How interesting it is to make assumptions based on a person’s appearance about what kind of person is in front of you: what kind of character, habits and abilities for this or that type of activity. It turns out that there is a whole science that proves the relationship between appearance people and their inner content. Her name is physiognomy. She studies individual features of a person’s appearance. Everything matters: size, shape, individual characteristics, for example, a dimple on the cheek. In this article we will talk about how you can characterize a person who has thin lips.

Thin lips - what is the meaning, according to physiognomy?

Lips are special zone on the face. They are the ones who participate in conversation, food, kisses. It is believed that their shape and size can say a lot not only about a person’s character, but also about his sensuality. How thin lips characterize their owners:

  1. If thin lips are accompanied by a small mouth, then, most likely, in front of you is a person who is slightly insecure and tense. He will feel uncomfortable in the company of unfamiliar people and is unlikely to have the courage to propose his own ideas at a business meeting. He is very concerned about how people around him perceive him.
  2. People who are meticulous, pedantic, attentive to detail, but often deliberately provoke conflicts, often have thin lips of medium length.
  3. Long lips are the companions of people with a talent for oratory, and to other areas of creativity. They also often have a passionate temperament, but try to restrain themselves so as not to arouse the disapproval of others.
  4. If the upper lip hangs slightly over the lower lip, then this may be a sign of timidity and shyness.
  5. If only the upper lip is thin, and the lower one is quite plump, then this is often a sign of people who are in an eternal search for love. They are gentle, reverent and faithful partners who know how to throw firewood into the fire of passion at the right time.
  6. Thin lower lip with a plump top, it may indicate that you have a slightly infantile personality in front of you who needs care and protection. Men with this sign often choose as wives women who are much older than themselves and who resemble their mothers in character. And women are looking for a wealthy patron who is older, so that they don’t have to deal with life’s difficulties.

Thin lips, shaped like a heart, can be a sign of a tendency to gossip, envy, selfishness, spoiledness and low intelligence.

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It has long been no secret that a person’s character can be determined not only by his words, but also by his gestures and even by his appearance. There is a separate science that studies facial expressions and features. For example, with its help, you can easily determine your character by your lips. Even their shape, size, bend and color can reveal many secrets to you. By carefully looking at these details, you can easily find the key to your interlocutor. In the article below you will find detailed guide How to determine character by lips. You can also find out what your lips say about your character.

What does lip size indicate?

Finding out character by lips is real. There are general characteristics, which apply to both men and women. One of them is the size of the mouth.

  • Large lips indicate increased sexual energy, independence and attractiveness of a person. Owners of this form are accustomed to taking everything from life. They are always the center of attention, have a strong character, and are strong-willed.

Women with full lips are able to choose a purposeful, strong-willed man for themselves. Despite their tendency to flirt and enjoy pleasure, such people become exemplary family men and caring parents.

  • Lips in a bow - an active, active, slightly frivolous character.
  • Thin lips can tell about the charm and sensuality of their owner. These people tend to show empathy and help others. They are characterized by isolation, independence and insight. Girls with small mouths live with dreams of princes from the covers of glossy magazines, so they often experience disappointment. Men are characterized by lack of independence and absent-mindedness. They prefer to turn a blind eye to problems in the hope that everything will be solved by itself.
  • The upper lip speaks more about the emotional personality. Men and women with this lip shape are prone to exaggeration and like to overdramatize the situation. These are bright personalities with high self-esteem, the soul of the party, and a spontaneous character. The upper lip is larger - a person is not used to sleeping in the face of difficulties; he achieves his goal in everything.
  • The lower lip is larger - the character is changeable, explosive. It is difficult for a person with a larger lower lip to sit in one place. They are filled with energy and a thirst for new acquaintances and adventures. These individuals do not follow generally accepted standards and have their own opinions on everything.
  • Determining the character of girls by their lips is very simple. Just pay attention to the bottom of her mouth. The protruding plump lower form speaks of her selfishness and problems in relationships with the opposite sex.
  • The corners of your lips will help you get to know your interlocutor better. The character is heavy and unsociable if they look down. Such a person does not agree with others and never takes part in teamwork. In women, this form indicates perseverance, hard work and isolation. Men with such downturned corners repel the gaze of others, unlike women whose lips turn down at the corners.

