It’s great if a person thinks about what foods go into his body. After all, health and overall well-being directly depend on proper nutrition. Doctors have long come to the conclusion that an unbalanced diet can cause the development of a variety of conditions, including quite serious ones. Therefore, you need to base your nutrition on the recommendations of nutritionists. Let's talk about what breakfast, lunch and dinner should be like; we'll give an approximate menu for each day.

Healthy breakfast for every day

Nutritionists are confident that breakfast must be based on three components: cereals, which are a source of energy, dairy products, which supply calcium, minerals and proteins, as well as fruits, which contain a lot of vitamins and minerals.

The best option for quick and healthy breakfast it will become a mess. So ordinary rolled oats, known to all of us as oatmeal, is a source of significant amounts of microelements, vitamins and proteins. It helps optimize arterial pressure, improve digestion and strengthen the body.

The popular buckwheat is the real queen of cereals. It contains a huge amount of iron, is capable of increasing immunity and saturating the body with a significant amount of vitamins and minerals, as well as optimizing blood composition.

Corn is another popular grain for making porridges. It supplies the body with a lot of calcium and essential amino acids, represented by tryptophan and lysine. In addition, corn is also rich in provitamin A, B vitamins, silicon and vitamin PP.

Significant amount useful substances contained in barley groats, it is a source of fiber, iron, boron, magnesium, calcium, selenium and a number of vitamins. Porridge based on it perfectly cleanses the body of toxins and promotes weight loss.

Rice porridge can also be a good option for breakfast, but only based on unpolished grain, which is a source of a lot of vitamins, represented by tocopherol, vitamin PP, and B vitamins. This product also contains a lot of calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, copper and phosphorus, some manganese, zinc and selenium.

If you are being treated with antibiotics, you cannot do without millet porridge. It will cleanse the body of various toxins, poisons and aggressive substances, in addition, such a product has a general strengthening effect.

So, you can prepare a hearty milk porridge for breakfast. An excellent addition to it would be fruit or a light fruit salad; it should be eaten half an hour after the main breakfast or half an hour before it. You can also add some dried fruits and nuts to the porridge.

In general, they can be used instead of cereals and muesli, but they are a source of fewer nutrients.

Healthy lunch for every day

This meal is the main meal of the day and often becomes a real headache for the housewife. After all, she wants to cook varied, and at the same time delicious dishes. With all the frantic rhythm of life, it is worth paying attention to lunch, and making it up from the first, second, and also salad.

Let's consider several options for preparing lunch for every day?

Chicken and rice soup, buckwheat with steamed fish, as well as cabbage salad with vegetable oil;

Cabbage soup, steamed cutlets with pearl barley porridge, vinaigrette with olive oil;

Borscht with a lean piece of meat, meatballs with rice porridge, green salad;

Solyanka, a piece of veal cooked in a steamer with the addition of aromatic herbs, as well as beet salad;

Fish soup (low-fat), a small chop with rice porridge, as well as a salad with radish and carrots with the addition of vegetable oil;

Rassolnik with the addition of pearl barley or rice, chicken cutlet with mashed potatoes, as well as a radish salad with various herbs, seasoned with kefir;

Red lentil soup vegetable stew with fish cutlet, as well as fruit salad with natural yoghurt.

Healthy dinner for every day

In order for dinner to be truly beneficial for the body, it must be easily digestible, not overly high in calories and very healthy. Here are some dish options for this meal:

Pizza with vegetables, seafood and cheese, as well as green salad;

Lean meat steak, as well as baked vegetables and seafood salad;

Veal stewed with mushrooms and vegetables, as well as fruit salad;

Lasagna based on low-fat minced meat, as well as fresh fruit;

Spaghetti from durum wheat, as well as salad like Caesar;

Steamed fish with vegetables, as well as a salad based on herbs and vegetables;

Omelette with tomatoes and herbs, as well as chicken fillet with some potatoes.

Of course, these diagrams are exemplary and you can easily change them. However, try to stick to the basic idea: your diet should contain more greens and fruits, as well as vegetables. Products must be natural, fresh and non-greasy. It is better to cook by steaming, boiling or in the oven.

To ensure proper nutrition, you also need to learn how to snack correctly. To do this, it is better to use vegetables, fruits, various dried fruits and nuts, as well as kefir or yogurt and eggs.

Proper nutrition will help you maintain the health of the whole family at the proper level, get rid of excess weight and avoid many ailments.

