Lions are the legendary predators of the cat family. Only the tiger surpasses it in size. The natural habitat of lions is the African continent, south of the famous Sahara Desert.

A photo of a lion in the savannah is traditionally the "calling card" of Africa. However, due to the constant extermination by local residents, their population is preserved only thanks to protected areas.

In total, there are about 50,000 lions left. About 2000 more predators live in cages (in a zoo or circus). Such a number of lions is an occasion to think about their safety as a species on the planet.

Lion and lioness: similarities and differences

A characteristic feature of lions is their mane. This is the most striking distinguishing feature of a male from a female, but also a distinctive feature of all lions.

No other cat species has such a pronounced difference between male and female. The manes of lions are about 40 centimeters long and are located on the head, chest and neck.

Another sign of lions is a brush on the tail. The length of the hair on it reaches 5 centimeters, and inside there is a bone.

Males and females have the same yellow-gray color and short hair on the belly and back. The color of the mane and skin of predators is the same.

Females, not having such a chic mane, are easier to tolerate the hot weather of Africa, besides, their short hair all over their body allows them to pass through any thickets.

Perhaps this was the reason for the role of the lioness in the pride as the main food provider, and the lion was given the role of guarding the territory of the pack.

These cats are quite impressive in size. So males reach a length of about 2.5 meters and weigh about 180 kilograms.

Females are much smaller in comparison with them: 1.8 meters long and 125 kilograms of weight.

In height, lions grow up to 120, and lionesses up to 90 centimeters. The tail of animals is from 70 to 100 centimeters long.

Their largest representative, recorded by people, weighed 370 kilograms and was 3.6 meters long.

Life cycle

Lions are the most social predators of cats. They live in large flocks called prides. Lionesses in the pride strive to become mothers at the same time. This makes it easier for them to feed and take care of the kittens.

Pregnancy lasts 110 days, and the predators go to give birth in caves or thickets of bushes, the main condition is outside the flock.

After lambing, the females bring an average of 4 lion cubs weighing 2 kilograms each. Up to 10 days they are blind and helpless, and they begin to walk only after 20 days.

For the sake of hunting, lionesses have to leave the babies alone, and so that enemies do not find them by smell, predators often change their bed.

Such a rhythm of life for lionesses with offspring lasts 1.5-2 months, after which they return to the pride. There, babies are still fed with milk until they are six months old.

Moreover, the attitude of predators to cubs is different: when the father of the family dies, another lion can calmly destroy male children, but at the same time, the female lioness will protect the female children to the last.

Such an attitude towards males lasts up to 2-3 years, the so-called "age of majority" for a lion, after which they are expelled from the pride. Females always stay with their mothers, there are no other lionesses in the flock.

The lions after the expulsion have 2 ways: either create their own pride, or join an existing one. Those males that did not follow any of them live alone.

This approach leads to a high mortality rate among lions. Only 20% of lion cubs live up to 2 years - the most persistent and lucky ones.

4 years after birth, females give birth for the first time, and the cycle repeats again. The average life span of a lion is 15 years (up to 22 years in an aviary), of which from 4 to 10, the predator is at the peak of his strength and youth.

Prey and Enemies

African lions live in the savannah. This territory forms for animals their prey and natural enemies. So hoofed animals are what lions eat. Hunting for them is carried out by females at dusk (in the morning or in the evening), much less often during the day.

Males protect the territory from other lions. Collisions with them are the usual life of these predators. Often during the fighting one of the lions dies.

After hunting, prey, except for small animals that are eaten on the spot, are carried to the flock. All food is shared equally, regardless of the health and possible injuries of other members of the group.

Until the carcass is completely eaten, a new hunt will not begin, even if the potential victim is nearby.

The enemies for lions are hyenas, cheetahs, leopards. That is competitors. Those whose diet matches that of the pride. A flock may well take prey from hyenas, but if there are many of them, everything will be the other way around.