Varieties of lip shapes in women and men

Another feature that unites the character of men and women is the shape of the lips.

  • A sharp hollow on the upper lip speaks of a creative, romantic nature. Usually these are very talented musicians, poets or artists. These people have an excellent memory for names and faces. They are the first to know about everything and maintain warm relationships with all their friends.
  • There is a lip shape when the corners are raised up. People with such a smile are very kind and sympathetic. The raised corners of such lips always endear you and inspire confidence. And for good reason. They are friendly, open to new acquaintances, and sincerely enjoy life.
  • Individuals with a rounded cleavage are very sensitive to the problems of others. They are responsive, sentimental, and the interests of others are higher than their own desires. They will never refuse help.
  • A lip without a hollow reveals the most responsible people in the world. They are punctual, accustomed to doing everything on time, and deadlines do not frighten them at all. They will overcome any obstacles to achieve their goals or complete important assignments. Friends can always count on such a person.
  • Puppet lips belong to coquettes. These people love comfort and coziness. At first glance, they seem selfish and bitchy. But in reality, these are devoted friends who will always support and help, you just need to get to know them better. The golden mean is the key to success. They will never go to great lengths to achieve their goal, but they will not do anything to harm themselves.

Shape of female lips

There are also certain signs that characterize female and male characters differently. Various types and forms have already been listed earlier, but it is worth paying attention to the more pronounced details that relate only to the female or only to the male gender.

  • If the lower lip is larger than the upper lip, the girl's character is mysterious and romantic. She knows the impact she has on members of the opposite sex and keeps herself in tip-top shape.
  • A thin upper lip is the character of a leader. These women know how to prioritize and overcome obstacles. People with thin lips always get their way. A narrow upper lip or a thin upper lip - all this affects the character of a woman.
  • Plump lips betray a freedom-loving nature. These girls are used to taking everything from life, exactly at the moment when they want it. They value personal space very much.
  • Wide small lips indicate that this woman is a realist. For them, the main thing is confidence in the future and stability in everything.

A simple test will tell you about your character. Apply lipstick and make a kiss imprint on paper, then compare the result with the transcript below.

Shape of male lips

With experience, a person's character is determined by the shape of his lips at first sight. In men, facial features are clearly defined. A little practice and no problems will arise.

  • A large mouth with wide lips betrays the spontaneity and spontaneity of a man. He is always open to new acquaintances and hobbies.
  • If the lower lip is larger than the upper lip, the man’s character is leadership. This is the soul of the company, a self-confident, sociable personality.
  • A man's thin lips speak of a person as a leader or intellectual.
  • Men who strive for luxury have thick lips. They are used to not denying themselves anything and always getting what they want.

Comparison table

Lip shape



Full lips


Freedom loving

Tight lips



Big mouth



Small mouth



Upper lip is larger


Lower lips are bigger


– musculocutaneous folds bordering the oral cavity are insufficient in size and volume. Thin lips on the face look expressionless, unattractive, disharmonious, and are often asymmetrical. From the point of view of physiognomy, narrow and thin lips characterize their owner as an overly strict, evil, cunning, envious and selfish person. For these reasons, female owners thin lips strive to correct this annoying flaw in appearance by any means possible ways: with the help of decorative and permanent makeup, contour plastic surgery, lipofilling, cheiloplasty, etc.

General information

Depending on the thickness of the muscle layer, lips are divided into convex (swollen), thick, medium and thin. If the tissues of the lips (mainly muscle) are not developed enough, they speak of thin lips. The lips are formed by two skin-muscular folds surrounding the entrance to the oral cavity - upper and lower. The thickness of the lips is created by the orbicularis oris muscle, loose connective tissue, skin and mucous membrane. Depending on the thickness of the muscle layer, lips are divided into convex (swollen), thick, medium and thin. If the lip tissue (mainly muscle tissue) is not sufficiently developed, we speak of thin lips.

