Having once seen such a flower as Vanda orchid, you will instantly fall in love with it.

It enchants and attracts the eye with its extraordinary beauty.

If you want to settle this unusual flower in your home, you need to study all the details of caring for it.

Did you know? The Vanda Miss Joachim orchid has been the national flower of Singapore since 1981.

Vanda Orchid: care features

Orchids can be grown not only in specialized premises, but also at home. It is important to understand that due to Wanda’s “tropical roots”, caring for her at home will require a lot of effort.

To achieve success in growing a flower, you need to create a number of conditions and maintain them: temperature, moisture, fertilizer, lighting.

Important! The main aspect of growing Vanda orchids is adequate lighting. With a lack of light, the plant's metabolic processes are disrupted.

Main varieties and types of orchids

The Vanda orchid is a plant up to 90 cm high, with belt-shaped leaves up to 20 cm long. Peduncles produce up to six flowers. At first they are small and pale, and after a few days they become large and bright.

The main feature of this type of orchid is its powerful branched roots ( can reach a length of up to two meters). The Vanda orchid flower has about 50 varieties and only four species. Let's take a closer look at what types of Vanda exist.

Chess Wanda. This type of plant is common in Southeast Asia. It has epiphytic (not requiring soil) climbing roots, the color of the flower is golden yellow, the leaves are lamellar, cylindrical in shape.

The birthplace of this flower is the Philippines. It grows in tropical forests with abundant rainfall. The leaves are elongated, the height of the shoots is 40 cm. The flowers grow from the central stem, the color is yellow-brown, the diameter of the flower is 3 cm.

It has an erect trunk up to 1.5 m high, belt-shaped leaves with a leathery structure. A distinctive feature of this species are short inflorescences with big flowers, of which there can be up to ten. Color – white or cream with brown spots.

The calyxes and petals are wavy, egg-shaped, the nail is wide. The lip is three-lobed and has the same size as the flowers. The side lobes are small, the central one is large, purple or pink, guitar-shaped.

Refers to large epiphytes. The trunk is up to two meters long, strongly branched, and can crawl. Rolled leaves are long and narrow.

The peduncle has up to six pink or red reproductive organs. The lip has three multi-colored lobes: the central one is purple, and the side ones are yellow with red spots.

Did you know? Not all orchids have a scent. Only fragrant varieties have a heady aroma.

All about planting Wanda

As is already clear, the plant does not have to be planted in the ground. If, for aesthetic reasons, you still decide to grow the Vanda orchid in a pot, you must take into account that the soil must be quick-drying.

You need to make a lot of holes in the pot to ensure full air access to the roots. For successful growth, it is necessary to plant the plant correctly and create comfortable conditions for it.

Climatic conditions for successful growth

The most important thing when growing Vanda orchids is the climate. Because it is the temperature difference that promotes flowering. When buying a plant, be sure to find out what temperature conditions need to stick to it.

Due to the fact that different types come from different areas, the temperature of their content also differs. For plants native to the plains, temperatures above 35 ºС are not terrible. Plants originating from mountainous areas require moderate temperatures and do not tolerate heat well.

The optimal temperature range is +22...+27 ºС during the active growing season and not lower than +14 ºС during the dormant period (autumn-winter).

Active flowering is promoted by a 5-degree fluctuation in day and night temperatures. If room temperature exceeds the permissible range, it is necessary to ensure sufficient air humidity of 70-80%.

Did you know? Active hunting for the flower has led to the extinction of many species.

Orchid planting schemes

Since this plant is epiphytic, it is grown in three ways:

  • using substrate. For the substrate, pine or pine bark with the addition of sphagnum is best suited. If you wish, you can buy ready-made substrate in the store. You need to take the pot looser so that the roots are not crowded, and make a lot of holes in it to ensure ventilation;
  • growing in glass containers. The vase should be stable and not too high. Only the roots should fit into it, the green part of the plant should extend beyond the vase (since the flower needs a lot of light, and glass blocks the sun's rays);
  • growing with bare root system. To do this, just place the Vanda orchid in a basket and hang it on the window.

Important! Remember that the Vanda orchid is a warm and light-loving plant, so windows facing south and west are best suited for planting. In summer, it is better to shade the plants.

How to care for a plant at home

To successfully grow a Vanda orchid at home, you need to provide it with proper care. If all the nuances are observed, the plant can even reproduce.

How to water a flower correctly

The watering regime for the Vanda orchid directly depends on the conditions in which the flower is grown. When growing in a substrate, watering is carried out only when the substrate not only dries out, but is completely dry. Frequent watering can lead to root rotting.

