Fertilizing strawberries in the spring with boric acid, which gardeners have been using for more than one year, has proven itself well. These products themselves have beneficial properties, and when combined, you can get a unique solution that saturates the soil with important substances and protects the plant from various diseases.

Fertilizing strawberries with iodine and boric acid

The effectiveness of this fertilizer option is due to the benefits of each ingredient. Iodine is an antiseptic that will help prevent the development and relieve many diseases. As for boric acid, it also protects against certain diseases, and if there is a lack of boron, the roots begin to rot, the development of bushes deteriorates, and the leaves change shape. Iodine and boric acid for strawberries in the spring help increase the plant's yield.

It is important to point out that when feeding, it is very important to observe the proportions, since it can cause harm to the plant. Boric acid in an amount of 2 g is enough for 10 liters of liquid. The thing is that if you use more powder, the substance will accumulate in the berries, which can cause the development of diseases of the mucous membranes and skin. As for iodine vapor, it can harm a person, so it is better to wear a respirator during processing.

When to spray strawberries with boric acid and iodine?

During the season it is worth carrying out three treatments, with an interval of approximately two weeks.

  1. The first time feeding strawberries in the spring with iodine and boric acid is carried out when young leaves are formed and flower stalks are already visible at the base.
  2. The next treatment occurs at the stage when the flower stalks are extended, but the buds have not yet blossomed.
  3. The third watering of strawberries with boric acid and iodine in the spring is carried out after the berries are harvested, which is important for next year’s harvest.

Fertilizing strawberries with iodine and boric acid - recipes

These products can be used alone; in the spring, watering with the addition of iodine is recommended, taking into account that there should be 10 drops of the product per 10 liters of water. You should take a 5% solution. Watering can be done at the root and through a watering can. In addition, at the flowering stage, spraying with an iodine solution is allowed, to which you should add 1-2 tbsp. spoons of liquid soap.

Fertilizing strawberries with a solution of iodine and boric acid in the spring should follow the rules, so in the spring a boron solution will be useful. For this, add 0.5 teaspoons of powder to 10 liters of water, which should be warm. In addition, it will be useful to add 1 g of potassium permanganate. Experienced gardeners recommend dissolving the product in two stages: first pour the powder into a glass of hot water, and then pour it into the required amount of liquid. The finished volume is enough for 25-35 bushes.

Another option is foliar feeding, which will help increase the number of ovaries and also protect the flowers from falling off. When the bushes begin to gain color, they are sprayed with a weak boron solution, for which 2 g of powder is added to 10 liters of water. When spraying, it is recommended to get on the flowers. Please note that the remaining solution can be used on other garden crops.

You can add other components to the mixture of boron and iodine; recipes with potassium permanganate and ash will be discussed later, and here, about some other useful additives:

  1. You can add additives to the mixture, including nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, thanks to which the berries will not be watery, and the amount of sugar in them will also increase.
  2. By adding potassium salt, you can get an excellent remedy that will prevent the development of fungus. This additive is taken in an amount of two grams.
  3. If you add superphosphate to the solution in the spring, you can prevent the fruits from dying and cracks forming on them. In addition, such fertilizer will increase productivity.

Fertilizer for strawberries: boric acid, iodine, potassium permanganate

Popular in folk methods potassium permanganate fertilizer, which will not only serve as a good top dressing, but will also disinfect the soil, removing dangerous bacteria. Treating strawberries with potassium permanganate, iodine and boric acid in the spring has proven itself to be excellent, for which you should mix 2 liters of boiling water and 2 tbsp. ash. Leave it to brew for a couple of hours, and then add 3 g of potassium permanganate and boron, and also pour a bottle of iodine there. Mix everything well and apply the prepared fertilizer.

Fertilizing strawberries with boric acid, iodine and ash

As a fertilizer, many gardeners prefer it, which is easily digestible and is a natural product, and it also contains many microelements important for the plant. Strawberry fertilizer contains iodine, boric acid and ash. The amount of the first ingredient is 20 ml, the second is 0.5 teaspoon, the third is 2 tbsp. spoons, and you also need 10 liters of warm water. In addition, you can first dust the bushes with ash, and then water them with a solution of boron and iodine using a watering can.

