Usually, the duck is prepared for a festive table, especially on New Year And christmas. Most prefers to cook stuffed duck, choosing a filling on their taste. However, the duck can not only bake, but also fry, stew, boil, cook for a couple. There are many excellent recipes dishes with duck bare or legs ...

But first, we will tell you how to choose a good duck:

Buy better duck meat type. She will have a gentle, tasty and soft meat. You can also buy a meat-type duck. The duck of the egg type for cooking is better not to use.

The best ducks for cooking are two-month ducks. By this time, their weight reaches two kilograms and more, and meat becomes gentle, soft and very tasty. At the same time there is no characteristic unpleasant dying smell.

The duck must be rehung and smooth, brilliant, but not sticky skin. Meat in the context should be saturated red.

10 secrets of cooking ducks

Cooking the duck is a bit more complicated than, for example, chicken, so we collected useful advice about how to make a duck right so that it turns out tender and tasty

1. Choose a duck weight from 2 to 2.5 kg - this is a guarantee that the bird is young.

2. During the cutting process, it is necessary to cut the ass in the duck so that there is no unpleasant odor.

3. So that the baked duck was more juicy and fragrant, it is better to use apples, oranges, mushrooms with rice, prunes for the filling.

4. The duck cooking time can be calculated about this: 40-45 minutes by 1 kg of weight + 25 minutes for shutting, temperature - 180 degrees. At a lower temperature, cooking time increases. That is, the baking of duck weighing 2 kg will require approximately 1 hour of 45 minutes.

5. If you have a frozen duck, you should defrost it in advance on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

6. Bake and fry the duck on the grille, on the contrary, in the cheat, in a pan, in foil, in the sleeve for baking. If you decide to bake the duck completely, it is best to use a sleeve or foil, cutting them 20 minutes before readiness so that the duck is smoothed.

7. If you bake the duck without foil and sleeves, be sure to water the duck out with fat throughout the cooking process.

8. In order for duck breast to do not dry, it should be quickly fused on a frying pan on medium or high heat.

9. There is another secret for novice owners: you can drown a little bit (20 minutes), cool and then cook according to the recipe, then it will definitely not be raw inside.

10.If you bought already a paired duck, then it is not necessary to fall. If not, it is recommended to fall a bird, especially if there are "hemp".

Best Recipes Duck Dishes

Duck stuffed with fruit


Young duck - 2-2.5 kg,

Apples - 300 g,

Pears - 300 g,

Plums - 300 g,

Sugar sand - 3 tbsp. spoons

Creamy oil - 3 tbsp. spoons

Cardamon - several grains

Carnation - 2-3 booth,

Juniper dry (berries) - 1 handy,

Dry basil - 1 tbsp. the spoon,

A mixture of peppers.


Duck, if necessary, be laid (burn out on an open fire, for example, on a gas burner), then soda the salt and a mixture of peppers inside and outside.

Remove bones from apples, pears and plums. Cut the fruit with medium-sized cubes. Add to fruit granulated sugar, confused cardamom, juniper, carnation, basil and mix - it will be a filling.

Fill in the inside of the duck with a prepared filling, squeeze the hole with a thread or secure toothpicks. Put the duck on the baking tray. Creamy oil melt and pour the duck them. Put the bird in the oven, heated to 180 degrees, by 1.5-2 hours. Do not forget to constantly water the duck outstanding fat.

Duck stuffed with sauer cabbage, in sleeve for baking


Duck young - 2-2.5 kg,

Sauer cabbage - 600 g,

Onion - 2-3 pcs.,

Duck's duck - 500 g,

Thick crushers out white bread - 1 cup,


Duck rinse, dry and tweezes remove the remains of feathers if necessary. Then cut a little fat from the duck.

Onions Cut on medium cubes and remove on melted duck fat to a soft condition. Add a sauer cabbage and exacerbate it with a bow about 20 minutes. Save, pepper and separately remove the ducks cut apart and separately.

Connect ready-made guts, crackers and a cabbage with onions, mix and puff the resulting duck filling. Crerate a cut with toothpicks or squeeze threads. Place the puffed duck in the sleeve for baking and cook in the oven at 160-180 degrees for 2.5-3 hours.

Duck breasts with orange sauce


Duck breasts - 2 pcs.,

Oranges - 2-3 pcs.,

Honey - 2 tbsp. spoons

Cinnamon - 2 chips,

Balsamic vinegar - 1 h. Spoon,

Creamy oil - 20 g,

A mixture of peppers.


Breasts rinse, dry, lay out the skin upside down. Make on the infants diagonally first in one direction, then to another. Spare breasts and pepper.

Put the breasts on a well-heated frying pan of the skin down and cook on medium fire for about 8-10 minutes, then turn the breast and prepare for another 3-5 minutes. Ready breasts put on a foil sheet and wrap. Then you need to give them a little "relax".