If the plant is grown in a glass vase or hanging basket, water it once a week, and then spring-summer period- once every three days. The flower is taken to the bathroom, the doors are closed tightly and watered with a hot shower for several minutes (water temperature 35-40 ºC).

Then leave Vanda for 30 minutes until the leaves dry out and return it to its place. Once every two weeks, it is advisable to bathe the roots, immersing them in a basin for 20-30 minutes.

Important! Only the roots should be bathed in water. The flower stems are very sensitive to waterlogging.

Difficulties in fertilizing Vanda

Since the flower grows without soil, difficulties arise with fertilizing. The plant is very demanding of fertilizer. Vanda orchid needs feeding once a week.

It is carried out by spraying or wiping the leaves with a special solution of fertilizer for orchids and water (it is advisable to use purified water) in an amount of 1/6 of that indicated on the package.

It is also necessary to take into account that the plant requires active feeding only during the period of vigorous growth; in the dormant stage, the amount of feeding is reduced. Orchids are also watered by spraying from a spray bottle.

When and how to replant a plant

Since the plant grows without soil, it does not need replanting. If you decide to grow a flower in a pot, the substrate needs to be changed every three years: due to low access to light, the roots rot.

The signal to replant the plant is the appearance of pimples at the base of the flower - these are new roots. Until they grow back, the plant is replanted. When the roots grow two or more centimeters, they become more fragile and may break during transplantation.

Did you know? The Vanda orchid is considered the queen of orchids.

Rules for propagating the Vanda orchid at home

We often wonder how to grow orchids at home. Depending on how to care for this flower, the Vanda orchid not only blooms, but also multiplies.

In large plants, roots appear in the axils of the leaves; you need to cut off the top of the flower with the roots. The cut area is treated with cinnamon or activated carbon.

The cut shoot is planted in a pot with a substrate, after making a depression, the roots are carefully straightened. Water the cuttings with a spray bottle infrequently. Abundant watering begins after the active growth of the sprout.

Flower diseases and pests

The main pests and diseases of the Vanda orchid are:

- mealybug . The body of an adult reaches 3-4 mm, the body shape is oval, pink or orange in color. The insect is covered with a white coating (egg sacs).

Mealybugs gather in colonies on the underside of leaves or on the tops of young shoots, drinking the juice from the flower. They lay their offspring in clumps of white cobwebs, and the flower affected by them becomes like artificial snow made of cotton wool.

The scale insect greatly depletes the plants: the growth of shoots is inhibited, the leaves turn yellow and fall off. Sooty fungus may appear on the mucus produced by scale insects.

The eggs of the insect are removed from the flower with a cotton swab or a damp sponge. Then the infected area is washed with a sponge soaked in soapy water or alcohol diluted with water or vodka. If the flower is very affected by scale insects, it is better to resort to treatment with systemic insecticides;

- spider mite . The size of the tick varies from 0.3 to 0.5 mm, females are purple-red, males are bright red. A favorable environment for its habitat is dry, warm rooms. It poses a danger all year round.

William Jones, who carefully studied Asia in 1795, was the first to write about the magnificent one called Wanda in his diary. This flower was so magnificent that the scientist compared it with the rustling of the wings of the smallest bird on earth, with the whisper of the wind heard among the huge ones.

Vanda is an epiphytic plant in the orchid family that can be found in the tropical Philippines, southern China, India, Indonesia and Australia. There are about 20 thousand species of this plant in nature.

Amazing beauty is not the main thing distinguishing feature Wanda.

The orchid blooms for no more than one and a half months, but when proper cultivation blooms several times a year.

An orchid called “Vanda” is an exotic plant that is not used to growing in our latitudes. Therefore, to make it feel comfortable, you need to put a lot of effort into caring for it.

First, you should learn about some of the features of Vanda:

  1. The orchid is evergreen and does not have a precise dormant period.
  2. It is a demanding flower, the care of which must be at the highest level, otherwise it will not be possible to grow it.
  3. Vanda is very different from other orchids due to its tangled long roots, so it requires being in a place with a controlled microclimate.


Vanda has several representatives of its species, which are especially popular among gardeners. These include:

Home care

Grow beautiful plant Called Wanda, the task is not easy.

All instructions must be followed very carefully. In addition, it will not be possible to care for it the same way as other plants. This requires an individual approach.