How to treat strawberries with iodine and boric acid?

In order for the plant to receive the maximum amount of nutrients, it is important to add supplements, taking into account some features. The first step is to water the beds with plain water, which will make the soil and plant roots more receptive to fertilizer and also protect against burns. After a while, you can water the strawberries with iodine and boric acid or the mixtures presented above. After this, it is recommended to sprinkle a small amount of earth on top.

20 06.18

When and how to feed strawberries with boric acid and iodine?

Gardeners are very careful about their planted plants in the garden and care for them in every possible way. So they take proper care of the strawberries so that they grow healthy and have a good harvest. It needs to be fertilized more than three times a year. The first time this must be done during planting and its growing season, the second time it must be done during the flowering period, when the blossoming flowers are already visible, the third time it must be fertilized in the autumn, before going under the snow.

Still, there are those who simply planted a plant, ignore it and simply water it, thinking that everything will grow by itself. But they do not take into account the fact that feeding during the flowering process of a plant is a very important stage for them. After all, during the flowering period they require more vitamins and nutrients.

Why is fertilizing carried out precisely during the flowering of the plant?

In fact useful substances The plant needs it all year round. This is especially necessary to do if strawberries have been growing in the same place for more than one year. Since it takes all the nutrients from the soil in the first year, the rest of the time it will have a deficiency of useful components for growth and health, it will develop slowly. Additional fertilizing during flowering is necessary to ensure good formation of stems, ovaries and inflorescences, because the quality of the resulting harvest will depend on this. The purpose of artificial feeding with additional fertilizers is to restore the imbalance in the soil.

Gardeners and gardeners have many of their own fertilizing recipes in their reserves, thanks to which their garden blooms beautifully and produces a bountiful harvest. For strawberries, there are also a huge number of different inexpensive folk ways fertilizers that many people still use today.

Folk methods for fertilizing plants in the garden are considered to be ash; usually they simply throw it away after cleaning the stove; boric acid, which is excellent against fungal diseases; iodine, which is not so expensive and is familiar to everyone medicinal properties; chicken feces

All of the above can be classified as agrochemicals. Since they are among the fertilizers of natural biological production. I use agrochemicals in gardens as fertilizing and protection against insects for plants, restoring soil balance, which allows us to grow a bountiful harvest. But you should be careful with such fertilizers, because with the wrong dosage you can aggravate the situation and even kill the plants.

Boric acid as a plant feed (strawberry)

It is best to feed strawberries during flowering, since at this moment they will be able to get enough of all the substances and get stronger.

If you use boric acid as a fertilizer, the stability of strawberries in bad weather will increase, the ovaries will be juicier and healthier. Useful properties Boric acid doubles when used on peat or soddy-podzolic soil.

Fertilizer preparation:

  • To prepare the necessary liquid you will need: Boric acid, which can be purchased at any pharmacy, it is sold (in doses) in the form of powder and liquid, potassium permanganate, which can also be purchased at the pharmacy.
  • Add one gram of boric acid and potassium permanganate to a ten-liter bucket filled with water (10 l).
  • The solution is ready, it can be used in early summer during flowering or in the fall after harvesting.

This solution supplies plants with oxygen, improves their nutrition with potassium from the soil, and improves their growth. Thanks to this feeding, the shelf life of the resulting fruits will be much longer.

Feeding with iodine

Iodine is commonly used to disinfect wounds on the human body and cuts. This medicine is indispensable in every first aid kit. But as it turns out, it can also be used in the garden to obtain bountiful harvest. Iodine can prevent plant diseases, their rotting, the appearance of powdery mildew and many other diseases.

If you fertilize strawberry bushes with an iodine solution, the plant will bloom and bear fruit much better, since its immunity becomes much better, it actively resists diseases, it blooms faster and there are many more buds. In addition, a person receives an excellent and tasty harvest.