The orbicularis muscle, which forms the folds of the lips, is located around the mouth. The surface of the lips is covered inside and outside with mucous membrane. The border zone of transition of the mucous membrane into the skin is called the red border of the lips. The characteristic M-shaped relief of the upper lip is called Cupid's bow. Representatives of the Negroid race are endowed with the thickest lips. Caucasians are characterized by predominantly medium and thin lips. The shape and thickness of the lips also depends on individual and age characteristics: after 25 years, the volume of the lips gradually decreases.

Thin and small lips served as the ideal of the Middle Ages, but today the concept of lip beauty has undergone significant changes. Nowadays, full, luscious lips are a sign of youth, health and sensuality. It is these lips that attract representatives of the stronger half of humanity in women.

Problems with thin lips

Flat, thin lips that do not have sufficient volume are very inexpressive. The upper lip is often straight and does not have a Cupid's bow. Thin lips are usually from birth, however, for example, smoking significantly contributes to the loss of lip volume. The tissues that make up the lips lose volume and elasticity with age, causing the lips to become smaller and thinner.

With the existing thinning of the upper lip, it is practically not noticeable. Often, the presence of a thin upper lip is a consequence of treatment for a birth defect such as cleft lip. In this case, it is preferable to increase the volume of only one upper lip or lift it. Noticeable thinning of the lower lip is rare, and the lower lip is practically invisible. To correct a thin lower lip, lip augmentation is used.

Uneven (asymmetrical) development of the lips manifests itself in different sizes right and left sides of one lip. In these cases, a local augmentation of the part of the lip with missing volume is performed. The causes of uneven lips can be congenital characteristics, trauma to the lips with the formation of scars, and the consequences of treatment for cleft lip.

Methods for correcting thin lips

Cheiloplasty allows you to restore the missing volume, attractiveness and youth to thin lips. Despite the fact that cheiloplasty is considered a technically simple operation, when performing it, the surgeon needs a sense of proportion and beauty. The desired effect of cheiloplasty is to give the lips a natural shape and volume, harmoniously combining them with natural facial features.

The decision to choose a cheiloplasty method is determined by the patient’s expectations and the period during which it is necessary to maintain the result. The main methods for correcting thin lips are contouring and surgical plastic surgery.

If it is necessary to carry out serious correction of the volume and shape of the lips, a radical surgical method is resorted to. Surgical plastic surgery can be performed on patients of any age. The technical essence of the operation is as follows: the lip to be corrected is cut out small area skin, then the lip contour is corrected and the edges of the wound are sutured. The postoperative period may occur with minor painful sensations, the postoperative wound heals after 7-10 days and becomes almost invisible.

To correct age-related changes in the lips, the contour plastic method is more suitable. During the aging process, the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans, natural polymers that give and maintain elasticity and volume to the skin, decreases. Therefore, over the years, lips lose their elasticity and shape, and the skin around them becomes covered with a network of wrinkles. Contour plastic surgery is an injection technique for enlarging thin lips by introducing biopolymer gels, which include hyaluronic acid, which replaces glycosaminoglycans. Injections are performed under local anesthesia in the area of ​​the middle part of the lips and corners of the mouth. After introducing the composition, lightly massage the lips so that the gel is evenly distributed in the tissues.

As a rule, the lip contouring procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, and if accompanied by additional interventions, it can be performed in specialized hospital departments.

After contouring, swelling and sometimes hemorrhages remain on the lips for some time, since the blood supply to this area is very intense. There is also mild soreness and a feeling of skin tightness in the lip area. To speed up swelling and reduce pain in the first day after injections, it is recommended to periodically apply ice to the lips, and in the next 2-4 days - a light massage.

A variant of contouring is lip lipofilling, in which your own adipose tissue is injected into the lips.