Over time, every family develops a certain habitual way of life, including food. From week to week, the same familiar dishes appear on the table, and it’s good if these are not semi-finished products from store shelves... Of course, the modern rhythm of life does not allow us to get busy in the kitchen and prepare complex dishes every day. But there is always a desire to please your family with something new, and if there is a desire, then there will be opportunities!

The oven and multicooker are our best helpers in the kitchen. They allow you to use simple recipes for every day, which do not require any incredible ingredients, masterly cooking and other “dances with a tambourine” around a saucepan or frying pan. Casseroles, pies, cream soups and eintopfs (thick, rich soups, something between the first and second) and other recipes for every day are easy to prepare, and preparing the products takes more time than putting them in a pot, baking dish or multicooker bowl. And no more worries!

Every housewife has her own recipes in her piggy bank for every day, which allow her to diversify her usual menu. The Culinary Eden website invites you to rummage through our selection of recipes for every day - perhaps you will like something?

Snack cheese pie with sausages

200 g sausages,
250 g hard cheese,
2 eggs,
½ tsp. salt,
½ tsp. soda,
1 stack kefir,
1 stack flour,
greens - to taste.

Beat eggs with salt. Mix kefir with beaten eggs. Add flour and soda, knead the dough as thick as sour cream. Cut the sausage into slices, grate the cheese on a coarse grater, chop the herbs, add to the dough and mix. Grease a baking dish with butter and sprinkle with semolina, pour the dough into the mold, place in an oven preheated to 200ºC and bake for 25 minutes.

Salad “Herring under tomatoes”

2 fillets of salted herring,
2 tomatoes
2 boiled potatoes,
½ onion,
2 yolks of boiled eggs,
150 g mayonnaise,
green onions, parsley, pepper - to taste.

Cut the potatoes into small cubes and place them in a deep salad bowl. Place onion cut into half rings on top. Cut the herring fillet into small pieces and place on the onion, making a mayonnaise mesh on top. Also cut the tomatoes into small cubes and place on top of the herring, brush with mayonnaise, smooth with a spoon and pepper. Decorate the top layer with grated yolks, chopped parsley and green onions. Leave the dish in the refrigerator for a while to steep.

Chicken and fresh cabbage appetizer

ready-made tartlets,
200 g boiled chicken meat,
200 g cabbage,
1 apple,
1 celery root,
1 carrot,
3 tbsp. canned peas,
100 g sour cream,
1 tsp 3% vinegar,
1 tbsp. grated horseradish
1 tbsp. vegetable oil,
½ tsp. Sahara,
salt - to taste.

Finely chop the cabbage. Grate the apple, celery root and carrots on a coarse grater. Sprinkle grated horseradish with sugar, sprinkle with vinegar and pour over vegetable oil. Cut the meat into cubes, mix with cabbage, celery root, carrots and apple, add salt and season with sour cream. Place the mixture into tartlets, garnish with green peas and garnish with grated horseradish.

Salad with ham “Khrustik”

400 g ham,
200 g tomatoes,
1 can of canned corn,
1 pack of crackers,
mayonnaise, salt, pepper - to taste.

Cut the ham and tomatoes into small pieces. Drain the corn. Stir, salt, pepper and season with mayonnaise. Before serving, add croutons and mix again.

Cabbage with millet

300 g beef,
300 g cabbage,
500 g potatoes,
1 carrot,
1 onion,
130 g millet,
4 tbsp. tomato sauce,
4 tbsp. vegetable oil,
4 liters of water,
sour cream,
½ tsp. ground coriander,
1 tsp paprika,
bay leaf, black peppercorns, allspice, dill, green onions, salt - to taste.

Pour boiling water over the millet and leave for 30 minutes, then drain the water and rinse the cereal. Cut the meat into small cubes, add water, let it boil, skim off the foam and cook until done. Cut the potatoes into cubes, add to the broth and cook for 15 minutes after boiling. Grate the carrots, finely chop the onion and fry the vegetables in vegetable oil. Add the sauce and fry for another 5-7 minutes. Add millet to the pan and cook for 15 minutes after boiling. Then put the fried vegetables, finely shredded cabbage, spices into the pan and cook everything together for 10 minutes. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add chopped dill and finely chopped green onions. Serve cabbage soup with sour cream.

Poultry pea soup

1 stack peas,
500 g chicken fillet,
3 stacks broth,
60 g croutons,
milk, vegetable oil, salt - to taste.

