 150 milliliters
  • salt salt - to taste
  • two spoons (table) acute mustard
  • half of lemon (two large spoons of juice will be required)

Cooking method:

Pour into a small saucepan of milk, put it on the stove and a little warm. However, the product should not boil! After enter the vegetable oil and prevent well. Put the mustard here, a few pinch salts and lemon juice. Carefully sweat the mixture with a bunk or special kitchen appliance, such as a blender or mixer.

Put mayonnaise in the refrigerator - when it cools, you can safely use it to refuel salads or cooking other dishes. Today in supermarkets for sale ready-made lemon juice in jars, but we still recommend using the usual fresh fruit. So it will be much more useful and tastier! Note that by adding to mayonnaise, cooked personally, one or another ingredient, you will get an incredibly appetizing sauce. Try these additives:

  • Finely cut garlic or grind it with a special press and mix with mayonnaise. The refueling is ideal for both meat and fish dishes;
  • Vegetable salad can be made with cheese sauce. To do this, print the product on the middle grater and connect with the ingredients specified in the recipe;
  • Mayonnaise with fresh greenery, pre-finely chopped, ideally complement the taste of fried or stew;
  • For Mediterranean dishes, you can use sauce with green olives and lemon zest.

As you can see, even the most ordinary home mayonnaise recipe can be played in a new way. Preparing with pleasure and boldly bring your adjustments to the dish, because every hostess herself a culinary!

Mayonnaise on Swedish manner

To make a Swedish mayonnaise, you will need a microwave. This dish is different from all previous ones, and you will now understand what exactly. Ingredients:

  • 200 grams of delicacious mayonnaise
  • half of a glasses of apple jam
  • four spoons (cutlery) of fresh horseradish (it will have to grate it)

Cooking method:

As you can see, an ordinary store mayonnaise is part of this dish, but thanks to other ingredients, it acquires a completely new and original taste and can rightly be called "home". First, clean the hinders of the horseradish and soda it with thin stripes on the grater, after mixing with apple jam and enter the delicious mayonnaise. Take the mass until uniformity and send to the fridge. If you want to give a dish a pronounced acid-sweet taste, put a little more horseradish than indicated in the recipe. In addition, you can add a few drops of lemon juice. This sauce is perfectly combined with both hot and cold meat or fish kushans.

Spicy Mayonnaise with Curry Home

This mayonnaise is suitable for any meat or fish dish. If you like spices, then this recipe You will definitely like. Ingredients:

  • one egg yolk
  • boiled water and mustard - at your discretion
  • 150 milliliters oil (olive or plastic)
  • salt and vinegar put on your taste
  • two tablespoons of ground curry
  • sugar - at will

Cooking method:

We specifically did not specifically indicate the required amount of salt and mustard, since each person has their own taste, so add these products according to personal preferences. As for the ingredients such as water and vinegar, the same principle works here: if you want mayonnaise to be not too thick, pour more fluid, and the vinegar will give the acid to the sauce, so it should not be too much. Starting cooking, break the egg and the protein put into one dishes (you can make "Gogol-Mogol" from it), and yolk - to another.

Then the last join with the cooking salt, everything is well stirred, gradually enter the vegetable oil, pouring it out a small jet. For a second, do not stop working with a whisk, since you should get an ideally homogeneous mixture. If it seems very thick or, let's not, the oil does not mix, add a small amount of vinegar and water (necessarily boiled). Together with sugar, salt, mustard and, if there is a desire, ground pepper - curry is introduced at the very end. For three to four minutes, beat the resulting mass until you get rid of lumps and do not achieve homogeneous color. Mayonnaise, cooked at home, of course, is not stored for as long as his store analogue, but this is all the charm - the dish does not contain preservatives and does not harm your health.

