Indomethacin Enteric-coated tablets 25 mg - contour pack 30, cardboard pack 1 - No. LP-002131, 2013-07-05 from Atoll LLC (Russia) - manufacturer: Ozon LLC (Russia)

Latin name


Active ingredient



M01AB01 Indomethacin

Pharmacological group

NSAIDs - Derivatives of acetic acid and related compounds Description of the active substance. Given scientific information is general and cannot be used to make a decision about the possibility of using a specific drug.

Indications of the drug

For systemic use (orally, intramuscularly, rectally)

Inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system: rheumatoid, psoriatic, juvenile chronic arthritis, arthritis in Paget's and Reiter's disease, neuralgic amyotrophy (Personage-Turner disease), ankylosing spondylitis (Bechterew's disease), gouty arthritis, rheumatism. Pain syndrome: headache (including menstrual syndrome) and toothache, lumbago, sciatica, neuralgia, myalgia, after injuries and surgical interventions accompanied by inflammation, bursitis and tendinitis (most effective when localized in the shoulder and forearm). Algodysmenorrhea, to maintain pregnancy, Barter's syndrome (secondary hyperaldosteronism), pericarditis (symptomatic treatment), childbirth (as an analgesic and tocolytic agent for premature birth), inflammatory processes in the pelvis, incl. adnexitis, non-closure of the ductus botallus. Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs with severe pain (as part of complex therapy): pharyngitis, tonsillitis, otitis. Feverish syndrome (including with lymphogranulomatosis, other lymphomas and hepatic metastases from tumors) - in case of ineffectiveness of acetylsalicylic acid and paracetamol.

For topical use (when applied to the skin)

Traumatically caused inflammation of tendons, ligaments, muscles and joints (as a result of sprains, dislocations, after stress and bruises). Localized forms of soft tissue inflammation, incl. tendovaginitis, tendinitis, shoulder-arm syndrome, bursitis, myalgia-radiculitis (sciatica, lumbago). Inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system (deforming osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, glenohumeral periarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome) with the exception of degenerative diseases of the hip joints.

In ophthalmology (eye drops): inhibition of miosis during cataract surgery - inflammatory process caused by surgery - prevention and treatment of cystoid edema macular spot retina after surgical removal of cataracts - treatment and prevention of inflammatory processes of the eyeball - non-infectious conjunctivitis.

In dentistry (systemic and cutaneous use): arthritis and arthrosis of the temporomandibular joint, inflammatory diseases of oral tissues, myalgia, neuralgia, postoperative period.



For systemic use: “aspirin” triad (a combination of bronchial asthma, recurrent nasal polyposis and paranasal sinuses, as well as intolerance to acetylsalicylic acid and pyrazolone-type drugs), gastric and duodenal ulcers, ulcerative colitis, bleeding (including intracranial or from the gastrointestinal tract), congenital heart defects, in which a patent ductus arteriosus is necessary to maintain pulmonary or systemic circulation, incl. severe coarctation of the aorta, pulmonary atresia, tetralogy of Fallot, color vision impairment, optic nerve diseases, bronchial asthma, liver cirrhosis with portal hypertension, chronic heart failure, edema, arterial hypertension, blood clotting disorders (including hemophilia, prolongation of time bleeding, tendency to bleeding), liver failure, chronic renal failure, hearing loss, pathology of the vestibular apparatus, deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase - hematopoietic disorders (leukopenia and anemia), pregnancy, lactation, children's age (up to 14 years) - for rectal use (optional): rectal bleeding, proctitis, hemorrhoids; for cutaneous use: pregnancy (III trimester - for application to large surfaces), violation of the integrity of the skin, children under 1 year of age.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Teratogenic effects. Teratogenicity studies conducted in rats and mice using doses of 0.5-1.0-2.0 and 4.0 mg/kg/day showed that there was no increase in the incidence of malformations at a dose of 4 mg/kg/day. compared with the control group, with the exception of delayed ossification in the fetuses (considered to be secondary to a decrease in the average weight of the fetuses). Other studies in mice have shown toxicity and female lethality, increased resorption, and fetal malformations using higher doses (5-15 mg/kg/day). A comparative study in rodents using high doses of acetylsalicylic acid showed similar effects in females and their fetuses. However, reproductive studies in animals do not always predict effects in humans. There are no adequate and strictly controlled studies in pregnant women.

Non-teratogenic effects. Since NSAIDs are known to have an adverse effect on the fetal cardiovascular system (premature closure of the ductus arteriosus), use should be avoided during pregnancy (especially during pregnancy). later).

The effects of indomethacin and other drugs of this class on the human fetus in the third trimester of pregnancy include: intrauterine closure of the ductus arteriosus, tricuspid valve insufficiency and pulmonary hypertension - non-closure of the ductus arteriosus in the postnatal period, resistant to drug correction - degenerative changes in the myocardium, platelet disorders leading to bleeding, intracranial bleeding, renal dysfunction or failure, renal damage/malformation that may lead to renal failure, oligohydramnios, gastrointestinal bleeding or perforation, increased risk of developing necrotizing enterocolitis.

In studies in rats and mice treated with indomethacin at doses of 4 mg/kg/day in the last 3 days of pregnancy, a decrease in body weight in females and a small number of deaths of females and fetuses were noted. An increased incidence of neuronal necrosis in the diencephalon of live-born fetuses has been noted. At a dose of 2.0 mg/kg/day there was no increase in the incidence of neuronal necrosis compared to the control group. Administration of 0.5 or 4.0 mg/kg/day in the first 3 days of life did not cause an increase in the incidence of neuronal necrosis.

Childbirth and delivery. Studies in rats have shown that NSAIDs, like other drugs that inhibit PG synthesis, increase the incidence of obstructed labor, delay the onset of labor and delivery, and reduce the number of surviving pups.

Indomethacin penetrates into breast milk Therefore, you should stop breastfeeding during treatment or avoid the use of indomethacin during breastfeeding.

Side effects

Systemic side effects

From the outside nervous system and sensory organs: headache, dizziness, vertigo, agitation, irritability, excessive fatigue, drowsiness, depression, peripheral neuropathy, taste disturbance, hearing loss, tinnitus, diplopia, blurred vision, corneal opacity, conjunctivitis.

From the cardiovascular system and blood (hematopoiesis, hemostasis): development (worsening) of chronic heart failure, tachyarrhythmia, edema syndrome, increased blood pressure, bleeding (from the gastrointestinal tract, gingival, uterine, hemorrhoidal), anemia (including autoimmune hemolytic and aplastic), leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, eosinophilia, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenic purpura.

From the gastrointestinal tract: NSAID gastropathy, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, heartburn, loss of appetite, diarrhea, liver dysfunction (increased activity of liver transaminases, hyperbilirubinemia) - with long-term use in high doses - erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.