Cook the peas until tender over low heat in the broth, then blend in a blender. Cut the fillet, fry, grind in a blender and combine with peas. Mix the pureed mass with the broth, stir until smooth, add milk, salt to taste, heat and serve with croutons.

Tomato soup with brisket

1 liter of tomato juice,
200 g smoked brisket,
1 onion,
2 celery stalks,
½ cup rice,
parsley, salt, pepper - to taste.

Cut the onion into half rings, chop the parsley and celery. Cut the brisket into small pieces and fry it in a hot frying pan. Then add onion and celery to it and fry for another 4 minutes. Rinse the rice. Boil in a saucepan tomato juice, add rice, bring to a boil again and cook for 7 minutes. After this, add the brisket, celery, onion and cook until the rice is ready. At the very end, add chopped parsley, salt and pepper.

Vegetables in milk sauce

150 g cauliflower,
120 g Brussels sprouts,
80 g green beans,
70 g carrots,
80 g frozen green peas.
40 g butter,
400 ml milk,
1 tsp Sahara,
2 tsp flour,
greens, salt - to taste.

Fry the flour until light yellow and cool. Boil the milk, cool a little milk and dissolve the flour in it. Combine the diluted flour with the rest of the hot milk and cook, stirring, until it thickens. Cut the carrots into cubes, separate the cabbage into inflorescences. Pour over the vegetables hot water and simmer first the cabbage and then the carrots until tender, adding a little oil to it. Combine vegetables, season with sauce, sugar, salt, bring to a boil and simmer for 2 minutes. When serving, place a small piece of butter on top of the vegetables and garnish with sprigs of herbs.

Potato cutlets with herring

500 g potatoes,
1 herring,
1 egg,
1 onion,
hard cheese,
vegetable oil.

Boil the potatoes and mash them. Wash the herring, peel it, remove the skin and bones and pass through a meat grinder. Chop the onion and fry in vegetable oil. Separate the yolk from the white. Connect mashed potatoes with herring, add fried onions, grated cheese and egg yolk. Stir, add flour and form into cutlets. Beat the egg white, dip the cutlets in it, then roll them in breadcrumbs and fry in vegetable oil.

Chicken cutlets with cottage cheese

400 g chicken breast,
250 g low-fat cottage cheese,
2 eggs,
100 ml milk,
2 tbsp. oatmeal,
1-2 tbsp. vegetable oil,
salt, pepper - to taste.

Finely chop the chicken breast with a knife, grind with cottage cheese, eggs, flour, salt, pepper until smooth. Form the cutlets and fry them over low heat, covered, for 3-4 minutes on each side. Then turn off the stove, pour milk into the pan, cover with a lid and simmer for 10 minutes.

Fish with apples “Amazing”

1 kg fish fillet.
400 g apples,
3 tbsp. butter,
2 eggs,
1 stack milk,
1 tsp flour,
1 bunch of greens,
vegetable oil, salt.

Cut the prepared fish fillet into portions, add salt and place on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil. Place peeled and chopped apples on the fish. Mix eggs, milk and flour so that there are no lumps, and pour this mixture over the fish. Place a small piece of butter on top of each serving and place in an oven preheated to 180°C for 15 minutes. Serve to the table, sprinkled with finely chopped herbs.

Entrecote "Spicy"

800 g beef,
300 g cheese,
3 tomatoes
3 tbsp. butter,
4 cloves of garlic,
lemon juice, herbs, salt, pepper - to taste.

Beat the beef, add salt and pepper and leave for 1 hour. When the time is up, fry the beef butter on both sides. Add a little water and simmer until done. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add grated cheese, chopped tomatoes and garlic. Before serving, sprinkle the finished dish with finely chopped herbs and pour over lemon juice.

Meat "truffles"

Ingredients (quantity at your discretion):
chopped meat,

Tear 15-20 cm squares from the foil roll. Cut the onions into cubes, mushrooms into strips, eggplants into circles, which must first be kept in cold salted water for 30-40 minutes, grate the cheese. Then make “truffles”: place a flatbread of minced meat on foil, then onion, a slice of eggplant, pieces of mushrooms, sprinkle with cheese and pour over mayonnaise. Cover the truffle-shaped dish with foil (just gather the corners of the foil together and squeeze). Place the meat “truffles” on a baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 180°C for 1 hour. Serve hot from the oven straight from the oven.

Meat in the “hat”

500 g pork or beef,
2 onions,
2 potatoes,
2 eggs,
250 g mayonnaise,
salted cucumbers,
spices - to taste.

