Total about 0.04% carbon dioxide is found in the air. It mainly enters the air through the decomposition of plant and animal tissues, as well as during the combustion of coal and wood.

Plants can regulate the content of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of our planet. Under the influence of water and sunlight, carbon dioxide in plant cells turns into starch, as well as into many other nutrients. Plants also need to breathe in order to live. Therefore they take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide. But in the process of starch formation, they release much more oxygen than they take in when they breathe. But when starch is formed, vegetable world takes in much more carbon dioxide than they exhale.

Consequently, it is necessary to protect forests and all flora on our planet, because they maintain a constant content of carbon dioxide and oxygen in nature.

The benefits and harms of carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide is very useful for humans, it is involved in the supply of oxygen to tissues and the regulation human breathing processes.

CO2 has a very strong effect on the climate. Also, without it, metabolism is impossible. This is an indispensable component for all your favorite carbonated drinks.

In turn, it can also be harmful. Oversaturation of the body with carbon dioxide causes great harm to a person and can cause death.

Colorless and odorless. The most important regulator of blood circulation and respiration. Not toxic. Without it, there would be no buns and pleasantly pungent carbonated drinks. In this article, you will learn what carbon dioxide is and how it affects the human body...

Most of us do not remember well the school course of physics and chemistry, but we know that gases are invisible and, as a rule, intangible, and therefore insidious. Therefore, before answering the question of whether carbon dioxide is harmful to the body, let's remember what it is.

Earth Blanket

CO2 - carbon dioxide. It is also carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide (IV) or carbonic anhydride. Under normal conditions, it is a colorless, odorless gas with a sour taste.

In conditions atmospheric pressure carbon dioxide has two states of aggregation: gaseous (carbon dioxide is heavier than air, poorly soluble in water) and solid (at -78 ° C it turns into dry ice).

Carbon dioxide is one of the main constituents environment. It is found in the air and underground mineral waters, is released during the respiration of humans and animals, and is involved in plant photosynthesis.

Carbon dioxide actively influences the climate. It regulates the planet's heat exchange: it transmits ultraviolet and blocks infrared radiation. For this reason, carbon dioxide is sometimes referred to as the Earth's blanket.

O2 - energy. CO2 - spark

Carbon dioxide accompanies a person throughout life. As a natural regulator of respiration and circulation, carbon dioxide is an essential component of metabolism.

Inhaling about 30 liters of oxygen per hour, a person emits 20-25 liters of carbon dioxide.

When inhaling, a person fills the lungs with oxygen. At the same time, in the alveoli (special "vesicles" of the lungs), a two-way exchange occurs: oxygen passes into the blood, and carbon dioxide is released from it. The person exhales. CO2 is one of the end products of metabolism. Figuratively speaking, oxygen is energy, and carbon dioxide is the spark that ignites it.

Carbon dioxide is no less important for the body than oxygen. It is a physiological stimulant of respiration: it affects the cerebral cortex and stimulates the respiratory center. The signal for the next breath is not a lack of oxygen, but an excess of carbon dioxide. After all, the metabolism in cells and tissues is continuous, and you need to constantly remove its end products.

In addition, carbon dioxide affects the secretion of hormones, enzyme activity and the rate of biochemical processes.

Equilibrium of gas exchange

Carbon dioxide is non-toxic, non-explosive and absolutely harmless to humans. However, the balance of carbon dioxide and oxygen is extremely important for normal life. The lack and excess of carbon dioxide in the body leads to hypocapnia and hypercapnia, respectively.

Hypocapnia - lack of CO2 in the blood. It occurs as a result of deep rapid breathing, when more oxygen enters the body than it needs. For example, during too intense physical activity. The consequences can be different: from mild dizziness to loss of consciousness.

Hypercapnia - Excess CO2 in the blood. A person inhales (together with oxygen, nitrogen, water vapor and inert gases) 0.04% carbon dioxide, and exhales 4.4%. If you are in a small room with poor ventilation, the concentration of carbon dioxide may exceed the norm. As a result, headache, nausea, and drowsiness may occur. But most often, hypercapnia accompanies extreme situations: a malfunction of the respiratory apparatus, holding the breath under water, and others.

Thus, contrary to the opinion of most people, carbon dioxide in quantities provided by nature is necessary for human life and health. In addition, it has found wide industrial application and brings people a lot of practical benefits.