At this time, out of oranges, squeeze the juice, pour fat from the frying pan and put it on a strong fire again. Pour orange juice in the pan, honey, balsamic vinegar, cinnamon, add some salt and pepper. Warm everything on a strong fire until the volume is halved. Add creamy oil, mix and remove the sauce from the fire.

Duck breasts Cut the male to slices with a thickness of 3-5 cm, lay out on the dish and pour the sauce.

Ragu from duck


Duck young - 2 kg,

Carrot - 2 pcs.,

Parsley root - 1 pc.,

Onion - 2 pcs.,

Potatoes - 600 g,

Tomatoes B. own juice without skin (crushed) - 400 g,

Wheat flour - 1 tbsp. the spoon,

Greens of dill and parsley - 1 bundle,

Bay leaf - 2 pcs.,


Duck, if necessary, be soldered, then rinse, cut into small pieces, spray and pepper. Cut the pieces of duck in the flour, fry on a dry pan from two sides of minutes to 5. Put the slices of ducks in a skeleton or crazy. Add a small amount of juice from tomatoes and extinguish 25-30 minutes.

Potatoes, carrots, parsley root, onion Clean. All, except potatoes, cut finely. Potatoes need to cut down her slices and salt.

Grid carrots, parsley root, onions slightly fry on the same frying pan where the duck was fried. Add roasted vegetables, potatoes, bay leaf And tomatoes for duck and extinguish under the lid until readiness. Serve with chopped greens.

Sauce with duck for pasta


Duck breast - 2 pcs.,

Onion - 2 pcs.,

Garlic - 4 teeth,

Celery stalks - 4 pcs.,

Tomatoes without skin in their own juice (crushed) - 400 g,

To taste - 1 bundle,

Frying oil

Finished paste.


Young duck breast without fat, cut the medium-sized cubes. Fry on hot frying pan With oil on medium fire for 10 minutes, periodically stirring. Then you need to lay out the duck breast into the scenery, salt, pepper and mix, cover with a lid and leave for some minutes at 20-30.

Onions need to be cleaned and chopped, clean and crushed garlic. Celery and greens crush. In the pan, where the duck cram, lay out chopped onions, garlic and celery stems. Prepare them in a frying pan before a soft state. Then put tomatoes in the pan, duck breast, add greens, mix, bring to a boil. Make the fire less and cook for another 5 minutes. At this stage you can escape and pepper.

In the finished sauce, lay out a hot paste and mix.

It should not be confused by a duck with Gusen, differs from the goose, primarily the sizes, the duck is much less goose, the duck meat is lighter than the goose and not so hard. Before proceeding with the preparation of dishes from a duck, you must remember that the duck waterfowl is a poultry, so its meat has a specific smell. From the ducks are not prepared first dishes, and if they prepare, then only filling soups or soup. In addition, the duck has a big layer subcutaneous fat, so the duck is more often fried and extinguished than drunk. With frying, the duck loses part of the fat, the skin becomes crispy and tasty. But so that the duck succeeds with juicy and soft, it is preparing entirely and no need to move. The mother's home duck is preparing one hour. This time is enough so that the meat of the duck remains juicy, but it became soft.

Old ducks are better to stew with potatoes or rice. Young ducks can be stuffing and cooking on the ovens or in the sleeve for baking. If the duck is cooking in the oven on the knife, it will have a roastful crust, brown, if you cook the sleeve in the sleeve or foil it will turn out more parenchy, rather than fried, but very juicy and soft. But in order to give a duck brown before cooking in a sleeve or foil, it must be sprinkled with sugar powder. Then the duck in the sleeve will get juicy and with a brown crust, like fried. How to prepare the duck case of taste.

Duck preparation recipes.

Carbus duck prepare, wash, dry, graze salt and pepper inside and outside. Clear potatoes, cut and slightly fry on the oil, with a largely chopped onion, salted. Potatoes stack the duck. Incision stew sew , Tie the legs, the wings come down to the carp. Put the duck in the gooseman or bastard with sides on the back, pour 0.5 glasses of water.

Put a duck in the oven and fry 1.0-1.5 hours watered by the resulting juice. Put the cooked juicy duck on the dish, remove the threads, get potatoes and lay out around the edges. Then the duck cut into pieces.

Special delicacy is fried duck breast under sweet sauce. To do this, it is necessary to cut the duck breast from the carcass, graze her salt and pepper. Fry on the oil in a pan, roasting from all sides to a golden color, then cover the lid and bring to readiness on slow fire. Breast can be baked in the oven, watering it by the resulting juice. Cooked with duck breasts to cut into thin slices along with juicy skin and pour a plum or black-core sauce. Sauce can be used ready, but you can cook yourself. To prepare sauce to duck breast, you need to take 2 tbsp. Spoons of table vinegar, 0.5 cup of plum or cherry jam. In the oil, which fried the breast, stir the jam and add vinegar, cook, stirring, so that the sauce thickened, 5-6 minutes.