Cut the meat into thin strips across the grain and place on the bottom of the frying pan, add salt, pepper, and other spices to taste. Place the onion sliced ​​into rings on top so that all the meat is evenly covered. Lubricate the onions with mayonnaise. Next, place the potatoes cut into slices, finely chopped pickles, then another layer of onions. Lubricate the last layer with the remaining mayonnaise and fill with beaten eggs. Place the pan in the preheated oven and bake for an hour. First, the oven temperature should be 200ºC to set the top, then reduce the temperature to 150ºC and bake until done. This dish can be prepared in a slow cooker in the “Baking” mode, setting the time to 50-60 minutes.

Roast in a pot

Ingredients (for 4 pots):
2 chicken legs,
200 g ham,
2 onions,
1 tbsp. vegetable oil,
2 stacks water,
100 g mayonnaise,
potatoes, salt, pepper - to taste.

Separate the meat from the legs and chop finely. Add ham cut into thin strips and onions fried in vegetable oil. Divide this mixture into pots, then fill each pot to the top with finely chopped potatoes. Whisk mayonnaise with water, salt and pepper and pour this mixture over the contents of the pots. Close them with lids and simmer in the oven for 30-40 minutes, then stir the contents and simmer some more.

Chops in carrot breading

4 chicken fillets,
2 carrots,
1 egg,
50 g flour,
50 g breadcrumbs,
sour cream, garlic, dill, vegetable oil, salt, pepper - to taste.

Lightly pound the chicken fillet on each side, pat dry with a paper towel, and season with salt and pepper. Grate the carrots on a fine grater, mix with chopped dill and breadcrumbs. Beat the egg and add to the carrot mixture. Pour a little flour onto a separate plate and bread the chops first in flour, then in the carrot mixture, carefully pressing it on both sides of the chop. Place the chops in a well-heated frying pan with vegetable oil and fry for 4-5 minutes on each side. Serve with sour cream mixed with ground black pepper and garlic pressed through a press.

Beetroot casserole with meat

1 large beet,
2 onions,
300 g minced meat,
2 eggs,
100 g grated cheese,
vegetable oil, salt - to taste.

Boil the beets until tender and grate on a coarse grater. Finely chop the onion and lightly fry in vegetable oil along with the minced meat, add water and simmer a little. Mix the minced meat with beets, add salt and place the resulting mass in a form greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs or semolina. Pour in beaten eggs and bake in an oven preheated to 180ºC for 30 minutes. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, sprinkle the beetroot casserole with grated cheese. In a multicooker, the casserole can be cooked in the “Baking” mode for 35-45 minutes.

You can also choose delicious and interesting recipes for every day in our sections " Cooking recipes" and "Visitors' recipes."

Cook delicious, beautiful and healthy!

Larisa Shuftaykina

It’s good if all family members decide to switch to proper and healthy eating, because after just a few months you can happily notice amazing changes in health, appearance, attitude and improvement in your own life. Naturally, in the first stages there will be a terrible desire for saltiness, harmful sweets and smoked foods, sometimes not because you really want it, but only because the forbidden fruit is very sweet.

What to do, this is how people are designed. But even when you very easily give up forbidden pleasures, you still need to work to ensure that the pre-compiled approximate menu is correct and healthy eating pleased you with such dishes that quick and easy to prepare, but at the same time retain the maximum benefits of all products and have excellent taste properties.

Breakfast with proper and healthy nutrition

Nutritionists unanimously recommend eating porridge for breakfast - they are rich in useful microelements, minerals and vitamins, as well as nutritious and satisfying. But you must admit that eating the same dish for breakfast, even if it’s made from different cereals, gets boring.

Therefore, we will try to diversify breakfast by making traditional porridges unusual and original, or completely replacing them with other dishes.

Breakfast recipes for every day

Wheat porridge with berries. Recipe

Boil one cup of washed millet in 0.5 liters of boiling milk for about half an hour over low heat. Don't forget to stir. Then let the porridge brew a little, add a little honey to taste and sea ​​salt, and serve with ice cream or fresh berries. You can also choose jam or fruit jam.

Oatmeal with kiwi and banana. Recipe

“Hercules” is perfect for faster cooking; it can be prepared in 5 minutes. Add kiwi and banana, cut into pieces, to the already prepared and brewed porridge. That's the whole breakfast recipe.

