Together with food, our body receives all the necessary elements, but often we do not know what the benefits or harms of a certain product are. One of the important organic compounds is starch. It belongs to complex carbohydrates - polysaccharides and is an irreplaceable source of energy. What are its benefits and possible harm Our article will tell you what foods contain starch.

Externally, starch synthesized from foods is a white powder, tasteless and insoluble in cold water. It is produced by plants during photosynthesis from glucose. Thanks to complex chemical reactions, part of the glucose is transformed into starch. It accumulates in fruits, grains and tubers, providing backup nutrition for plants in case of unfavorable conditions.

Starch is obtained by grinding suitable raw materials and subjecting the resulting mixture to processing chemicals. After cleaning, filtering and drying, the finished starch is ready for use. There are several types of ready-made starch. The production process has significant differences, as do the areas of application.

Types of starch:

  1. Refined starch l is often used in cooking and home recipes. It is obtained from potatoes, corn and some types of grain crops. IN food industry its use is extremely in demand, because starch is a kind of stabilizing component in the manufacture of confectionery and sausages, sauces and even baby food.
  2. Natural starch found in almost all plant products, but only in different concentrations. It is an irreplaceable source of energy for our body. For people leading an active lifestyle, including foods with natural starches is a must.
  3. There is another type of starch that is obtained from modified raw materials. The benefits of such a product are still in doubt, but many manufacturers use it as a cheap ingredient in the food industry.

As raw material for production different types The following crops serve starch. Rice grains have the maximum starch content - about 86%. In wheat its concentration reaches 75%, in corn - 72%, and in potato tubers up to 28%.

Products containing starch

The main advantage and disadvantage of starch is its rapid absorption by the body. When entering the stomach, foods containing starch are very quickly broken down into glucose, increasing blood sugar levels. This provokes a feeling of hunger, so it is not recommended to abuse such food. On the other hand, glucose is vital for our body for normal brain function and also helps maintain muscle tone. In order to independently regulate the amount of starch consumed, you should definitely find out the list of products containing it.

Which foods contain the maximum amount of starch:

Products: Starch content:
Rice flour 79%
Rice cereal 78%
Whole grain rice 75%
Barley flour 72%
Wheat flour 72%
Corn flour 65%
Oats 61%
Millet 60%
Chickpeas 50%
Barley 58%
Peas 52%
Legumes 45%
Lentils 40%
Beans 38%
Soybeans 35%
Potato 28%

Optimal absorption of these food products occurs when adding so-called light fats. These include vegetable oil, sour cream and cream. When combined, certain chemical reactions, which help saturate the body with the necessary amount of carbohydrates, but without oversaturation.

Table of ready-made meals containing starch:

Name: Starch content:
Pasta 75%
Cornflakes 74%
Homemade noodles 65%
Butter crackers 61%
Cereal crackers 58%
Flatbread 52%
Kissel 51%
White bread 48%
Rye bread 45%

Consumption of such products helps saturate the body with carbohydrates, but in large quantities it can negatively affect work internal systems and lead to obesity. Each serving provokes the production of insulin so that glucose can be safely absorbed. Such a load does not always have a positive effect on the body, so you should pay attention to products containing starch in low concentrations.

List of foods that do not contain starch:

  • Eggs.
  • Meat.
  • Fish, seafood.
  • Dairy products.
  • Cucumbers.
  • Onions, garlic.
  • Tomatoes.
  • Cabbage.
  • Carrot.
  • Beet.
  • bell pepper.
  • Eggplant.
  • Zucchini.
  • Turnip.
  • Leafy vegetables and greens.
  • Gherkins.

This is an ideal diet for those who want to lose weight, because the carbohydrate content in such a diet will be minimal. At the same time, we should not forget that a healthy diet should include maximum variety, especially with increased mental or physical stress.