A lack of iodine in the soil can be noticed by how the plant grows; if the process is slow, then the plant’s body has an iodine deficiency, which can be prevented by fertilizing with a special solution. Iodine is not an expensive drug, so it can be purchased at any pharmacy at an affordable price.

Preparation of fertilizer with the addition of iodine:

  • For root feeding, add 1 mg of iodine to 10 liters of water and stir, then water the plants with it.
  • For spraying them, 10 drops per liter of water are suitable.

In both cases, it is necessary to use warm and non-chlorinated water. After watering and spraying, you can sprinkle the plants on the woody area, which will also have a great effect on their growth.

Material prepared by: Yuri Zelikovich, teacher of the Department of Geoecology and Environmental Management

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Boron as a microelement is necessary for plants to improve calcium absorption, enhance root respiration and synthesis of biologically active substances. Boric acid, or simply boric acid, or boric acid, is the most affordable and fairly effective microfertilizer with boron. In its pure form, boric acid is a white, finely crystalline powder. It dissolves poorly in cold water; in a hot place over 70 degrees – good. Acid properties are very weak. The hazard class for humans is the lowest, 4th. However, boric acid in humans and animals has a cumulative effect, therefore It is impossible to overfeed plants with it, even those that tolerate a large excess of boron: The accumulation of boron in the body of a consumer of plant products can cause severe chronic diseases.

Note: Recently, amateur plant growers have been experimenting a lot with succinic acid. Its effect on garden and greenhouse crops is undoubtedly beneficial, but keep in mind that succinic acid is in no way a replacement for boric acid and other boron-containing fertilizers - borax (sodium tetraborate), boron-magnesium mixture, boron superphosphate. Bora in succinic acid No.

Action and basic rules of use

The consequences of the main biological effect of boric acid are an increase in the number of ovaries, sugar content and keeping quality of fruits. The use of boric acid for plants as a microfertilizer allows you to increase the yield of vegetable and fruit crops by 20-30% and improve the taste of crop products without overfeeding the plants with basic ingredients. nutrients; therefore, without reducing the sanitary qualities of the fruit. In the case of overfeeding with nitrogen and potassium, foliar treatment with boron (see below) reduces or completely eliminates its consequences, but it is impossible to treat plants that have “gorged themselves” with phosphorus with boron, because When overfed with it, the plants' need for boron decreases.

The peculiarity of boron ions is that they practically do not migrate in plants, and grains of boron can cause local chemical burns of leaves, stems, branches and trunk. As a result, boric acid as a fertilizer It is used mainly in the form of foliar feeding by spraying with strict adherence to the rules of this operation: on open ground treatment is carried out in the evening, preferably on a warm cloudy day, from a high-quality sprayer that produces a misty drizzle, but not visible splashes (item 1 in the figure); Spraying of the next section of the bush/crown is stopped as soon as fine dew settles on the leaves/branches. The appearance of rolling drops is unacceptable.

Fertilizing with a boric solution (boric water) by watering the roots is used occasionally; mainly as an “ambulance” for group 4 crops (see below). Water the plants with boron water from a watering can (not from a pressurized hose!) exactly under the roots or along the rows (item 2 in the figure), preventing the solution from getting on the trunk or green mass. It makes sense to add crystalline boron to the soil only in potted crops: in this case, the fertilizer will simply be lost in the garden, and in a greenhouse, root burns are very likely. In open ground, by the way, too, if it is introduced “from the heart.” There is no way to cure plants from boron root burn.

Nevertheless, treating plants with boron can be confidently recommended to novice plant growers. In addition to the fact that boric acid is poorly soluble at room temperature and boron migrates very slowly in plants, their need for boron (see below) is stable during the growing season. Therefore, spraying boron in average dacha conditions can be carried out simply by standard scheme in compliance with the dosage for this group of plants (see below). The standard schedule for vegetables, stone fruits and berries is 2-fold spraying at the beginning of the opening of the buds and 5-7 days later, when the ovaries begin to form. For pomaceae fruit trees(apple, pear, quince) – 3-fold treatment: at the beginning of the phases of budding, flowering and fruit filling (withered corollas of flowers fell off). Watering under the roots is carried out in emergency cases when there are signs of starvation on the boron.

