Last update articles: 03/25/2018

Probably, for the first time the phrase "low hemoglobin" in the everyday life of a woman consciously comes during pregnancy. Together with the understanding that you need to eat well and properly, otherwise, as a result, there will be low hemoglobin in an infant. And that's right. After all, it is the mother who lays the foundations for normal indicators or low hemoglobin in a newborn. During pregnancy, the necessary reserves of iron for the child are created. An infant accumulates the required amount of iron before birth, which lasts for up to six months.

Pediatrician of the highest category

There is very little iron in human milk.

But it contains lactoferrin, which just helps to assimilate this gland as completely as possible. And then it helps to absorb iron from other foods.

And this is another good reason why you should not stop with the introduction of complementary foods.

It is the absence of lactoferrin when feeding children with cow's and goat's milk that leads to the development of anemia in infants after 5-6 months, when the iron reserves accumulated before birth are exhausted.

There is a lot of iron in artificial mixtures, but it is still poorly absorbed. Therefore, it is important not to stop breastfeeding, even if there is very little milk.

What is hemoglobin?

It is a protein found inside red blood cells. It is needed in order to transport oxygen to the tissues of the body and take away from them carbon dioxide. Iron is needed for the synthesis of hemoglobin.

If it is not enough, hemoglobin will be produced little. And if there is little hemoglobin, then the tissues of the body will receive less oxygen.

Why does hemoglobin fall?

There are many reasons for low hemoglobin in children. These are anemia as a result of blood loss, and hereditary anemia, and hemolytic. But in most cases, iron deficiency anemia. And in infants, the cause of these conditions is low hemoglobin and iron deficiency in both the expectant and nursing mothers.

In infants under 6 months of age, anemia is rare. The cause of low hemoglobin in infants may be feeding cow or goat milk. After 6 months, hemoglobin indicators already depend on the timely introduction of high-quality complementary foods.

Manifestations of a lack of hemoglobin in a child

  1. Paleness of the skin of the baby - palms, auricles, mucous membranes.
  2. Children with low hemoglobin do not eat well. Very often, their appetite not only decreases, but strange taste preferences also take place. For example, babies eat earth or chalk.
  3. Children with low hemoglobin are inactive, irritable, often get sick, study poorly, and their concentration decreases.
  4. There is an increased heart rate. When a child visits a doctor, a heart murmur is detected.

The lower the hemoglobin level, the more severe the symptoms. If these symptoms are present, the child should be examined.

How is the examination of the child?

Of course, the examination begins with the appointment of a general blood test, which determines the level of hemoglobin. But to find out if iron deficiency is the cause of anemia, determining the level of serum ferritin will help.

Ferritin is a protein that accumulates, stores iron. Normal ferritin levels decrease with iron deficiency. They also determine the level of serum iron, transferrin, the size of red blood cells and a number of other blood parameters.

That is why, in order to diagnose the cause of a decrease in hemoglobin, you need to donate blood in a laboratory with modern equipment, where it is possible to determine all the necessary indicators.

After receiving a blood test, never try to determine on your own whether this is a norm or a pathology, since each indicator has its own age characteristics.

The doctor will determine what is the pathology. For example, low hemoglobin in a child at 4 months may be physiological anemia that does not require correction.

Standard blood counts:

  • newborns have high hemoglobin levels. Physiological decrease in hemoglobin occurs at 8 - 12 weeks;
  • the norm of hemoglobin in newborns is 165 g / l, but the numbers can vary from 135 g / l to 240 g / l. This is also the norm and the doctor will help to understand the nuances;
  • The norm of hemoglobin in children up to a year is also different. At two weeks of age, these are the same 165 g / l as in a newborn;
  • hemoglobin at the age of 3 months decreases to 120 g/l and ranges from 95 to 145 g/l;
  • from 6 months and older, the average hemoglobin value is 120 g / l. But hemoglobin in children under one year old fluctuates normally from 105 to 140 g / l. Such indicators persist up to 6 years;
  • from the age of 7, the average hemoglobin value is 130 g / l, and the fluctuations in the norm are from 110 to 160 g / l.

How to raise hemoglobin in a child?

But they underwent examinations and found that low hemoglobin is due to a lack of iron. How to increase hemoglobin in a child without drugs, with food? What to feed? The first thing to learn is that it is impossible to raise hemoglobin with the help of products.