From the genitourinary system: impaired renal function, proteinuria, hematuria, interstitial nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, papillary necrosis.

Allergic reactions: skin itching, rash, urticaria, exfoliative dermatitis, erythema nodosum, anaphylactic shock, bronchospasm, angioedema, toxic epidermal necrolysis (Lyell's syndrome).

Other: hyperglycemia, glycosuria, hyperkalemia, photosensitivity - aseptic meningitis (more often in patients with autoimmune diseases), increased sweating - local reactions when used rectally: burning, itching of the skin, heaviness in the anorectal area, exacerbation of hemorrhoids.

When applied to skin: allergic reactions- itching and hyperemia of the skin, rash at the site of application, dry skin, burning; in isolated cases - exacerbation of psoriasis; with long-term use - systemic manifestations.

When instilled into the eye: allergic reactions; with long-term use - clouding of the cornea, conjunctivitis, systemic side effects.


Particularly careful medical supervision is required when there is a history of allergic reactions to drugs of the “aspirin” series, the “aspirin” triad, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, as well as in cases of blood coagulation disorders, hyperbilirubinemia, thrombocytopenia, epilepsy, parkinsonism, depression, in childhood and old age.

Risk of cardiovascular complications. NSAIDs, incl. and indomethacin, may cause an increased risk of serious cardiovascular complications, incl. myocardial infarction and stroke, which can be fatal, especially with long-term use. Patients with cardiovascular disease or risk factors for developing cardiovascular disease are at particularly high risk.

Risk of gastrointestinal complications. NSAIDs, incl. and indomethacin, cause an increased risk of serious side effects from the gastrointestinal tract, including bleeding, ulceration and perforation of the stomach or intestines, which can be fatal, especially with long-term use. These complications can occur at any time of use without warning symptoms. Elderly patients have a higher risk of serious gastrointestinal complications.

If a history of allergic reactions to NSAIDs is indicated, they are used only in emergency cases.

During treatment, monitoring of the peripheral blood picture and the functional state of the liver and kidneys is necessary. If it is necessary to determine 17-ketosteroids, the drug should be discontinued 48 hours before the study.

For eye drops: after removing contact lenses, instillation is carried out after 5 minutes. If an infection is present or there is a threat of its development, local antibacterial treatment is simultaneously prescribed.

Contact with the eyes, mucous membranes and open wounds of forms for cutaneous use should be avoided.

During the treatment period, care must be taken when driving vehicles and engaging in other potentially dangerous species activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Special instructions

In case of an acute attack of gout, fast-acting dosage forms.

Storage conditions for the drug Indomethacin

In a place protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life of the drug Indomethacin

3 years.

Other packaging options for the drug are Indomethacin.