Note: It makes sense to treat fruits with boron at the stages of white filling and commercial ripeness of fruits, as is sometimes recommended, only in order to combat diseases and pests or with signs of acute boron starvation (see below) - boric acid is known to be a good biocide (antiseptic). Boric acid has little effect on the sanitary and commercial qualities of fruits at these stages.

When is boron still needed?

It is possible to use boric acid to increase the yield on the site not only by spraying during the growing season. Good results To increase the yield of green crops and root crops, pre-sowing treatment of boron seeds provides benefits. A weight is attached to the bag of seeds (so that they do not float) and the seed is soaked in a 0.02% boric solution (2 g per 10 liters of water). Seeds of cucumbers, cabbage and zucchini are soaked for 12 hours; the rest - a day.

In general, before planting, it is better to soak the seeds for 10-12 hours in complex boron-containing solutions (the ingredients are dissolved/mixed in the specified sequence):

  • Water – 1 l.
  • Crystalline boric acid – 0.5 g.
  • Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) – 1 g.
  • Copper sulfate (copper sulfate) – 0.5 g.
  • Zinc sulfate – 0.5 g.
  • Infusion of onion peel (1 glass) – 0.5 l.
  • Wood stove ash extract – 0.5 l.
  • Crystalline boric acid – 0.2 g.
  • Baking soda (calcium bicarbonate) – 5 g
  • Potassium permanganate – 1 g.

It is convenient to use boric acid in pharmaceutical portions of 1 g (bag), increasing accordingly. amount of other components and water. Onion skins infuse for a day in hot water, drain the infusion and filter, and discard the sediment. To obtain an ash extract, add 1 liter of boiling water to a glass of ash, stirring continuously. Then let cool until room temperature, stirring every 15-20 minutes. After this, the extract is allowed to stand for a day, the infusion is drained, filtered, and the sediment is discarded.

Pre-sowing soil preparation with boric acid is also effective on moderately fertile and lean soils (see below), as well as in the spring after liming acidified or swampy soil. For pre-sowing soil preparation with boron, choose a cloudy, warmer day; preferably after rain. If the spring turns out to be dry, the treated area is well watered an hour or two before applying boron. Water the ridges with a 0.05% solution (5 g of boric acid per 10 liters of water) from a watering can. Consumption of working solution – 1 liter per 1 sq. m. There is no need to water the entire area: between the rows the fertilizer will be wasted, so it is better to form the ridges in advance.

Boron for potatoes

Lack of boron for potatoes is expressed in fungal scab, redness and fragility of leaf petioles. In this case, prompt feeding with boron is not very effective, therefore planting material It is highly advisable to spray potatoes with a 0.05% boric solution before planting. Planting nodules are scattered in one layer on film and sprayed at the rate of 1 liter of solution per 1 square meter. m. material. When the treated material dries, it is turned, again leveled into one layer, and the processing is repeated.

Boron and soil

The need of plants for additional boron is largely determined by its content in the soil. Based on the content of boron and microelements in general, soils can be divided into the following. groups:

  1. Rich - chernozems on basic (non-carbonate) underlying rocks, properly reclaimed and timely moderately fertilized garden soil in areas with established crop rotation, loess and alluvial soils in the foothills.
  2. Moderately fertile - chernozems on carbonate rocks, chestnut, brown forest, river alluvial soils, light loams and moderately dense sandy loams.
  3. Skinny - gray forest soils, soddy-podzolic soils, peat-swampy soils, loose sandy loams, medium and heavy loams, garden soil at the weekend dacha.

How much boron is needed

The application schedule, concentration and dosage of boric acid solution for plant nutrition are also determined by the type of crop being treated. According to the need for boron, fruit and vegetable crops are divided into 4 groups:

  • Pome fruit trees, any cabbage, beets - the need is high;
  • Stone fruit trees, berry bushes, most vegetables and greens - the need is average;
  • Legumes, herbs – low need;
  • Potatoes, strawberries - the need is low, but they react sharply to a lack of boron and immediately get sick.