You can stop the process of its decline, but you will achieve an increase in indicators only in two years. During this time, iron stores in the body may be replenished, but does the child have this time?

For two years, the baby will live with low hemoglobin, lagging behind in development, often getting sick. And is it possible to fully feed a child whose appetite is reduced, which has fallen just because of the low iron content?

Then how to increase hemoglobin in an infant? A reasonable and simple solution is to take iron supplements. Necessary and modern drug help you find a doctor. Modern medicines usually contain all the excipients that will help you absorb iron as much as possible. They are usually taken before meals, as some foods inhibit the absorption of iron.

It is necessary to take iron supplements for a long time. The first control is carried out after one month, during which time hemoglobin usually rises. Returns to normal by the end of the second month of admission.

One of the indicators of the quite normal functioning of the child's body is the level of hemoglobin (a special protein in connection with iron that fills red blood cells). A decrease in hemoglobin in the baby's body leads to the development of sideropenia and, these are different stages of oxygen and energy deficiency of cells due to problems with the transfer of oxygen to them. It is hemoglobin that has the properties to bind oxygen molecules, bringing them to the tissues, and carbon dioxide, taking them out of the cells to the lungs and releasing them out of the body. There are plenty of reasons for a decrease in hemoglobin, and it is a mistake to think that this is due only to nutrition and a lack of iron in it. What are the roles of this mineral and hemoglobin, what is the danger of its decrease and what to do?

Iron for a child: why and how much is needed?

If we talk about vital minerals that are constantly needed for the full development of the child, then iron will be one of the leading trace elements. The total content of this ion does not exceed 3 grams, but its role is so great that the deficiency immediately affects the metabolic processes of the whole body. Iron is part of the enzymes and proteins that perform the vital functions of the body, such as carrying oxygen and protecting against infections in the mucous membranes and tissues of the body ( nonspecific immunity ). In addition, due to its presence, motor functions are also carried out. The body synthesizes a special protein - globin , consisting of 4 glomeruli connected by bridges and iron ions ( gema ). Only in this form does it take the form of hemoglobin and can transport oxygen molecules from the pulmonary system to tissues, and carbon dioxide from tissues to the lungs.

But the functions of the iron ion are not limited to hemoglobin, it is part of the muscle protein. myoglobin , which only in combination with heme can maintain the tone of muscle fibers, their excitability and contractility. Therefore, with anemia and iron deficiency, muscle weakness and rapid fatigue often occur.. But that's not all: iron is the basis of ferritin, lactoglobulin, lactoferrin and many enzymes, storage proteins (hemosiderin). In summary, the role of iron ions in the body can be described as:

  • Carrying out the functions of tissue respiration and oxidation with the formation of energy
  • Performing immunostimulatory functions due to the synthesis of proteins with protective functions
  • Metabolic regulator
  • Participant in the processes of building and updating body tissues.

In this regard, the intake and consumption of iron in the body must be strictly controlled, dietary iron must be enough to cover all needs, and its increased losses must be immediately compensated.

Sources of iron

Per day, the child's body, depending on age, should receive at least 8-15 mg of iron, which comes from the intestines (with food, water, supplements or drugs).


Iron stores are formed in a child initially from the mother in utero, in recent months gestation, but then they are actively spent on the needs of their own body, so there are few reserves of it. If the mother was malnourished during pregnancy or suffered from or lack of iron, the reserves will be initially reduced.

After birth, the baby accumulates iron, which is actively absorbed from the intestines and goes to build both hemoglobin and other proteins. If we talk about dietary iron, it is absorbed into the plasma in the form of ions, connecting with special carrier proteins, and sent to the bone marrow to build new red blood cells. Part of it goes to the liver, where the rest of the body's proteins are built with its participation.

Iron is a common mineral in nature, it is quite abundant in various food products, however, the amount of ion in different types food varies, as well as the degree of its assimilation in view of the fact that iron can have different valencies. So, if we talk about the types of minerals, then it stands out:

  • Heme iron , which is built into the hemoglobin of animal tissues or muscle proteins, it is abundant in meat products and offal categories.
  • Iron in ionized form having a divalent or trivalent ion. Such iron is usually contained in plant foods, it is absorbed with difficulty, and a trivalent ion can be assimilated only if there is also an iron that transfers valency from three to two. Most rich in iron legumes, but for good absorption of the mineral, they must be consumed with fresh fruits.