Sparkling bubbles at the service of cooks

CO2 is used in many areas. But, perhaps, carbon dioxide is most in demand in the food industry and cooking.

Carbon dioxide is formed in yeast dough under the influence of fermentation. It is his bubbles that loosen the dough, making it airy and increasing its volume.

With the help of carbon dioxide, various refreshing drinks are made: kvass, mineral water and other sodas loved by children and adults. These drinks are popular with millions of consumers around the world, largely because of the sparkling bubbles that burst so funny in a glass and “prick” in the nose so pleasantly.

Can carbon dioxide in carbonated drinks contribute to hypercapnia or cause any other harm to a healthy body? Of course not!

First, carbon dioxide, which is used in the preparation of carbonated drinks, is specially prepared for use in the food industry. In the quantities in which it is contained in soda, it is absolutely harmless to the body of healthy people.

Secondly, most of the carbon dioxide escapes immediately after the bottle is opened. The remaining bubbles "evaporate" in the process of drinking, leaving behind only a characteristic hiss. As a result, a negligible amount of carbon dioxide enters the body.

“Then why do doctors sometimes forbid drinking carbonated drinks?” - you ask. According to the candidate of medical sciences, gastroenterologist Alena Aleksandrovna Tyazheva, this is due to the fact that there are a number of diseases gastrointestinal tract under which a special strict diet is prescribed. The list of contraindications includes not only drinks containing gas, but also many foods. A healthy person, on the other hand, can easily include a moderate amount of carbonated drinks in his diet and from time to time allow himself a glass of the same cola.


Carbon dioxide is necessary for sustaining the life of both the planet and a single organism. CO2 affects the climate, being a kind of blanket. Without it, metabolism is impossible: metabolic products leave the body with carbon dioxide. And it is also an indispensable component of everyone's favorite carbonated drinks. It is carbon dioxide that creates playful bubbles that tickle in the nose. At the same time, it is absolutely safe for a healthy person.

Colorless and odorless. The most important regulator of blood circulation and respiration.

Not toxic. Without it, there would be no buns and pleasantly pungent carbonated drinks.

In this article, you will learn what carbon dioxide is and how it affects the human body.

Most of us do not remember well the school course of physics and chemistry, but we know that gases are invisible and, as a rule, intangible, and therefore insidious. Therefore, before answering the question of whether carbon dioxide is harmful to the body, let's remember what it is.

Earth Blanket

- carbon dioxide. It is also carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide (IV) or carbonic anhydride. Under normal conditions, it is a colorless, odorless gas with a sour taste.

Under atmospheric pressure, carbon dioxide has two states of aggregation: gaseous (carbon dioxide is heavier than air, poorly soluble in water) and solid (at -78 ºС it turns into dry ice).

Carbon dioxide is one of the main components of the environment. It is found in the air and underground mineral waters, is released during the respiration of humans and animals, and is involved in plant photosynthesis.

Carbon dioxide actively influences the climate. It regulates the planet's heat exchange: it transmits ultraviolet and blocks infrared radiation. For this reason, carbon dioxide is sometimes referred to as the Earth's blanket.

O2 is energy. CO2 - spark

Carbon dioxide accompanies a person throughout life. As a natural regulator of respiration and circulation, carbon dioxide is an essential component of metabolism.

When inhaling, a person fills the lungs with oxygen.

At the same time, in the alveoli (special "vesicles" of the lungs), a two-way exchange occurs: oxygen passes into the blood, and carbon dioxide is released from it.

The person exhales. CO2 is one of the end products of metabolism.

Figuratively speaking, oxygen is energy, and carbon dioxide is the spark that ignites it.

Inhaling about 30 liters of oxygen per hour, a person emits 20-25 liters of carbon dioxide.

Carbon dioxide is no less important for the body than oxygen. It is a physiological stimulant of respiration: it affects the cerebral cortex and stimulates the respiratory center. The signal for the next breath is not a lack of oxygen, but an excess of carbon dioxide. After all, the metabolism in cells and tissues is continuous, and you need to constantly remove its end products.

In addition, carbon dioxide on the secretion of hormones, enzyme activity and the rate of biochemical processes.

Equilibrium of gas exchange

Carbon dioxide is non-toxic, non-explosive and absolutely harmless to humans. However, the balance of carbon dioxide and oxygen is extremely important for normal life. The lack and excess of carbon dioxide in the body leads to hypocapnia and hypercapnia, respectively.