Indomethacin Gel for external use 5% - aluminum tube 40 g, cardboard pack 1 - EAN code: 3800009130053 - No. P N012767/02, 2009-05-14 from Actavis Group hf. (Iceland) - manufacturer: Balkanpharma-Troyan (Bulgaria) Indomethacin Capsules 25 mg - bottle (bottle) 30 - EAN code: 5709932004197 - No. P-8-242 N003365, 1993-09-28 from Nycomed DAK (Denmark) - Expired 2001-03-02 Indomethacin Capsules 50 mg - bottle (bottle) 30 - EAN code: 5709932004203- No. P-8-242 N003365, 1993-09-28 from Nycomed DAK (Denmark) - Expired 2001-03-02 Indomethacin Ointment for external application 10% - aluminum tube 40 g, cardboard pack 1 - EAN code: 3800009130077 - No. P N012767/01, 2005-05-13 from Balkanpharma (Bulgaria) - manufacturer: Balkanpharma-Troyan (Bulgaria) - Expired 2010-06- 01Indomethacin Ointment for external use 10% - aluminum tube 30 g, cardboard pack 1 - EAN code: 4600053020749 - No. LSR-004806/10, 2010-05-27 from Murom Instrument-Making Plant (Russia) Indomethacin Ointment for external use 10% - tube aluminum 15 g, cardboard pack 1 - EAN code: 4600053021449- No. LSR-004806/10, 2010-05-27 from Murom Instrument-Making Plant (Russia) Indomethacin Ointment for external use 10% - aluminum tube 30 g, cardboard pack 1 - No. Р N001072/01, 2010-09-29 from Biosynthesis (Russia) Indomethacin Ointment for external use 10% - polymer tube 30 g, cardboard pack 1- No. Р N001072/01, 2010-09-29 from Biosynthesis (Russia) Indomethacin Ointment for external use 10% - aluminum tube 40 g, cardboard pack 1- No. LP-000553, 2011-07-14 from Borisov Medical Preparations Plant (Republic of Belarus) Indomethacin Ointment for external use 10% - jar (jar) 10 g, pack cardboard 1- No. LP-002242, 2013-09-23 from Atoll LLC (Russia) - manufacturer: Ozone LLC (Russia) Indomethacin Ointment for external use 10% - tube 40 g, cardboard pack 1- No. LP-002242, 2013- 09-23 from Atoll LLC (Russia) - manufacturer: Ozon LLC (Russia) Indomethacin Ointment for external use 10% - jar (jar) 15 g, cardboard pack 1 - No. LP-002242, 2013-09-23 from Atoll LLC ( Russia) - manufacturer: Ozone LLC (Russia) Indomethacin Ointment for external use 10% - jar (jar) 20 g, cardboard pack 1 - No. LP-002242, 2013-09-23 from Atoll LLC (Russia) - manufacturer: Ozone LLC (Russia) Indomethacin Ointment for external use 10% - jar (jar) 25 g, cardboard pack 1 - No. LP-002242, 2013-09-23 from Atoll LLC (Russia) - manufacturer: Ozone LLC (Russia) Indomethacin Ointment for external use application of 10% - jar (jar) 30 g, cardboard pack 1 - No. LP-002242, 2013-09-23 from Atoll LLC (Russia) - manufacturer: Ozone LLC (Russia) Indomethacin Ointment for external use 10% - jar (jar ) 40 g, cardboard pack 1- No. LP-002242, 2013-09-23 from Atoll LLC (Russia) - manufacturer: Ozon LLC (Russia) Indomethacin Substance-powder - double-layer polyethylene bag (bag) 25 kg, cardboard drum 1- No. LSR-004133/09, 2009-05-26 from Taicang Pharmaceutical Factory (China) Indomethacin Substance-powder - double-layer polyethylene bag (bag) 10 kg - No. LSR-007749/09, 2009-10-02 from CSPC Ouyi Pharmaceutical Co . (China) Indomethacin Substance-powder - two-layer polyethylene bag (bag) 15 kg - No. LSR-007749/09, 2009-10-02 from CSPC Ouyi Pharmaceutical Co. (China) Indomethacin Substance-powder-bag (bag) double-layer polyethylene 20 kg - No. LSR-007749/09, 2009-10-02 from CSPC Ouyi Pharmaceutical Co. (China) Indomethacin Substance-powder-bag (bag) double-layer polyethylene 25 kg - No. LSR-007749/09, 2009-10-02 from CSPC Ouyi Pharmaceutical Co. (China) Indomethacin Substance-powder-bag (bag) double-layer polyethylene 30 kg - No. LSR-007749/09, 2009-10-02 from CSPC Ouyi Pharmaceutical Co. (China) Indomethacin Substance-powder-bag (bag) double-layer polyethylene 40 kg - No. LSR-007749/09, 2009-10-02 from CSPC Ouyi Pharmaceutical Co. (China) Indomethacin Substance-powder-bag (bag) double-layer polyethylene 50 kg - No. LSR-007749/09, 2009-10-02 from CSPC Ouyi Pharmaceutical Co. (China) Indomethacin Suppositories for rectal use 100 mg - strip 5, box (box) 2 - EAN code: 3850104085963 - No. P-8-242 N007918, 1996-10-31 from BELUPO d.d. (Republic of Croatia) - Expired 2001-10-30 Indomethacin Suppositories for rectal use 50 mg - contour strip packaging 3, cardboard pack 2 - EAN code: 4840456000171 - No. P N015202/01, 2008-12-24 from Pharmaprim (Republic of Moldova) Indomethacin Suppositories for rectal use 50 mg - contour strip packaging 6, cardboard pack 1 - No. P N015202/01, 2008-12-24 from Pharmaprim (Republic of Moldova) Indomethacin Suppositories for rectal use 50 mg - contour strip packaging 5, cardboard pack 2 - No. Р N001072/03, 2009-09-07 from Biosynthesis (Russia) Indomethacin Suppositories for rectal use 100 mg - contour packaging 5, cardboard pack 2 - EAN code: 4602884012566 - No. Р N001072/03, 2009-09-07 from Biosynthesis (Russia) Indomethacin Enteric-coated tablets 25 mg - contour packaging 30 cells, cardboard pack 1 - No. P N012784/01, 2011-04-28 from Actavis LLC (Russia) - manufacturer: Balkanpharma-Dupnitza (Bulgaria) Indomethacin Enteric-coated tablets 25 mg - contour packing 30, cardboard pack 1 - EAN code: 3800712810719 - No. P N012784/01, 2003-10-04 from Balkanpharma (Bulgaria) - manufacturer: Balkanpharma-Dupnitza (Bulgaria) - Expired 2008-12-11Indomethacin Enteric-coated tablets 25 mg - contour pack 10, cardboard pack 1 - No. LP-002131, 2013-07-05 from Atoll LLC (Russia) - manufacturer: Ozon LLC (Russia) Indomethacin Tablets, coated enteric coated 25 mg - contour strip packaging 10, cardboard pack 2 - No. LP-002131, 2013-07-05 from Atoll LLC (Russia) - manufacturer: Ozone LLC (Russia) Indomethacin Tablets, enteric coated 25 mg - contour strip packaging 10, cardboard pack 3- No. LP-002131, 2013-07-05 from Atoll LLC (Russia) - manufacturer: Ozone LLC (Russia) Indomethacin Enteric-coated tablets 25 mg - contour strip packaging 10, cardboard pack 4- No. LP -002131, 2013-07-05 from Atoll LLC (Russia) - manufacturer: Ozon LLC (Russia) Indomethacin Enteric-coated tablets 25 mg - contour package 10, cardboard pack 5 - No. LP-002131, 2013-07-05 from Atoll LLC (Russia) - manufacturer: Ozon LLC (Russia) Indomethacin Enteric-coated tablets 25 mg - contour packing 10 cells, cardboard pack 6 - No. LP-002131, 2013-07-05 from Atoll LLC (Russia) - manufacturer : Ozone LLC (Russia) Indomethacin Tablets, enteric coated 25 mg - contour pack 10, cardboard pack 8 - No. LP-002131, 2013-07-05 from Atoll LLC (Russia) - manufacturer: Ozone LLC (Russia) Indomethacin Tablets , enteric-coated 25 mg - contour strip packaging 10, cardboard pack 10 - No. LP-002131, 2013-07-05 from Atoll LLC (Russia) - manufacturer: Ozon LLC (Russia) Indomethacin Tablets, enteric-coated 25 mg - packaging contour strip 30, cardboard pack 1- No. LP-002131, 2013-07-05 from Atoll LLC (Russia) - manufacturer: Ozone LLC (Russia) Indomethacin Enteric-coated tablets 25 mg - contour strip pack 30, cardboard pack 2- No. LP-002131, 2013-07-05 from Atoll LLC (Russia) - manufacturer: Ozon LLC (Russia) Indomethacin Enteric-coated tablets 25 mg - contour pack 30, cardboard pack 3 - No. LP-002131, 2013-07 -05 from Atoll LLC (Russia) - manufacturer: Ozon LLC (Russia) Indomethacin Enteric-coated tablets 25 mg - contour packaging 30 cells, cardboard pack 4 - No. LP-002131, 2013-07-05 from Atoll LLC (Russia) - manufacturer: Ozon LLC (Russia) Indomethacin Enteric-coated tablets 25 mg - contour packaging 30 cells, cardboard pack 5 - No. LP-002131, 2013-07-05 from Atoll LLC (Russia) - manufacturer: Ozone LLC (Russia) Indomethacin Enteric-coated tablets 25 mg - contour package 30 strips, pack ka

Active ingredient (INN) Bismuth subnitrate (Bismuth subnitrate)
on I have stomach disease and two on

Restrictions on use: Hypersensitivity, kidney on I am insufficiency.

Side effects: Heads on on language


Directions for use and dosage: In dermatology - on

  • Bismuth subnitrate (-)

Bismuth ointment 10%
Latin on rank:
Unguentum Bismuthi 10%
Pharmacological groups:
Pharmacological action

Application: Inflammatory diseases of the skin and mucous membranes (dermatitis, ulcers, erosions, eczema); gastroduodenitis, ulcers on I have stomach disease and two on duodenum, reflux esophagitis, enteritis, colitis.

Restrictions on use: Hypersensitivity, kidney on I am insufficiency.

Side effects: Heads on I pain, swelling of the eyelids and gums, vesicles and pigmentation on language, nausea, vomiting, methemoglobinemia.

Interaction: Compatible with anticholinergic, antispasmodic drugs, often used for gastric ulcers and two on duodenum. When taking tetracyclines simultaneously, the formation of non-absorbable complexes is possible.