Animal foods allow you to absorb up to 25% of iron from them, while from plant foods it is a maximum of 6-8%, which is important if you want to switch to vegetarianism with your child.

The absorption of iron and its assimilation depends on many conditions. In the presence of phytin (a protein of cereal crops) in food, the absorption of iron is inhibited, it binds in the intestine and cannot be absorbed. Difficult absorption of dairy products due to calcium competing with iron in terms of absorption. Absorption is worse with a deficiency of folate, vitamin C and.

Iron deficiency and its effect on hemoglobin

With iron deficiency, first of all, hematopoiesis suffers, or rather the synthesis of hemoglobin for new red blood cells. Part of the iron comes from the spleen, where obsolete old cells are destroyed, but it is not enough to cover all the needs due to iron losses that occur daily. Children most often suffer from iron deficiency, which leads to a decrease in hemoglobin synthesis and anemia. Dietary problems contribute to the development of low hemoglobin, especially if instead of breast milk or a complete mixture for IV, the child is fed with cow's milk, kefir or semolina.

Problems with hemoglobin lead to problems such as:

  • Digestive disorders in the form of enzymatic defects and inflammatory processes in the intestinal wall, violation of the microbial balance of the intestine.
  • Allergic disorders with inflammation of the intestinal wall and impaired absorption of iron.

A decrease in hemoglobin below certain standards leads to the formation of anemia, which affects metabolic processes, reduces the immune defense of the body and leads to trophic disorders. As a result, problems develop with physical development- growth and weight gain, as well as mental development, form fatigue, moodiness, sleep disturbances and cognitive functions.

Hemoglobin norms in children

The amount of hemoglobin in the blood of a child depends on his age, state of health and degree of activity. Children have the maximum level during the neonatal period, on the 4th day of life, and then it decreases due to the destruction of fetal hemoglobin, which was necessary in utero for good nutrition. Gradually, fetal hemoglobin is replaced by its adult form. In the first months of life, up to 1.5% of fetal hemoglobin of the total volume is permissible, and in general the amount is about 110-120 g / l, gradually changing by age and sex. By the period adolescence in boys, the norms will be up to 120-145g / l, in girls 110-140g / l. After this age, the norms are the same as among adults. The decrease in hemoglobin in the female body is due to the hormonal and physiological characteristics of the body.

If there are problems with iron intake, hemoglobin synthesis and loss of iron, blood, various anomalies in the structure and functioning of red blood cells, anemia is formed. But this is not only iron deficiency anemia, which is most talked about in childhood.

Consequences of anemia in children

A decrease in hemoglobin may not make itself felt for a long time until the numbers reach significant deviations. Manifestations of a decrease in hemoglobin and the anemia caused by this may have non-specific symptoms that parents may mistake for other problems until it is received. So, children can be pale, with dark circles or blue under the eyes, they are lethargic and get tired quickly, complain of weakness and malaise. Against the background of loads, both (sharply rapid contraction of the heart), and are not uncommon. Children have dry skin, flaky lips, pale mucous membranes of the mouth and bad nails and hair. They grow worse, eat poorly and sleep anxiously, constantly get sick.

Hemoglobin deficiency leads to hypoxia of tissues and organs. This is especially critical for those organs that consume a large amount of oxygen and energy - the brain, kidneys, liver and heart. With oxygen deficiency, the oxidation process with the formation of energy is inactive, the cells experience energy hunger, which leads to problems in the synthesis of certain substances. In general, cellular and tissue metabolism suffers. This leads to a decrease in muscle tone and activity, impaired contractility of the heart, the excretory function of the kidneys, and the synthetic function of the liver suffer. The nervous system hardly tolerates hypoxia, since its metabolic processes are oxygen-dependent. This threatens to slow down mental development and reduce concentration.

Causes of low hemoglobin in children

The most common cause of low levels is iron deficiency, and such anemias account for up to 70% of all hemoglobin problems. We have already discussed the mechanisms in detail above, but it is worth remembering that low hemoglobin is not always exactly iron deficiency anemia. There are a number of other reasons and factors affecting its concentration. These include:

Identification and principles of treatment of anemia

It is not difficult to identify a hemoglobin deficiency; it determines it. It can also partially indicate the reasons for the shape, type and size of erythrocytes, the number of special (immature) forms of erythrocytes in the blood - reticulocytes. But the exact reasons can be revealed by determining the level of iron and its compounds in the serum, and in some situations, by analyzing the bone marrow punctate. Additional tests and instrumental studies are also needed to assess the severity of anemia, the focus of blood loss in case of suspected bleeding, etc.