For all these groups, unscheduled fertilizing with boron is carried out when signs of boron starvation appear (see below) with a solution of double concentration. Pre-sowing application of boric acid after liming of acidified soil is carried out in any case in the spring. Otherwise, boron application schemes are different.


Plants of the first group require boron fertilizing on any soil to increase productivity. For obese people – 0.01% solution (1 g per 10 liters of water); on average 0.02% solution, in lean and fruitful years the concentration of the solution can be increased to 0.05-0.1% (5-10 g per 10 liters of water). The foliar application rate is 1 liter of working solution per 1 sq. m of planting or outer contour of the crown. On thin soils and after liming any other soils, pre-sowing preparation of the soil with boron is required; for trees - in the tree trunk circle.


The use of boron for plants of this group does not increase the yield as much as for the previous one. Plants with a moderate need for boron on rich soils, as a rule, are not fed with it or are fed in the order of applying a complex microfertilizer. On medium and thin ones, feed the leaves with 0.02% solution twice (see above). On lean and, in productive years, on medium soils, pre-sowing preparation is carried out with boron. In greenhouses, cucumbers and tomatoes are fed with boron, just like pre-plants. groups (see also at the end).


The effect of boron fertilizing on the yield of plants in this group is insignificant. On thin soils, they are given pre-sowing application of boron. During the growing season, unscheduled feeding of leaves is carried out when signs of boron starvation appear.


Abstinence is a disease in the absence of something familiar. Drug withdrawal and Kumar are nothing more than withdrawal syndromes. Plants of the “withdrawal” group are fed with boron for the sake of salvation in the presence of signs of boron starvation. Unscheduled boron fertilizing does not increase yield in this case; This requires pre-sowing preparation of soil or planting material.

If the potatoes show signs of fungal scab, redness and fragility of the leaf petioles, the matter may be corrected by spraying with 0.6% boric solution, but it is better to use 0.9% borax solution, it is absorbed faster by plants. The soil for strawberries can only be prepared before planting. If strawberries show signs of boron starvation in 2-3 years, spray 0.3-0.5 liters per bush with a solution (dissolve in the indicated sequence):

  • Water – 10 l.
  • Boric acid – 2 g.
  • Potassium permanganate – 2 g.
  • Ash extract – 1 l.

How to dissolve boric acid

In water at room temperature, not to mention well and tap water, boric acid will not completely dissolve. Heating 10 liters or more of water is also irrational, so first prepare a boron stock solution: the sample is dissolved in 1 liter of water heated to 70-80 degrees to produce steam. It is better to pour a portion of boron in advance into a bag made of thick fabric (not wool or synthetic!) and hang it in hot water. In cooled water, boric acid does not precipitate, so the mother liquor is poured into the container in the order of preparation of the worker, for which 1 liter less water is taken (not 10, 20, 30..., but 9, 19, 29... liters).

Signs of starvation

Plant starvation of boron is expressed primarily in chlorosis (palning and yellowing) of leaves, however, unlike nitrogen starvation, boron chlorosis develops between the veins, primarily on old leaves. Unlike magnesium chlorosis, boron chlorosis does not develop in spots evenly over the entire area, but as if in a wave from the petiole to the tip of the leaf. An additional clear diagnostic sign of boron deficiency is that young shoots grow lower than the old ones, and the growing points at the top droop or dry out, see fig.

In fruit trees, boron starvation is also clearly expressed: young shoots do not grow evenly along the length of the branches of this year, but grow like a broom (bush) closer to their ends. A large deficiency of boron causes the appearance of fattening shoots - tops - thick, fleshy, very fast growing, sparsely and finely leafed. Tops usually appear on the trunk (trunk) below old branches. When tops appear, the tree should be watered with a 0.05% boric solution at the rate of 1 liter per 1 square meter. m of tree trunk circle. An hour or two before the unscheduled application of boron under the roots, the tree is watered abundantly, or emergency fertilizing is carried out after a good rain. The latter is much more effective; air ions help here.