The results of lip contouring are noticeable almost immediately after the procedure, but you can finally judge them after two weeks. Sometimes after 1-1.5 months a slight decrease in lip volume may occur due to the absorption of the liquid part from the gel into the tissue. If this leads to a change in the contour of the mouth, additional contouring is performed. The cosmetic effect after contouring of thin lips lasts 6-12 months, then the gel gradually dissolves and their lips return natural form, which requires repeated injections. After lip surgery, the results last almost a lifetime.

With any type of cheiloplasty, the risk of complications is extremely low – less than 1%. In a complicated course, inflammation of the sutures, thickening of the gel, allergic reactions which can be successfully eliminated with timely treatment.

A person’s character and some behavioral features can be determined by his face. It is believed that the face reflects three worlds: the forehead refers to the divine world, the nose and eyes reflect the physical world. The chin and mouth represent the material world of man.

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The mouth and lips are considered sensual facial features associated with love and eloquence. If a person has a thin and small mouth, this indicates a desire for precision and order. A small mouth “speaks” of a weak character, while people with an inner core have a large mouth. A strong character is reflected by proportional, regularly shaped lips. Plump lips of the correct shape are a sign of kindness, openness, cordiality, thin lips are a sign of selfishness, cruelty, sarcasm, cunning. People with thin lips are petty and scrupulous.

A sign of a good nature is a protruding upper lip. Pursed lips are a sign of selfishness. Thick lips speak of sensuality, laziness, gluttony and a tendency towards base instincts. The masculine principle is reflected by the upper lip, which is slightly larger in size than the lower lip.

Sensual and thin natures have lips that look like a flower bud.

Lips can have the following shapes: - full, wide, - full, small, - the upper lip is larger lower, - lower lip larger than the upper one, - narrow lips of a wide mouth, - narrow lips of a small mouth.

How to determine a woman's character by her lips

A woman with full, wide lips can be called gambling. If she liked something, she will strive to get it at any cost. Such women are usually relaxed and energetic, they do not hesitate to take initiative. Independence and freedom are very important to them; they respect personal space and expect the same from others. The man that such a woman chooses must be able to make important decisions and be a wonderful lover. “Mumbles” and “mama’s boys” are not her taste.

A woman with full but small lips is romantic by nature. Her emotions come first, not cold calculations. The life of such a woman consists of ups and downs. She can genuinely empathize with others and often acts as a vest to cry on, making her likable to many people. She tries not to delve into the essence of the problems, but simply turns a blind eye to them. The image of the ideal man in her head is created from illustrations in romance novels and glossy magazines. Often men make a big mistake, considering such women to be prudes who will unconditionally recognize their superiority and look into their mouths,

A woman with an upper lip larger than her lower lip loves to command. This is an integral personality who takes on a task thoroughly and brings it to its logical conclusion. Such a woman knows exactly what she wants. However, she takes active action if she is confident that she is right. She is infuriated by people who abandon their endeavors halfway through. She achieves success thanks to a combination of high self-esteem and vanity. Such a woman has complete set leadership qualities, she sets the tone in everything. The ideal man for her should be as ambitious as she is. For such an alliance to be long-term, both will have to learn to find compromises.

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A woman with a lower lip larger than her upper is a mysterious stranger. She is always the center of attention because she stands out from the crowd. Men often look after her with longing, and women throw angry, envious glances in her direction. Such a woman has an incredibly high need to feel her individuality, which is reflected in her manners and clothing style. The ideal man for her is completely special, unlike others.

The mysterious stranger always has many admirers, but she is more interested in those who did not succumb to her charms at first sight

A woman with narrow lips and a wide mouth is a realist. She stands firmly on her feet, loves to plan everything in advance, enjoying this process. The realist is practical and does not wear rose-colored glasses, even when she falls in love. Before throwing herself headlong into the pool, she will first feel the temperature of the water with her toe and evaluate the relief and depth of the bottom. The realist does not show her emotions in public and often gives the impression of a closed, cold and arrogant person. However, this is a mistaken impression. Such a woman likes stability and predictability in life. The man of her dreams does not require any ingenuity or sophistication in any area of ​​life, except for one quality - reliability.