Directions for use and dosage: In dermatology - on Externally, in the form of ointment and powder (5–10%). For gastrointestinal pathology - orally, 15-30 minutes before meals (with sufficient water), adults - 0.25-0.5 g 4-6 times a day, children - 0.1-0.5 g 3 –4 times a day.

  • Bismuth ointment 10% (Unguentum Bismuthi 10%)

Bismuth subnitrate
Latin on rank:
Bismuthi subnitras
Pharmacological groups:
Pharmacological action

Active ingredient (INN) Bismuth subnitrate (Bismuth subnitrate)
Application: Inflammatory diseases of the skin and mucous membranes (dermatitis, ulcers, erosions, eczema); gastroduodenitis, ulcers on I have stomach disease and two on duodenum, reflux esophagitis, enteritis, colitis.

Restrictions on use: Hypersensitivity, kidney on I am insufficiency.

Side effects: Heads on I pain, swelling of the eyelids and gums, vesicles and pigmentation on language, nausea, vomiting, methemoglobinemia.

Interaction: Compatible with anticholinergic, antispasmodic drugs, often used for gastric ulcers and two on duodenum. When taking tetracyclines simultaneously, the formation of non-absorbable complexes is possible.

Directions for use and dosage: In dermatology - on Externally, in the form of ointment and powder (5–10%). For gastrointestinal pathology - orally, 15-30 minutes before meals (with sufficient water), adults - 0.25-0.5 g 4-6 times a day, children - 0.1-0.5 g 3 –4 times a day.

  • Bismuth subnitrate (Bismuthi subnitras)

Bismuth nitrate basic
Latin on rank:
Bismuthi subnitras
Pharmacological groups: Antacids and adsorbents. Antiseptics and disinfectants
Pharmacological action

Active ingredient (INN) Bismuth subnitrate (Bismuth subnitrate)
Application: Inflammatory diseases of the skin and mucous membranes (dermatitis, ulcers, erosions, eczema); gastroduodenitis, ulcers on I have stomach disease and two on duodenum, reflux esophagitis, enteritis, colitis.

Restrictions on use: Hypersensitivity, kidney on I am insufficiency.

Side effects: Heads on I pain, swelling of the eyelids and gums, vesicles and pigmentation on language, nausea, vomiting, methemoglobinemia.

Interaction: Compatible with anticholinergic, antispasmodic drugs, often used for gastric ulcers and two on duodenum. When taking tetracyclines simultaneously, the formation of non-absorbable complexes is possible.

Directions for use and dosage: In dermatology - on Externally, in the form of ointment and powder (5–10%). For gastrointestinal pathology - orally, 15-30 minutes before meals (with sufficient water), adults - 0.25-0.5 g 4-6 times a day, children - 0.1-0.5 g 3 –4 times a day.

  • Basic bismuth nitrate (Bismuthi subnitras)

Active ingredient (INN) Be on zepryl (Benazepril)
on I am insufficiency.

Contraindications:on I'm beautiful on I have lupus, system ononon on

Side effects: Hypotension, dry cough, on years on language, almonds onon


Directions for use and dosage: Inside, for adults on chawl ononon I dose is 80 mg.

  • Benazepril (-)

Latin on rank:
Pharmacological groups: ACE inhibitors
Pharmacological action

Active ingredient (INN) Be on zepryl (Benazepril)
Application: Hypertension, symptomatic arterial hypertension, heart on I am insufficiency.

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, angioedema, systems on I'm beautiful on I have lupus, system on I scleroderma, bone marrow hypoplasia, cerebrovascular on I failure, hyperkalemia, renal artery stenosis, only on I am a kidney, a kidney transplant, on dysfunction of the liver and kidneys.

Side effects: Hypotension, dry cough, on years on language, almonds on x and pharynx, chest pain, symptoms of hyperkalemia (arrhythmias, tremor of the limbs and lips, increased on Irritability, difficulty breathing), exacerbation of pancreatitis, dyspeptic symptoms, neutropenia, agranulocytosis, allergic reactions (skin rashes, joint pain, angioedema).

Interaction: The effect is enhanced by alcohol, diuretics, antihypertensive drugs, and weakened by estrogens and sympathomimetics. Potassium-sparing diuretics and potassium-containing drugs increase the risk of developing hyperkalemia. Increases the toxicity of lithium salts.

Directions for use and dosage: Inside, for adults on chawl on I dose is 5–10 mg once, then it is gradually increased until the desired effect is achieved, usually on I maintenance dose - 20–40 mg, highest daily on I dose is 80 mg.

  • Lotensin

Fervex for sore throat
Latin on rank:
Fervex sore throat
Pharmacological groups: Antiseptics and disinfectants
B35-B49 Mycoses. J00-J06 Acute respiratory infections of the upper respiratory tract. J03 Acute tonsillitis [angi on]. K05.0 Acute gingivitis. K12 Stomatitis and related lesions. K13.7 Other and unspecified lesions of the oral mucosa. K14.0 Glossitis
Composition and release form: 1 lozenge (sugar substitute - sorbitol) contains chlorhexidium on gluco on ta 2 mg; in Flaco on x 20 pcs., 1 bottle in a box.

Pharmacological action:Antiseptic.
Indications: Infections of the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract, mycoses, stomatitis, ulcerations, glossitis, tonsillitis, gingivitis; prevention of oral infections after tonsil or tooth removal; diseases of the oral mucosa associated with erosions (auxiliary on I am therapy).

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity (rare).

Side effects: Impaired taste sensitivity and burning sensation in language(V on at the beginning of treatment), diarrhea, yellow-brown staining of teeth and tongue (with long-term use), allergic reactions (rare).

Directions for use and dosage: Inside, after meals, 1 tablet. (keep in the mouth until completely absorbed) 3-4 times a day.

Precautions: After taking the drug, it is recommended to refrain from eating and drinking for 1–2 hours. After the symptoms of infection disappear, use should be continued

  • Fervex for sore throat

Active ingredient (INN) Indomethacin(Indomethacin)

Contraindications: on on on

Side effects:on I have hypertension onon onon, A on

Interaction: onon in plasma.

Directions for use and dosage: Inside, after eating. For adults on h on tea in onon I'm 24 hours onon on

Special instructions:

  • Indomethacin (-)

Latin on rank:
Pharmacological groups: Not on arcotic a on
Nosological classification (ICD-10):onononon I. R51 Heads on I am pain. R52.1 Constant ononon
Pharmacological action

Active ingredient (INN) Indomethacin(Indomethacin)
Application: Rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis, tendinitis, synovitis, acute gouty arthritis, reactive arthritis.

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, rhinitis, conjunctivitis or bronchospasm on while taking NSAIDs, erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, bleeding (especially intracranial or from the gastrointestinal tract), thrombocytopenia, hypocoagulation, suspicion on necrotizing enterocolitis, severe kidney on I failure, congenital heart defects (tetralogy of Fallot, pulmonary atresia), proctitis (suppositories), pregnancy (teratogenicity may occur).