Note: If apples and pears show signs of boron starvation during the period of fruit ripening, unscheduled treatment of the leaves with boron is done immediately, otherwise the so-called boron will appear in the fruits. internal suberization. You can eat such apples/pears, but in terms of marketability it is an off-grade defect.

In beets, boron starvation causes phomosis (see figure on the right). In this case, the plants are sprayed with 0.05-0.1% boric solution, on rich and medium-lean soils, respectively, at the rate of 1 liter per 1 sq. m. It is impossible to delay unscheduled treatment of beets with boron: if you postpone it for at least 1-2 days, Phoma will lead to rotting of the root crops, which will make the entire crop inedible. On rich and medium soils, beet foliar fertilization with 0.05% boric solution at the stage of 3-5 leaves will prevent beet blight. Spraying rate – 1 liter per 1 sq. m of green planting area.

Signs of overeating

Signs of excess boron in plants are also quite clearly expressed: the leaves become glossy, as if from excess nitrogen, they bend dome-shaped upward, and their edges bend downward. Symptoms also develop in a boron manner, from the top down and from old leaves to young ones. In this case, it is useful to give unscheduled feeding of potassium on the leaves. In a productive year and/or on thin soil, 5-7 days after potassium, also feed the plants with nitrogen.

Boron in a greenhouse

Boron fertilizers are most effective in greenhouse conditions: in warm, humid air, it is much more difficult to overfeed or burn plants with boric acid than in open ground, and boron migrates more actively under the same conditions. How to use boric acid to intensify greenhouse farming of such common and profitable crops as cucumbers and tomatoes, see video:

Video: using boron in a greenhouse for tomatoes and cucumbers

Having grown strawberries for several years now, I have come to the conclusion that the taste, yield and disease resistance of strawberries are completely controllable by the gardener.

You just need to know some rules for proper care of this berry. Lately I have been actively using boric acid as a fertilizer, and the results are pleasantly surprising.

Many gardeners use this drug on the site as fertilizer. It is important for many plants and can be used throughout the growing season, and not just at the beginning of the growth of the strawberry bush. But not everyone knows exactly how boric acid affects the plant and how to understand what exactly it is lacking.

What are the benefits of boric acid:

  1. Proper use during flowering of the bush contributes to the appearance of more ovaries. It also prevents flowers from falling off, even in strong winds and drafts.
  2. The fruits themselves will be much sweeter, tastier and juicier. The structure of the berry will remain dense for a longer period of time.
  3. The leaves will remain healthy for longer. The color will remain rich green. The leaves will not wither, turn yellow or crumble for a long time.
  4. Nitrogen synthesis is also normalized, which strengthens the plant and also develops resistance to various infections: powdery mildew, late blight, bacteriosis, the appearance of brown rot on fruits and necrosis of leaf blades. And the pests will stop pestering the bush with berries.
  5. The substance boron itself is useful in that it controls the accumulation of necessary sugars in the fruit and promotes better absorption of calcium from the soil by the plant.

Uncontrolled consumption of boron contributes to the gradual accumulation of the substance in the tissues of the berry. As a result, such strawberries are no longer useful, but harmful product for humans: inflammation of the mucous membranes and skin may occur.

The plant may suffer if the drug is dosed incorrectly: the root system and leaf plates may dry out, as well as slow growth and development of fruits.

Signs of boron deficiency in strawberries

In sandy or very sandy soil, as well as calcareous soil, boron is washed out up to 80%, so it will definitely not be enough for strawberries to develop properly.

If you notice that the leaf plates begin to deform, change shape, curl and shrink, and necrosis of the lower leaves near the root system has also appeared, then this is the first sign of a lack of this element.

It is important to take action as soon as possible, because delay may not save the situation: the leaves will begin to die and fall off. Nothing can be done anymore.

In addition to the fact that the strawberry bush simply begins to wither before our eyes, its taste also changes for the worse. The fruits become sourish in taste and lose required quantity sugar, and the fetus becomes watery. As you can see in the photo, the berry completely changes shape and becomes different in appearance. external signs to your own variety.