To prepare a duck with honey, you need to take fresh liquid honey, salt, pepper and duck carcass. Duck cooked with honey juicy and soft, honey will give the duck specific taste and aroma. Duck carcass prepare, then quiet it boiling water or lower the carcass in boiling water for a few seconds. Then to dry and rub the mixture of salt and pepper only from the inside.

In a glass of warm water dissolve two spoons of honey and thoroughly lubricate the duck outside. It is impregnated, then brushing the duck with honey. Then lay out a duck on the bastard on the back, tie legs and wings. Bake the duck carcass entirely in the oven, 50-60 minutes and periodically lubricate with honey syrup until the syrup in the glass will end.

Shortly before readiness, duck to lubricate with non-diluted with liquid honey and withstand another 10-15 minutes in the oven. Serve with potatoes and vegetables.

Duck with oranges in the oven.

To wash the duck, rub the salt. From one oranges to squeeze juice and grasp the juice outside and inside. Two cloves of garlic clean and cut, put inside the duck. One orange cut into four parts and also put in a duck. Slide the cut by wooden chopsticks. Put the duck on the baking sheet and put in the oven, for an hour. Bake, watering by the separated juice. At the end of the baking, the duck take out and decompose the slices of fresh orange around it. Continue to bake. Serve duck on a large dish, posing near oranges and decorating the greens.

For cooking take antonovskaya apples Or other winter varieties. Clear apples from the core and cut into large slices. Duck prepare, grasp salt and fill with apples. Slit sew or stab. Put a carcass on the bastard on the back, decompose whole apples and bake In the oven until readiness. Water out apple juicy and fat. When feeding threads, remove the duck to the dish and decompose apples near it, sprinkle with sugar.

Tasty and simple duck preparation recipes (fried, stewed or baked) are available in all culinary traditions of the world. In each country, there are features and rules for the preparation of ducks entirely, but the Chinese especially succeeded in this: the famous duck in Beijing, grated with honey and served on a table with a juicy loaf, green sauce and tangerine pellets, considered best way Cooking ducks for Christmas and New Year.

Basics of proper cooking dishes from duck in the oven

Ducks can be baked with a whole carcass, cook with pieces or stuffing, but the most delicious is considered a duck with a filling, a variety of variations of which make it possible to receive a new dish every time. Most popular stuffing stuffed duck - sour-sweet apples, sauerkraut, died lingonberry, boiled potatoes, rice or buckwheat with mushrooms and vegetables, pasta, legumes, fruits, dried fruits and nuts.

Before preparing a duck at home, it is necessary to wash it well, to dry, pick up or grasp salt, spices, garlic outside and inside, and then two-thirds fill the filling. Then it is necessary to sew edges with a thread, to deceive the duck with vegetable oil and send it into the oven in a grazing or on the contrary to high sides.

The most important thing in the preparation of baked duck is to achieve softness, juits and saturated taste. To do this, it is necessary to calculate the exact time of preparation of duck in the oven, taking 45 minutes per kilogram of duck meat from the moment of full heating of the oven, not forgetting to turn on 25 minutes to shut the carcass.

To prepare a duck with pieces in the oven, it takes up to 90 minutes - it all depends on the size of pieces and the initial softness of meat. The finished bird is served with different samples, with spicy sauces, greens, acidic snacks and dry red wine.

Duck and game: Cooking recipes and their differences

Preparation of duck in Beijing differs from traditional recipes The fact that the carcass are hung with steep boiling water, then rubbed garlic and spices, sit on the jar and placed in a refrigerator for 12 hours in a deep plate, as juice will be distinguished from the bird. The preparation of the Beijing duck is not usually a great difficulty, since it is baked in foil for an hour, after which it is cooked with a mixture of ginger, sesame oil, soy sauce and pepper and again for half an hour goes into the oven. The coating temperature of the duck in the oven at the first stage must be installed at 200 ° C, and at the second stage - by 250 ° C. After readiness, the duck is lubricated with honey sauce and served on the table.

Preparation of stewed duck, sliced \u200b\u200binto pieces, assumes pre-roasting meat with bow and vegetables. In the process of roasting from the bird, the juice is distinguished in which the duck is stewed within an hour with a periodic addition of water or wine. If desired, you can add a dish vegetables, mushrooms and dried fruits.

Cooking ducks in a pan begins with marination - a carcass rubbing salt, pepper and deceive by mayonnaise, and after half an hour, the bird sliced \u200b\u200bon the portion slices is roasted from two sides on a hot frying pan, and then poured with water and stew to readiness with spices and vegetables. The whole duck is also roasting.