Side effects: Nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain, erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, gastrointestinal bleeding, rectal bleeding, toxic hepatitis, constipation, arterial on I have hypertension on heart rhythm disturbances, bone marrow hypoplasia, aplastic anemia, autoimmune on I hemolytic anemia, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, on platelet dysfunction, fluid retention, hyperglycemia, glycosuria, hyperkalemia, pruritus, urticaria, exfoliative dermatitis, hair loss, erythema nodosum, Stevens-Johnso syndrome on, A on prophylactic shock, bronchospasm, vasculitis, pulmonary edema.

Interaction: Reduces the diuretic effect of potassium-sparing, thiazide and loop diuretics, hypotension caused by beta-blockers. Increases (mutually) the risk of developing side effects (primarily gastrointestinal lesions) of other NSAIDs. Increases the toxicity of methotrexate (reduces its tubular secretion). Calls on rising levels of lithium, digoxi on in plasma.

Directions for use and dosage: Inside, after eating. For adults on h on tea in on initial dose of 25 mg 2–3 times a day, if the effect is not sufficiently pronounced - 50 mg 3 times a day, retard tablets (75 mg) - 1–2 times a day, maximum on I'm 24 hours on I dose - 200 mg, with long-term use - should not on exceed 75 mg. When the effect is achieved, treatment is continued for 4 weeks at the same or reduced dose. For the treatment of acute conditions or relief of exacerbation of a chronic process, 60 mg is administered intramuscularly 1–2 times a day for 7–14 days, after which on tablets or suppositories (0.05 or 0.1 g 2 times a day).

Special instructions: When used together with cyclosporine, it is necessary to monitor renal function.

  • Indomethacin

Apo- Indomethacin
Latin on rank:
Pharmacological groups: Not on arcotic a on medicinal drugs, including non-steroidal and other anti-inflammatory drugs
Nosological classification (ICD-10): G54.1 Lesions of the lumbosacral plexus. G60-G64 Polyneuropathies and other lesions of the peripheral nervous system. H60 Otitis externa H66 Purulent and unspecified otitis media. H70 Mastoiditis and related conditions. I80 Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis. J01 Acute sinusitis. J02 Acute pharyngitis. J03 Acute tonsillitis [angi on]. J04 Acute laryngitis and tracheitis. K08.8.0 Tooth pain on I. L40.5 Arthropathic psoriasis. M00-M25 Arthropathy. M05 Seropositive rheumatoid arthritis. M06.9 Rheumatoid arthritis, unspecified. M08 Juvenile arthritis. M10 Gout. M13.8 Other specified arthritis. M15-M19 Arthrosis. M16 Coxarthrosis [arthrosis of the hip joint]. M25.5 Joint pain. M30-M36 Systemic connective tissue lesions. M42 Osteochondrosis of the spine. M45 Ankylosing spondylitis. M54.3 Sciatica. M65 Synovitis and tenosynovitis. M71 Other bursopathies. M77.9 Enthesopathy unspecified on I. M79.0 Rheumatism, unspecified. M79.1 Myalgia. M79.2 Neuralgia and neuritis, unspecified. N30 Cystitis. N41 Inflammatory diseases of the prostate gland. N70 Salpingitis and oophoritis. N94.6 Dysmenorrhea, unspecified on I. R51 Heads on I am pain. R52.1 Constant on I am intractable pain. R52.2 Other constant on I am pain. R68.8 Other specified general symptoms and a prize on ki. T08-T14 Injury to an unspecified part of the trunk, limb or area of ​​the body
Pharmacological action

Active ingredient (INN) Indomethacin(Indomethacin)
Application: Rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis, tendinitis, synovitis, acute gouty arthritis, reactive arthritis.

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, rhinitis, conjunctivitis or bronchospasm on while taking NSAIDs, erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, bleeding (especially intracranial or from the gastrointestinal tract), thrombocytopenia, hypocoagulation, suspicion on necrotizing enterocolitis, severe kidney on I failure, congenital heart defects (tetralogy of Fallot, pulmonary atresia), proctitis (suppositories), pregnancy (teratogenicity may occur).

Side effects: Nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain, erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, gastrointestinal bleeding, rectal bleeding, toxic hepatitis, constipation, arterial on I have hypertension on heart rhythm disturbances, bone marrow hypoplasia, aplastic anemia, autoimmune on I hemolytic anemia, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, on platelet dysfunction, fluid retention, hyperglycemia, glycosuria, hyperkalemia, pruritus, urticaria, exfoliative dermatitis, hair loss, erythema nodosum, Stevens-Johnso syndrome on, A on prophylactic shock, bronchospasm, vasculitis, pulmonary edema.

Interaction: Reduces the diuretic effect of potassium-sparing, thiazide and loop diuretics, hypotension caused by beta-blockers. Increases (mutually) the risk of developing side effects (primarily gastrointestinal lesions) of other NSAIDs. Increases the toxicity of methotrexate (reduces its tubular secretion). Calls on rising levels of lithium, digoxi on in plasma.

Directions for use and dosage: Inside, after eating. For adults on h on tea in on initial dose of 25 mg 2–3 times a day, if the effect is not sufficiently pronounced - 50 mg 3 times a day, retard tablets (75 mg) - 1–2 times a day, maximum on I'm 24 hours on I dose - 200 mg, with long-term use - should not on exceed 75 mg. When the effect is achieved, treatment is continued for 4 weeks at the same or reduced dose. For the treatment of acute conditions or relief of exacerbation of a chronic process, 60 mg is administered intramuscularly 1–2 times a day for 7–14 days, after which on tablets or suppositories (0.05 or 0.1 g 2 times a day).

Special instructions: When used together with cyclosporine, it is necessary to monitor renal function.

  • Apo-Indomethacin
Indomethacin is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that can not only stop the inflammatory process, but also relieve symptoms of pain, as well as lower body temperature. The mechanism of pharmacological action is based on the suspension of enzymatic processes, which ultimately leads to a decrease in the production of inflammatory mediators. It is used in the treatment of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. It is able to relieve pain in the joint area, reduce swelling and intensity of inflammation, and restore the patient’s motor activity.

1. Pharmacological action

Indomethacin is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that has a pronounced analgesic effect. The mechanism for achieving a therapeutic effect is associated with blocking the synthesis of prostaglandins - biologically active substances involved in the development pain syndrome and swelling at the site of inflammation. In addition, Indomethacin inhibits the ability of platelets to stick together and form blood clots. The drug is absorbed quite quickly and reaches its maximum concentration in the blood plasma after 2 hours. Indomethacin is neutralized in the liver with the formation of the active substance and free breakdown products. Most of it is excreted in the urine (unchanged), the rest is excreted through the intestines.