The principles of treatment are developed by the doctor, after determining the type of anemia and its severity. The basis is:

  • Rational nutrition with the intake of a sufficient amount of iron, as well as microelements (stranded, magnesium or manganese), supplementation of vitamin C and rutin, group B - especially folates and cyanocobalamin. The diet necessarily contains animal proteins and offal, vegetarianism for anemia, especially in young children, is prohibited.
  • routine activities, frequent exposure to fresh air, load according to the degree of fatigue.
  • treatment of digestive disorders and all disorders caused by anemia during the treatment of the underlying disease.
  • with iron deficiency as the cause of anemia, taking drugs according to age in therapeutic dosages, then switching to prophylactic ones for a long period.
  • prevention of colds, infections, due to hardening, elimination of disorders nervous system leading a healthy lifestyle.
We recommend reading:

Alena Paretskaya, pediatrician, medical commentator

There is very little iron in human milk. But in it contains lactoferrin, which just helps to assimilate this gland as much as possible. And after the introduction of complementary foods, it helps to absorb iron from other foods.

And this is another good reason why you should not stop breastfeeding with the introduction of complementary foods.

It is the lack of lactoferrin when feeding children with cow's and goat's milk that leads to the development of anemia in infants after 5-6 months, when the iron reserves accumulated before birth are exhausted.

There is a lot of iron in artificial mixtures, but it is still poorly absorbed. Therefore, it is important not to stop breastfeeding, even if there is very little milk.

What is hemoglobin?

It is a protein found inside red blood cells. It is needed in order to transport oxygen to the tissues of the body and take carbon dioxide from them. Iron is needed for the synthesis of hemoglobin. If it is not enough, hemoglobin will be produced little. And if there is little hemoglobin, then the tissues of the body will receive less oxygen.

Why does hemoglobin fall?

There are many reasons for low hemoglobin in children. These are anemia as a result of blood loss, and hereditary anemia, and hemolytic. But in most cases iron deficiency anemia. And in infants, the reason for this is low hemoglobin and iron deficiency in the expectant and nursing mothers.

In infants under 6 months of age, anemia is rare. The cause of low hemoglobin in infants may be feeding cow or goat milk. After 6 months, hemoglobin indicators already depend on the timely introduction of high-quality complementary foods.

How does a lack of hemoglobin manifest in a child?

  • Paleness of the skin of the baby, pale palms, auricles, mucous membranes.
  • Children with low hemoglobin do not eat well. Very often, their appetite not only decreases, but strange taste preferences also take place. For example, babies eat earth or chalk.
  • Children with low hemoglobin are inactive, irritable, often get sick, study poorly, and their concentration decreases.
  • There is a rapid heartbeat. When a child visits a doctor, a heart murmur is detected.

The lower the hemoglobin level, the more severe the symptoms. If these symptoms are present, the child should be examined.

How is the examination of the child?

Of course, the examination begins with the appointment complete blood count, which determines the level of hemoglobin. But to find out if iron deficiency is the cause of anemia, the definition will help serum ferritin levels.

Ferritin is a protein that accumulates, stores iron. Normal ferritin levels decrease with iron deficiency. They also determine the level of serum iron, serum transferrin, the size of red blood cells and a number of other blood parameters.

That is why, in order to diagnose the cause of a decrease in hemoglobin, it is necessary to donate blood in a laboratory with modern equipment, where it is possible to determine all the necessary indicators.

After receiving a blood test, never try to determine on your own whether this is a norm or a pathology, since each indicator has its own age characteristics.

The doctor will determine what is the pathology. For example, low hemoglobin in a child at 4 months may be physiological anemia that does not require correction.

Standard blood counts

  • In newborns he is tall. The physiological decrease in hemoglobin occurs at 8-12 weeks.
  • The norm of hemoglobin in newborns is 165 g / l, but the numbers can vary from 135 g / l to 240 g / l, this is also the norm, and a doctor will help you figure out the nuances.
  • The norm of hemoglobin in children up to a year also different. At two weeks of age, these are the same 165 g / l as in a newborn.
  • Hemoglobin decreases at 3 months up to 120 g / l and ranges from 95-145 g / l.
  • From 6 months and older, the average hemoglobin value is 120 g / l. But hemoglobin in children under one year old fluctuates normally from 105 to 140 g / l. Such indicators remain up to 6 years.
  • From the age of seven the average value of hemoglobin is 130 g / l, and the fluctuations in the norm are from 110 to 160 g / l.