Hypocapnia- lack of CO2 in the blood. It occurs as a result of deep rapid breathing, when more oxygen enters the body than it needs. For example, during too intense physical exertion. The consequences can be different: from mild dizziness to loss of consciousness.

Hypercapnia- Excess CO2 in the blood. A person (together with oxygen, nitrogen, water vapor and inert gases) is 0.04% carbon dioxide, and exhales 4.4%. If you are in a small room with poor ventilation, the concentration of carbon dioxide may exceed the norm. As a result, headache, nausea, and drowsiness may occur. But most often, hypercapnia accompanies extreme situations: a malfunction of the respiratory apparatus, holding the breath under water, and others.

Thus, contrary to the opinion of most people, carbon dioxide in quantities provided by nature is necessary for human life and health. In addition, it has found wide industrial application and brings people a lot of practical benefits.

Sparkling bubbles at the service of cooks

CO2 is used in many areas. But, perhaps, carbon dioxide is most in demand in the food industry and cooking.

Carbon dioxide is formed in yeast dough under the influence of fermentation. It is his bubbles that loosen the dough, making it airy and increasing its volume.

With the help of carbon dioxide, various refreshing drinks are made: kvass, mineral water and other sodas loved by children and adults.

These drinks are popular with millions of consumers around the world, largely because of the sparkling bubbles that burst so funny in a glass and “prick” in the nose so pleasantly.

Can carbon dioxide in carbonated drinks contribute to hypercapnia or cause any other harm to a healthy body? Of course not!

First, carbon dioxide, which is used in the preparation of carbonated drinks, is specially prepared for use in the food industry. In the quantities in which it is contained in soda, it is absolutely harmless to the body of healthy people.

Secondly, most of the carbon dioxide escapes immediately after the bottle is opened. The remaining bubbles "evaporate" in the process of drinking, leaving behind only a characteristic hiss. As a result, a negligible amount of carbon dioxide enters the body.

“Then why do doctors sometimes forbid drinking carbonated drinks?” - you ask. According to the candidate of medical sciences, gastroenterologist Alena Alexandrovna Tyazheva, this is due to the fact that there are a number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in which a special strict diet is prescribed. The list of contraindications includes not only drinks containing gas, but also many foods.

A healthy person, on the other hand, can easily include a moderate amount of carbonated drinks in his diet and from time to time allow himself a glass of the same cola.


Carbon dioxide is necessary for sustaining the life of both the planet and a single organism. CO2 affects the climate, being a kind of blanket. Without it, metabolism is impossible: metabolic products leave the body with carbon dioxide. And it is also an indispensable component of everyone's favorite carbonated drinks. It is carbon dioxide that creates playful bubbles that tickle in the nose. At the same time, it is absolutely safe for a healthy person.


Carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide) under normal conditions, it is a colorless gas, about 1.5 times heavier than air, due to which it can be poured, like a liquid, from one vessel to another.

The mass of 1 liter of CO 2 under normal conditions is 1.98 g. The solubility of carbon dioxide in water is low: 1 volume of water at 20 o C dissolves 0.88 volumes of CO 2 , and at 0 o C - 1.7 volumes.

Under a pressure of about 0.6 MPa, carbon dioxide at room temperature turns into a liquid. Liquid carbon dioxide is stored in steel cylinders. When it is quickly poured out of the cylinder, so much heat is absorbed due to evaporation that CO 2 turns into a solid white snow-like mass, which, without melting, sublimes at -78.5 o C.

A solution of CO 2 in water has a sour taste and has a slightly acidic reaction due to the presence of small amounts of carbonic acid H 2 CO 3 in the solution, which is formed as a result of a reversible reaction:

CO 2 + H 2 O↔H 2 CO 3.

Some properties of carbon dioxide are presented in the table below:

Getting carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide is produced in small quantities by the action of acids on carbonates:

CaCO 3 + 2HCl \u003d CaCl 2 + H 2 O + CO 2.

On an industrial scale, CO 2 is produced mainly as a by-product in the ammonia synthesis process:

CH 4 + 2H 2 O \u003d CO 2 + 4H 2;

CO + H 2 O \u003d CO 2 + H 2.