Cooking a duck in a sleeve or foil passes along the usual scenario with one difference - the duck laid into the sleeve or wrap in foil, and then sent to the oven. The meat can be chosen by potatoes and other vegetables, and lubricate a mix of honey, oil and garlic with a mixture. In the foil, the duck is riveted usually within an hour, and in the sleeve - 90-100 minutes with a baked temperature of 180 ° C.

Methods of cooking wild ducks are slightly different from traditional recipes. culinary processing Poultry. The fact is that the diot meat is harsh, so it needs more time for baking or quenching. It is best to cook a wild duck with pieces so that she properly passed on, however, game has one feature - its meat seems not roasted, although in fact the duck can be ready. The spicy taste of game can be highlighted by roots and herbs, and from a specific smell of fish characteristic of wild ducks, you can get rid of it, picking it in spices.

A few more secrets of cooking ducks

  • Before drinking the ducks, do not forget to cut off the ass to deliver the dish from the unpleasant smell.
  • To obtain juicy meat, it is better to use juicy fruits and berries as a filling - apples, oranges, prunes, cranberries and lingonberries.
  • If you cook the duck in a foil or sleeve, do not forget to remove them 20 minutes before readiness so that the bird is twisted.
  • Periodically, deliver a duck out of the oven and water it with fat, which is inserted in the process of baking.
  • Cooking ducks in a slow cooker is considered to be simpler and fast, in addition, this method of baking, extinguishing or roasting allows you to save everything as much as possible. beneficial features Meat, and at the same time it remains amazing soft, gentle and juicy.
  • In order for duck breast, it was not overwhelmed, it should be fried very quickly from two sides on the maximum fire.
  • Experienced hostesses boil the duck for 20 minutes, and then prepare her prescription - thanks to this tricks, the duck will never be raw.
  • Cooking ducks in cheat and cauldron from ceramics, tempered glass and cast iron makes the bird gently, tasty and fragrant.

Properly cooked duck meat is usually pink and without blood, with a gentle taste and pleasant aroma. People sitting on a diet are afraid to turn on the duck in the diet - and completely in vain. You can get tired by this dish and adherents healthy nutritionIf they buy a less fatty bird, start a carcass on dietetic fillings and take the skin before use. Duck is a great dish not only for holidays, but also for every day, but she is combined with all the products, so you will not have problems with side dishes.

How to bake duck with apples in the oven

Duck - 1 bird weighing 2-2.3 kilograms
Apples (solid sour grade) - Polkulo (5 pieces)
Oranges - 2 pieces
Garlic - 7 teeth
Vegetable oil (preferably olive) - 4 tablespoons
Soy sauce - 3 tablespoons
Honey - 3 tablespoons
Spices: Basil, Carnation, Majorane, Fennel, Cardamom - 1 teaspoon
Salt, pepper - to taste

Preparation of products
1. 3 garlic teeth clean and skip through garlic press, lay out in a bowl and mix with salt and spices; Pour 2 tablespoons of oil and squeeze 1 orange juice (bones pre-removed).
2. Duck disintegrate, wash and cut duckly (not throwing away), cut off the upper phalanges of the wings and a ruin, remove feathers with a tweezers, cut excess fat; Seeing the duck, wipes with paper towels.
3. Separate the skin from meat without removing and without cutting it.
4. Obtain a mixture of spices and oils duck outside, under the skin and from the inside, lay out in a plastic bag and leave in the refrigerator for 5-8 hours, you can at night.
5. Prepare a filling for a duck: Duck groats rinse and finely cut, 4 garlic to clean and clear it thin, clean the apples and cut into cubes with a side of 1 centimeter.
6. Start duck with apples, groans and garlic.
7. Surrive the abdomen and the neck of the duck thread (or grind up toothpicks, and then tighten with them with a thread) and put it marinated for 3-4 hours in the refrigerator. Wings and legs press to the stew and tie.
8. Mix soy sauce and honey.
9. Oranges, not clean, cut into circles.
10. Remove toothpicks and threads, put the duck on the dish and decorate with vegetables and greens.

Baking in the oven
Dish for baking (baking or crayon) to store foil. Separately on the foil, lay out oranges and lay the duck on the back, top above the remaining oranges, firmly wrap in 2-4 layers of foil. Watch the duck in foil should be carefully in order to avoid the leakage of the duck juice and, as a result, dry baked ducks.
Preheat oven to 180 degrees for 10 minutes. Put a baking sheet with a duck in the oven and bake 1.5 hours.
Expand Foil, the upper oranges to remove in the side, lubricate the duck with a honey mixed with soy sauce, and bake duck at a temperature of 200 degrees in open video Another 20 minutes, every 10 minutes watering the duck with the seeding juice.