The plant's ovaries are formed in very small quantities, and the berries change shape. Fruiting drops sharply with a lack of boric acid in strawberries.

How to properly fertilize with boric acid

Such fertilizers are extremely necessary for bushes that are planted on soil with too high a percentage of carbonates, as well as in forest, light and infertile soil, poor in nutrients.

It is also important to fertilize the bushes with boron if the soil is too acidic. Timely use of this substance immediately normalizes the development of ovaries and improves the taste of the berry.

In gardening, there are several recipes that contain boric acid. Often more is added to the mixture additional elements for better effect. Let's look at some of the most famous recipes solutions.

Applying fertilizers during the flowering and fruit set period of a strawberry bush

  1. Young shoots that are prepared for planting in the ground must be kept in a specially prepared solution of boric acid. It is prepared as follows: stir 0.2 grams of boron in one liter of water. Or the following composition is also made: baking soda - 5 g, potassium permanganate - 1 g, water - 1 l, boric acid - 0.2 g.
  2. Feeding should be done several times when active formation buds and ovaries on a strawberry bush. To do this, add 10 grams of acid to a bucket of water. The bush should be treated by spraying. It is best to do this in the afternoon, so as not to burn the leaves of the crop, and you should choose a windless, calm day.
  3. In order to provide root feeding in the spring for a better process of formation of ovaries on the bushes, prepare the following solution: add a few grams of boric acid and 1 gram of potassium permanganate to a bucket of water. The resulting mixture is poured carefully under the bushes (it will be possible to process about 28 - 30 strawberry bushes). Root feeding should be done extremely carefully so as not to damage or burn root system plants.
  4. Another version of the composition, which is poured under the root: a bucket of water (10 liters) is mixed with two grams of boron and wood ash (200 grams) is added, as well as 2 grams of manganese.

It is important to maintain the exact dosage and not to overdo it, so as not to harm the plant. If everything is done correctly, the amount of ovary will increase significantly, and wood ash will also help disinfect the soil and protect the root system and the bush itself from pests and harmful bacteria.

Fertilizing during berry ripening

Such feeding is carried out infrequently so as not to harm the structure of the fetus. But if done correctly, the berries acquire a rich, bright red color.

  1. Water (10 liters) is mixed with two grams of boric acid, 20 grams of urea, half a glass of wood ash and three grams of potassium permanganate. The bush is sprayed with this mixture while the berries are ripening. It is also an excellent protective agent against pests and diseases.
  2. Also classic recipe: 5 grams of boron mixed with a bucket of water. Then the plant is sprayed. It is important to know that boric acid is diluted only in hot water. To do this, the required amount of the substance is first dissolved in small quantity water at the required temperature and then mixed with the rest of the mixture.
  3. As spring feeding To the general mixture of one bucket of water and 10 grams of acid, another glass of wood ash and 30 drops of iodine are added. Then the strawberry bush is sprayed with the resulting solution.

You can also lightly sprinkle the plant with wood ash before spraying it, then when spraying the ash will go into the root system and thereby protect it from fungal infections and diseases.

It should be remembered that before using mixtures that contain boric acid, it is recommended to moisten the soil well.

Many gardeners begin to add boron solutions to the soil even before planting in order to feed and prepare the soil for planting young bushes in a safer way.

Important: when spraying a bush, the amount of boron is reduced to 0.5 - 0.2 g per 10 liters of water, so as not to cause harm sheet plates, which actively absorb this mixture.

Spraying is carried out on average only 3 times:

  • During the formation of buds on a strawberry bush.
  • During the period of active flowering.
  • When the berries ripen.

Also, boric acid in combination with calcium promotes better absorption of the latter by the plant, and boron with nitrogen strengthens the root system and increases the number of ovaries. Boron and phosphorus in tandem help to properly distribute sugar into the fruits and normalize the nutrition of the entire plant evenly from the root system to the fruits.

Thus, if you follow simple rules, the harvest of strawberries will pleasantly surprise you. A general condition plants will simplify care and will not cause concern - you will forget about diseases and problems with leaves, fruits and the root system of strawberries.