Maisonist with cucumber brine

This sauce is a rather calorie and not the most useful productAnd nutritionists do not recommend it to consume in large quantities, so try to season salads with ordinary vegetable oil. But sometimes you can pamper yourself. Here for such fleeting weaknesses we prepared for you non-flat recipe. We offer to make mayonnaise with your own hands, this is not a long procedure that takes no more than five to ten minutes of precious time. But such a product greatly wins in taste qualities at his store analogue. Ingredients:

  • 400 milliliters of olive oil
  • 40 grams not too acute mustard
  • yolk - two pieces
  • little spoon of table vinegar
  • five grams of cook salt
  • a half teaspoons of sugar sand
  • a little less than a glass of cucumber marinade (you can use brines from tomatoes)

Cooking method:

Having very carefully whisk chicken yolks, and then add mustard, sugar sand and a cook salt to them. Mix all the ingredients well several times and begin to slowly pour olive oil, and after it your rightful place should take the table vinegar (use a decade-free). At the very end, add a cucumber brine and work a whisk within five minutes to achieve a homogeneous mass of a light beige shade. If you have a blender, a mixer or a food processor, use these devices, because with them you can beat the products just perfectly, and according to the consistency, the dish cooked with their help will not differ from the mayonnaise that stand on store shelves.

We have already mentioned that this product is rather caloriene. But there are no hopeless situations, so if you are worried about your figure and at the same time you can't deny yourself the pleasure of eating one or two spoons of this sauce, we offer the next trick. Filling the mayonnaise salads, dilute it with low-fat natural yogurt or sour cream in a ratio of 50 to 50. Thanks to these simple actions, the caloric content of the dish will fall almost twice, and you can enjoy your favorite dish without harm to your waist.

Walnut mayonnaise for meat dishes

The mayonnaise of nuts with cranberry and lemon juice is ideal as refueling to a hot beef or pork steak. He will give me a juiciness and extraordinary piquancy. If you are going to fry on the nature of the kebab, be sure to prepare this dish and capture it with you. We guarantee that the picnic will be held on "Hurray"! Ingredients:

  • 200 grams of crushed walnuts
  • four tablespoons of any (on your choice) vegetable oil
  • large spoon of lemon juice
  • the same number of cranberry sauce

Cooking method:

For this dish, we recommend using walnuts. There are two ways: cook it, roasting nuts on a dry pan, or add fresh. Try both options, then you can objectively judge the one of the two tastes to suit you the most. So, first clean the nuts, and after, wrapping them into a clean towel, so as not to scatter anything, grinding with the help of a rill. Then pour them with vegetable oil, mix several times and enter the lemon and cranberry juices. This mayonnaise is stored for a short time, so use it immediately after cooking, otherwise the dish will deteriorate, and you will not have time to enjoy his taste.

Mayonnaise in the Polish Recipe

For mayonnaise lovers, we offer one more original recipe Dishes on Polish manner. Ingredients:

  • 120 grams of wheat flour
  • three chicken eggs
  • little piece of butter or fat (need to pass flour)
  • 30 grams of sugar sand
  • 15 grams of cook salt
  • 300 milliliters oil (take any vegetable, but better if it is olive)
  • 30 grams of ordinary vinegar
  • three glasses of cooled boiled water
  • 10 grams of any mustard

Cooking method:

To mix mayonnaise to uniformity, it was easy to use, it is necessary to use the recently sifted flour, as it does not get into the lumps, and you don't have to be nervous because of this. First you need to discharge wheat flour For seven minutes. This can be done on animal fat, if any, or on butter. Fry the product, constantly stirring a spoon, for five to seven minutes, but not longer, otherwise you will spoil the flour and everyone will have to start first. Then, in the same dishes, pour boiling water together with the cutlery vinegar, stir carefully and hold on the plate another quarter of an hour, until a third of the liquid evaporates. After the mixture, it should be very thick) it is necessary to dissolve the remaining water and cool a little, pre-draining the residues of the liquid. In chicken yolks, in advance whipped with a fork or a whisk, pour sugar and salt, add mustard and thoroughly scroll through all the ingredients. Now gradually pour all the vegetable oil, again we take up - and the dish is ready! Cover it with a special food film and store in this form in the refrigerator.