How to cook duck. How to make delicious rattles.

Dish dishes are undeservedly rarely appear in the everyday menu, more often it is prepared for a festive table. Many people neglect this bird, afraid of her specific smell and a complex formulation, besides, a duck is not a frequent guest on the shop shelves. However, those cooked in compliance with all the rules of duck meat are always tasty, exquisite and useful. Knowing how to make a duck properly, you can easily conquer relatives and guests with unusual dishes from duck meat, which they will probably try for the first time.

Pros and cons of duck dishes

Like all products, duck meat has its advantages and disadvantages. Consider their details.

Advantages of ducky:

  • this is a source of high-quality protein, amino acids, useful substances and vitamins;
  • positively affects the work of the thyroid gland, strengthens immunity and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • such parts of the duck carcass, like breast and leg without skin, are recommended for use in various wellness diets;
  • despite the fact that duck fat has high calorieness, it is much more useful cream oil or beef fat from the point of view of nutrition. Omega-3 Fats, which are contained in the skin of the duck, are needed by the body for normal operation of the heart and brain.


  • this meat is rather calorie and has very high fatty, so it is not recommended to use overweight people;
  • the duck meat consists of hard fibers and is hardly absorbed, so you can use it to people who do not have problems with the stomach and digestive system;
  • duck fat is a cholesterol source, which is needed by the body in very small doses.

Duck in cooking

IN different countries Mira duck traditionally prepared on Easter and Christmas. Gentle and delicate duck meat is quite difficult to prepare, but there are recipes with which it is easy to cope at home.

The most popular recipe is a baked duck. It is usually stuffed with different fillings: buckwheat, rice, mushrooms, apples and oranges. Be sure to serve such a duck with sauce: cranberry, brushing or orange. For the casual menu, perfectly bake duck legs Or breast with vegetables, fruits and fragrant herbs.

With the right technique of cooking fat, which is distinguished from the duck, impresses the side dish, which is obtained juicy and delicious.

Very popular duck in Chinese cuisine. Everyone heard about such a recipe like a duck in Peking. Also in the Middle Kingdom prepare soup from duck, warm salad with duck breast, duck under various sauces.

Fried duck perfectly combined with cabbage, carrots and potatoes. And if you add a little dry wine in the process of cooking, you can make the taste of dishes a little piquant.

Delicious and sophisticated salads with duck meat, in which fruits, for example, a pear and pineapples, lettuce leaves, arugula, oranges, mushrooms, raspberries and rice are added. Refuel balsamic vinegar, olive oil or mustard gas stamp.

For the everyday menu, soups or broths are often prepared.

On duck broth you can cook borsch and other first dishes. But they will be much greasy than cooked on chicken broth, besides, the duck meat is preparing longer.

The most popular look of cold snacks is duck pate, a delicious dish that can be cooked at home. Here is his "basic" recipe:

  1. Duck boil about 50 minutes in water without spices.
  2. The cooled meat scroll into the meat grinder twice.
  3. Add 100 grams of sludge (0.5 kg of ducks) and fried onion on a vegetable oil. All mix until air mass.
  4. Season with salt, pepper and orange juice (2 spoons).

Very exquisite and nutritious dish!

Methods of cooking duck

The main methods of cooking ducks are no different from the methods of cooking another bird. It:

  • baking entirely or slices in the oven, aerogrile, cheat, foil or sleeve;
  • quenching, frying on the stove, in a pan, cauldron, multicooker;
  • preparation of soups, broths.

In the oven

When baking, the whole duck rubbed fragrant spices, as a rule, use thyme, garlic, basil and cumin. Some love to handle carcass mayonnaise, but the bird and so fat, therefore it is better to use honey that will help get a crispy fragrant crust.

A carcass must be pierced in the places of the largest fat cluster for a fork or a knife.

A duck from 2 to 3 hours is preparing, at the beginning of cooking the temperature is set 250 degrees, after 20 minutes it decreases to 180. When cooking is better used to use a duck, deep pan and foil.

On the stove

On the stove usually do not prepare the duck completely, it is necessary to separate about 100 grams weighing into pieces weighing. Rubbing them with spices and fry on butter, You can simply for fat.

There are some more oil with flour and extinguish until soft in its own juice or with a small addition of water and wine. Served with greens, potatoes and vegetables.

Preparation of ducks and other ingredients for cooking

If you properly prepare a duck, then it will turn out to be tender, without a characteristic specific smell.