2. indications for use

Use of Indomethacin in tablet form:

  • Pain syndrome of various localization and severity associated with various inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Inflammatory tissue processes associated with injury.
Use of Indomethacin as part of a medicinal complex:
  • Inflammatory processes of the ENT organs caused by various infectious diseases;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the bladder;
  • Inflammation of the prostate gland;
  • Inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes.
Local use of Indomethacin:
  • Prevention of inflammation during ophthalmological operations;
  • Prevention of pupil constriction during surgical interventions.
External use of Indomethacin:
  • Pain syndrome of various localization and severity associated with various inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

3. Method of application

The dosage of the drug is determined individually by the attending physician and depends on the severity of the patient’s condition. Recommended dosage of Indomethacin in tablet form: The initial dose of the drug is 25 mg, which is gradually increased to 50 mg. The amount of use of Indomethacin is up to 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is long, determined by the attending physician depending on the condition of the patients and tolerability of the drug. Recommended dosage of Indomethacin for the treatment of gout:

  • For the treatment of acute attacks - 0.05 g of the drug three times a day;
  • To prevent exacerbations - 0.025 g of the drug twice a day.
The maximum daily dose is 200 mg of the drug. When the desired therapeutic effect is achieved, use of the drug is continued for a month at the same dose. The maximum daily dosage of Indomethacin in this case should not exceed 75 mg. Use of Indomethacin in injection form: In this form, the drug is used to relieve acute manifestations of diseases or stop the course of a chronic process. The dosage of Indomethacin in this case is 60 mg twice a day. The duration of treatment is one to two weeks. Then they switch to using the drug in the form of rectal suppositories or tablets (50-100 mg twice a day). The maximum daily dosage of Indomethacin is 200 mg of the drug. Use of Indomethacin in the form of rectal suppositories: The drug in this form is used mainly for maintenance treatment. The dosage of Indomethacin is 50-100 mg of the drug once at night. The duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician. External use of Indomethacin: The frequency of use of the drug in this form should not exceed 2 times a day.

4. Side effects

  • Nervous system disorders (headaches, sleep disturbances, various mental disorders, persistent long-term decline in mood, causeless anxiety, dizziness, general fatigue, fainting, convulsions, lesions of the peripheral nervous system, involuntary contractions of skeletal muscles, muscle weakness, drowsiness);
  • Violations digestive system(decreased or complete lack of appetite, abdominal pain, nausea, stool disorders, vomiting, bleeding of the digestive system, ulcerative lesions of the digestive system, inflammation of the liver, inflammation of the oral cavity, perforation of the digestive system, inflammation of the stomach, intestinal spasms );
  • Cardiovascular system disorders (increased blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances, swelling of various localizations, pain in the chest, low blood pressure, functional impairment hearts with symptoms of stagnation);
  • Various allergic reactions (skin itching, skin rashes, skin necrosis, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, acute respiratory failure,);
  • Disorders of the hematopoietic system (point hemorrhages, decreased leukocyte counts, anemia of various origins, decreased platelet counts);
  • Disorders of the urinary system (the appearance of blood in the urine, inflammation in the kidneys, the appearance of protein in the urine, functional disorders of the kidneys with the development of renal failure);
  • Disorders of the sensory organs (impaired visual perception, impaired auditory perception, pain in the eyes, ringing in the ears, double vision);
  • Metabolic disorders (increased blood glucose, increased potassium in the blood serum, the appearance of glucose in the urine, hair loss);
  • Local side effects (irritation of the intestinal mucosa, formation of infiltrates at the injection site, redness of the skin, rashes on the skin at the site of application).

5. Contraindications

  • Functional disorders of the kidneys;
  • Disorders of hematopoietic processes;
  • Ulcerative lesions of the digestive system;
  • Individual intolerance to the drug and its components;
  • Pregnancy from 1st to 3rd trimester and lactation period;
  • Prolonged and severe increases in blood pressure;
  • Functional disorders of the liver;
  • Severe functional heart failure;
  • Hypersensitivity to the drug and its components;
  • Aspirin asthma;
  • Bleeding from the rectum;
  • Patients under 14 years of age;
  • Severe inflammation of the pancreas.

6. During pregnancy and lactation

Indomethacin is contraindicated for use from the 1st to 3rd trimester of pregnancy and lactation. In other cases, the use of the drug should take into account the possible negative effect on the body of the mother and child.

7. Interaction with other drugs

  • The simultaneous use of Indomethacin with Probenecid leads to an increase in the plasma concentration of Indomethacin;
  • The simultaneous use of Indomethacin with drugs that block the adrenaline receptors and diuretics, there is a decrease in the therapeutic effect of the latter;
  • The simultaneous use of Indomethacin with drugs that reduce the ability of blood to clot (indirect action) leads to an increase in the therapeutic effect of the latter;
  • The simultaneous use of Indomethacin with Methotrexate leads to increased toxicity of the latter;
  • The simultaneous use of Indomethacin with Diflunisal leads to the risk of severe bleeding from the digestive system;
  • The simultaneous use of Indomethacin with Digoxin leads to an increase in the plasma concentration of the latter.

8. Overdose

The phenomena of drug overdose have not been described at the moment.

9. Release form

Enteric-coated tablets, 25 mg - 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50 pcs. Ointment, 10% - 15 g or 30 g tube; 10 mg/1 g - tube 30 g or 40 g; 10% - 40 g tube, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 or 40 g cans. Gel, 5 or 10% - tube 40 g. Rectal suppositories, 50 or 100 mg - 6 or 10 pcs.

10. Storage conditions

Indomethacin should be stored in a place well protected from light. Recommended temperature regime- no more than 25 degrees.

11. Composition

1 tablet:

  • indomethacin - 25 mg;
  • Excipients: lactose monohydrate, potato starch, microcrystalline cellulose, povidone, magnesium stearate.

1 ointment:

  • indomethacin - 100 mg.

1 gel:

  • indomethacin - 100 mg;
  • Excipients: macrogol, carbomer, propylene glycol, sodium benzoate, ethanol.

1 suppository:

  • indomethacin - 50 mg.

12. Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is dispensed according to the prescription of the attending physician.

Indomethacin in gynecology

A non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug called Indomethacin has many forms of release, but in gynecology suppositories are mainly used. Instructions for using the drug Indomethacin involve inserting suppositories into the rectum, but in some cases suppositories are also used for vaginal administration.

The drug has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effects.

In gynecology, Indomethacin is used to treat:

  • Algodismenorrhea, which is characterized by a painful menstrual cycle;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs;
  • Inflammation of the bladder - cystitis;
  • Ovarian cysts;
  • Severe pain with endometriosis;
  • Adnexitis.