How to raise hemoglobin in a child?

But they underwent examinations and found that low hemoglobin is due to a lack of iron. How to increase hemoglobin in a child without drugs, with food? What to feed? The first thing to be learned is it is impossible to raise hemoglobin with the help of products.

You can stop the process of its decline, but you will achieve an increase in indicators only in two years. During this time, iron stores in the body may be replenished, but does the child have this time?

For two years, the baby will live with low hemoglobin, lagging behind in development, often getting sick. And is it possible to fully feed a child whose appetite is reduced, and appetite is reduced just because of the low iron content.

The level of hemoglobin in the blood of a child is a variable value. It is important that it does not fall below the limit values. Sometimes the test results raise a lot of questions from parents. What to do if the baby's hemoglobin is low? Is it possible to increase its level at home? What are the consequences if nothing is done? We will talk about all this in order.

The level of hemoglobin in the blood of a child can constantly change

Normal hemoglobin levels

Hemoglobin (HGB) is a special protein in the blood, the molecules of which are contained in red blood cells - erythrocytes. To begin with, it is worth finding out which HGB readings are the norm. Our table shows the boundary values ​​\u200b\u200bof this indicator, which depend on the age of the child.

HGB levels can fluctuate depending on how physically active the child is and also on their health status. Also, the amount of this protein is affected by the nutrition of the baby, the quality of sleep. If a child does not receive enough vitamins, proteins, microelements with food, moves a little and does not go for a walk, his analysis will be worse - hemoglobin will be underestimated.

Factors Affecting HGB Levels

Low levels of HGB are called anemia or anemia by doctors. The reasons for this diagnosis can be different, they are divided into three main groups:

  1. post-transfusion - if anemia is due to blood loss;
  2. violation of the production of a sufficient number of red blood cells - erythrocytes;
  3. due to destruction of red blood cells.

The reason for low hemoglobin may not be a small number of red blood cells, but their intense destruction

The first group of patients usually have a chronically low hemoglobin level, since blood loss occurs constantly. For example, during gastric bleeding, with hemorrhoids. Babies also sometimes fall into this group. Basically, this situation occurs when a baby up to a year old receives cow's milk. It has been proven that the molecules of this product are much larger than those of human milk. They get on the gastric mucosa and injure it. Red blood cells enter the intestines and are excreted during bowel movements, as a result, the level of HGB falls.

The second cause of anemia - a violation of the production of red blood cells - can occur in different cases. We list the main ones:

  • Most diagnoses of "anemia" are due to a deficiency of any substances, most often iron. It is important that this microelement enters the body in sufficient quantities along with the products. It also happens that the patient has impaired iron absorption in the small intestine, and this does not allow it to be absorbed at the proper level. Lack of vitamins B9 and B12 can also cause anemia.
  • Another source of disruption in the production of red blood cells can be a malfunction of the bone marrow - hemoblastosis.

The destruction of red blood cells (hemolysis) is the third culprit in persistent anemia. We list the possible causes of this condition:

  • genetic predisposition. A child can inherit such diseases as a violation of the structure of red blood cells or the structure of a protein molecule - hemoglobin.
  • Sometimes the immune system perceives its own red blood cells as foreign, which leads to their destruction. It can be a congenital disease, or it can occur after heart valve replacement, taking certain medications.

The reason for the violation of the selectivity of immunity may be the use of certain medications.

In addition to these reasons, there are other factors that can lead to a decrease in hemoglobin levels. For example, there are diseases, one of the symptoms of which can be low HGB:

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For certain problems with gastrointestinal tract, iron deficiency sometimes occurs in the body. At the same time, a person can get enough of it, properly and fully eating. The root of the problem is that this microelement, as well as vitamins and amino acids, can be poorly absorbed either in the stomach or in the intestines, due to gastritis or enteritis.
  • Liver diseases. This organ, like the bone marrow, is directly involved in the processes of hematopoiesis. Liver problems often lead to low hemoglobin levels.

signs of anemia

A regular blood test speaks eloquently about a decrease in hemoglobin (or anemia). However, it is possible to suspect a similar condition in a person by other symptoms. Signs of anemia, which can be noticed by the person himself, as well as those around him:

  • dizziness, weakness;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • shortness of breath with the slightest exertion - for example, as a result of climbing stairs;
  • frequent headaches;
  • tachycardia;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • dry skin, mucous membranes.