  1. The whole duck to remove the gurts, scream and clean the rest of the feathers, fall over fire. Be sure to remove fat near the tail and the abdomen, this is the main source of unpleasant odor, and it needs to get rid of it.
  2. A frozen duck cannot be defrosting in water and a microwave oven, for this use the lower shelf of the refrigerator, otherwise the meat will be dry.
  3. The separated duck should be gratened with spices and it is desirable to leave in this form for several hours or all night.
  4. To accelerate the cooking process, the duck can be pre-chopped or soaked in water about 12 hours. Marinate at least 4 hours, then marinade will give me a spicy taste and aroma. Suitable marinades:
    • citrus, out of oranges and lemons, olive oil, salt and pepper oil;
    • spicy, garlic, pepper, vegetable oil and paprika;
    • mustard.
  5. Vinegar for marinade does not use not to cut the poultry meat.

Secrets of cooking duck

To ensure that the duck is guaranteed to be soft and fragrant, tender and juicy, you need to know some subtleties of cooking this capricious bird.

  1. Correct duck selection. It is necessary to choose a young bird, with a rich red meat, odorless and with shiny solid leather.
  2. For the preparation of a whole carcass, the time is calculated based on the calculation of 45 minutes per 1 kg of meat plus 25 minutes to shut down.
  3. Cooking with pieces will take about 90 minutes.
  4. Serve duck with red dry wine, berry sauce and a large amount of greenery.
  5. Wild duck is preparing longer than home.
  6. Be sure to cut off the ass and the bottom of the abdomen.
  7. To get juicy meat, start a carcass preferably juicy fruits and vegetables.
  8. If the sleeve or foil is used, they need to be removed 25 minutes before readiness so that the crisp crisp is.
  9. Water duck fat during the cooking process every 15-20 minutes.
  10. In order not to overheat the breast, you first need to quickly fry it on a strong heat, and then put out in our own juice.
  11. To ensure that the duck is guaranteed, it is raw, it is boiled over before baking for 20 minutes.
  12. The finished meat has a pleasant pink color in the cut, without blood and with a barely malicious aroma.

Gentle and juicy duck in the oven can prepare different ways. It can be baked entirely in foil or prepare only the breast, hips or bird wings in the sleeve, crazy. Soft duck meat is well combined with potatoes and other heads. But it can also be baked with apples or oranges. We picked up the most unusual recipes for the preparation of duck meat with honey, spices, vegetables. Among the simple instructions with step-by-step photos and the hostess video will be able to easily find the appropriate version of cooking in the oven stew or stuffed duck.

How to pick up a duck for baking in the oven so that it is soft and juicy - photo recipe

Properly cooked marinade - guarantee of cooking appetizing and fragrant clarification. Quickly and just pick up the poultry meat will help add apples, the simplest spices. We just need to place them with a carcass package or shifting immediately into the sleeve. The next recipe step by step will tell how to pick up a duck for baking in the oven so that it is soft, juicy and very tasty.

Ingredients for marinating soft and juicy duck before baking in the oven

  • duck whole (chopped) - 1 pc.;
  • lemon - 1/4 pcs.;
  • juniper berries - 8 pcs.;
  • black peas - 1 tsp;
  • bay sheet - 2 pcs.;
  • parsley - 3-4 twigs;
  • salt - 1/2 C.L.;
  • garlic - 1 teeth;
  • ground pepper - 1/2 C.L.

Photo recipe for marinations and baking of soft duck meat in the oven

  • Prepare ingredients for work.
  • Watch the duck pepper and salt. Put all other ingredients inside the carcass and leave half an hour in a package or sleeve, a food film for marination. Then shift into the shape, cover the foil and put into the oven, heated to 180 degrees, for 1 hour.
  • Fat pour out and strain. Turn the carcass and pour it with fat, put in the oven for 50 minutes. Re-flip over and pour apart. Foil to remove.
  • Heat the oven to 205 degrees and bake duck for 15 minutes without foil.
  • Original marinade for duck whole with honey and mustard at night - simple recipe with photos

    Marinades with simple ingredients allow you to give dumping meat special softness and spice. The most interesting can be considered marinade for ducks from honey and mustard, allowing me to make meat more gentle. We picked up a very simple recipe, which will tell, as you can pick up the duck before baking the entire sleeve or foil.

    Ingredients for marination Ducks at night with honey and mustard

    • duck whole - 1 pc.;
    • honey - 1/4 tbsp.;
    • orange juice - 4 ch. l.;
    • soy sauce - 1 tsp;
    • ready mustard - 0.5 ch. l.;
    • salt is a pinch.