In the case of cheetahs and leopards, lions often become the main ones. This happens simply due to the cohesion of predators, because, unlike them, other cats are loners.

When lionesses find cubs of spotted cats, death awaits them - lions do not tolerate competitors.

The main opponents of predators are the Nile crocodiles, for which a lion in the water is prey, and a person.

However, in the case of the latter, it all depends on the territory: if the lion is in the reserve, it is protected.

Photo of a lion

Representatives of the cat family. An impressive magnificent mane, a ferocious roar, a muscular huge body, a stranglehold - all this very much characterizes the powerful and strong king of the jungle. In the people of lions it is customary to call the kings of the jungle. Hence the misconception was born that these live in tropical thickets.

The weight of an adult male lion can reach 250 kg, and females 150 kg. The body length of the animal is from 2.3 m to 3.0 m.

Lion habitats

In fact, lions today can only be found in two places on the globe - in the African savannah, as well as in India. They mostly disperse in groups that scientists call prides. These groups include about 20 individuals, of which, as a rule, no more than 4 males.

In the Middle Ages, the lion was much more extensive - the entire territory of Africa, excluding the tropics and the desert, the Middle East, Iran, part of Europe, even the southern outskirts of Russia, India. But the hunt for lion skins, wars, destroyed the predator's familiar environment. Lions have lost most of their range. In 1944, the last lion in Europe was found in Iran - he was dead.

Now in Africa, lions occupy the territory south of the famous Sahara desert. Here, in unlimited conditions of existence, animals feel more than comfortable, which contributes to their reproduction. Despite this, the population of lions is rapidly decreasing every year.

About 80% of all lions in the world live on the hottest continent of the planet - in Africa.

In India, the kings of the jungle occupy a territory in the West of the country with an area of ​​1400 sq. km. They settled in a region called the Gir Forest. Unfortunately, this population of felines is quite small - about 360 individuals. The sad statistics forced the country's government to protect the lions and do everything to prevent the decline in the wild cat population. And this played a positive role: according to the latest data, the size of the group began to slowly grow.

Savannah is considered a favorite place where lions prefer to live, but often they settle in areas with an abundance of shrubs, in forests. Important for lions is the presence in the settlement area special kind acacias. It is this plant that protects flocks from the scorching sun, and also saves from heat and sunstroke. Lions do not live in dense moist forests and waterless deserts.

Even the youngest inhabitants of the planet Earth must have heard of the legendary animals, which are called the "king of beasts". Of course, these are lions, which have become the personification of dexterity, strength and nobility. Unfortunately, several species of these graceful animals have already died out, but the remaining ones really cause genuine admiration.

Being a native inhabitant of the African continent, these individuals inspired respect and fear in wild natives, which is quite understandable. It was the indigenous Africans who called lions "wild cats".

What does a lion look like

The legendary animal is a mammal and belongs to the cat family, the panther genus. The lion is indeed a large cat of the chordate type and belongs to the category of predators. To most accurately characterize the appearance of the animal, the following should be noted:

It is impossible not to note the "trick" that gives the predator beauty and grace - a mane. Only males have such a gift of nature, which are larger than females at the withers and in weight. Depending on the species, the mane may have different shape and degree of density. There are some species where the mane is present not only in the head and neck area, but also on the stomach. An adult male may have a mane, where the length of the pile reaches more than 30 centimeters.

Here it is important to note the features of the predator's tongue, which is very tough, which helps the animal not only cope with coarse food, but also monitor the coat, and also get rid of all kinds of insects. It should be noted that the skin of a lion is not particularly thick and a huge number of blood-sucking insects "attack" the predator in flocks, often presenting a big problem for the "king of beasts".

Species characteristics

Today, there are eight main types of lions, each of which has its own characteristics, range and distinctive habits. Depending on the environment, in which the predator is located, the manners of the animal, methods of hunting and reproduction are formed. Description of species can begin with the largest animals:

It would be unfair not to mention white lions, which are not a separate species, but the result of a disease called leukism. In nature, such individuals would be extremely difficult to survive, so they can only be found in captivity or in the Kruger National Park.