Fruit pudding. Recipe

Quite a gentle and pleasant breakfast, which at the same time is very rich in vitamins. To prepare the pudding, use 3-4 types of fruit (not very hard), grind them in a blender, add ground nuts and a few eggs, beaten with a small amount of salt and sugar. Stir the mixture and bake for 6-9 minutes.

Omelet with cheese. Recipe

Scrambled eggs for breakfast are an age-old classic of the former Soviets, but you can make something original out of them. Eg:

  • line the bottom of the pan with pieces of cheese;
  • place tomato pieces on top;
  • add greens;
  • pour mixture of beaten eggs and milk.

Bake the omelette in the oven for 6-9 minutes. Very healthy, beautiful and tasty.

Cheese casserole. Recipe

Some people don’t like cottage cheese, but in casseroles and cheesecakes this product is eaten for dear life. Therefore, you can make this dish: mix 450-550 gr. low-fat cottage cheese, add a few eggs, 3-4 tbsp. sugar and a tablespoon of semolina. Bake this mixture in microwave oven or oven 9 min. You can add cinnamon, vanillin, pieces of dried fruit.

Lunches with proper and healthy nutrition for every day

Traditionally, lunches consist of a first and second course, as well as a salad. When eating properly, it is best to make the first courses without frying, the second courses should preferably be stewed, baked or steamed (grilling is also possible), and in salads it is advisable to use mayonnaise as a dressing. replace with low-fat sour cream, and vinegar - lemon juice. Taking into account the basics of proper nutrition, the lunch diet may include such dishes.

First courses with proper nutrition. Description and recipes

What to do first when the usual chicken noodles and borscht are already boring?

Greek bean soup. Recipe


  • one carrot;
  • 120-160 gr. vegetable oil;
  • one onion;
  • 1/4 celery root;
  • a glass of beans;
  • 3-4 tbsp. tomato paste;
  • a few cloves of garlic.

Pour water over the beans, bring to a boil and pour out the liquid. Then fill the beans with water again and boil for 5-6 minutes, then turn off the stove and let the broth brew for an hour. Then add finely chopped vegetables: celery, carrots and onions at the same time as tomato paste and garlic, then cook for about 25 minutes more (until the vegetables are ready). Add black pepper and salt.

Tomato puree soup. Recipe

This summer soup will be perfect, by the way, during the holidays, when it’s hot and there’s absolutely no desire to be near the stove. And here we take a kilo of tomatoes, scald them, remove the skin, cut them in half and remove the seeds. Afterwards, simply mix the remaining pulp in a blender with 2 grated cloves of garlic, 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil, 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice and a small amount of nutmeg, thyme and basil, as well as black pepper and salt to taste.

Mushroom soup with lentils. Recipe

First, soak 120 g for several hours. dried porcini mushrooms. Then fill them with several liters cold water and, bringing to a boil, cook for a quarter of an hour. Then add 220 gr. washed lentils and let cook for another 30 minutes. Separately, you need to saute the onion in oil and several finely chopped carrots. Add one chopped potato and sauteed vegetables to the broth, cook everything until fully cooked. A few minutes before the end of cooking, add cilantro, bay leaf, and salt. Serve with herbs and low-fat sour cream.

Kholodnik. Recipe

This soup is considered quite healthy and is ideal for the warm season. Cook 1 beet and four eggs. Grind 1 small cucumber, beets and eggs. Add finely chopped green onions and dill, add 750 ml of kefir and salt to taste.

Soup in pots. Recipe

Cooking in baking pots is a pleasure, since our main task is to just put everything we need in this container, and then it’s up to the oven. As a rule, these dishes are made by eye, so we need to focus on the number of people: in each pot we put a piece of chicken or meat, chopped vegetables - carrots, onions, broccoli, cabbage, bell peppers, potatoes, that is, what is under hand. Fill with water, add pepper, salt and spices, a little bay leaf and put it in the oven for 2 hours.

Second courses with proper nutrition

As a rule, those dishes that are served for the main course also serve as dinner, however, for dinner it is best to supplement them with some kind of salad, herbs or just bell peppers and chopped cucumbers.

Dinner with proper nutrition. Description and recipes

Potatoes in a pot and chicken. Recipe

This magnificent simple dish turns out so beautiful and tasty that it is worthy of a festive feast. For 4 dishes we will need:

All components are cut into equal slices. We grease the bottom of the pots with sour cream, first lay out the fillet, then the mushrooms, a little more sour cream, then the potatoes, tomatoes and sour cream again. Sprinkle cheese generously on top. Don't forget to add pepper and salt. And then put the pots in a hot oven for about an hour.