    Photo recipe for marinations for the night and simple baked duck with mustard and honey

  • Prepare marinade from mustard, honey, salt. Make cuts on a carcass, to deceive the carcass marinade and put in the bag, sleeve. Remove the refrigerator overnight (at least 6 hours).
  • Put in the form with a grid, cover the foil. Put in the oven, heated to 140 degrees, for 1 hour.
  • Turn over and leave another 1 hour.
  • Heat orange juice and soy sauce. Add spices to taste. To pour a carcass to refueling and send to the oven for another 4 hours, covering the foil.
  • Every hour you need to turn the carcass and water fat.
  • Ready meat will be after the formation of caramel crust.
  • How to prepare a soft and juicy duck in the oven with apples - a recipe with step-by-step photos

    The fragrant baked duck can be prepared as a whole and separate pieces. We recommend to prepare an unusual duck breast. Using the next recipe, the duck is prepared in the oven after pre-roasting and is served with apples to caramel. Such a masterpiece is preparing at home very simple. Optionally, it is possible to bake meat in a sleeve or foil.

    Ingredients for cooking juicy and very soft duck with apples in the oven

    • duck breast - 2 pcs.;
    • leek-shallot - 4 pcs.;
    • red semi-sweet wine - 300 ml;
    • apples - 4 pcs.;
    • sugar (preferably brown) - 2 tbsp.;
    • salt, pepper - pinch.

    Recipe with photo of cooking soft duck meat in the oven with apples

  • Leek-shallot clean and cut.
  • Fry onion in oil before the appearance of a golden crust. Then pour wine, add a pinch of salt. Tomber onions about 5 minutes.
  • On duck breast make cuts, to deceive her salt and pepper.
  • Fry duck breast on one side.
  • Turn the breast and fry on the other side.
  • Apples wash, clean from peel and seeds. Cut apples with large cubes and shift in the pan. Add sugar and 2 tbsp apples Duck fat.
  • Tomber apples before the formation of caramel crust.
  • Duck meat cut into slices and lay out in foil (or sleeve). Bake in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees 20 minutes. Then deploy foil and cook meat for another 10 minutes. Before serving, put meat over the apples.
  • Appetizing duck with potatoes in the oven at home - step-by-step recipe with photos

    Usually duck meat ropped with potatoes in sleeve or foil. But we decided to offer the hostesses step-by-step recipein which the duck is baked with potatoes in the oven in the usual form. Simple instructions will tell how to properly prepare a bird, how much to bake the duck entirely to complete readiness.

    List of ingredients for cooking in the oven appetizing clarification with potatoes

    • duck whole - 1 pc.;
    • potatoes - 6 pcs.;
    • onions - 2 pcs.;
    • bacon - 150 g;
    • salt, pepper - to taste.

    Photo recipe for cooking appetizing duck meat in the oven with potatoes

  • Potatoes clean and cut into large pieces. Bacon cut into cubes. Form or cheat pour 1 tbsp. Oils, then lay out potatoes and bacon.
  • Onions clean and cut into large pieces, shifting in the shape of the shining foil.
  • Carcass to beat for a fork, to deceive salt and pepper, lay out on vegetables. Put in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees by 1.5 hours. It is not necessary to cover the foil. Periodically water the released fat. After cooking, leave for another 15 minutes in the oven in the "Grill" mode.
  • How to prepare a juicy duck in the oven in the sleeve with apples - a simple video recipe

    Use the sleeves for cooking main dishes is the right solution. With it, you can quickly and easily make the original yoke. At the same time, thanks to the hostess's sleeve, it is not necessary to spend time for a long cleaning of the shape or crazy. After use, the sleeve can simply be thrown away, and the shape wipe with a sponge. More details to learn about how to cook in the oven in the sleeve with apples, you can in the recipe selected.

    Video prescription cooking in the oven duck meat with apples in sleeve

    The next video recipe excellently shows all the advantages of cooking the main dishes in the sleeve. After all, it allows you to quickly and easily create a real culinary masterpiece. At the same time, it is possible to use the sleeve for marination, and for baking meat. It is only necessary to accurately follow the instructions of the author and its advice. Then the cooked duck meat in the sleeve will be delicious and appetizing.

    Soft and very juicy duck in a foil or sleeve in the oven - step-by-step recipe with photos

    Pretty duck carcass entirely in foil or sleeve is quite simple. With such a bokeh, it is possible to make it not only juicy and soft, but also ruddy. We chose a step-by-step recipe with a photo will help the hostesses to cook the duck in the foil in the oven easily and simply.

    Ingredients for cooking juicy and soft dumping carcass in the oven in foil or sleeve

    • young duck whole - 1 pc.;
    • soy sauce - 1.5 tbsp.;
    • water - 1 tbsp.;
    • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
    • white dry wine - 1/2 art.;
    • garlic - 2 teeth;
    • green onions - 3-4 twigs.