Wanda loves warmth, so it is advisable that the air is always heated to at least 25 degrees. At temperatures below 20 degrees, the plant begins to feel unwell and can be damaged by various diseases. Temperatures rising above 25 degrees do not affect the growth and well-being of the orchid.


If you need to transplant the vanda into a wider container or change the soil, you should not be afraid of damaging the roots. They are durable, but you still need to water them before the procedure to soften them. In addition, the substrate, which is no longer suitable when moistened, will move away from the roots without damage.

There are cases in which Vanda requires an unplanned transplant. For example:

  • the substrate was compressed and air began to flow poorly to the roots;
  • the plant was planted in unsuitable soil from the very beginning;
  • the roots are too deep;
  • diseases associated with rotting of the root system.


Wanda needs constant feeding, which is done every week. Fertilizers in the complex are diluted at the rate of 1 gram per liter of water.

There are times when Vanda does not bloom at all. This is directly related to lack of light, low temperatures and overfeeding with nitrogen.

After flowering, the vanda flower stalks are cut off and watering is carried out less frequently, but only once by giving the plant a bath in warm water. Stop spraying.

If possible, it is advisable to take the plant outside, hanging it on garden tree or onto the balcony and continue appropriate care. Fresh air During this period it is very useful for her.


Vanda reproduces by children, which is what its lateral processes are called. Their appearance is rare, even despite proper care of the plant.

The babies are separated after reaching a length of five centimeters. After separating the shoots, sections remain on the orchid, which it is advisable to sprinkle with charcoal. In the first days the baby should grow in greenhouse conditions at a humidity of at least 85%.

Such indicators are achieved using a humidifier. Plant the sprout in a narrow pot, which will prevent rotting of the root system in the future. The substrate should include coniferous bark and sphagnum moss.

At proper care the plant will easily reach 20 cm in length; it is during this period that I transplant it into a pot for constant growth. Other types of vanda propagation at home are impossible.

Root extension

If caring for a Vanda orchid is not done correctly, the plant loses most of its roots. Fortunately, growing new roots is not difficult.

To begin, remove the vanda from the pot, wash the roots with fungicide and dry well. Damaged roots need to be removed, and the plant should be dipped in a solution that stimulates growth for several minutes.

Then expanded clay is poured into a transparent pot, watered and covered with moss. An orchid is carefully placed in the prepared hole in the center and sprinkled with the same moss. The pot with the plant should be in a warm room with good ventilation.

There is no need to water it, just lightly spray the pot around the edges. If everything is done correctly, after a month the orchid will form new roots.

Diseases and pests

Pests such as whiteflies, aphids, thrips, and mealbugs can damage the magnificent vanda. Upon careful examination of the plant, you can easily notice that it is affected.

In this case, the following is carried out:

The most common diseases are:

  • atrophy that occurs due to lack of moisture and severe overheating;
  • damage to leaves in the form of cracks obtained mechanically, when overfeeding the plant and sunburn;
  • thermal burn that occurs from hot and dry air.

Vanda orchid is a plant that requires special breeding and care. Fulfilling all the necessary requirements, she will decorate the house with her exotic look for a long time.

One of the most popular epiphytes recently grown at home is the Vanda orchid. This beautiful plant can be cultivated not only in special plastic containers. The Vanda orchid in a glass vase is in great demand now.

Description of the plant

The Vanda orchid is found in the wild in India, China and Thailand. Its large flowers, reaching 10 cm in diameter, can be painted in a variety of colors. So, on sale you can find various shades of blue, red-violet and pink tones. There are dark mosaic markings across the entire area of ​​the petals, giving this orchid a very attractive appearance.

This plant was named so in 1795 by the Englishman William Jones, who first described the flower during a trip to India. The genus Vanda successfully crosses with the closely related Ascocentrum, which has a more compact size. Thanks to breeding work, today you can find many different interspecific hybrids. Recently, the efforts of flower growers have been aimed at breeding miniature orchids.

Varieties of Vanda orchid

There are many varieties of Vanda orchid:

  • blue;
  • Sanderiana;
  • comb;
  • Rothschild;
  • rolled;
  • chess;
  • Hooker;
  • tricolor.

Not every Vanda orchid is suitable for growing. At home, most often only 2 types are grown: blue and Sandler. These species are the basis of almost all hybrids of this genus. With their help, a huge number of different copies were created. These epiphytes were used to breed the best varieties of orchids used for cutting.