If more than two of the listed signs are noted, it makes sense to take a blood test from a finger in order to determine possible anemia in time. A timely visit to the doctor will make it possible to quickly cope with the disease.

If this condition is not eliminated, then more serious health problems can result. Lack of hemoglobin leads to oxygen starvation of tissues and organs. This can cause metabolic disorders, as well as lead to malfunctions of the central nervous system.

Methods for increasing hemoglobin

If the reason for the decrease in hemoglobin in a child is iron deficiency, the approach to treating this condition should be comprehensive. The pediatrician will recommend changing the child's diet, as well as prescribing appropriate therapy. Consider the drugs that are usually prescribed for this diagnosis, and also tell you why it is worth revising the menu of a small patient.

Drugs prescribed for anemia

The most popular medicines for increasing hemoglobin are preparations containing iron, folic acid, vitamin B12, manganese, copper, and magnesium. Therapy is aimed not only at replenishing iron stores in the body. Taking medications contributes to the fact that the liver accumulates this microelement in sufficient volume. In this regard, the treatment is designed for at least three months, during which the liver has time to replenish its iron stores. The hemoglobin level can rise much earlier, which is not an indication for interrupting the course.

If treatment is required for an infant or child preschool age, preference is given to drugs that need to be taken orally, while tablets are not used. Often pediatricians prescribe Maltofer, Ferrum Lek, Aktiferrin, Hemofer. All of them are available in the form of syrup or drops. For older children, the doctor may prescribe a medicine in the form of chewable lozenges or tablets - Ferrum Lek, Tardiferon, Ferrogradum. They are well absorbed and approved for use by adolescents.

Preparations can be made on the basis of 2-valent or 3-valent iron. The former are recommended to be taken at least an hour before meals, since during the digestion of food, the absorption of such drugs worsens. The latter are allowed to be taken without taking into account the time of breakfast or lunch.

Quite often, with anemia in children, Maltofer is prescribed in chewable lozenges.

All of the above medicines do their job well. As a rule, after a month, the child's hemoglobin returns to normal (for more details, see the article:). In this regard, a re-analysis is recommended to be done no earlier than 30 days after the start of the course of treatment. If the therapy does not bring results, it is worth consulting with a pediatric hematologist - Dr. Komarovsky warns about this.

What parents should remember

Not always the diagnosis of "anemia" is made by a blood test, in which a low level of hemoglobin is detected (see also:). Sometimes such a test result is obtained due to incorrect sampling of material for analysis, or in the case when other factors took place. For example, if the analysis was given after breakfast, this protein in the blood will be reduced. Often the doctor asks for a second analysis, or recommends other studies. The diagnosis of "anemia" must be confirmed by a specialist, and the course of treatment is prescribed taking into account all associated symptoms and diseases. However, not all parents are ready to follow the doctor's recommendations exactly.

Low hemoglobin in society is not considered too serious a problem, so products such as hematogen are sometimes trusted to normalize it. It is believed that the bar, which includes bovine blood, will be able to correct the situation. Experts warn - this tool is not medicinal product and can only be used as an aid.

In addition to iron-containing drugs, a child may be prescribed a course of enzymes, as well as bacteria for the intestines. All this must be taken if there are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which can prevent the full absorption of iron preparations.

What should be the food?

How to raise hemoglobin levels with proper nutrition? In some cases, dietary revision may be the only treatment option. For example, special nutrition will help a child who does not have organic diseases, and hemoglobin is not lowered to a critical level. Here it is worth dividing the diet for children under one year old and for those who are older.

Diet will help if the level of hemoglobin is not critically low

Baby food

If the baby is on breastfeeding Mom needs to take care of her diet. The lack of hemoglobin in such a baby will gradually be replenished if his mother's diet contains foods that increase HGB, rich in iron, vitamins B6, B12, B9. For artificial children, the introduction of special iron-containing mixtures into the diet is provided. If the baby is 0-6 months old, the composition of the finished mixture of iron should be at least 3-8 mg / l, and children from six months are recommended to give a mixture with an iron content of 10-14 mg / l. Such mixtures are also prescribed for the prevention of anemia in twins, as well as premature babies.