A woman with narrow and small lips is an adventurer. Her reserve of optimism is enough for 3-4 ordinary women; any sea is knee-deep to her. She physically cannot sit in one place; she is not interested in standard projects. Such a woman constantly needs adrenaline, so she often gets into adventures. The adventurer is very confident in herself, so she takes on risky things that others refuse, so as not to spoil her reputation. Such a woman has a strong and strong-willed character, she is a real fighter, and therefore often scares off men. Not everyone can become her worthy companion, ideal man for her must have the same qualities that she herself possesses.

Lips are skin-muscular folds located around the mouth. This definition of the most sensual part of the face makes you feel a little uneasy, but from a physiological point of view, this is really so. It’s easy to guess that the less muscle tissue in the lips, the smaller they are and, in the opinion of many people, the more unattractive to the opposite sex. The fashion for plump lips has been going on for several decades., which means that millions of owners of thin lips are looking for ways to add volume to them. And, of course, they find plastic surgeons who radically change the shape of the lips using cheiloplasty, cosmetologists who practice contouring and lipofilling, as well as permanent makeup artists who improve the contour of the lips using tattooing techniques.

Thin lips, if they are symmetrical and in harmony with the rest of the facial features, are not a defect, but the same feature of a person as, for example, a snub nose or slanted eyes. By the way, in addition to thin lips, there are also thick and medium-full lips. Thick lips are typical for representatives of the Negroid race, while Europeans are more likely to have medium and thin lips. In addition to the amount of muscle tissue, the type of lips is determined by the characteristics of the orbicularis oris muscle, as well as the “looseness” of the connective tissue and mucous membrane covering the inside of the lips. The lips are a “border” zone between the mucous membrane and the skin, which is called the red border. By the way, the M-shaped bend of the upper lip is romantically called “Cupid’s bow.” Unfortunately, nature does not endow girls with plump lips for life, and after 25 years they slowly but surely decrease in size.

Causes of thin lips can be:

  • heredity;
  • national characteristics;
  • smoking;
  • underdevelopment of muscle tissue in the area of ​​the orbicularis oris muscle;
  • decrease in muscle volume with age.

How to understand that your lips are thin and need correction

Thin lips can be very attractive and look stylish, but this does not apply to “flat” (lack of volume and Cupid's bow) lips. Not only do they look inexpressive, but they also allow others to incorrectly judge a person’s character (angry, envious, harmful, and so on). If a girl has very thin lips, then as a rule, her the upper lip is so thin that it is almost invisible, but this almost never happens with the lower lip and it still has some volume.

Attention! A very thin upper lip remains after treatment of a cleft lip (a congenital defect of the oral cavity), in which case the difference in the volume of the upper and lower folds can be significant, as well as after treatment of lip injuries, especially those accompanied by scarring.

How to enlarge thin lips: cheiloplasty

A surgical technique that allows you to radically and permanently change the shape of lips that lack volume. This is not considered difficult, but its outcome largely depends on the surgeon’s sense of proportion and his desire to help the patient achieve a harmonious appearance, and not lips “like Jolie’s.” Cheiloplasty of thin lips is performed at any age; contraindications are common for any surgical intervention. The essence of the operation is the excision of areas of skin above the upper lip and under the lower lip; after applying sutures, a natural shift of the contours occurs up and down, thus the visible part, that is, the red border of the lips, becomes wider. Healing lasts up to 10 days, during which time swelling, hematomas and pain go away.

Contour plastic surgery: how to make thin lips plumper without surgery

Many girls with thin lips do not dare to plastic surgery and give preference to contour plastic surgery, that is, an injection method for changing the volume of the lips. This correction method is excellent for patients with age-related skin changes caused by a slowdown in the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans. These natural polymers maintain the elasticity of tissues, and when their deficiency occurs, the lips decrease in volume, and their surface and the adjacent skin become wrinkled.