Wanda blue

Vanda coerulea Lindl. - blue orchid Vanda. It has been grown at home for many years. It was discovered only in 1837 in tropical forests at an altitude of about 1000 m above sea level. This epiphyte has a strong, erect stem, the length of which reaches 80-100 cm. It is often very bare at the base. Around the stem are hard, dark green leaves. Their length reaches 12-18 cm, and their width is 3 cm. The leaves are arranged in 2 opposite rows.

The Vanda orchid has lateral inflorescences. Their length reaches 30-60 cm. Each of them contains up to 14-20 large flowers, the diameter of which reaches 10 cm. Their lavender-blue color can have lighter or darker tones. This orchid blooms in autumn and winter. Most often, the first buds bloom in August. Vanda blue can bloom until December-January.

Wanda Sanderiana

Vanda sanderiana comes from warm rain forests. Vanda Sanderiana has long leaves located in the axils of the peduncles. On the racemose inflorescence there are pink-white flowers, the diameter of which reaches 10-15 cm. This species has greenish-yellow or chestnut veins on the sepals. This orchid blooms in autumn. Today on sale you can find pink, white, yellow and variegated colors of flowers.

Vanda's diseases

This orchid is susceptible to diseases such as:

  • Spotting, which may be caused by excessive moisture in the substrate or air. In diseased plants, wart-like spots form on the underside of the leaf. It is often caused by fungal diseases that actively develop in warm and damp rooms. In this case, rounded black spots appear on the upper side of the leaves. Orchids fight spotting by creating a favorable environment for the flower. When planting plants, the substrate is disinfected. Water Wanda with water in which special antifungal drugs such as Trichodermin or Fitosporin are dissolved.
  • Rot caused by waterlogging of the substrate. Most often, the disease progresses on cool days or when using containers that are unsuitable for the orchid. With this disease, rotting of roots and stems is observed. The tissues of the flower soften and turn black. Very quickly the plant turns yellow and dies. To combat this disease, the substrate is disinfected before planting orchids. The plant is watered in accordance with the requirements of agricultural technology. The drug "Maxim" is added to the water.

Vanda orchid pests

These wonderful flowers can be affected by the following pests:

  • Thrips, the sign of which is light dots or streaks appearing on the upper side of the leaves. Over time, parts of the plant acquire a whitish tint with a silvery sheen. Affected leaves turn brown and die. Thrips also attack flowers. They become deformed and become stained. To combat these pests, the drugs “Aktara” and “Confidor” are used.
  • Scale insects sucking cell sap. Motionless brown insects are visible on parts of the plant. The affected orchid loses color, dries out and dies. Pests are removed by washing the leaves and stem with a soapy sponge. The preparations “Confidor” and “Aktara” are very effective in the fight against scale insects.

The Vanda orchid, which is somewhat easier to care for than other types of epiphytes, requires a relatively cool place to be kept. The optimal temperature for it in winter is 16 °C. In warmer conditions, subject to all rules of agricultural technology, it blooms and develops beautifully. Summer temperature should not exceed 25 °C. In winter, this epiphyte prefers dry conditions.

The Vanda orchid, the care and cultivation of which requires compliance with certain rules, is very demanding in terms of lighting. With a great need for light, this epiphyte quickly burns out when exposed to direct sun rays. Penetration of light from the street is permissible only in the morning and evening hours. Most often, in the autumn-spring period, the orchid needs additional artificial lighting. Lamps are suitable for it daylight. In such conditions, Vandas develop and bloom better.

The optimal humidity for growing Vanda is about 70%. Unlike other types of epiphytes, this orchid is not grown in trays of water, but in special hanging baskets. To maintain the required humidity, aerial roots are regularly sprayed with soft water. At the same time, it is not only filtered or settled, but also boiled.

Watering and feeding Vanda

The Vanda orchid, the care of which involves proper watering, is very sensitive to water regime. During active growth in spring and summer, the substrate on which the epiphyte grows must be constantly moist. IN winter time Moderate watering is required. In this case, the plant needs water only when the substrate dries completely. In the hot season, orchids must be sprayed with soft water. Do not allow moisture to get into the axils of the leaves after watering, as this can lead to fungal diseases affecting the plant.

Vanda orichid needs to be fertilized with special fertilizers. They are produced during the period of active growth, budding and flowering. Fertilizers are mixed in required quantities into water for irrigation. As a rule, in the spring-autumn period, fertilizing is carried out weekly. Shortage nutrients in the substrate leads to weak flowering.