Starting from six months, the child should receive iron-containing foods as complementary foods. It can be vegetable purees, cereals, juices, some fruits. For children with low hemoglobin, the first complementary foods are introduced, starting with foods rich in iron.

  • from vegetables it is recommended to try Brussels sprouts;
  • from cereals - buckwheat;
  • when the time comes to introduce meat, you can start with beef, turkey, rabbit;
  • as a drink, offer the baby a compote of dried fruits, as well as an infusion of wild rose.

Nutrition for children from 1 year old

The diet of the child should include not only foods rich in iron, vitamins. The baby's table should be varied. Here is a list of animal products that increase hemoglobin:

  • beef, pork, chicken liver (we recommend reading:);
  • meat of rabbit, turkey;
  • beef;

Beef dishes are an excellent source of iron
  • beef heart, tongue, kidneys;
  • chicken meat;
  • any fish, especially mackerel, carp;
  • black caviar;
  • egg yolk.

From the liver and offal, you can cook pates, serve meat in the form of meatballs, steam cutlets. Fish is best steamed or boiled. Plant foods can also replenish iron stores in the body. It is important that the child's menu contains dishes from our list:

  • seaweed;
  • porridge - buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • fruits - peaches, apples, pomegranates, apricots, bananas, pears, plums, persimmons, quince (we recommend reading:);
  • berries - gooseberries, black currants, strawberries, cherries, raspberries, cranberries, blueberries;
  • vegetables - carrots, potatoes, cauliflower, tomatoes, onions, greens;
  • beans - beans, peas, lentils.

Vegetables can be baked, boiled, served steamed. Fruits and berries can be eaten raw, or you can cook compotes, jelly, fruit drinks, jelly from them. Parents should remember that some foods do not contribute to the absorption of iron, so it is better to exclude them from the menu, or limit their consumption - soy, tea, coffee.

Steamed vegetables are great for a diet.

Folk ways to deal with anemia

During the treatment of anemia, you can use and folk ways fight against illness. However, we note that most of them are suitable for babies who are at least 2 years old, as well as those who are not prone to allergies. Recipes for remedies that you can prepare yourself:

  • Rosehip infusion with lemon and honey. It is necessary to pour a tablespoon of rose hips with a glass of boiling water and let them brew for 3 hours in a container that keeps the temperature well (in a thermos). Then strain, add a slice of lemon and 1 tsp. honey. Divide this portion into two doses - give the child a drink in the morning and in the evening.
  • Juice mix. You will need freshly squeezed juices of apple, carrot and beetroot in a ratio of 2:1:1. Drink once a day in a 200-gram glass. Before use, eat a tablespoon of sour cream.
  • Sweet mass. For this delicious medicine you will need 100 g of raisins, dried apricots, prunes, walnuts, lemon and a glass of honey. Everything except the last ingredient must be twisted in a meat grinder into a homogeneous mass, mixed with honey. This mixture must be given to the child in 1 tsp. twice a day. Keep it in the refrigerator.
  • A mixture of buckwheat and nuts. Dry buckwheat grain, nuts and honey in equal proportions. Grind buckwheat and nuts in a coffee grinder until fine crumbs, then mix with honey. Offer the resulting paste to the child 2 times a day for a teaspoon. It is believed that dark varieties of honey are most preferred for the treatment of anemia. It is in buckwheat honey that contains the maximum amount of trace elements that have a beneficial effect on the blood formula.

These methods are simple and effective. However, you need to understand that increasing hemoglobin in a child without consulting a specialist is a dangerous occupation. This problem may be deeper than it seems at first glance. A good doctor will make a diagnosis based on research and give recommendations for treating the baby. Folk methods should be considered as an auxiliary way to support hematopoiesis. Note that the best helpers in this situation will be a responsible approach to the problem, as well as complex treatment.

At a pediatrician's appointment after a general blood test, one often hears: "Your child has low hemoglobin." Mothers, especially those who experienced the phenomenon of low hemoglobin during pregnancy, are well aware that this is bad for the child, but not everyone knows the reasons that trigger the mechanism of this condition and, most importantly, what to do now, especially if the baby is on breastfeeding.

Hemoglobin and the norms of its content in the blood

Hemoglobin is a complex protein found in erythrocytes and containing bound iron, capable of reversibly retaining oxygen. Thanks to hemoglobin, the blood has a red color and gas exchange occurs in the body: the transfer of oxygen to the cells and the intake of carbon dioxide from them.