Among the natives there are legends about the existence of a black lion. However, scientists have recorded a case when the predator was painted in dark brown. Such isolated cases are the result of mixing. As for the black lion, the fact of its existence has not been proven and still remains only a legend.

How lions hunt

As a predator should, lions love meat, which is the main diet of animals. To answer the question of how much a lion weighs, one must imagine that a predator is able to eat up to 10 kg of meat per day. Hence the quite impressive "weight categories" of species - from 200 to 300 kg.

The main prey of the lion are virtually all animals that are not able to resist a powerful predator. In different regions, big cats eat and hunt in different ways:

  1. Predators in Asia and India prefer wild boars and deer more. However, they do not disdain even such a “trifle” as hares.
  2. African lions "love" larger individuals such as antelopes, buffaloes, zebras and giraffes.
  3. A large predator does not disdain sick or weak animals, even if it is a cheetah or leopard.

In nature, it is difficult to find animals that are able to withstand large and dexterous predators. Even a large buffalo cannot do anything if a pack of lions is hunting. A large crocodile, an adult buffalo and a small flock of hyenas can repel a lone lion.

Very interesting is the fact that adult males rarely hunt, giving such an “honor” to females. However, if necessary, all members of the family go hunting. In most cases, on the hunt you can meet lone males. "Family" lions are more idly lying in a shady place, waiting for the results of the hunt.

No less interesting is the fact that the prey is eaten first by adult males, then by females, and the rest goes to the cubs. This rule is so strong that often the females on the hunt secretly eat small prey on their own, in great secret from the males.

Reproduction and lifestyle

The life of lions takes place in small "families"- prides, which number no more than ten individuals. As a rule, the flock includes no more than 5-6 females, one or two adult males and cubs. At the same time, two males can peacefully carry each other in one pride only if they are brothers. Other young males are expelled from the pack, giving them the opportunity to join another pride or create their own.

Large predators do not have a specific mating season, like most other animals. Lions breed all year round and this happens as follows:

  1. After fierce battles between males, the strongest remains, which mates with the female.
  2. During the pregnancy period, which lasts 110 days, the female does not participate in hunting, and before giving birth, she leaves the pride, going to a secluded place.
  3. Most often, 2–4 blind lion cubs weighing up to 2 kg are born, which only begin to see for 7–10 days.
  4. Feeding offspring can last more than six months.
  5. From about two months of age, small kittens are attracted to hunting and gradually get used to meat food.

It is important to note that the lioness is extremely scrupulous about her offspring, systematically changing places so that the cubs do not become prey to predators. The main enemy of young lion cubs are hyenas, leopards and cheetahs.

Despite such an honorary title as the “king of beasts”, the current lion population is drastically declining and many species can already be found only in captivity or in specialized reserves. Having virtually no natural enemies, magnificent big cats fall prey to poachers and voracious hunters who ruthlessly kill predators just for their own pleasure.

Even small children know that the lion is the king of animals. Why the predator was awarded such a title, many probably wondered. According to the researchers, these big cats are not the fastest and most agile and, no offense to royalty, they are not the smartest among predators. True, only they can, after a successful hunt, make a victorious roar, from which all life in the vicinity freezes. But even this cannot be a reason for receiving such a high rank.

There are many factors confirming that this powerful predator is the king of beasts. In this article, we will introduce you to them.

Description of a predatory cat

To understand why the lion is the king of beasts, let's pay attention to its appearance. Probably, no one will dispute the fact that the look of this predator is really regal, especially in a young, full of strength animal. His black-brown or fiery red mane gives him royal majesty. Yes, and the voice of a lion, no one doubts its belonging. On a quiet night, his roar causes awe in everyone who hears him even eight kilometers from the location of the king of beasts.