Sweet Mayonnaise with currant berries

Sweet mayonnaise with red currant berries You will not meet in any supermarket. Such a unique and original dish can only be prepared independently, and this recipe will help you. You will probably be interested in what the sauce is combined. It is perfect for fried meats - better if it is a juicy beef steak. Finish the feast with a glass of dry wine, and the excellent mood is guaranteed. After all, delicious food is able to work wonders! Ingredients:

  • two eggs (only chicken yolks)
  • two spoons (table) vegetable oil
  • 50 grams of red currant
  • salt - at your discretion
  • little spoon of acute mustard
  • 15 grams of sugar sand

Cooking method:

Thoroughly washed currant free from tails and leaves and dry. To do this, place the berries on the pure kitchen towel, and then wipe through the sieve. You can use a blender - so you will spend much less time, plus the fruit puree will turn out more homogeneous. Now the proteins beat the wedge and connect them with mustard (even the grainy is suitable), then add the cooking salt, indicated in the recipe amount of sugar and currants. Take a mixer and take them all the components, and in the resulting mass, enter the vegetable oil, pouring it slowly, in small portions. A few more times turn on the kitchen device so that the home mayonnaise is as uniform as possible. Put the dish in the refrigerator and try to use it completely for four days - then his taste will change, as you understand, not for the better. After all, this sauce, in contrast to mayonnaise, which are sold in stores, does not contain preservatives, and therefore it is not long stored.

Italian Mayonnaise for Meat Salads

If you, for example, cooked meat for cooking some dish and do not know where the remaining broth (after all, it seems to be a pity, and you can't find use), do not suffer extra questions. Just make a mayonnaise from him - the recipe is very simple. Ingredients:

  • refined vegetable oil - 650 milliliters
  • three small eggs
  • 250 milliliters of meat broth
  • 30 milliliters of vinegar (take the usual table)
  • 30 grams of sugar
  • salt - 10 grams

Cooking method:

So, take the finished broth (or scold a piece of meat and give fluid time to cool) and proceed to the direct mapping of mayonnaise. Squirrels are stirred with a fork, then you also lead a few table vinegar to them and not too sharp mustard. In small portions, add refined oil without stopping and working as a wedge in the same direction. After the mass thickens enough, dilute it with vinegar, pre-mixed in water with water (in the absence of meat Navara), or a broth, as the recipe requires. Salt, as well as sugar, put at your discretion, then rub the mayonnaise until all lumps and oil go. This refill is ideal for raw meat salads, for example, for Olivier. It is also perfectly combined with kebab, fried beef or pork.

Mayonnaise with starch at home

We told you about home mayonuzes, for the preparation of which you only need to mix all the components. This recipe is somewhat different from the previous ones - in this case the sauce will have to cook. But it does not take a lot of time - you will spend about fifteen minutes. Ingredients:

  • 250 milliliters of ordinary medium fatty milk
  • tablespoon of vegetable neglean oil
  • table vinegar - at will
  • homemade egg - one thing
  • one spoon (dining room) potato starch
  • salt - according to personal preferences

Cooking method:

At the initial stage, connect the potato starch and a cook salt, then both products pour into the scrambled egg mixture and mix well. Put pasteurized milk on a quiet fire, as soon as it gets up slightly, pour oil to it and other ingredients. Constantly stir up with a spoon and thus tailoring it about six minutes. Then we will cool slightly, make a cutlery vinegar (enter it gradually, every time trying to taste, otherwise the mayonnaise will get too acidic) if you want, you can add mustard and somewhat pinch sugar.

At the very end, take a mixture with a wedge and put on the upper shelf in the refrigerator. We hope these recipes will help you in the preparation of delicious, exquisite and original eats. In addition, with such sauce dishes will be more useful and less calorie. Finally, we will give a few tips that will be useful to every hostess: so that a juicy steak or kebab becomes even tastier, serve mayonnaise, made at home, adding it a mixture of herbs or special spices. We recommend using cumin, thyme, rosemary, as well as mayoran, fragrant or ground pepper and more.

The second most popular sauce in the kitchens around the world is mayonnaise. Yes, this sauce is very caloriene, but really frank. But he is one able to give many dishes the same, special saturation, tenderness and piquancy. For example, Salad "Olivier" without mayonnaise is unlikely to be thereby world famous salad. But the most delicious mayonnaise is definitely homely. And if you cook the sauce yourself, from products, for the quality of which we can not worry, then such home mayonnaise will be and in usefulness to exceed many of its purchased views.

Subtleties of cooking home mayonnaise

Secret 1. For a dense and characteristic taste for making mayonnaise, you need to use room temperature. And they must be fresh.

Secret 2. So that mayonnaise was sharper to taste, use in the process of its preparation is not a mustard sauce, but a mustard powder.

Secret 3. You can prepare mayonnaise from olive oil, but the sauce may be slightly impatient because of this. It is better to add sunflower or any other vegetable oil to olive oil in proportion 1: 1 to olive oil.