You should not be overzealous with fertilizing the soil, since flowers that have received too much fertilizer become weak and elongated. Their top becomes more soft and can bend under the weight of the inflorescence. You should not fertilize sick orchid specimens, as this can only worsen the situation.

Reproduction and transplantation of Vanda

These orchids reproduce by separating part of a healthy stem that has aerial roots. Also used are apical cuttings or side shoots. Adult orchid specimens are replanted only when their roots do not fit into the pot or Vanda slows down growth. As a rule, this epiphyte needs to be replanted every 3-4 years. In this case, choose a container for the flower that is not too large, since in such a container it slows down its growth.

For Wanda, they buy a special substrate for orchids. As a last resort, you can prepare the soil mixture yourself. To do this, take 2 parts of pine bark, broken into large pieces, 1 part of perlite/foam chips, ½ part of peat. Pieces of birch charcoal are added to the mixture.

Vanda does not need to trim parts of the plant. In the case when the orchid becomes very tall (long), you can cut off its upper part and plant it in the substrate. Such planting material should have at least 3-4 healthy roots. Tissue sections are sprinkled with crushed coal. The lower part of Vanda eventually produces a “baby” at the base of the epiphyte. For propagation, daughter plants formed in the axils of the leaves are also used. They are simply carefully separated and placed in a separate container.

Choosing containers for Vanda orchid

Not any container is suitable for growing Vanda orchids. Most often, hanging baskets or pots with side holes into which the plant's roots penetrate are chosen. The epiphyte feels as comfortable as possible in them. Recently, the Vanda orchid in a vase has often been on sale. Moreover, there is no substrate in such a container.

Vanda orchid in glass is a great gift idea. You can choose a glass container of any shape for it. This epiphyte looks ideal in tall and spherical vases, flasks and “glasses”. Unfortunately, orchids that are sold in glass containers with a sealed lid die very quickly.

Growing Vanda in a glass vase

A Vanda orchid in a vase, the care of which consists of regularly inspecting the flower and removing damaged parts, looks very stylish as an element of the interior. A container with a wide base is best suited for growing epiphytes in this way. An orchid that is constantly in water can quickly rot and die. Therefore, it is better to keep it dry. The flower is regularly removed from the vase and immersed in water with fertilizer for a while. Then the plant is dried a little and returned to the container. Orchids whose green parts are outside the glass container live the longest.

For many years I have enjoyed growing plants at home. In this article I will share my experience with you and tell you what you need to know when keeping this beautiful flower.

The royal orchid is capricious. Therefore, until recently it was believed that it was impossible to grow it at home. But today we are sure: this is real. You just need to properly and carefully care for this beautiful flower.

The plant received its name in 1795 from Sir William Johnson, who studied Asia and its nature. The Indians began to call the “royal” orchid for its extraordinary beauty. The flower easily crosses with others, so it has many hybrids.

Vanda's stem only grows upward. The green aerial roots are covered with a layer of dead cells, thanks to which the plant is able to absorb moisture from the air. The leaves are green, sometimes bluish, and arranged alternately on the stem.

Flowering lasts up to three months.


Vanda is very diverse; it would take a lot of time to sort through each variety. Therefore, I will only talk about a few.

  • Vanda checkerboard is a flower 60-120 centimeters tall. yellow leaves covered with small gray spots and a pink border. Vanda checkerboard blooms from March to October and has a subtle, pleasant aroma;
  • Vanda blue is a deep blue plant with blue speckles. It blooms from spring to autumn, each inflorescence includes 4-16 small flowers. This orchid reaches a height of 1 meter, so be prepared to give it plenty of space;
  • Vanda sandera is considered the national flower of the Philippines. This species is often used in breeding work and creating hybrids. The point is the beginning of flowering with only 6 leaves and a pleasant color to the eye: the flower has variegated petals with white, yellow and peach splashes;
  • Wanda Javiera – rare white ok, which has been known to people for no more than 40 years. Its miniature size (the height of an adult plant does not exceed 50 centimeters) and ease of care quickly ensured Vande Javier’s popularity all over the world;
  • Vanda valvata is decorated with red-pink flowers with white and yellow tan. This curly stem can reach 2.5 meters in length, so give it more space. Flowering occurs in early autumn and is accompanied by a rich, pleasant aroma.

Conditions of detention

  • In terms of light consumption, the orchid is very picky. Over the course of a year, she needs approximately 12 hours of daylight. However, direct sunlight destroys the plant. In winter, use artificial lighting;
  • The temperature should be no lower than 16 degrees and no higher than 30. In order for Wanda to grow, daily changes must be maintained. Daytime temperatures should be 8-10 degrees Celsius higher than nighttime temperatures;
  • Relative humidity no more than 80%. You can maintain it with daily spraying. Air is important for an orchid, since excess water can cause its roots to rot.