Care garden strawberries consists of many activities, but in the spring it is important to pay special attention to feeding. It should contain more nitrogen to stimulate the growth of foliage and shoots. Often during this period, yeast, herbal infusions, ash, as well as drugs from the pharmacy: boric acid or even iodine are used to fertilize strawberries. Recipes and recommendations from summer residents in the video will help you prepare solutions of the correct concentration.

Folk remedies for strawberries: yeast, ash, herbal infusions

It is believed that in the first year after rooting there is no need to feed the bushes. After all, the necessary fertilizer is applied immediately before planting. Strawberries need additional nutrition starting from the age of 2 years. And you need to act according to this scheme:

  • in the 2nd and 4th years - the addition of organic matter and minerals;
  • in the 3rd year - only minerals are required.

Since strawberries should be transplanted to a new place every 4-5 years, this scenario can be repeated every time.

When the snow melts and warm weather sets in, you need to plan the first spring feeding of the plant. It usually falls in March-April. Some summer residents use fresh yeast to fertilize strawberries during this period. You can prepare the solution like this:

  • dilute a pack weighing 1 kg in 5 liters of warm water;
  • add 0.5 liters of mixture for each bush.

An alternative to “live” yeast is dry yeast. From these, the solution is prepared as follows:

  • 1 sachet and 2 tbsp. l. sugar is mixed with warm water. You only need a little of it;
  • add this to a bucket of water;
  • stand for 2 hours.

Attention! The yeast mixture saturates garden strawberries with copper, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and other elements, thanks to which the plant develops well.

Another common component of spring feeding is ash. It contains potassium, phosphorus, and other useful substances. Some gardeners pour a handful of dry ash into the rows while mulching the soil. Do this before watering or on the eve of rain.

You can use an ash solution. To do this:

  1. Pour 1 liter of hot water into a container containing 1 tbsp. ash.
  2. Leave for 24 hours.
  3. Add water to make 10 liters of solution.
  4. Mix well and pour over the strawberries. For 1 sq. m of planting you will need 1 liter of mixture.

Infusions of various herbs are also popular as supplements. In the spring, for these purposes, you can take young nettle, which enriches garden strawberries with vitamins. Fill 1 bucket of herbs with warm water and leave for 3-4 days. Another way is to leave the nettle under pressure for 1-2 weeks. During this time, the mass must be stirred daily. Before use, dilute every 0.5 liter of fermented infusion in a bucket of water.

Recipes for “pharmacy” fertilizers with boric acid and iodine

Since iodine is an antiseptic, it is quite capable of preventing the development of certain diseases on strawberry bushes. Summer residents note the effectiveness of the medicine against various fungi and bacteria. One-time spring feeding should be done after pruning the foliage. The plant is watered with water to which iodine has been added (you need to take 15 drops per bucket). If you add 1 tbsp to the same mixture. homemade serum, you can treat garden strawberry bushes leaf by leaf, i.e. spray.

Attention! When using iodine, strictly follow the proportions.

Fertilizing garden strawberries with boric acid helps increase yield and improve the taste of sweet berries. Such feeding is especially important in cases where the plant itself signals a boron deficiency by showing curved leaves. If you want to do foliar feeding, mix 5 g of boric acid with a bucket of water. In early spring, water the strawberry beds with a solution consisting of:

  • 1 g boric acid;
  • the same amount of potassium permanganate;
  • buckets of water.

This volume is enough for 30-40 bushes of the crop.

Advice. To dissolve boric acid, take hot water, and to bring the mixture to the desired volume - warm or cool.

Another recipe for spring feeding suggests mixing 1 tsp in a bucket of water. boric acid, 30 drops of iodine and 1 tbsp. ash. Another option is to add 0.5 tsp to the same amount of liquid. boric acid, 1 tbsp. urea, 3 g of potassium permanganate and 0.5 tbsp. ash. There are many options, but what to use is up to you.

Caring for garden strawberries: video

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. Ebay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):