In addition, large amounts of carbon dioxide are obtained during the burning of limestone:

CaCO 3 \u003d CaO + CO 2.

Chemical properties of carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide exhibits acidic properties: it reacts with alkalis, ammonia hydrate. It is restored by active metals, hydrogen, carbon.

CO 2 + NaOH dilute = NaHCO 3 ;

CO 2 + 2NaOH conc \u003d Na 2 CO 3 + H 2 O;

CO 2 + Ba(OH) 2 = BaCO 3 + H 2 O;

CO 2 + BaCO 3 + H 2 O \u003d Ba (HCO 3) 2;

CO 2 + NH 3 × H 2 O \u003d NH 4 HCO 3;

CO 2 + 4H 2 \u003d CH 4 + 2H 2 O (t \u003d 200 o C, kat. Cu 2 O);

CO 2 + C \u003d 2CO (t\u003e 1000 o C);

CO 2 + 2Mg \u003d C + 2MgO;

2CO 2 + 5Ca = CaC 2 + 4CaO (t = 500 o C);

2CO 2 + 2Na 2 O 2 \u003d 2Na 2 CO 3 + O 2.

Application of carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide is used in the production of soda by the ammonia-chloride method, for the synthesis of urea, for the production of carbonic acid salts, as well as for the carbonation of fruit and mineral waters and other drinks.

Solid carbon dioxide called "dry ice" is used to cool perishable foods, to make and preserve ice cream, and in many other applications where low temperatures are required.

Examples of problem solving



Exercise What volume and what mass of carbon dioxide will be released during the thermal decomposition of calcium carbonate weighing 45.4 g?
Solution We write the equation for the thermal decomposition of calcium carbonate:

CaCO 3 \u003d CaO + CO 2.

Find the amount of calcium carbonate substance:

n (CaCO 3) \u003d m (CaCO 3) / M (CaCO 3);

M (CaCO 3) \u003d Ar (Ca) + Ar (C) + 3 × Ar (O) \u003d 40 + 12 + 3 × 16 \u003d 100 g / mol;

n (CaCO 3) \u003d 45.4 / 100 \u003d 0.454 mol.

According to the reaction equation n (CaCO 3) : n (CO 2) = 1: 1, therefore

n (CaCO 3) \u003d n (CO 2) \u003d 0.454 mol.

Calculate the mass and volume of carbon dioxide released:

V (CO 2) \u003d V m × n (CO 2) \u003d 22.4 × 0.454 \u003d 10.2 l;

m(CO 2) = n(CO 2)× M(CO 2);

M (CO 2) \u003d Ar (C) + 2 × Ar (O) \u003d 12 + 2 × 16 \u003d 44 g / mol;

m(CO 2) \u003d 0.454 × 44 \u003d 20 g.

Answer The mass of carbon dioxide is 20 g, the volume is 10.2 liters.

Among the tips on how to maintain beauty and health, there are more and more recommendations to drink more fluids. Indeed, a person for normal life needs to drink 1.5-2 liters of pure water per day. It is pure, not mineral or carbonated. Juices won't work either. But coffee and tea act in a completely different way - they remove fluid from the body. But it's all the lesser of the evils. Let's talk about the most harmful drinks that are flooded with store shelves - soda.

Not so long ago, in all cities there were vending machines with soda and syrup. Later, Pinocchio lemonade appeared in glass bottles. And we did not notice how they switched from these practically harmless drinks to imported “pops”, which not only taste good, but also perfectly remove lime on plumbing fixtures. Unfortunately, adults themselves are not averse to pampering themselves with such drinks, and successfully drink them to their children. Let's try to figure out why carbonated drinks are so harmful.

Is carbon dioxide dangerous?

It is worth noting that Not all carbonated drinks have a negative effect on the human body. The fact is that carbon dioxide, the bubbles we all love, is not harmful in and of itself. It is used as a preservative - for better preservation of the drink. However, it can cause intestinal discomfort and flatulence. Therefore, people who have digestive problems should release gas before drinking a drink. Ordinary mineral or medicinal sparkling water is not harmful, but even very useful.