Secret 4. The delicate of mayonnaise depends on how much oil you will use in it. Too thick mayonnaise is easy to make more liquid, diluting its simple water temperature.

Secret 5. Mayonnaise can be whipped by a wedge, a mixer with a special corporate nozzle. But the easiest way to do this by any kind of blenders - submersible or in the bowl (cocktail).

Secret 6. Homemade mayonnaise should not be stored even in the refrigerator longer than four days.

Classic homemade mayonnaise recipe with whole eggs

Cook classic recipe Homemade mayonnaise can be on a single chicken yolk, separating it from the protein. But such mayonnaise is whipped well only by a wrencher, which is quite laborious. Let's try to beat literally per minute mayonnaise with a whole chicken egg. And will help us in this blender.

At one chicken egg, put half the teaspoon of dry or sauce mustard, as much salt and sugar and a large spoonful of acidic juice (for example, lemon) or a nine percent vinegar in a bowl of the blender. On this number of spices for the average magentot of mayonnaise, a glass will be needed or a little less vegetable oil.

We first lay the spices without oil, turn on the blender, and gradually pour through all the vegetable oil into the future sauce. As soon as it achieves the desired homogeneity and product thickness - you can turn off the blender. It is whipped in this way mayonnaise literally per minute or two.

Milk mayonnaise

Also incredibly tasty will be homemade mayonnaise and without eggs cooked on milk. Milk should be fat - 2.5-3 percent of fatty. We begin to beat in a blender a little less than a glass of milk, gradually adding into it as in the previous recipe, 300 g of oil.

As soon as the sauce begins to thicken, boldly report to the contents of a couple of small spoons of mustard, a large spoonful of lemon juice, half a teaspoon of salt and as much sugar or sugar, continuing to beat the mixture by a blender to the desired lug. Such mayonnaise will work out gentle, with a creamy-milk taste.

Quail eggs

It is believed that at quail eggs home mayonnaise is more useful and safe than on chicken. It will take for it six quail eggs. We divide them into the bowl of the blender, we put it there at half the teaspoon of sugar, salt, mustard, chinful of ground black pepper. We begin to beat, pouring about 200 ml of vegetable oil into the bowl. When mayonnaise begins to thicken, add a tablespoon of lemon juice or vinegar to it and a finely chopped greens. Ready mayonnaise need to be put in the refrigerator. There he thirsty even more.

What do not say, and any hostess does not represent its dishes without such a unique sauce in all respects like mayonnaise. It refers to the category of universal in terms of cooking and is suitable for almost any existences, both everyday and festive. But it is worth noting that the taste of cooked food depends on its quality. Therefore, mayonnaise should pay special attention.

If you translate the name of this sauce with french, then get "yolk". And this is no accident, since it includes such ingredients like vegetable oil (preferably olive), egg yolks, vinegar, lemon juice, sugar, salt and other seasonings that give mayonnaise a special taste and color.

In the middle of the 18th century, Provence Sauce was created in France, whose recipe was known only to its manufacturers and did not disclose anyone. He cost big money, so only known only. But thanks to the French Culinary Lucien Olivier, who settled in Russia in the 19th century, we learned about the recipe of this unique sauce. Currently there are several dozen of its varieties.

It is worth noting that this sauce includes components that are indisputable useful, including therapeutic, properties. Let us dwell on vegetable oil. It is considered the main component of the sauce, in which cholesterol is present and the fat is practically absent. This makes it possible to protect the human body from negative impact. ambient, removes toxins, contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes.

In egg yolks, much vitamin A, thanks to which the vision improves, the skin is rejuvenated, hair and nails are strengthened. The mayonnaise includes a variety of useful fatty acids, vitamins B and E, which contribute to improving the work of the lungs, the circulatory system, the heart muscle. It is impossible to underestimate lemon juice, in which a lot of vitamin C. mayonnaise also contains potassium and phosphorus.

Of course, all this refers to home mayonnaise; Purchased mayonnaise may contain all sorts of harmful additives, carcinogens and other impurities that may not be reduced to all the benefits of this product.