Stewed fish with vegetables. Recipe

For this easy-to-prepare dish, we will need 0.5 kg of fish fillet, which we cut into cubes, 35 g. carrots, cut into strips, 250 gr. onion, cut into half rings, 3 tbsp. l. tomato paste, peppercorns and 4 bay leaves.

First, along with tomato paste, simmer carrots and onions in vegetable oil. After 15 min. add fish fillet, spices and 0.5 l hot water. Close the lid and simmer for another 45 minutes.

Baked breast with apple and vegetables for the holiday table. Recipe

For two servings of the finished dish you will need 300 grams. chicken breast, 2 small potatoes, 250 gr. broccoli, egg white, 2 apples, vegetable oil, green onions, 2 tbsp. sour cream, and for apples - honey, 1 tbsp. l. nuts and raisins.

Dip the breast in the protein and bake at 190 degrees for about half an hour. Potatoes also need to be baked with sour cream and vegetable oil, and broccoli should be steamed. Core the apples and fill with nuts, honey and raisins, then bake in the oven for 50 minutes. The dish is served in a deep plate and sprinkled with green onions on top.

Eggplants with tomatoes and cheese. Recipe

For this dish you will need two eggplants, a clove of garlic and a tomato, a few spoons of olive oil, as well as an Italian mixture.

In a baking dish, lay out the eggplants, cut 10 mm thick, in layers, after the tomatoes (5 mm thick), sprinkle the vegetables with oil on top, add spices and chopped garlic. Now you need to bake the dish in the oven for about 1 hour, and before serving, sprinkle with grated herbs and cheese.

Spaghetti with broccoli and shrimp. Recipe

For 2 servings of this healthy and dietary dish we will need 270 gr. broccoli, 1 onion, 250 gr. spaghetti, 300 gr. shrimp, 4 tsp. olive oil and two cloves of garlic.

Divide the broccoli into florets and cook for 15 minutes, then divide into even smaller florets. Clean the shrimp and bring to a boil, then set aside. In heated olive oil, saute finely chopped onion until golden brown, then add garlic, after a few minutes - broccoli and a little broth, where the cabbage was cooked, so that the composition resembles a sauce.

Cook the spaghetti shortly before serving, immediately pour the broccoli sauce over it and place the shrimp in the middle of the plate.

Salads for lunch and dinner

Salads and snacks play an important role in proper nutrition, and when compiling a healthy diet for the month, you should definitely try to include salads from a variety of seasonal vegetables, greens, and fruits. By the way, fruit salads They work well both as an addition to lunch and as a second dinner.

Greek salad. Recipe

A great addition to a summer or spring lunch. Just cut cucumbers, tomatoes and feta cheese into large cubes, add olives and season with lemon juice, salt and olive oil. Also, do not forget about the lettuce leaves; it is advisable to tear them with your hands. Onions are added to taste.

Spring salad of cucumber, carrots and beets. Recipe

It’s very easy to prepare, tastes great, and contains a lot of vitamins!

We just grate a small cucumber, the same size boiled beets and carrots weighing 120 grams each. Add a little salt, vegetable oil, balsamic vinegar and sugar and serve immediately, since vegetables create juice quite quickly.

Salad of nuts, carrots and radishes. Recipe

Thanks to the walnuts, this salad will be especially nutritious. Cut carrots and radishes into strips, add ground nuts (4 teaspoons are enough), lemon zest and finely chopped garlic clove, season with lemon juice whipped with vegetable oil, add salt to taste.

Avocado salad with almonds. Recipe

This is also quite a healthy and satisfying salad, especially for our skin.

Finely chop one avocado, lettuce, 2 bell peppers (yellow or red). Mix in a salad bowl, throw in fresh chopped dill, add a few tablespoons of olive oil and sprinkle grated almonds on top.

Salad with cheese "Delicacy". Recipe

To prepare this vitamin-packed and delicious salad, take 150 grams. cucumber and celery, peel them and cut them into cubes. We'll also cut two boiled eggs and grate 70 gr. cheese. Season with low-fat sour cream, add a clove of garlic, garnish with dill, pepper and salt.

If you didn’t know how to create a proper and healthy diet for every day, as well as how to diversify the menu, then we hope that with these recipes the task will be significantly simplified. Now you can prove to your loved ones that healthy dietary nutrition can be incredibly tasty.

Proper nutrition recipes for every day

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):