A real breakthrough in cosmetology was the invention of biopolymer gels based on hyaluronic acid, a substance well known for its ability to attract and retain water. To add volume to thin lips, the drug is injected into the middle part of the lips and corners of the mouth., after which the cosmetologist easily massages the lips, achieving its even distribution. Next, the gel begins to “work”: once in the tissue, the molecules attract water molecules, as a result of which the lips increase in volume . Contour plastic surgery of thin lips is done on an outpatient basis, using local anesthesia. The procedure does not cause discomfort to patients, except for the appearance of bruises (rarely), as well as a feeling of fullness in the correction area. The mentioned phenomena disappear within a few days, and to speed up the process, experts recommend applying ice during the first day, and then massaging your lips every day, and doing this easily, without any effort.

The results of correction of thin lips are immediately noticeable due to tissue swelling, but only after two weeks will the lips acquire the desired shape, and it will be possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the procedure. Depending on the drug used, the result lasts from six months to a year, but sometimes after a month it is necessary to make a correction - this is due to the fact that part of the gel is absorbed into the muscle tissue. The hyaluronic fillers used have only one drawback (which is an advantage when compared with silicone gels!) - biodegradation. On the one hand, it’s good that the drug decomposes into carbon dioxide and water, but on the other hand, as soon as it completely decomposes, the lips will become thin again and only the next injection of the drug will bring them back to “normal”.

Video consultation: contouring of thin lips

Attention! Currently, for contour plastic surgery of thin lips, biodegradable drugs are used, that is, they are eliminated from the body over time, as well as the patient’s own fat (lipofilling of thin lips). But once popular silicone compounds are now almost never used due to their ability to migrate, that is, spontaneous movement from the injection zone.

How much does it cost to enlarge thin lips? Price of procedures in Moscow

Thin lips: photos before and after correction

Thin lips: this is interesting

Lips can tell a lot about a person's character. Thin lips in a man can be a sign of insecurity and tightness; If, moreover, he is the owner of a small mouth, then you should not count on his initiative in his personal life and at work. If a girl has thin lips of medium length, then most likely she is overly attentive to detail and her meticulousness often provokes conflicts. People who are passionate but able to control their emotions often have thin, long lips.. It turns out that a girl’s thin upper lip reveals a tender and reverent nature, also seeking love, while a thin lower lip in men is a sign of immaturity and irresponsibility.

A hundred years ago, thin lips were the standard of beauty., and their owners were credited with such qualities as honesty, peacefulness, shyness and good intentions.

Thin lips can look elegant and aristocratic, if you know a few secrets. First of all, you should abandon dark, two-tone and matte lipsticks and give preference to lipsticks and glosses in pastel shades, which should be applied carefully, trying not to go beyond the contour of the lips. A contour pencil will help to slightly expand the red border, but, firstly, it should match the color of the red border of the lips, secondly, the line should not be more than one or two millimeters from the natural contour of the lips, and thirdly, before applying lipstick, the contour pencil should be shaded.

Permanent makeup (tattooing) helps to achieve a visual enlargement of the mouth. The highlight technique is best suited for thin lips - the middle part of the lips is lightened and the corners are darkened, while the transition should be smooth - this determines whether the lips will take a natural and voluminous shape. The procedure is carried out in three stages: first, the master applies a contour using a special apparatus and a mineral or plant-based pigment, and then shades the colors over the course of two sessions - this technique is typical for 3D tattooing, which is popular today. Permanent makeup for thin lips lasts for more than two years, and sometimes this period increases to seven years - it all depends on the patient’s skin type, the quality of the materials used and the qualifications of the artist. The best effect can be achieved if, after applying the tattoo, you perform contouring and increase the volume of your lips using hyaluronic filler.

The lips contain a large number of blood vessels and this can be used to enhance thin lips. Many girls use special devices that improve blood circulation and revitalize the color of the lips for several hours and create a slight edema (swelling). Besides, a similar effect can be achieved by massaging the red border of the lips with a soft toothbrush. All described procedures must be done carefully, since the skin of the lips is very thin and can be easily damaged.

"Star" owners of thin lips

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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