Daily starch intake

Depending on age, gender and the degree of physical and mental stress, starch consumption should be regulated. As mentioned earlier, when this compound enters our body, it very quickly breaks down into glucose, which means that the body is saturated. On the other hand, excessive consumption of starch has a negative effect on the body and leads to problems with the cardiovascular system, pancreatic dysfunction and even the development of obesity.

To avoid this, you need to know exactly what amount will be optimal and will only bring benefits.

The daily intake of starch is:

  • For children, this figure ranges from 50 to 150 grams, depending on the age and weight of the child.
  • For adults daily norm is 330 grams.
  • During pregnancy and lactation, the load on the body is greater, which means the norm can be increased to 350 - 400 grams.

Almost all the foods we consume contain starch in varying concentrations, so the daily diet must be as varied and nutritious as possible, but without an excess of the same substances. The ideal ratio for this would be 1:1:4, which means for every serving of protein and fat you need to consume four times as many carbohydrates.

Healthy starch

The maximum benefit for our body comes from the so-called resistant starch. It takes longer to digest and releases a large amount of energy for the body to function. It has been proven that regular inclusion of foods containing “healthy” starch in the diet helps renew tissue at the cellular level, speeds up metabolism and prevents the development of tumors.

The maximum content of healthy starch is found in legumes, especially beans and lentils. Whole grains (buckwheat, oats and rice) are slightly inferior in concentration, but can also boast of the presence of this beneficial compound. Root vegetables also contain beneficial starch. These are potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke, yams and sweet potatoes. It is also found in small quantities in fresh fruit and berries, so you should definitely include them in your daily diet.

An irreplaceable source of energy for our body, starch, brings not only benefits. Excessive consumption leads to the development of severe conditions, in particular obesity, so reasonable limitation of foods rich in starch is necessary.

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All existing vegetables, with a fair degree of convention, can be divided into two large categories: starchy vegetables and not starchy. It is clear that this division is based on the amount of starch in the product. Unfortunately, there is no clear criterion for classifying them into the groups listed above; as a result, on some Internet resources you can also find a third group, the so-called moderately starchy vegetables. However, I will consider starchy and non-starchy vegetables, a mini list of them.

Foods high in starch

Potatoes contain approximately 18 -20% of the substance in question. Due to its special nutritional qualities, potatoes are not without reason called second bread. In order for the representatives of the flora I am considering to be fully absorbed by the body, they should be eaten together with a small amount fats, such as vegetable oil. Below we list the most common representatives of this category.

Jerusalem artichoke;
Legumes: beans, peas, chickpeas, lentils;
Sweet potato;
Roots of parsley, celery and horseradish.

Non-starchy vegetables

Representatives of this category contain very little of the polysaccharide in question. As a result, they are compatible with almost any other product. These vegetables go well with meat and fats, improving the absorption of the latter. In addition, they retain liquid well, which helps to quickly achieve a feeling of fullness. Here is a list of the most popular products belonging to this category:

White cabbage, red cabbage, Brussels sprouts;
Onions: onions, green, bear, leeks, chives;
Leaf salads;
Bamboo shoots;
Bell pepper;
Green beans and green peas;
Artichoke hearts.

Note: the following vegetables can be included in the intermediate group: carrots, turnips, zucchini, eggplants, soybeans, beets.


What is so special about starch and why are vegetables divided into different categories based on this substance?

The main reason for this strict separation is that starch requires an alkaline environment to be broken down in the gastrointestinal tract. In contrast to this, we note that such a common nutritional component as protein, on the contrary, is better absorbed in an acidic environment. It is logical to imagine that if there are a large number of the ingredients listed above, none of them will be efficiently utilized. Fermentation processes will begin in the intestines, which will manifest itself in the form of dyspeptic symptoms, accompanied by discomfort and bloating.

In addition, poorly processed starch is transformed into easily accessible fats, which settle on the sides and thighs. An unbalanced diet is a trigger for excess weight.