The drug is also used for prophylactic purposes after surgery to prevent the formation of adhesions.

During pregnancy, the drug is practically not used due to the negative effects on the fetus. But in rare cases, for example, if there is a threat of miscarriage, Indomethacin may be prescribed from 16 to 32 weeks. In this case, the drug prevents the body from producing hormones that cause uterine tone.

Its use at a later stage is prohibited, as this can lead to closure of the ductus botallus.. It is forbidden to use the drug during breastfeeding due to its penetration into breast milk.

Indomethacin has a number of side effects and contraindications, so it should only be prescribed by a doctor who, depending on the disease, will determine the exact dosage, route of administration and duration of treatment.

On average, a dosage of 100 mg is prescribed once a day, and at a concentration of 50 mg up to 3 times a day. Usually candles are used at night. If a double dose is prescribed, then after use it is recommended to lie down for a while.

Alcohol and Indomethacin

Drinking alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited with Indomethacin, because this combination leads to a number of negative consequences:

  • There is a double load on the liver and severe poisoning of the body;
  • The negative effect on the stomach increases, which can lead to ulcers and gastric bleeding;
  • The risk of side effects increases when taking Indomethacin with alcohol;
  • The effectiveness of treatment with the drug decreases.

Therefore, you should avoid alcoholic beverages for the entire period of treatment.

Indomethacin for prostatitis

The drug is released in various forms, but for the treatment of prostatitis, preference is given to rectal suppositories. Thanks to this administration, Indomethacin quickly reaches the source of inflammation. After all, it is the rectum that is in close proximity to the prostate gland.

This method of administration is also convenient if a man has stomach diseases, because when administered rectally, the drug does not affect this organ.

For the treatment of prostatitis, the drug is used as a symptomatic treatment. In the instructions for Indomethacin you can see that the drug has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, and analgesic effects. Therefore, Indomethacin is able to relieve inflammation of the prostate gland, while eliminating pain. In addition, the product has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, protecting the small vessels of the gland from blood clots and preventing stagnation of its secretory secretions.

Suppositories are inserted into the intestine after preliminary emptying and hygiene procedures. The exact dosage and duration of treatment is determined by the doctor, but on average it is prescribed to insert 1 suppository in the morning and in the evening. The duration of such treatment is usually 7-10 days, but may be longer.

Throughout the course of treatment, the man must be observed by a urologist and undergo all necessary examinations.

Indomethacin for hemorrhoids

For hemorrhoids, a drug such as Indomethacin in the form of ointment and suppositories can be prescribed. The medicine helps relieve swelling, inflammation and pain.

Suppositories are used in the presence of internal hemorrhoids. For external manifestations of hemorrhoids I use ointment.

Suppositories are used up to 2 times a day for 3 days. When symptoms decrease, they then switch to a single dose of the drug. In case of severe symptoms, the drug continues to be used 2 suppositories with a treatment duration of 10 days.

After hygiene procedures, the ointment is applied and rubbed in a thin layer into hemorrhoidal cones. The exact dosage and duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

Indomethacin is prescribed very rarely for the treatment of hemorrhoids, but it can quickly eliminate such unpleasant symptoms as burning and pain.

Indomethacin and Ibuprofen

Indometacin and Ibuprofen belong to the same pharmacological group, namely non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Which of these drugs is better?

Indomethacin is a derivative of indoleacetic acid, and Ibuprofen is a derivative of propionic acid. Which of these drugs is better to determine is quite difficult, because both drugs belong to the same pharmacological group and have almost identical medicinal properties.

It is believed that Ibuprofen is a safer drug, and Indomethacin has more powerful anti-inflammatory activity. Therefore, only a doctor can choose which remedy is better, who, depending on the degree and form of the disease, will select the most suitable option.

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* Instructions for medical use of the drug Indomethacin are published in free translation. THERE ARE CONTRAINDICATIONS. BEFORE USE, YOU MUST CONSULT WITH A SPECIALIST

Indomethacin is a derivative of indoleacetic acid. This drug belongs to the group of NSAIDs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Indomethacin has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effects.

The main active ingredient inhibits the production of prostaglandins, which helps reduce inflammation and pain. Maximum blood levels are achieved 2 hours after administration. The ointment passes well through the skin and accumulates in tissues in therapeutic doses, including joint fluid.

It is excreted through the urinary system in the form of metabolites and a small amount unchanged. A little - through the bile ducts into the intestines. After 4.5 hours, the body will get rid of 50% of the initial dose.

Indications for use

The drug belongs to the group medicines, which are used in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The anti-inflammatory effect and analgesic effect allows Indomethacin to be used for various pathological processes in the body:

  1. Rheumatoid arthritis at any stage
  2. Various forms of arthritis: osteoarthritis, osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, gout
  3. Neuralgia of various locations
  4. Injuries and accompanying inflammatory processes in tissues
  5. ENT diseases, gynecological practice
  6. Cystitis
  7. Painful menstruation (you can read about other diseases in the abdominal area in the article:)
  8. Moderate toothache
  9. Headache
  10. Other pain syndromes in the absence of a positive response to paracetamol drugs.

The average price is from 30 to 50 rubles.

Indomethacin tablets

The main active ingredient (25 mg of indomethacin).

The tablet forms of Indomethacin are covered with a brown coating.

Directions for use and doses

Tablets are taken 2-3 times a day after meals. It is recommended to drink it with water clean water or milk. Begin treatment with a minimum dosage of 25 mg. If ineffective, the dose is increased to 50 mg per dose, but not more than 200 mg per day.

Capsules "Retard"

Retard capsules contain 75 mg of indomethacin. These are long-acting drugs. Indomethacin is released over a long period of time. This allows you to reduce the frequency of administration and avoid side effects typical of tablet forms.

Directions for use and doses

Capsules are taken 1-2 times a day, 75 mg. The maximum daily dose is 150 mg. After achieving a therapeutic effect, the course of treatment is carried out for a month, gradually reducing the dosage.

Indomethacin injections

The injection form is used to relieve acute pain and exacerbation of chronic processes.

Directions for use and doses

Indomethacin is administered intramuscularly at a dose of 60 mg 1–2 times a day. The duration of the course is from 7 to 14 days. Then they switch to tablet forms or suppositories.

The average price is from 70 to 100 rubles.

Indomethacin suppositories

Suppositories are available in 2 dosages - 50 and 100 mg of active ingredient. The indications for prescribing this form are the same as for other indomethacin preparations. They are more often used in gynecological practice to relieve pain in inflammatory diseases in the pelvis and after surgery.

Directions for use and doses

Administered rectally 1–2 times a day. You should first empty your bowels. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

The average price is from 60 to 90 rubles.

Ointment "Indomethacin"

The ointment contains 10% indomethacin and has the same indications as other dosage forms. Prescribed for inflammatory processes in joints and soft tissues as a local treatment as part of complex therapy with tablet or injection forms of the drug.