External features

The lion is an animal with a flexible, very strong, agile and muscular body. The Predator is an excellent runner. This is a beautiful large cat with well-developed muscles of the front paws, with which it holds the prey, and the neck. The lion, as befits the king of animals, is one of the largest predators on our planet. An African male on average weighs about one hundred and sixty kilograms, and reaches a length of two and a half meters. In 1936, in South Africa, hunters shot a lion weighing 313 kilograms.

The description of the lion in various sources suggests that the main deadly weapon of the lion is its powerful jaws with huge fangs. The lion's grip is extremely strong with only one tooth. It easily holds even such large animals as, for example, wildebeest. The tongue of the lion is rough, covered with tubercles, which are sharp spikes that help the predator to tear off pieces of meat, tearing the prey apart. They also help the animal to remove ticks from the skin and catch fleas when he cares for the skin.

Lion hybrids

In nature, animals of each species are looking for a partner of their species to continue the genus. But sometimes this well-established system fails, and hybrids are born. In our case, these are animals obtained from crossing a lion and a tiger. Depending on what species the parents belong to, the name of the offspring is also determined: if the father is a lion, then the cub is called a liger, if the mother is a lioness, then the baby is called a tiger.

The characteristics of hybrids differ significantly. For example, tigers are usually much smaller than their parents. And ligers are especially large in size, like, for example, the liger Hercules, who lives in the Institute of Protected and rare species(Miami). Its length reaches three meters.

Most often, hybrids are sterile, but scientists note interesting fact: in such hybrids, only males remain infertile, but females rarely, but bring offspring. Very rare hybrids of the second level. This is due to the rare cases when ligers (females) or tigers retain the ability to reproduce. It is they who give offspring with the participation of tigers or lions.

white lions

These are not hybrids, but animals with reduced melanin production. The reason for this very rare phenomenon is a recessive gene. As a result of its exposure, a very light color appears, which can vary from creamy beige to white. In some white lions, some parts of the body are painted in this color, and others in cream, there are individuals with an even white-cream color.

Often, white lions, the description of which is often found in specialized literature, have Blue eyes(which is also due to the low level of melanin). Today, the planet is inhabited by only about three hundred white individuals. Special programs for the conservation of these animals have been developed. The lions themselves with this color, living in the wild, have a hard time: this color unmasks them, complicating the hunt.

Range and habitats

The lion is an animal distributed on two continents: in Asia and Africa, where their distribution area is located south of the Sahara desert. In Asia, lions live in the Gir Forest (Indian state of Gujarat). The habitats of lions are mainly savannas, but they are found in forests and dense shrubs.

How long do lions live?

The lifespan of a predator depends on various factors. Under natural conditions, despite their ferocious appearance, strength and dexterity, these huge cats face many dangers, hunting injuries, injuries, which by no means prolong the life of a predator. These are life-and-death skirmishes with strangers for territories, and attacks by other no less aggressive and dangerous predators. The animal is seriously injured during the lion's hunt for large animals (buffalo, for example).

But, as before, big problem for the lion are the poachers. Therefore, in the wild, lions live on average for about 10 years, and centenarians reaching the age of fourteen are much less common. It should be noted that in the wild, lionesses live two to three years longer than males. This is probably due to the fact that lionesses do not participate in skirmishes with strangers in the struggle for territory.

Lifespan in captivity

Since the end of the 18th century, people have been trying to save these beautiful animals from extinction, trying to keep them in reserves where predatory cats live and breed normally. How long do lions live in captivity? Their life expectancy increases significantly: in reserves and zoos, predators live up to 20 and even up to 25 years, provided proper care and supervision by veterinarians.


None of the predators, except for lions, has such an organization of coexistence. Perhaps this explains why the lion is the king of beasts. A pride is a rather large group of animals, in which, as a rule, there are several females with offspring and one or two males. Sometimes there are prides consisting of only females, but most often this indicates that the male has died, and soon a young leader will take his place.