Sugar or sweeteners

What else is added to carbonated drinks? Of course, sugar. By itself, it carries not only harm to our body. These are pure carbohydrates that saturate our cells with energy. But we must remember that in large quantities sugar is harmful. It is bad for the skin, teeth and contributes to weight gain. However, now you rarely see a drink containing sugar. The fact is that it is much more profitable for manufacturers to use sugar substitutes. They are different types, and we can talk about them for a very long time. But if substances such as cyclamate (E 952), saccharin (E 954), aspartame (E 951) or sucrazite are indicated on the package, you should not drink such lemonade. First, some of these substances are banned in Europe and America. Studies have shown that they have a negative effect on the liver and kidneys, and also contribute to the development various diseases up to cancer. Second, sweeteners make you feel hungry. Therefore, soda contributes to weight gain. Even the so-called “diet cola” is the enemy of our figure, because it improves appetite.

There are drinks where plant components are used as sweeteners - sorbitol, xylitol and fructose. They are absolutely harmless, but very high in calories. Therefore, if you are not afraid to dial excess weight, you can drink lemonade with sugar or natural sweeteners.

Taste and smell of carbonated drinks

The composition of carbonated drinks often indicate codes that begin with the letter "E". Some of them, as we already know, mean sweeteners, the rest are flavor enhancers, preservatives, acidity regulators, flavors and dyes. The more various "E" in the drink, the more harmful it is. You should also pay attention to the item "flavors identical to natural." They may be identical only in smell, but they negatively affect the liver. If you are looking for a harmless drink, then you should stop at where plant extracts and natural flavors are indicated in the composition. Such soda will be more expensive, but it will bring less harm.

acids and caffeine

As acidity regulators, acids are often used - citric (E330), orthophosphoric (E 338) and malic (E 296). Any acid causes damage to the body - it spoils the enamel of the teeth, causing caries, and leaches calcium from the bones. Increased acidity in the stomach can also cause digestive disorders and contribute to the development of gastrointestinal diseases.

Caffeine in carbonated drinks is very harmful. It temporarily tones the body, but this effect passes very quickly, and it is replaced by lethargy and drowsiness. In addition, the frequent use of caffeine means a huge load on the heart and circulatory system.

As seen, mostly carbonated drinks are unhealthy. Perhaps, among the harmless ones are mineral waters and lemonades made on the basis of plant components.

Production of carbonated drinks

All lemonade is based on water. Therefore, during the production of the drink, special requirements are imposed on its quality. Global manufacturers make sure that their plants undergo thorough, multi-stage purification of water. After all, the quality of this liquid affects the taste of the drink, its aroma and, of course, the health of the buyer. First, all small particles are removed from the water. After all impurities are eliminated, it becomes perfectly transparent. This is the first stage of filtering.

Then the water goes through several more stages of purification until its properties meet all the requirements and standards. The very last stage is the passage of water through a carbon filter. This procedure allows you to remove the smallest particles, and even germs and bacteria. Thanks to it, the water acquires excellent taste and aromatic properties. To remove particles of coal that accidentally got into the water, it is additionally carried through a polishing filter. After that, the water can be used to make any drink.

The next important ingredient in lemonade is syrup. It is he who gives the unique taste and aroma to the drink. Each company has its own unique syrup recipe. Global manufacturers, with branches in hundreds of countries, send the concentrate in closed containers so that no one can find out the secret formula.

The finished concentrate is mixed with white sugar syrup in the blending compartment. And the finished mixture is sent to the workshop, where the production of lemonade takes place directly. But before that, the syrup must pass a quality test in a specialized laboratory. It must meet not only the internal requirements of the manufacturer, but also international standards.

In the bottling shop, carbon dioxide is injected into the water, mixed with syrup and bottled. After that, all products pass the control system. Bottles with crookedly glued stickers, with underfilling or overfilling of lemonade are sent to marriage.

Contraindications for carbonated drinks

Despite all the recommendations, most people in all countries continue to drink carbonated drinks. But there are groups of people for whom soda is contraindicated. You can not drink it for those who have chronic diseases digestive system(peptic ulcer, gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis, hepatitis, etc.). The fact is that carbon dioxide irritates the mucous membranes of internal organs, which can exacerbate the disease. Even medicinal mineral water can be drunk only after most of the gas has left it. Doctors recommend not giving carbonated drinks to children under 3 years old, and older people should not drink them either. Lemonade is contraindicated in people suffering from obesity, diabetes and allergic reactions. Also, if you have a weak liver or kidneys, you should refrain from soda or you can find a drink made using natural ingredients.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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