The Vanda orchid is having a hard time going through the transplant procedure. I recommend doing this only in cases where it is otherwise impossible to correct the situation.


The substrate should not retain moisture and allow the roots of the flower to breathe.

  • It is most convenient to use ready-made mixtures as a substrate, which contain everything the plant needs;
  • Some experts are confident that it is possible to do without a substrate. They suggest placing it in a basket or fixing it on a piece of bark, because in nature the flower lives on trees;
  • If you make the soil yourself, it is best to use crushed and mixed pine bark and sphagnum moss. You can add expanded clay, charcoal and sand.


Depending on your preferences and capabilities, Wanda can be placed in:

  • Special plastic mesh;
  • Wicker basket;
  • Glass vase;
  • Clay pot;
  • Flowerpot.


  1. Place two to three centimeters of drainage at the bottom of the container;
  2. Sprinkle a layer of substrate on top;
  3. Take the flower from the old pot, carefully clearing the roots of your plant from the old soil;
  4. Inspect the orchid roots and cut out any dry, rotten ones. Sprinkle the cut areas with crushed activated carbon;
  5. Place the plant in a new container, sprinkling fine bark around the roots in the middle;
  6. Spread the side roots.

Do not water your Vanda for two or three days after transplanting.

Home care


In hot weather you need to water once a day, in cold weather once a day or two. Do this before lunch to prevent the plant from accumulating moisture and rotting. There are four methods, choose based on the conditions you are in:

  • Immersion. The roots of the plant are dipped in a container of water for half a minute. Then hold it over the vessel for the same amount of time to allow excess water to drain. It is strictly not recommended to use on diseased plants;
  • Shower. Place the vanda in the bath and water the plant from the shower with warm water until the roots turn green. Leave it to drain for half an hour, and an hour after watering, wipe the leaves;
  • Watering can. Pour from a watering can along the edge of the pot until the water begins to overflow. Let it drain and repeat;
  • Spraying. The roots are moistened with a spray bottle and allowed to dry.


Complementary feeding is carried out approximately once a month, less often in winter. Fertilize simultaneously with watering in the morning (on a hot summer day, at noon). Spray the plant from a spray bottle or dip it in a diluted solution for half an hour. Proportion: 1 gram per 1 liter.


The royal orchid does not have a clear dormant period, as it is constantly growing and developing.

Diseases and pests

  • Spider mite. If the leaves first turn gray and then become brown, if you notice little white dots and thin cobwebs on the leaves, then Wanda has a tick. This mainly happens if the air is too dry for the orchid. Treat the plant soap solution, give him a warm shower and apply the fungicide according to the instructions;
  • Shield. If the leaves turn pale and acquire brown bumps, the flower is suffering from aphids. The reason is the same as when a tick appears. Remove all the bumps and treat the plant with a cotton swab dipped in a soap solution;
  • Fusarium wilt. With this disease, the leaves crumble, and black spots appear at the junction of the leaves and the stem. Appears when the soil is over-moistened and salted. Remove diseased tissue, lubricate the cut areas with iodine or brilliant green, and then treat with Fundazol. Transplant into a new substrate;
  • Chlorosis. When Wanda doesn't get enough iron, she gets chlorosis. This is expressed in the appearance of yellow streaks on the leaves. For treatment, it is necessary to transplant Wanda into a new substrate and feed her. When watering, use only soft water;
  • Root rot. The leaves turn black, the roots become moldy... It's a matter of excess moisture. Remove the diseased flower. Water your orchid correctly.


At home, Vanda is propagated only by daughter shoots. They appear infrequently, you need to be patient and take good care of the plant.

  1. When a sprout appears, there is no need to cut it off immediately. Wait until it reaches five centimeters and has its own root;
  2. The baby should be carefully cut off from the parent plant and the cut area should be sprinkled with charcoal;
  3. Place the new plant in a special pot with substrate and leave it in greenhouse conditions with a minimum relative humidity of 85%;
  4. After about two to three weeks, you can carefully acclimate to living conditions;
  5. Upon reaching twenty centimeters, the baby is transplanted into a basket and cared for as an adult plant.


The Vanda orchid or royal orchid is a beautiful plant, but requires careful care. If you are a beginner, I do not recommend starting your florist journey with this flower.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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