Sometimes a full-fledged lion pride has up to forty animals, but more often they are much smaller. It has an average of fifteen to eighteen animals. The lifestyle of a lion is measured and unhurried. In the hot hours of the day, after a meal, all family members gather in one place and rest.

The lion pride is a unique structure from which everyone wins: the males are fed, the females are protected. As a true master, the lion competently rules in his possessions. All animals living in the territory of the pride belong to the king of beasts. But here it should be emphasized that lions never kill extra animals, "for the future." They know perfectly well how much food is required to feed a family.

The role of females in the pride

In the family, females decide where, how and whom to hunt, although they rarely act together. The only exception is hunting for large prey, when females attack in pairs. Interestingly, unlike many animals, female lions get along well with other females, often looking after their neighbor's "children" as if they were their own.

If for some reason the female cannot hunt (for example, due to an injury), then in the pride she is taken care of and allowed to eat together. Animals act much harder with aged and sick lions: the pride refuses them. The family not only does not protect them, but also expels them. A decrepit, weak and skinny lion often becomes an easy prey for hyenas.

The lion rules a little. As a rule, the period of his stay on the “throne” is no more than three years, after which he is “overthrown”, like a real king, by a stronger and younger male. The next head of the pride is the lion, which is not a blood relative of the females. All pride females are sisters. Males are strangers. They come to the family from other prides. So nature took care of preventing the degradation of predators and incest.

Relationships in the pride

A strict hierarchy reigns in the lion family, which is inherent in the minds of animals at the level of instinct - a well-fed leader is a kind and reliable protector. For this reason, the head of the pride, the adult lion, is the first to start the meal. Until he finishes it, no one can even get close to the prey. For disobedience, the violator will face severe punishment: he can be expelled from the family.

Having had their fill, the lions play with the babies. I must say that they are very patient with lion cubs, sometimes they even show amazing tenderness. However, the main process of education goes to females. They all feed their young together. Not a single female will ever refuse a baby milk if his mother went hunting.


During the mating season, the king of beasts is especially gentle with his chosen one. The leader lion mates with a female who is in heat. During mating, the lion bites the lioness on the scruff of the neck, which is common to all cats. Three and a half months later, the pregnant lioness leaves the pride, finds a secluded, usually grassy corner, in which the offspring are born.

Lion cubs are born helpless and blind. Their skin is covered with spots that disappear over time. In most cases, no more than half of the cubs survive. Babies are breastfed until they are six months old. Then their diet consists only of meat.

raising lion cubs

Young lions are also taught to hunt by females. When the cubs reach the age of three months, they go hunting with their mothers. At first, they completely copy the actions of experienced hunters - they learn to sneak up and hide unnoticed, repeat the movements that their mothers make when attacking prey. And already at six months, teenage lions hunt on their own, getting food for the entire pride.

However, babies are always in danger: they can become the prey of strangers. In addition, if the old leader is defeated, the new one can kill the cubs, seizing the right moment when their mothers are on the hunt. Thus, the new leader achieves the location of the females. The fact is that after the death of the offspring, literally the next day, the lioness is ready for mating.

Sometimes difficult situations arise in the family. As a rule, this happens when the lions guarding the pride leave in search of new territories for the family. At this time, lionesses with cubs have to survive on their own, earning their own food. When it becomes especially difficult, exhausted females begin to howl plaintively, calling males for help. And a miracle happens - the males return to the pride and help get food.

In the animal world, the lion pride is the only example of such a relationship between related individuals. Only lions manage to create such a system of mutual assistance and support that does not suppress each other.

It seems to us that it is quite obvious why the lion is the king of beasts. He confirms his title with his majestic appearance, behavior, and advantage in strength and power over most predators. So far, no other animal in the world has claimed this high title.

He looked good-natured, but his claws were long, and there were so many teeth,
that Alice knew at once that he was not to be trifled with.