Hence the conclusion - products containing starch in large quantities should not accompany protein products. By the way, a fairly common dish - potatoes with meat, in fact, is the clearest example of food incompatibility. This combination should be avoided and consumed separately.

But representatives of both categories of vegetables can go well with each other. So you can safely eat, for example, potatoes and cabbage with parsley, without fear of getting indigestion.

Many people have heard that eating a lot of vegetables is good for your health. I note that this phrase should not be taken literally; for example, a diet that contains only potatoes and cabbage can hardly be called correct. And such a menu will most likely have a negative impact on your health. It is necessary to take into account the group affiliation of vegetables.

For best results, you should eat them raw or use steam treatment. Thanks to this, the products will retain all the vitamins and microelements that are so necessary for a healthy lifestyle.

A few words about tomatoes. Due to the fact that they contain many organic acids in their composition, they are partly equivalent to fruits. That is why you should eat tomatoes as much as possible, especially in combination with protein foods, such as meat or fish.

Representatives of the legume family deserve special attention. Not many people know that this is a very heavy food, and it should be consumed quite limitedly. The reason for this lies in the large amount of starch, about 45%, combined with a fair amount of protein, about 25%. For better absorption, you need to add a little heavy cream or vegetable oil to such vegetables.


The more fresh, crunchy, green vegetables we have on our tables, the higher the healthy component of food. Currently, humanity has created a huge number of all kinds of diets, “for every color and taste.” You will definitely be able to choose something suitable for yourself. It is quite easy to get lost in this diversity. To prevent this from happening, you can seek professional help from a nutritionist.

Try to diversify your diet, be moderate, and then everything will work out, and of course - be healthy!

These gifts of nature are rich in sugar in the form of fructose, so those on a diet are often prohibited from eating them. We'll talk about the dangers of starch later, but it is its absence that makes non-starchy fruits and vegetables so beneficial for all those who follow proper nutrition. Principles healthy eating They have long become staples for many, so the use of starch needs to be discussed separately.

Benefits of non-starchy fruits

Many people think that starch is found exclusively in potatoes and corn, because this is what they sell in supermarkets. This product belongs to the group of polysaccharides, and when it enters the body as a result of metabolism, it turns into glucose, which provides energy for work. But if you lead a sedentary lifestyle, then all the excess energy will turn into fat deposits, so it is better to choose non-starchy fruits as desserts.

However, it is not recommended to completely exclude starch from the diet; it also has a number of beneficial properties:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • normalizes acid processes;
  • improves microflora.

However, you should properly combine starchy and non-starchy fruits and vegetables in your diet so as not to disrupt your metabolism. It is important to consume all fruits that do not contain starch exclusively in fresh to get the most out of them. In addition, such fruits are often included in many high-quality and natural cosmetics, which can be purchased at

List of non-starchy fruits

If the starch content of a product per 100 grams is less than 5%, then it is considered conditionally non-starchy, and if less than 1%, then it is completely non-starchy.


A very popular fruit that is ideal for preparing salads with seafood and meat. Its pulp contains 0.11 grams of starch - practically this figure tends to zero.


This non-starchy fruit, or berry, is ideal for preparing a variety of desserts. Just 0.05 grams of starch per 100 grams of berries makes it a tasty and healthy addition to the diet menu.


The end of summer and the beginning of autumn is melon season. Unlike watermelons, this fruit is non-starchy and contains only 0.05 grams of this component per 100 grams of juicy sweet pulp. But be careful due to high content sugar melon is not the most dietary product.


But only green and hard varieties, like Semerenko - such fruits are non-starchy and go well with any diet.


And peaches too are also non-starchy fruits; they contain 0.07 grams of starch per 100 grams, but at the same time they also contain a lot of sugar. A couple of fruits a day will not harm your figure, but you should not eat them all the time.

There is no starch in one very healthy wild berry. Every housewife should know how to make a tasty and healthy drink out of it.