Directions for use and doses

Apply to the affected area 3-4 times a day. The dose for 1 dose is 4 cm. The product is applied to clean skin and rubbed in until completely absorbed. There should be no wounds, cracks or other damage on the skin. Course duration is from 7 to 10 days. If there is no positive reaction to the ointment within a week, then the treatment should be reconsidered.

Contraindications for use

Any drug has both indications and contraindications for use.

Indomethacin - ointment, tablets, suppositories or injections are not prescribed for:

  • Individual intolerance
  • Inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract in the acute phase, including erosions, ulcers
  • Aspirin triad - this condition is characterized by simultaneous intolerance to aspirin, bronchial asthma and polyps in the patient’s maxillary sinus system
  • Hematopoiesis disorders
  • Disorders of the liver and kidneys
  • Pancreatitis
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart failure in the acute phase
  • Pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding
  • Children under 14 years old
  • Proctitis, hemorrhoids, anal fissure, prostatitis in the acute phase with rectal use of suppositories with indomethacin.

Interaction with other drugs

All dosage forms of Indomethacin should be taken with caution by patients with liver and kidney pathologies, after surgery, with heart disease, cardiovascular system, neurological diseases of organic origin - parkinsonism, epilepsy.

If the patient has a history of intolerance to NSAIDs, then Indomethacin is used in extreme cases.

Indomethacin works with other drugs as follows:

  • Strengthens the effect of blood thinning drugs, increases the toxicity of methotrexate
  • Reduces the effect of beta blockers
  • With diflunisal it causes bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract
  • Increases the toxicity of cephalosporin antibiotics
  • At a dose of 150 mg per day, it delays the excretion of lithium in patients with mental illness.

The drug affects the reaction rate, so during treatment you should not drive or work with precision tools.

Be sure to tell your doctor about medications you take on an ongoing basis!

Side effects

Indomethacin in any form - suppositories, tablets, capsules - has a wide range of side effects. If such phenomena occur, treatment should be stopped and your doctor informed.

  • Digestive system - dyspeptic symptoms, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, in severe cases, ulceration and bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract
  • Nervous system – depression, anxiety, neuropathy, insomnia, headaches, irritability and fatigue
  • Sense organs – visual disturbances, decreased vision and hearing, tinnitus, conjunctivitis
  • Cardiovascular system – arrhythmias, increased blood pressure, swelling
  • Kidneys – impaired excretion of fluid from the body, various nephropathies
  • Hematopoietic system – bleeding from various locations, iron deficiency, blood clots, eosinophilia
  • Local and general allergic reactions - itching, burning, hyperemia of the integument, Quincke's edema, exacerbation of hemorrhoids.


An overdose of Indomethacin is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Headaches
  • Disorientation in space, dizziness
  • Convulsions, numbness of limbs.

Treatment is symptomatic. Aimed at removing the drug from the body as quickly as possible. Hemodialysis is not effective.

Storage conditions and periods

All dosage forms do not require special conditions storage The recommended temperature for storing the drug is from +3 to +25 degrees Celsius in a dark, ventilated room.


All analogues of this drug can be divided into 2 groups - according to the active substance, and according to the principle of action.

Group 1 includes all dosage forms of any manufacturer containing indomethacin as the main active ingredient. Group 2 drugs have a similar effect, but differ in composition.

Merkle GmbH, Germany/Israel
Price from 150 rubles (depending on the release form)

The main active ingredient is diclofenac sodium. Available in the form of a solution for infusion, Olfen-50 tablets, and gel.


  • Low frequency of administration - for injection and tablet forms, the effective dosage is 1 ampoule or 1 tablet per day. The gel is applied 3 times a day
  • Does not affect concentration


  • Irritates the stomach.


Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma, Germany
Price from 622 RUR 4500 RUR

Available in injection form 15 mg per 1.5 ml, in the form of tablets 15 and 7.5 mg. The main component is meloxicam.


  • Duration of treatment - 2-3 injections are enough to stop the acute process. Then they switch to tablet forms.


  • A large number of side effects - comparable to Indomethacin
  • Not for pregnant and lactating women
  • Not approved for use in children and adolescents.


Mepro Pharmaceuticals, India/UK
Price from 180 rub to 600 rub

Available in injection form 25 mg/1 ml, in the form of tablets 50 and 25 mg. The main component is rofecoxib.


  • Low frequency of administration – 1 injection or 1 tablet per day
  • Pregnancy is not a contraindication
  • Few side effects


  • Affects concentration
  • Irritates the stomach.

Synonym: Methindol. One of the most active anti-inflammatory drugs. It has a pronounced analgesic and antipyretic effect. It is a derivative of indoleacetic acid.

The therapeutic effect of indomethacin is determined by its following pharmacological properties: it inhibits inflammation by limiting the production of ATP, inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins, and reduces the permeability of lysosomal membranes and capillaries. The drug is completely absorbed in the intestine, its maximum concentration is observed 2 hours after administration, the biological half-life is about 4 hours.

Indications for use: active phase of rheumatism in all variants of its course (the best effect is observed in acute and subacute cases), rheumatoid arthritis ( best results are marked on early stages diseases), all types of arthrosis, spondylosis, infectious-allergic myocarditis and arthritis, acute attacks of gout.

Release form: in capsules and dragees, 0.025 g (25 mg), in a package of 30 pieces. The drug is prescribed orally 3-4 times a day after meals at a daily dose for children of 2.5-3 mg per 1 kg of body weight. The initial daily dose is for children aged 3 - 7 years 50 - 75 mg (2 - 3 tablets), from 7 to 12 years - 75 - 100 mg (3 - 4 tablets), over 12 years - 100 - 125 mg (4 - 5 tablets). However, in the first 1 to 2 days of treatment, it is recommended to give the drug in smaller doses to determine its tolerance to the sick child.

The course of treatment averages 6 - 7 weeks (the course dose of indomethacin for children is 2200 - 4800 mg). If the drug is well tolerated, it can be prescribed continuously for many months. As complete remission occurs, the dose of indomethacin is reduced to maintenance.

Side effects: headache, dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, diarrhea, gastralgia, itchy rashes, sometimes fluid retention and increased blood pressure. Increased doses of the drug may have an ulcerogenic effect.

Contraindications: ulcerative lesion gastrointestinal tract, epilepsy, mental disorders, hypertension, heart failure. Indomethacin is not prescribed to children under 3 years of age, as well as to women during lactation and pregnancy.

Rp.: Indometacini 0.025
D.t. d. N. 30 in caps, gelat.
S. 1 capsule 3 times a day (after meals) for a 10 year old child.

“Drug therapy in pediatrics”, S.Sh. Shamsiev

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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