If someone thinks that mayonnaise can be used exclusively as refueling for dishes, it is deeply mistaken. Of course, cooking is the main area of \u200b\u200bapplication of such a sauce, but not the only one. This sauce is an excellent supplement for salads, meat and fish dishes, snacks, side dishes, first courses (soups and boors).

But in second place is the cosmetics industry. Mayonnaise (especially home cooking) can replace professional hair conditioner. On its basis, you can create a unique nutritional mask to improve the condition of the skin.

I am not lagging behind ethnoscience. It is often possible to see the use of mayonnaise as a protective agent that prevents solar burns. It was the mayonnaise that it is able to force the skin to quickly regenerate and restore its original appearance.

Many prefer to acquire the mayonnaise bag in the supermarket, and then outraged that the salad tasteless or gained extra kilograms. It is necessary to be honest: in its composition, this seasoning does not apply to the category of harmful if there are no ingredients in it.

Despite the fact that this sauce is quite fatty and calories, but it does not have any negative impact on the work of the stomach, education " orange Corki"If it does not add such harmful components as emulsifiers, stabilizers, modified starch and so on. Therefore, if you prepare it at home, then excess weight You can safely avoid. Moreover, this appetizing, useful, fragrant and exquisite sauce can be added to any dishes at its discretion.

There is a list of dishes that you can not imagine without mayonnaise. This includes Salad Olivier. But it can be easily spoiled by the shopping option. So that this does not happen, try to fix it with homemade mayonnaise.

What you need to take into account when preparing a French sauce at home:

  • To the thickness of the product and taste of you impressed you, it is necessary that all the ingredients are room temperature. Moreover, much attention should be paid to their freshness.
  • To give the seasoning of unique acuity, you need to replace the purchase of mustard sauce with natural mustard powder.
  • Good use to prepare mayonnaise olive oil. But on a very expensive one is not worth it, and the affordable price can cause a feeling of bitterness. Therefore, in order to avoid such negative consequences, it is worth using either sunflower oil, or to dilute olive oil by any vegetable analogue, observing the proportion of 1: 1.
  • The thickness of the sauce directly depends on the amount of oil added to it. But very thick seasoning is not an optimal option. To make it fat, it is necessary to dilute it a little boiled water temperature.
  • You can use a conventional fork for whipping mayonnaise (but this is a sufficiently long procedure), a whisk, a mixer in which there is a special bonus nozzle. But the easiest way is to use a blender.
  • The shelf life of home mayonnaise should not exceed four days.

There are cases when you are preparing home mayonnaise and expect a miracle from him, but it turns out the opposite result: then the consistency is liquid, then the bitterness is felt, then there is a sharp smell. All this suggests that you have done something wrong, and the sauce has become very reminded by a low-quality shopping product.

What you need to know before starting to prepare this miracle - seasonings:

Preparation of mayonnaise

Each itself makes a decision for itself, in what quantity to prepare home mayonnaise. For some, enough and 200g. But there are events when there are many guests and you need to surprise them with a variety of dishes. Then small doses could not do. The main ingredients for mayonnaise and their number:

Volume of sauce

View of Yaitz Number of yolks Butter Salt Sugar
chicken 2 pcs. 200 ml 0.5 ppm 1 tsp.
chicken 4 things. 450 ml 1 tsp.
250 ml quail 12 pcs. 200 ml 1/3 tsp.
500 ml quail 25 pcs. 450 ml 1.5 h..l.

Options for making mayonnaise Great many: from fat to dietary, from classic to intricate. It is the opinion that this sauce is very difficult to prepare. Do not believe in such statements! Take care and follow the recommendations and you will succeed.

For cooking you will need such ingredients:

  • quail eggs - 10 pieces;
  • olive + vegetable oil - 170 ml;
  • apple vinegar - 1 tablespoon;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • mustard shop - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt - ½ teaspoon;
  • black ground pepper - to taste.

As an inventory to have a good:

  • teaspoon;
  • kitchen knife;
  • measuring cup;
  • tablespoon;
  • blender;
  • pOLITE GLASS jar;
  • plastic lid or metal with twist.

We prepare all the ingredients and let them warm up to room temperature for an hour. After proceeding with cooking. Take quail egg And with the help of a knife special separate yolks from proteins. Yolks pour into separate deep containers. You need to do everything carefully, so that small pieces of shell do not get into the sauce. If it happened, then they are removed using the island of a knife or a teaspoon.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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