In accordance with healthy eating standards, an adult should eat 600 g of plant foods (300 g of fruits and vegetables) every day.

Now imagine what will happen to your weight if you regularly add, for example, only beans, potatoes and bananas to your diet. Of course, extra pounds and wrinkles at the waist will appear. It’s another matter if you chew, say, cucumbers and parsley. What should be the serving size to fill you up? The difference between the first and second sets is the content useful substances and, first of all, starch. It is strongly not recommended to completely exclude this element from the diet, since it is a source of energy.

The question arises, what to do?

The creators of the theory offer the answer separate power supply. They not only distinguished between starchy and non-starchy vegetables and fruits, but also suggested options for their compatibility with each other and with other products.

True, the system is complex, not everyone can master it. The situation is simplified if you clearly know which category a particular fruit or plant belongs to.

Starchy foods: benefits and harm to the body

The first thing that comes to mind is potatoes, isn't it? In fact, the list of starchy vegetables and fruits is much wider, and the specified root vegetable is far from being in first place. By the way, you still need to include them in the menu.

For reference
Starch belongs to the category of the most common and accessible carbohydrates of the group of polysaccharides (amylose + amylopectin) that enter the body with food. As a result of an internal hydrolysis reaction, it is converted into an energy source - glucose, and a by-product - dextrin.

Do you at least remember school course chemistry? 70% of readers probably forgot all sorts of nuances. Therefore, more specifically about the benefits of this substance:

  • relieves hyperglycemia in diabetics;
  • stimulates the growth of intestinal microflora;
  • normalizes acid-forming processes;
  • has a beneficial effect on the immune system.

But if consumed incorrectly or excessively, this type of carbohydrate causes harm to the body:

  • the notorious extra pounds appear;
  • cause “fermentation” processes in the stomach and intestines, which are manifested by flatulence, nausea, and stool disorders.

Complete list of starch-containing plants broken down into groups

Some will be surprised to learn that in the first place is not potatoes at all - the enemy of everyone on a diet, but cereals. Yes, yes, the same ones from which they cook.

So, starchy cereals are:

  • millet;
  • corn;
  • wheat

It’s a paradox, but oatmeal and wheat and rice porridge are a component of 90% of diets; corn is a valuable source of vitamins. Feature: easy digestibility.

The largest number of starch-containing vegetables are tubers: rutabaga, potatoes, radishes and radish, Jerusalem artichoke. But the leaders in the presence of carbohydrates in the variety of carbohydrates in question are corn and legumes. The list is complemented by healthy roots of ginger, parsnip, parsley and celery. Here we will add zucchini, squash and pumpkin.

A separate subgroup consists of moderately starchy vegetables. According to the developments of the main theorist of the separate power system G. Shelton, it includes exclusively cauliflower. But there is also a more expanded version, including: eggplant, carrots, turnips, beets, soy and zucchini.

from the point of view rational nutrition Obviously, it is undesirable to completely exclude starchy vegetables, fruits and other foods from the diet.

However, nutritionists recommend that people watching their weight reduce their consumption to 20-30% in relation to the total diet. Proper combination of products is also important.

Main points:

  • it is better to combine starches with each other;
  • eat dishes made from legumes or potatoes with salads (cabbage + greens, cucumber + tomato);
  • At the same time, include in the menu foods rich in B vitamins;
  • Preferred types of cooking: baking and steaming.

Non-starchy vegetables and fruits

Generally speaking, the main advantages of plant foods in this group are:

  • easy digestibility;
  • compatibility with any products (with the exception of milk);
  • composition enriched with vitamins and other useful components.

Although nutritionists note that, from the point of view of usefulness, each element must be considered separately. For example, a mandatory item in numerous tables of non-starchy vegetables is the usual white cabbage. But it is prohibited by most therapeutic diets, since it provokes the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines. In a similar way, you can go through literally every point, examining in detail the entire nutrient-vitamin-mineral composition, its benefits and harm to the body.