(L. Carroll, "Alice in Wonderland")

Lion (lat. Panthera leo) is a class of mammals of the order of carnivores of the cat family, one of 4 representatives of the panther genus.
Lions are one of the few predators that have pronounced sexual dimorphism. Adult male lions are distinguished by the presence of a mane and look much larger than lionesses. The fur of the lions is short, its color is from sandy to reddish-brown above, almost white on the belly. There is a tassel at the end of the tail. Males usually weigh from 150 to 250 kg. The body length of a male without a tail is on average 180–240 cm, the tail is 90–105 cm, and the height at the withers is about 123 cm.

The lifestyle of lions is not typical for big cats. Lions live in large family groups - prides. Mostly females hunt and look after the cubs, while males protect the territory. Fights for females often end in the death of the male protector or challenger. Some prides specialize in one type of prey (there are lions that prey on elephants).

Lions live in the steppes and savannahs and prey on animals of medium and large size, primarily ungulates. Collective lifestyle helps them to get large animals (buffaloes and giraffes). The lionesses disperse and take certain positions. There are beater lionesses, they sneak up on the victim for a short distance, after which they make a throw, directing the selected animal to the group waiting in ambush. The male helps to overwhelm large prey if brute strength and weight are needed.

At dusk, the hunting tactics change, the lionesses one after another silently go into the darkness and surround the herd. If the males help them, a few menacing peals of a roar will drive the frightened animals to where the lionesses are waiting for them.The lion usually eats once every two or three days, but is able to go without food for several weeks.The dominant male eats first, even if he did not take part in the hunt.

During the mating period, the relationship between partners is very tender, but at the end of sexual intercourse, the mood of lionesses changes dramatically and it often comes to fights between partners.

The dominant lion mates with a female in heat every twenty to thirty minutes - and so on for hours (up to 30-40 times a day in total). During sexual intercourse, the male lion bites the lioness on the scruff of the neck, as is typical of cats.

White lions are lions with reduced melanin pigment production. The reason for this phenomenon is a rare recessive gene. The result of its action is a light color, varying from cream-beige to snow-white. Some white lions are white in some parts of the body and cream in others; some are painted in an even white-cream color. White lions often have blue eyes (which is also associated with low levels of melanin).

On the European continent, lions were exterminated by the beginning of the 2nd century AD. e. It is sometimes believed that the last lion in the Ukrainian steppes was killed by Yaroslav the Wise, and in other parts of the former range disappeared to late XIX century.

The lion is called the "King of the Beasts". In the European tradition, it is a symbol of power, embodying the power of the sun and fire.

Lions are usually brave, generous, distinguished by great physical and spiritual strength, rely only on themselves. Lions do not ask for help from other people, being ready, at the same time, to always come to the aid of their neighbor. They are sensitive, soft-hearted. Lions, as a rule, have significant creative potential, which they feel good in themselves, Lions know their worth, have a pronounced sense of self-worth. Lions are quickly inspired to exploits and immediately begin to implement their plans; them distinguishing feature- hospitality. However, Lions also have their typical shortcomings: narcissism, impetuosity, self-confidence, militancy, dogmatism and a tendency to moralizing, intolerance for the shortcomings of other people, a tendency to external brilliance and show. Lions have another flaw in character that makes it difficult for them to capitalize on the gifts of these gods. This defect is extreme vanity and pride. Being a constant sign in everything, Leo is constant in his delusions, he is very prone to stubbornness and can only benefit from all his virtues after he overcomes his vain "I" and accept! a little humility and humility is the most difficult test for Leo. But Leos are well-equipped with the stubbornness to win this battle with themselves. They are endowed with intelligence and magnetism, which attracts people, but they should not rule over everyone. Leo is often called the royal sign, thanks to a highly developed mind and graceful manners. Their astrological symbol Leo is considered the king of beasts. But, like all rulers, Leos must learn to wear their crown modestly. They must remember their great sin, vanity. Temperament: choleric.

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