Therefore, with a low content of this complex protein, oxygen will not enter the body in sufficient quantities and the cells will begin to suffocate.

Norms of hemoglobin in the blood depending on the age of the child

As you can see, the highest levels of hemoglobin content are observed in children immediately after birth. It should be noted that hemoglobin itself in newborns is not the same as in adults, as it has an increased ability to bind and carry oxygen. However, it is less resistant to temperature and acidity of the environment. The hemoglobin of the fetus and newborns is called fetal hemoglobin. Over time, this type of hemoglobin changes to adult hemoglobin.

Important! A decrease in hemoglobin occurs most often simultaneously with a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood. In medicine, this condition of the body is called anemia, which is not a specific disease, but may be a sign of it or indicate a different pathological condition of the body.

However, the most common is anemia due to iron deficiency or iron deficiency anemia. Actually about it and will be discussed further.

Dr. Komarovsky talks about low hemoglobin in children

Causes of Low Hemoglobin Related to Iron Deficiency (Iron Deficiency Anemia)
In the neonatal period, the level of hemoglobin is closely related to the characteristics of the course of pregnancy and childbirth. Here is some of them.

  • mother's anemia during pregnancy;
  • premature birth;
  • early aging of the placenta;
  • premature or multiple pregnancy;
  • too early clamping of the umbilical cord.

In the future, the causes of low hemoglobin content in a healthy person at birth baby, as a rule, are due to the usefulness of his nutrition, as well as the nutrition of the mother of the baby who is breastfed. Nutritional value here, first of all, is understood as sufficient intake of iron, the lack of which leads to iron deficiency anemia.

Iron deficiency anemia of the newborn


  • skin, mucous membranes of the conjunctiva of the eyes are pale;
  • general lethargy, capriciousness, slight excitability;
  • sweating;
  • there is no appetite or it is reduced;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • the child does not tolerate physical activity;
  • dry skin;
  • painful cracks in the corners of the mouth;
  • fragility and hair loss;
  • dullness and brittle nails.

The diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia is finally confirmed by laboratory tests, which take into account such indicators as hemoglobin content, average hemoglobin concentration in the erythrocyte, average erythrocyte volume, iron content in blood serum, iron-binding capacity of blood serum, etc.

Prevention and treatment

Important! Proper nutrition mother and child - the main condition for maintaining a normal level of hemoglobin in the blood

All of the above measures will not help if iron deficiency in the body is high and has been observed for a long time. In this case, the pediatrician prescribes iron-containing preparations, which are taken based on the weight of the child. The optimal daily dose of iron is 2-4 mg/kg. Higher doses of iron are not absorbed by the body.

In young children, iron deficiency anemia leads to impaired absorption of vitamins and other microelements, therefore, vitamins are prescribed in addition to iron-containing preparations.

The first improvements in iron deficiency anemia are observed after 10-12 days of treatment prescribed by a pediatrician. However, treatment should continue after normalization of the hemoglobin level in the blood in order to ensure an adequate supply of iron. Another cause of low hemoglobin should be suspected if there is no improvement after four weeks of treatment.

As a prophylaxis, iron preparations are prescribed

  • premature babies (from 2 months);
  • children from multiple pregnancy;
  • children from pregnancy and childbirth with complications;
  • large children with a high increase in weight and height;
  • children with chronic and allergic diseases;
  • children after surgery.
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    Thank you very much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is very clear. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store.

    • Thanks to you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I wouldn't be motivated enough to dedicate much of my time to running this site. My brains are arranged like this: I like to dig deep, to systematize disparate data, to try something that no one has done before me, or did not look at it from such an angle. It is a pity that only our compatriots, because of the crisis in Russia, are by no means up to shopping on eBay. They buy on Aliexpress from China, since there are many times cheaper goods (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handicrafts and various ethnic goods.

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  • It's also nice that eBay's attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the vast majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR are not strong in knowledge of foreign languages. English is spoken by no more than 5% of the population. More among the youth. Therefore, at least the interface in Russian is a great help for online shopping on this trading platform. Ebey did not follow the path of the Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine-made (very clumsy and incomprehensible, in places causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage in the development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language into any will become a reality in a matter of fractions of a second. So far we have this (profile of one of the sellers on ebay with a Russian interface, but an English description):