List of non-starchy vegetables:

  • artichokes;
  • mushrooms;
  • greens (lettuce, spinach, above-ground part of parsley and others);
  • onions of all varieties;
  • cabbage (except cauliflower);
  • cucumbers;
  • pepper;

Fruits - everything except the already mentioned bananas.

Table of starch content in vegetables per 50g of product

In conclusion, we note that medical practitioners for the most part have a negative attitude towards the theory of separate nutrition. And not many experts will immediately answer the question, what are non-starchy vegetables? Doctors explain their point of view by the fact that the body does not have enzymes that separately break down meat or fish or milk.

For normal existence, a person needs all nutrients! Biological starch is fundamentally different from the synthetic substance of the same name, and has been used by mankind for centuries. Collecting evidence for any theory is no longer a problem. But those who thoughtlessly try to follow all sorts of developments in the field of nutrition often have to be treated by practitioners.

Herbert Shelton developed the theory of separate nutrition, he also divided vegetables into two main groups - non-starchy and starchy. This principle separation is the basis for selecting different products based on compatibility with each other.

Green non-starchy vegetables

The non-starchy group includes all juicy, crunchy, green leafy vegetables. These are turnips, asparagus, cucumbers, cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and kohlrabi, sweet pepper, rhubarb and radishes. Non-starchy vegetables also include a large group of leafy green vegetables, consisting of spinach, green leaves, beets, lettuce, bamboo shoots, onions, chicory, celery, parsley, sour sorrel, garlic, leeks, dandelion, turnip green leaves. Nutritionists advise combining these vegetables with protein foods (fish, eggs and meat). Meat goes especially well with salads made from celery and other greens.

Starchy vegetables for healthy nutrition

Sauerkraut and Shelton tomatoes are classified as sour fruits. He suggests eating them with meat and fish.

Starch - advantages and disadvantages

Starch is one of the complex carbohydrates. It is contained in fruits, vegetables, stems, leaves and roots of plants. As well as rye, wheat, various cereals, legumes and potatoes. Starch promotes the absorption of these products.

Shelton G. states that starchy foods are not compatible with those containing , because protein digestion requires an acidic environment, and starch digestion requires an alkaline environment. When these products are simultaneously digested by the stomach, fermentation and putrefaction processes begin, leading to dysfunction gastrointestinal tract(bloating, constipation, etc.).

People who excessively consume starchy foods provoke the formation of fatty deposits.

Green and non-starchy vegetables are the basis of separate nutrition

Unlike starchy foods, which can be combined with a limited list, non-starchy foods can be combined with almost all foods. Experts recommend that everyone eat these foods along with any other foods except dairy products and milk.

Shelton identifies intermediate products. He gave this name to legumes (in other words, grain legumes): lentils, peas, beans, soybeans. They contain a lot of plant proteins and starch. We must admit that legumes are hard food for the stomach. Soybeans contain the least amount of starch.

Green leafy vegetables are also non-starchy vegetables. The group of such vegetables is very large, you can choose from it the ones that suit you, according to your own taste, and eat them with other products.

  • Eating a large amount of vegetables and fruits - starchy and non-starchy.
  • Consume at least 4 types of vegetables and fruits per day.
  • Consumption of the main part of carbohydrates only in raw form (the norm per day is 400g).

However, consumption in large quantities raw vegetables sometimes leads to problems related to the intestines and stomach. They may be accompanied by bloating and even pain in the abdominal area. In such cases, vegetables should be eaten stewed, boiled, or steamed. Non-starchy vegetables are good for making salads for weight loss.

It must be remembered that everyone chooses for themselves which principles of nutrition are closer to them, but do not forget that, first of all, the main thing is not to harm your body. Therefore, nutritionists recommend having non-starchy and starchy vegetables in your diet. This way you can balance your diet and not harm your health.

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