    Step-by-step photo recipe for baking in the oven in the foil soft and juicy clarification

  • Prepare to work duck.
  • Mix wine, soy sauce, sugar and water. Bring to a boil and reduce fire. Then add onion feathers and tomorrow about 5 minutes.
  • Duck carcass put in a bowler with sauce. Water hot sauce for 10 minutes.
  • In cheat or shape lay a foil sheet. Top putting bird and pouring sauce. Wrap a foil, mark the shape in the oven, warmed up to 180 degrees, for 40 minutes.
  • Expand foil and cook a carcass 10-15 minutes before the appearance of a golden crust.
  • How to bake a duck with apples in the oven, so that there is a juicy - a simple photo recipe

    Bake duck meat with apples can be sleeve, foil or simple form. But to obtain an original dish, you need to pay special attention to used apples. Acid varieties need to be complemented with honey and sugar. Sweet apples are harmoniously combined with lemon juice and spices. We suggest familiarizing with simple recipewhich will tell in detail how to bake the duck in the oven together with acid apples so that it is juicy and soft.

    Ingredients for cooking soft and juicy duck whole in the oven with apples

    • apples - 4-5 pieces;
    • duck whole - 1 pc.;
    • cinnamon - 1/4 ch. l.;
    • honey - 1/2 C.L.;
    • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
    • cognac - 2 tbsp.;
    • carrots - 2-3 pieces;
    • onions - 2 pcs.;
    • dried greens - 1 tsp;
    • beets - 1 pc.;
    • spices - to taste.

    Simple recipe with photos of baking whole juicy and soft duck with apples in the oven

  • Clear apples from seeds and peel, cut into large cubes. Sprinkle with cinnamon apples, pour cognac and mix. Sprinkle apples dried greenery, sugar, pour honey and leave for 15 minutes.
  • Onions, carrots and beets clean and cut into pieces.
  • The duck carcass is entirely to deceive salt and pepper, put it with apples. Stay a duck on a pillow of vegetables. Top to cover the shape of a foil. Bake at a temperature of 200 degrees for 1 hour.
  • Get the shape, remove excess fat. Duck carcass flip over and bake 1-1.5 hours. Then the foil remove and bake the bird for another 10-15 minutes.
  • How to cook duck to be soft and juicy in the oven - Recipe with photos

    The delicious duck can be baked not only in the foil or sleeve. You can unusually prepare her wings or hips. We picked up the next recipe for the owners who want to know how half an hour to prepare a duck in the oven so that it was soft and juicy.

    Ingredients for baking juicy and soft duck fences

    • duck hips - 2 pcs.;
    • salt - 3/4 tbsp.;
    • red wine - 2 tbsp.;
    • grated ginger - 1 tsp;
    • garlic - 4 teeth;
    • honey - 3 tbsp.;
    • spices - to taste.

    Photo recipe for baking in the oven soft and juicy duck thighs

  • Duck thighs defrost.
  • Prepare other ingredients.
  • Prepare marinade from ginger, wines and salt. To deceive the duck marinade and leave in the package (or sleeve) for 1 hour.
  • Bake the fences 35 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees on the grid (to put a baking sheet with a foil).
  • Prepare glaze from honey, garlic and favorite spices. To deceive her porch and bake for another 5 minutes.
  • How to make the duck in Peking at home - recipe with video

    Tender Peking Duck is an excellent addition to any garniram. It has a spicy taste and original view. The next recipe will tell how to cook the duck in Peking at home.

    Video of the recipe for cooking Ducks in Peking

    Carefully having studied the next recipe, you can cook a juicy duck in Peking and simply, and quickly. But for this it will be necessary to comply with the special requirements of its baking: on the lattice under the foil. When followed by the author's recommendations, it is easy to create such a culinary masterpiece.

    How to cook in the oven in the sleeve with apples so that it is soft and juicy - video recipe

    Stuffed with apples or oranges duck perfectly for feeding to the festive table. Soft poultry meat in combination with fruits and citrus has a breathtaking smell. At the same time, it is preparing very simple: you only need to put apples, a bird in a sleeve and proceed to their baking. The specified simple recipe will tell how to make a duck in the sleeve with apples so that it is soft and juicy.

    Step-by-step video for the recipe of baking in the oven juicy and soft duck meat with apples

    Use the recipe selected by us is recommended as the basis. With it, you can learn how to bake the duck in the sleeve with apples and bake duck fences and wings on the pillow of apples. In any case, the use of the sleeve will allow you to quickly and just prepare the original dish. The sleeve will allow apple to drip well, keep the meat soft and juicy.

    In this article we picked up best recipes Cooking duck meat with apples, potatoes and other ingredients. Step by step instructions With photos and videos will tell how to cook the main dish in the foil, sleeve, crazy. For example, a soft and juicy duck in the oven is obtained when cooking in Peking. Also unusual will be baked whole bird with buckwheat, oranges. All instructions are easy to execute and will easily prepare the original dish.

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